Art Biz

Street Artist Showcase

Art is an expression of the soul. Art Biz is here to document and advocate for those artists that seek cultural revolution by bettering our streets with their design. Check out some of the up-and-coming artists, as well as a showcase of the latest pieces to spring up around the city.

Meet a Street Artist

Darla Grey

Darla Grey

Darla has been practicing graffiti since she was 6. Her personality shows in her affinity for colorful pieces. Her latest work can be seen in the Dandy Street Tunnel.
Justin Greene

Justin Greene

After finding inspiration while backpacking in Nepal, Justin started his paint mixing business, JG Paints. You can find his most recent piece behind La Bar on 5th.
Dee Smith

Dee Smith

Even if you've never met Dee, you've met her work. She's released over 950 pieces in the past 2 years all over the city! In Bloom flower shop sports her latest piece.

Fresh Works

East Side

Broken Woman Mural
Wise Primate Mural
Abstract Shapes Mural
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West End

Ghost of Me Mural
Graffiti Beauty Mural
Xray Saint Mural
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