require "set" module GraphQL module InternalRepresentation class Node def initialize(ast_node:, return_type: nil, on_types:, name: nil, definition: nil, children: {}, spreads: [], directives: @ast_node = ast_node @return_type = return_type @on_types = on_types @name = name @definition = definition @children = children @spreads = spreads @directives = directives end # Note: by the time this gets out of the Rewrite phase, this will be empty -- it's emptied out when fragments are merged back in # @return [Array<GraphQL::Language::Nodes::FragmentSpreads>] Fragment names that were spread in this node attr_reader :spreads # These are the compiled directives from fragment spreads, inline fragments, and the field itself # @return [Set<GraphQL::Language::Nodes::Directive>] attr_reader :directives # @return [GraphQL::Field, GraphQL::Directive] The definition to use to execute this node attr_reader :definition # @return [String] the name to use for the result in the response hash attr_reader :name # @return [GraphQL::Language::Nodes::AbstractNode] The AST node (or one of the nodes) where this was derived from attr_reader :ast_node # This may come from the previous field's return value or an explicitly-typed fragment # @example On-type from previous return value # { # person(id: 1) { # firstName # => on_type is person # } # } # @example On-type from explicit type condition # { # node(id: $nodeId) { # ... on Nameable { # firstName # => on_type is Nameable # } # } # } # @return [Set<GraphQL::ObjectType, GraphQL::InterfaceType>] the types this field applies to attr_reader :on_types # @return [GraphQL::BaseType] attr_reader :return_type # @return [Array<GraphQL::Query::Node>] attr_reader :children def inspect(indent = 0) own_indent = " " * indent self_inspect = "#{own_indent}<Node #{name} (#{definition ? + ": " : ""}{#{on_types.to_a.join("|")}} -> #{return_type})>" if children.any? self_inspect << " {\n#{ { |n| n.inspect(indent + 2 )}.join("\n")}\n#{own_indent}}" end self_inspect end def dup{ ast_node: ast_node, return_type: return_type, on_types: on_types, name: name, definition: definition, children: children, spreads: spreads, directives: directives, }) end end end end