require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper") describe "Model#save" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do columns :id, :x, :y end end it "should insert a record for a new model instance" do o = => 1) MODEL_DB.sqls.first.should == "INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (1)" end it "should update a record for an existing model instance" do o = @c.load(:id => 3, :x => 1) MODEL_DB.sqls.first.should =~ /UPDATE items SET (id = 3, x = 1|x = 1, id = 3) WHERE \(id = 3\)/ end it "should update only the given columns if given" do o = @c.load(:id => 3, :x => 1, :y => nil) MODEL_DB.sqls.first.should == "UPDATE items SET y = NULL WHERE (id = 3)" end it "should mark saved columns as not changed" do o = => 3, :x => 1, :y => nil) o[:y] = 4 o.changed_columns.should == [:y] o.changed_columns.should == [:y] o.changed_columns.should == [] end end describe "Model#save_changes" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do columns :id, :x, :y end end it "should do nothing if no changed columns" do o = => 3, :x => 1, :y => nil) o.save_changes MODEL_DB.sqls.should be_empty o = @c.load(:id => 3, :x => 1, :y => nil) o.save_changes MODEL_DB.sqls.should be_empty end it "should update only changed columns" do o = @c.load(:id => 3, :x => 1, :y => nil) o.x = 2 o.save_changes MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["UPDATE items SET x = 2 WHERE (id = 3)"] o.save_changes o.save_changes MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["UPDATE items SET x = 2 WHERE (id = 3)"] MODEL_DB.reset o.y = 4 o.save_changes MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["UPDATE items SET y = 4 WHERE (id = 3)"] o.save_changes o.save_changes MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["UPDATE items SET y = 4 WHERE (id = 3)"] end it "should not consider columns changed if the values did not change" do o = @c.load(:id => 3, :x => 1, :y => nil) o.x = 1 o.save_changes MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] o.x = 3 o.save_changes MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["UPDATE items SET x = 3 WHERE (id = 3)"] MODEL_DB.reset o[:y] = nil o.save_changes MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] o[:y] = 4 o.save_changes MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["UPDATE items SET y = 4 WHERE (id = 3)"] end end describe "Model#update_values" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do columns :id, :x, :y end end it "should generate an update statement" do o = => 1) o.update_values(:x => 1) MODEL_DB.sqls.first.should == "UPDATE items SET x = 1 WHERE (id = 1)" end it "should update attribute values" do o = => 1) o.x.should be_nil o.update_values(:x => 1) o.x.should == 1 end it "should support string keys" do o = => 1) o.x.should be_nil o.update_values('x' => 1) o.x.should == 1 MODEL_DB.sqls.first.should == "UPDATE items SET x = 1 WHERE (id = 1)" end end describe "Model#set_values" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do columns :id, :x, :y end end it "should not touch the database" do o = => 1) o.set_values(:x => 1) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end it "should update attribute values" do o = => 1) o.x.should be_nil o.set_values(:x => 1) o.x.should == 1 end it "should support string keys" do o = => 1) o.x.should be_nil o.set_values('x' => 1) o.x.should == 1 end end describe "Model#new?" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do end end it "should be true for a new instance" do n = => 1) n.should be_new end it "should be false after saving" do n = => 1) n.should_not be_new end end describe Sequel::Model, "w/ primary key" do it "should default to ':id'" do model_a = Sequel::Model model_a.primary_key.should be_equal(:id) end it "should be changed through 'set_primary_key'" do model_a = { set_primary_key :a } model_a.primary_key.should be_equal(:a) end it "should support multi argument composite keys" do model_a = { set_primary_key :a, :b } model_a.primary_key.should be_eql([:a, :b]) end it "should accept single argument composite keys" do model_a = { set_primary_key [:a, :b] } model_a.primary_key.should be_eql([:a, :b]) end end describe Sequel::Model, "w/o primary key" do it "should return nil for primary key" do { no_primary_key }.primary_key.should be_nil end it "should raise a Sequel::Error on 'this'" do instance = { no_primary_key }.new proc { instance.this }.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end describe Sequel::Model, "with this" do before { @example = Sequel::Model(:examples); @example.columns :id, :a, :x, :y } it "should return a dataset identifying the record" do instance = :id => 3 instance.this.sql.should be_eql("SELECT * FROM examples WHERE (id = 3) LIMIT 1") end it "should support arbitary primary keys" do @example.set_primary_key :a instance = :a => 3 instance.this.sql.should be_eql("SELECT * FROM examples WHERE (a = 3) LIMIT 1") end it "should support composite primary keys" do @example.set_primary_key :x, :y instance = :x => 4, :y => 5 parts = [ 'SELECT * FROM examples WHERE %s LIMIT 1', '((x = 4) AND (y = 5))', '((y = 5) AND (x = 4))' ].map { |expr| Regexp.escape expr } regexp = parts.first % "(?:#{parts[1]}|#{parts[2]})" instance.this.sql.should match(regexp) end end describe "Model#pk" do before(:each) do @m = @m.columns :id, :x, :y end it "should be default return the value of the :id column" do m = => 111, :x => 2, :y => 3) == 111 end it "should be return the primary key value for custom primary key" do @m.set_primary_key :x m = => 111, :x => 2, :y => 3) == 2 end it "should be return the primary key value for composite primary key" do @m.set_primary_key [:y, :x] m = => 111, :x => 2, :y => 3) == [3, 2] end it "should raise if no primary key" do @m.set_primary_key nil m = => 111, :x => 2, :y => 3) proc {}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) @m.no_primary_key m = => 111, :x => 2, :y => 3) proc {}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end describe "Model#pk_hash" do before(:each) do @m = @m.columns :id, :x, :y end it "should be default return the value of the :id column" do m = => 111, :x => 2, :y => 3) m.pk_hash.should == {:id => 111} end it "should be return the primary key value for custom primary key" do @m.set_primary_key :x m = => 111, :x => 2, :y => 3) m.pk_hash.should == {:x => 2} end it "should be return the primary key value for composite primary key" do @m.set_primary_key [:y, :x] m = => 111, :x => 2, :y => 3) m.pk_hash.should == {:y => 3, :x => 2} end it "should raise if no primary key" do @m.set_primary_key nil m = => 111, :x => 2, :y => 3) proc {m.pk_hash}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) @m.no_primary_key m = => 111, :x => 2, :y => 3) proc {m.pk_hash}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end describe Sequel::Model, "set_with_params" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do columns :x, :y, :id end @c.instance_variable_set(:@columns, true) @o1 = @o2 = @c.load(:id => 5) end it "should filter the given params using the model columns" do @o1.set_with_params(:x => 1, :z => 2) @o1.values.should == {:x => 1} MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] @o2.set_with_params(:y => 1, :abc => 2) @o2.values.should == {:y => 1, :id=> 5} MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end it "should work with both strings and symbols" do @o1.set_with_params('x'=> 1, 'z'=> 2) @o1.values.should == {:x => 1} MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] @o2.set_with_params('y'=> 1, 'abc'=> 2) @o2.values.should == {:y => 1, :id=> 5} MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end it "should support virtual attributes" do @c.class_def(:blah=) {|v| self.x = v} @o1.set_with_params(:blah => 333) @o1.values.should == {:x => 333} MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] @o1.set_with_params('blah'=> 334) @o1.values.should == {:x => 334} MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [] end end describe Sequel::Model, "update_with_params" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do columns :x, :y, :id end @c.instance_variable_set(:@columns, true) @o1 = @o2 = @c.load(:id => 5) end it "should filter the given params using the model columns" do @o1.update_with_params(:x => 1, :z => 2) MODEL_DB.sqls.first.should == "INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (1)" MODEL_DB.reset @o2.update_with_params(:y => 1, :abc => 2) MODEL_DB.sqls.first.should == "UPDATE items SET y = 1 WHERE (id = 5)" end it "should support virtual attributes" do @c.class_def(:blah=) {|v| self.x = v} @o1.update_with_params(:blah => 333) MODEL_DB.sqls.first.should == "INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (333)" end end describe Sequel::Model, "#destroy" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @model = @model.columns :id @model.dataset.meta_def(:delete) {MODEL_DB.execute delete_sql} @instance = => 1234) #@model.stub!(:delete).and_return(:true) end it "should return self" do @model.db.should_receive(:transaction) @model.after_destroy{3} @instance.destroy.should == @instance end it "should run within a transaction" do @model.db.should_receive(:transaction) @instance.destroy end it "should run before_destroy and after_destroy hooks" do @model.before_destroy {MODEL_DB.execute('before blah')} @model.after_destroy {MODEL_DB.execute('after blah')} @instance.destroy MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [ "before blah", "DELETE FROM items WHERE (id = 1234)", "after blah" ] end end describe Sequel::Model, "#exists?" do before(:each) do @model = @m = end it "should returns true when #this.count > 0" do @m.this.meta_def(:count) {1} @m.exists?.should be_true end it "should return false when #this.count == 0" do @m.this.meta_def(:count) {0} @m.exists?.should be_false end end describe Sequel::Model, "#each" do setup do @model = @model.columns :a, :b, :id @m = => 1, :b => 2, :id => 4444) end specify "should iterate over the values" do h = {} @m.each {|k, v| h[k] = v} h.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2, :id => 4444} end end describe Sequel::Model, "#keys" do setup do @model = @model.columns :a, :b, :id @m = => 1, :b => 2, :id => 4444) end specify "should return the value keys" do @m.keys.size.should == 3 @m.keys.should include(:a, :b, :id) @m = @m.keys.should == [] end end describe Sequel::Model, "#==" do specify "should compare instances by values" do z = z.columns :id, :x a = => 1, :x => 3) b = => 1, :x => 4) c = => 1, :x => 3) a.should_not == b a.should == c b.should_not == c end specify "should be aliased to #eql?" do z = z.columns :id, :x a = => 1, :x => 3) b = => 1, :x => 4) c = => 1, :x => 3) a.eql?(b).should == false a.eql?(c).should == true b.eql?(c).should == false end end describe Sequel::Model, "#===" do specify "should compare instances by class and pk if pk is not nil" do z = z.columns :id, :x y = y.columns :id, :x a = => 1, :x => 3) b = => 1, :x => 4) c = => 2, :x => 3) d = => 1, :x => 3) a.should === b a.should_not === c a.should_not === d end specify "should always be false if the primary key is nil" do z = z.columns :id, :x y = y.columns :id, :x a = => 3) b = => 4) c = => 3) d = => 3) a.should_not === b a.should_not === c a.should_not === d end end describe Sequel::Model, "#hash" do specify "should be the same only for objects with the same class and pk if the pk is not nil" do z = z.columns :id, :x y = y.columns :id, :x a = => 1, :x => 3) b = => 1, :x => 4) c = => 2, :x => 3) d = => 1, :x => 3) a.hash.should == b.hash a.hash.should_not == c.hash a.hash.should_not == d.hash end specify "should be the same only for objects with the same class and values if the pk is nil" do z = z.columns :id, :x y = y.columns :id, :x a = => 3) b = => 4) c = => 3) d = => 3) a.hash.should_not == b.hash a.hash.should == c.hash a.hash.should_not == d.hash end end describe Sequel::Model, "#initialize" do setup do @c = do columns :id, :x end end specify "should accept values" do m = => 1, :x => 2) m.values.should == {:id => 1, :x => 2} end specify "should accept no values" do m = m.values.should == {} end specify "should accept nil values" do m = m.values.should == {} end specify "should accept a block to execute" do m = {|o| o[:id] = 1234} == 1234 end specify "should accept virtual attributes" do @c.class_def(:blah=) {|x| @blah = x} @c.class_def(:blah) {@blah} m = => 1, :x => 2, :blah => 3) m.values.should == {:id => 1, :x => 2} m.blah.should == 3 end specify "should convert string keys into symbol keys" do m ='id' => 1, 'x' => 2) m.values.should == {:id => 1, :x => 2} end end describe Sequel::Model, ".create" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do columns :x end end it "should be able to create rows in the associated table" do o = @c.create(:x => 1) o.class.should == @c MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (1)', "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (id IN ('INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (1)')) LIMIT 1"] end it "should be able to create rows without any values specified" do o = @c.create o.class.should == @c MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["INSERT INTO items DEFAULT VALUES", "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (id IN ('INSERT INTO items DEFAULT VALUES')) LIMIT 1"] end it "should accept a block and run it" do o1, o2, o3 = nil, nil, nil o = @c.create {|o3| o1 = o3; o2 = :blah; o3.x = 333} o.class.should == @c o1.should === o o3.should === o o2.should == :blah MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (333)", "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (id IN ('INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (333)')) LIMIT 1"] end it "should create a row for a model with custom primary key" do @c.set_primary_key :x o = @c.create(:x => 30) o.class.should == @c MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (30)", "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (x = 30) LIMIT 1"] end end describe Sequel::Model, "#refresh" do setup do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do columns :x end end specify "should reload the instance values from the database" do @m = => 555) @m[:x] = 'blah' @m.this.should_receive(:first).and_return({:x => 'kaboom', :id => 555}) @m.refresh @m[:x].should == 'kaboom' end specify "should raise if the instance is not found" do @m = => 555) @m.this.should_receive(:first).and_return(nil) proc {@m.refresh}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should be aliased by #reload" do @m = => 555) @m.this.should_receive(:first).and_return({:x => 'kaboom', :id => 555}) @m.reload @m[:x].should == 'kaboom' end specify "should remove cached associations" do @c.many_to_one :node, :class=>@c @c.one_to_many :attributes, :class=>@c @c.many_to_many :tags, :class=>@c @m = => 555) @m.instance_variable_set(:@node, 15) @m.instance_variable_set(:@attributes, [15]) @m.instance_variable_set(:@tags, [15]) @m.reload @m.instance_variable_get(:@node).should == nil @m.instance_variable_get(:@attributes).should == nil @m.instance_variable_get(:@tags).should == nil end end describe Sequel::Model, "typecasting" do setup do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do columns :x end end specify "should not convert if typecasting is turned off" do @c.typecast_on_assignment = false @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:integer}}) m = m.x = '1' m.x.should == '1' end specify "should convert to integer for an integer field" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:integer}}) m = m.x = '1' m.x.should == 1 m.x = 1 m.x.should == 1 m.x = 1.3 m.x.should == 1 end specify "should not typecast nil if NULLs are allowed" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:integer,:allow_null=>true}}) m = m.x = nil m.x.should == nil end specify "should raise an error if attempting to typecast nil and NULLs are not allowed" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:integer,:allow_null=>false}}) proc{ = nil}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should not raise an error if NULLs are not allowed and typecasting is turned off" do @c.typecast_on_assignment = false @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:integer,:allow_null=>false}}) m = m.x = nil m.x.should == nil end specify "should raise an error if invalid data is used in an integer field" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:integer}}) proc{ = 'a'}.should raise_error end specify "should convert to float for a float field" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:float}}) m = m.x = '1.3' m.x.should == 1.3 m.x = 1 m.x.should == 1.0 m.x = 1.3 m.x.should == 1.3 end specify "should raise an error if invalid data is used in an float field" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:float}}) proc{ = 'a'}.should raise_error end specify "should convert to string for a string field" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:string}}) m = m.x = '1.3' m.x.should == '1.3' m.x = 1 m.x.should == '1' m.x = 1.3 m.x.should == '1.3' end specify "should convert to boolean for a boolean field" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:boolean}}) m = m.x = '1.3' m.x.should == true m.x = 1 m.x.should == true m.x = 1.3 m.x.should == true m.x = 't' m.x.should == true m.x = 'T' m.x.should == true m.x = true m.x.should == true m.x = nil m.x.should == nil m.x = '' m.x.should == nil m.x = [] m.x.should == nil m.x = 'f' m.x.should == false m.x = 'F' m.x.should == false m.x = 'false' m.x.should == false m.x = 'FALSE' m.x.should == false m.x = '0' m.x.should == false m.x = 0 m.x.should == false m.x = false m.x.should == false end specify "should convert to date for a date field" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:date}}) m = y =,10,21) m.x = '2007-10-21' m.x.should == y m.x = '2007-10-21'.to_date m.x.should == y m.x = '2007-10-21'.to_time m.x.should == y m.x = '2007-10-21'.to_datetime m.x.should == y end specify "should raise an error if invalid data is used in a date field" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:date}}) proc{ = 'a'}.should raise_error end specify "should convert to date for a datetime field" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:datetime}}) m = m.x = '2007-10-21 10:20:30' m.x.should == '2007-10-21 10:20:30'.to_datetime y =,10,21,10,20,30) m.x = '2007-10-21 10:20:30' m.x.should == y m.x = '2007-10-21 10:20:30'.to_datetime m.x.should == y m.x = '2007-10-21 10:20:30'.to_time m.x.should == y m.x = '2007-10-21'.to_date m.x.should ==,10,21) end specify "should raise an error if invalid data is used in a datetime field" do @c.instance_variable_set(:@db_schema, {:x=>{:type=>:datetime}}) proc{ = 'a'}.should raise_error end end