# Compass Formalize This is an extension for [Compass](http://beta.compass-style.org) for [Formalize](http://formalize.me), [Nathan Smith](http://sonspring.com)'s excellent HTML Form stylesheet project. ## Installation Install the extension via Ruby Gems: gem install compass_formalize If you're starting from scratch, create your Compass project: compass create my-project -r compass_formalize If you're adding the library to an existing project, add the following to your config.rb file: require 'compass_formalize' To apply the Formalize pattern, run one of the following, depending on your JavaScript framework taste: compass install formalize/dojo compass install formalize/extjs compass install formalize/jquery compass install formalize/jquery-legacy compass install formalize/mootools compass install formalize/prototype compass install formalize/yui Don't forget to add this to your sass files If you're using SCSS syntax, in your stylesheet: @import "formalize"; or if you're using indented (Sass) syntax @import "formalize" After following the provided instructions, we need to tell Compass to use relative paths so that all our resources load correctly. In config.rb, we uncomment the following line: relative_assets = true __New__ in version 0.0.5 If you don't need or want to support IE6 and/or IE7 you can add the following to your file before your @import "formalize" If you're using SCSS syntax, in your stylesheet: $legacy-support-for-ie6: false; $legacy-support-for-ie7: false; @import "formalize"; or if you're using indented (Sass) syntax $legacy-support-for-ie6: false $legacy-support-for-ie7: false @import "formalize" This will not add the IE 6 and IE 7 css hacks and extra classes to the formalize css. You don't need the JS libraries either. To remove legacy webkit and firefox support and experimental opera and khtml css see: http://compass-style.org/reference/compass/support And we're all set! ## License Licensed under MIT/GPL. GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php