Acts as Approvable ================== This plugin provides a workflow for approving new records and changes to existing records. Installation ============ Rails 3 ------- Add the gem to your Gemfile: gem 'acts-as-approvable' Then run the generator: rails g acts_as_approvable Rails 2 ------- Add the gem to `config/environment.rb` config.gem 'acts-as-approvable' Then run `rake gems:install`. After the gem is installed, run the generator: $ script/generate acts_as_approvable Generator Options ================= These options are also available by passing `--help` as an option to the generator. --base BASE Base class for ApprovableController. --haml* Generate HAML views instead of ERB. --owner [User] Enable and, optionally, set the model for approval ownerships. --scripts Copy javascripts for ApprovalsController and its views. \* This option is not available in Rails 3. You should configure your template engine in `config/application.rb` API Documentation ================= API Documentation is [available online]( Configuration ============= The generator creates an initializor at `config/initializers/acts_as_approvable.rb`. A sample initializer might look like this: ActsAsApprovable.view_language = 'haml' ActsAsApprovable::Ownership.configure The `Ownership` functionality expects a `User` model in your project by default, but by providing an `:owner` option you can change the expected model to whatever you wish. `.configure` also accepts a block which it applies to the `Approval` model, allowing you to override methods as you see fit. For example, to only allow Users with the "admin" role to 'own' an Approval, change your initializer to something like this: ActsAsApprovable.view_language = 'haml' ActsAsApprovable::Ownership.configure do def self.available_owners owner_class.all(:conditions => ['role', 'admin']) end end Examples ======== Require approval for new Users, but not modifications... class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_approvable :on => :create, :state_field => :state # Let the user know they've been approved def after_approve(approval) ApprovalMailer.deliver_user_approved( end # Let the user know they were rejected def after_reject(approval) ApprovalMailer.deliver_user_rejected(, approval.reason) end end Require approval when a Game's title or description is changed, but not when view or installation count is changed... class Game < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_approvable :on => :update, :ignore => [:views, :installs] end Require approval for all changes, except the standard ignored fields (`created_at`, `updated_at` and `:state_field`)... class Advertisement < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_approvable :state_field => :state end Options ======= The following options may be used to configure the workflow on a per-model basis: * `:on` The type of events (`:create` or `:update`) to require approval on. * `:ignore` A list of fields to ignore for `:update` approvals. * `:only` A list of fields that should be approved. All other fields are ignored. If set, the `:ignore` option is... ignored. * `:state_field` A local model field to save the `:create` approvals state. Useful for selecting approved models without joining the approvals table. The fields `:created_at`, `:updated_at` and whatever is set for the `:state_field` are automatically ignored. Contributors ============ * [James Logsdon]( (Lead developer) * [Hwan-Joon Choi]( (Performance enhancements, bug fixes) * [Neal Wiggins]( (Enumeration of states)