require 'store/digest/http/version' require 'uri/ni' require 'xml/mixup' require 'rack' require 'rack/request' require 'rack/response' class Store::Digest::HTTP private DIGESTS = { md5: 16, "sha-1": 20, "sha-256": 32, "sha-384": 48, "sha-512": 64, }.freeze COERCIONS = { string: -> str { str.to_s }, symbol: -> sym { sym.to_s.to_sym }, integer: -> int { int.to_i }, time: -> time do return time if time.is_a? Time return time.to_time if time.is_a? DateTime time = time.to_s + 'T00:00:00Z' if /^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d$/.match? time.to_s Time.iso8601 time.to_s rescue nil end }.freeze COERCE_MAP = { size: [:size, COERCIONS[:integer]], created: [:ctime, COERCIONS[:time]], modified: [:mtime, COERCIONS[:time]], "meta-modified": [:ptime, COERCIONS[:time]], deleted: [:dtime, COERCIONS[:time]], boundary: [:boundary, COERCIONS[:integer]], } def uri_query uri out = {} if uri.query URI.decode_www_form(uri.query).each do |k, v| k = k.to_sym out[k] ||= [] out[k] << v end end out end def coerce_query query out = {} # let's force this into an assoc and treat it like it may have the # keys repeated (as in URI.decode_www_form) query.to_a.each do |q| raise ArgumentError, "#{q.inspect} must be an array" unless q.is_a? Array # when flattened, the first element is the key and subsequent # elements are values k, *v = q.flatten k = k.to_sym if COERCE_MAP.key? k # rewrite outside keys to inside keys k, coerce = COERCE_MAP[k]! { |x| x if x and !x.to_s.empty? } end # this will collate and append any values out.key?(k) ? out[k] += v : out[k] = v end out end # this will do for now def serialize_query hash do |pair| k, *v = pair.flatten { |x| [k.to_s, x.to_s].join ?= } end.flatten.join(?&).gsub(/\+/, '%2B') end BASE = /^\/+\.well-known\/+[dn]i\/+/.freeze POST_RAW = '0c17e171-8cb1-4c60-9c58-f218075ae9a9'.freeze POST_FORM = '12d851b7-5f71-405c-bb44-bd97b318093a'.freeze DISPATCH = { object: {}, meta: {}, partial: {}, collection: {}, stats: {}, raw: {}, form: {}, } DISPATCH[:object][:GET] = -> uri, query, hdrs, body = nil do # note this can be anything ni = URI('ni:///%s;%s' % query.values_at(:algorithm, :digest)) obj = store.get ni resp = Rack::Response[404, [], []] return resp unless obj # overwrite ni uri ni = obj[store.primary] # overwrite ni uri with canonical ct = obj.content # make sure we have content lm = obj.mtime || obj.ctime # get last-modified # this is deleted if dt = obj.dtime or !ct dt ||= lm resp.status = 410 resp.set_header 'Last-Modified', dt.getgm.rfc822 return resp end # set up the final response resp.status = 304 resp.set_header 'Last-Modified', lm.getgm.rfc822 resp.set_header 'ETag', '"%s"' % ni.to_s cl = "/.well-known/ni/#{ni.algorithm}/#{ni.b64digest}" resp.set_header 'Content-Location', cl if cl != uri.request_uri cc = %w[HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL HTTP_PRAGMA].map do |h| (hdrs[h] || '').split(/s*,+\s*/) unless cc.include? 'no-cache' # check etag if inm = hdrs['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] inm = inm.split(/\s*,+\s*/).map { |i| i.tr_s ?", '' } return resp unless ( & inm).empty? end # check if-modified-since if ims = hdrs['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] ims.gsub!(/^([^,]*(?:,[^,]*)?)(?:\s*,.*)?$/, "\\1") if ims = Time.httpdate(ims).getgm rescue nil return resp if ims > lm end end end # set headers type = obj.type.dup # note the type comes out frozen type << ";charset=#{obj.charset}" if obj.charset resp.set_header 'Content-Type', type resp.set_header 'Content-Encoding', obj.encoding if obj.encoding resp.set_header 'Content-Length', obj.size.to_s # return 200 resp.status = 200 resp.body = ct resp end DISPATCH[:stats][:GET] = -> uri, query, hdrs, body = nil do stats = store.stats pri = store.primary sections = do |slug, values| label, values = values { [ { [label] => :h2 }, { { |val, count| q = serialize_query({ slug => val}) href = "#{pri}/?#{q}" { { [ { [val] => :code }, ': ', { [count] => :var }] => :a, href: href } => :li } } => :ul }, ] => :section } end doc = XML::Mixup.xhtml_stub( title: 'Content-Addressable Storage Stats', content: [ { [ { ['Statistics'] => :h2 }, { [ { ['Created:'] => :dt }, { [stats.ctime] => :dd }, { ['Last modified:'] => :dt }, { [stats.mtime] => :dd }, { ['Total objects:'] => :dt }, { [stats.objects] => :dd }, { ['Deleted records:'] => :dt }, { [stats.deleted] => :dd }, { ['Repository size:'] => :dt }, { [stats.human_size] => :dd } ] => :dl }, ] => :section } ] + sections, ).document [200, [['Content-Type', 'application/xhtml+xml;charset=utf-8']], doc.to_xml] end THEAD = { [ 'Digest', 'Size', 'Media Type', 'Language', 'Character Set', 'Encoding', 'Added to Store', 'Modified', 'Metadata Changed', 'Deleted?'].map do |x| { [x] => :th } end => :thead }.freeze LINKS = { first: ['First', ?[], prev: ['Previous', ?-], next: ['Next', ?=], last: ['Last', ?]], } DISPATCH[:collection][:GET] = -> uri, query, hdrs, body = nil do # parse query components query = coerce_query query # if there is no boundary parameter we redirect so there is unless query[:boundary] q = uri.query || '' q << ?& unless q.empty? q << serialize_query({ boundary: [1, 100] }) uri.query = q return [307, [['Location', uri.to_s]], []] end # now we sanitize the boundary bound = query.delete :boundary bound[0] = 1 unless bound[0] and bound[0] >= 1 bound[1] = 100 unless bound[1] and bound[1] >= bound[0] offset = bound[0] - 1 limit = bound[1] - offset # okay everything else in here should be legit tr = store.list(**query) len = tr.length tr = tr.slice(offset, limit).map do |obj| td = [{ [{ [obj[store.primary].hexdigest] => :a, href: obj[store.primary].b64digest }] => :td }] + %i[type size language charset encoding ctime mtime ptime dtime].map do |p| v = obj.send(p) v = v.is_a?(Time) ? v.getgm.iso8601 : v.to_s { [v] => :td } end { td => :tr } end links = { # first is 1 .. limit, only active if offset > 0 first: offset > 0 ? [1, limit] : nil, # prev is also only active if offset > 0 but will subtract by limit prev: offset > 0 ? [ (x = (offset - limit >= 0 ? offset - limit : 0)) + 1, x + limit] : nil, # next is only active if len > offset + page next: (offset + limit) < len ? [offset + limit + 1, 2 * limit + offset] : nil, # last is also only active if len > offset + page and last: (offset + limit) < len ? [(x = (len.to_f / limit).floor * limit) + 1, x + limit] : nil, }.map do |rel, bound| link = if bound lab, ak = LINKS[rel] # href = uri.dup q = uri_query uri q = serialize_query(q.merge({ boundary: bound })) # href.query = q { [lab] => :a, rel: rel, accesskey: ak, href: "?#{q}" } else LINKS[rel].first end { [link] => :li } end doc = XML::Mixup.xhtml_stub( title: "Listing stored objects", content: { [ { [ { links => :ul } ] => :caption }, THEAD, { tr => :tbody } ] => :table } ).document [200, [['Content-Type', 'application/xhtml+xml']], doc.to_xml] end public attr_reader :store, :post_raw, :post_form def initialize store, base: nil, post_raw: nil, post_form: nil, param_map: nil @store = store @base = base || BASE @post_raw = post_raw || POST_RAW @post_form = post_form || POST_FORM end def call env # warn env.inspect # do surgery to request scheme env['HTTPS'] = 'on' if env['REQUEST_SCHEME'] and env['REQUEST_SCHEME'].downcase == 'https' req = env uri = URI(req.base_url) + env['REQUEST_URI'] path = uri.path.gsub(/^\/+\.well-known\/+ni\/+/, '').split(/\/+/, -1) query = uri_query uri # XXX req.GET is worthless body = req.body # dispatch type disp = nil if path.empty? disp = :stats elsif store.algorithms.include?(algo = path.first.to_sym) if slug = path[1] if slug.empty? disp = :collection elsif !/^[0-9A-Za-z_-]+$/.match?(slug) return [404, [], []] else # determine if we have a whole digest or just part of one algo = query[:algorithm] = path.first.to_sym query[:digest] = slug if /^[0-9A-Za-z_-]+$/.match?(slug) and slug.length == (DIGESTS[algo] * 4/3.0).ceil disp = :object elsif /^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/.match?(slug) and slug.length == DIGESTS[algo] * 2 query[:radix] = 16 disp = :object else disp = :partial end end else # redirect 307 newuri = req.base_url + "/.well-known/ni/#{algo}/" return [307, [['Location', newuri.to_s]], []] end elsif path.first == post_raw disp = :raw elsif path.first == post_form # 415 unsupported media type # XXX EXPLAIN THIS return [415, [], []] unless req.get_header('Content-Type') == 'multipart/form-data' # 409 conflict # XXX EXPLAIN THIS return Rack::Response[409, [], []] unless req.POST.values.any? { |f| f.is_a? Rack::Multipart::UploadedFile } # XXX here is where we would set the date from the # multipart header but rack doesn't have a way of doing this disp = :raw else # 404 again return [404, [], []] end if methods = DISPATCH[disp] m = (req.request_method == 'HEAD' ? 'GET' : req.request_method).to_sym if func = methods[m] begin resp = instance_exec uri.dup, query, req.env.dup, body, &func resp = Rack::Response[*resp] if resp.is_a? Array rescue Exception => e warn "wah #{e}" return [500, [], []] end resp.body = [] if req.request_method == 'HEAD' return resp.to_a else return [405, [], []] end else return [404, [], []] end end end