require 'octokit' module Gemdiff module RepoFinder GITHUB_REPO_REGEX = /(https?):\/\/(www.)?github\.com\/([\w.%-]*)\/([\w.%-]*)/ # rails builds several gems that are not individual projects # some repos move and the old repo page still exists # some repos are not mostly ruby so the github search doesn't find them REPO_EXCEPTIONS = { actionmailer: 'rails/rails', actionpack: 'rails/rails', actionview: 'rails/rails', activejob: 'rails/rails', activemodel: 'rails/rails', activerecord: 'rails/rails', activesupport: 'rails/rails', color: 'halostatue/color', :"color-schemer" => 'Team-Sass/color-schemer', delayed_job: 'collectiveidea/delayed_job', gosu: 'jlnr/gosu', :"modular-scale" => 'Team-Sass/modular-scale', nokogiri: 'sparklemotion/nokogiri', passenger: 'phusion/passenger', railties: 'rails/rails', resque: 'resque/resque', :"resque-multi-job-forks" => 'stulentsev/resque-multi-job-forks', SassyLists: 'Team-Sass/SassyLists', :"Sassy-Maps" => 'Team-Sass/Sassy-Maps', :"sassy-math" => 'Team-Sass/Sassy-math', sinatra: 'sinatra/sinatra', toolkit: 'Team-Sass/tookit', } class << self # Try to get the homepage from the gemspec # If not found, search github def github_url(gem_name) gemspec_homepage(gem_name) || search(gem_name) end private def gemspec_homepage(gem_name) if (full_name = REPO_EXCEPTIONS[gem_name.to_sym]) return github_repo(full_name) end return nil unless (spec = gemspec(gem_name)) match = spec.match(GITHUB_REPO_REGEX) match && match[0] end def search(gem_name) query = "#{gem_name} language:ruby in:name" result = octokit_client.search_repositories(query) return nil if result.items.empty? github_repo result.items.first.full_name end def github_repo(full_name) "{full_name}" end def octokit_client end def gemspec(name) local = find_local_gemspec(name) return find_remote_gemspec(name) unless last_shell_command_success? local if local =~ GITHUB_REPO_REGEX end def last_shell_command_success? $?.success? end def find_local_gemspec(name) `gem spec #{name}` end def find_remote_gemspec(name) `gem spec -r #{name}` end end end end