module Silicium::Plotter

Public Instance Methods

color(*args) click to toggle source

Factory method to return a color value, based on the arguments given.

@overload Color(r, g, b, a)

@param (see ChunkyPNG::Color.rgba)
@return [Integer] The rgba color value.

@overload Color(r, g, b)

@param (see ChunkyPNG::Color.rgb)
@return [Integer] The rgb color value.

@overload Color(hex_value, opacity = nil)

@param (see ChunkyPNG::Color.from_hex)
@return [Integer] The hex color value, with the opacity applied if one
  was given.

@overload Color(color_name, opacity = nil)

@param (see ChunkyPNG::Color.html_color)
@return [Integer] The hex color value, with the opacity applied if one
  was given.

@overload Color(color_value, opacity = nil)

@param [Integer, :to_i] The color value.
@return [Integer] The color value, with the opacity applied if one was

@return [Integer] The determined color value as RGBA integer. @raise [ArgumentError] if the arguments weren't understood as a color.

# File lib/plotter.rb, line 34
def color(*args)
  case args.length
  when 1; ChunkyPNG::Color.parse(args.first)
  when 2; (ChunkyPNG::Color.parse(args.first) & 0xffffff00) | args[1].to_i
  when 3; ChunkyPNG::Color.rgb(*args)
  when 4; ChunkyPNG::Color.rgba(*args)
  else raise ArgumentError, "Don't know how to create a color from #{args.inspect}!"