# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require "socket" require "timeout" require "logstash/json" require "logstash/inputs/tcp" require "stud/try" require "stud/task" require "flores/pki" require "openssl" java_import "io.netty.handler.ssl.util.SelfSignedCertificate" require_relative "../spec_helper" #Cabin::Channel.get(LogStash).subscribe(STDOUT) #Cabin::Channel.get(LogStash).level = :debug describe LogStash::Inputs::Tcp do def get_port begin # Start high to better avoid common services port = rand(10000..65535) s = TCPServer.new("", port) s.close return port rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE retry end end let(:port) { get_port } context "codec (PR #1372)" do it "switches from plain to line" do require "logstash/codecs/plain" require "logstash/codecs/line" plugin = LogStash::Inputs::Tcp.new("codec" => LogStash::Codecs::Plain.new, "port" => 0) plugin.register insist { plugin.codec }.is_a?(LogStash::Codecs::Line) plugin.close end it "switches from json to json_lines" do require "logstash/codecs/json" require "logstash/codecs/json_lines" plugin = LogStash::Inputs::Tcp.new("codec" => LogStash::Codecs::JSON.new, "port" => 0) plugin.register insist { plugin.codec }.is_a?(LogStash::Codecs::JSONLines) plugin.close end end it "should read plain with unicode" do event_count = 10 conf = <<-CONFIG input { tcp { port => #{port} } } CONFIG host = 'localhost' events = input(conf) do |pipeline, queue| socket = Stud::try(5.times) { TCPSocket.new(host, port) } event_count.times do |i| # unicode smiley for testing unicode support! socket.puts("#{i} ☹") socket.flush end socket.close event_count.times.collect {queue.pop} end insist { events.length } == event_count events = events.sort_by {|e| e.get("message")} # the ordering of events in the queue is highly timing-dependent event_count.times do |i| event = events[i] insist { event.get("message") } == "#{i} ☹" insist { ["localhost","ip6-localhost"].includes? event.get("host") } insist { event.get("[@metadata][ip_address]") } == '' end end it "should handle PROXY protocol v1 connections" do event_count = 10 conf = <<-CONFIG input { tcp { proxy_protocol => true port => '#{port}' } } CONFIG events = input(conf) do |pipeline, queue| socket = Stud::try(5.times) { TCPSocket.new("", port) } socket.puts("PROXY TCP4 1234 5678\r"); socket.flush event_count.times do |i| # unicode smiley for testing unicode support! socket.puts("#{i} ☹") socket.flush end socket.close event_count.times.collect {queue.pop} end insist { events.length } == event_count events = events.sort_by {|e| e.get("message")} # the ordering of events in the queue is highly timing-dependent event_count.times do |i| insist { events[i].get("message") } == "#{i} ☹" insist { events[i].get("host") } == "" insist { events[i].get("port") } == "1234" insist { events[i].get("proxy_host") } == "" insist { events[i].get("proxy_port") } == "5678" end end it "should read events with plain codec and ISO-8859-1 charset" do charset = "ISO-8859-1" conf = <<-CONFIG input { tcp { port => #{port} codec => plain { charset => "#{charset}" } } } CONFIG event = input(conf) do |pipeline, queue| socket = Stud::try(5.times) { TCPSocket.new("", port) } text = "\xA3" # the £ symbol in ISO-8859-1 aka Latin-1 text.force_encoding("ISO-8859-1") socket.puts(text) socket.close queue.pop end # Make sure the 0xA3 latin-1 code converts correctly to UTF-8. insist { event.get("message").size } == 1 insist { event.get("message").bytesize } == 2 insist { event.get("message") } == "£" end it "should read events with json codec" do conf = <<-CONFIG input { tcp { port => #{port} codec => json } } CONFIG data = { "hello" => "world", "foo" => [1,2,3], "baz" => { "1" => "2" }, "host" => "example host" } event = input(conf) do |pipeline, queue| socket = Stud::try(5.times) { TCPSocket.new("", port) } socket.puts(LogStash::Json.dump(data)) socket.close queue.pop end insist { event.get("hello") } == data["hello"] insist { event.get("foo").to_a } == data["foo"] # to_a to cast Java ArrayList produced by JrJackson insist { event.get("baz") } == data["baz"] # Make sure the tcp input, w/ json codec, uses the event's 'host' value, # if present, instead of providing its own insist { event.get("host") } == data["host"] end it "should read events with json codec (testing 'host' handling)" do conf = <<-CONFIG input { tcp { port => #{port} codec => json } } CONFIG data = { "hello" => "world" } event = input(conf) do |pipeline, queue| socket = Stud::try(5.times) { TCPSocket.new("", port) } socket.puts(LogStash::Json.dump(data)) socket.close queue.pop end insist { event.get("hello") } == data["hello"] insist { event }.include?("host") end it "should read events with json_lines codec" do conf = <<-CONFIG input { tcp { port => #{port} codec => json_lines } } CONFIG data = { "hello" => "world", "foo" => [1,2,3], "baz" => { "1" => "2" }, "idx" => 0 } event_count = 5 events = input(conf) do |pipeline, queue| socket = Stud::try(5.times) { TCPSocket.new("", port) } (1..event_count).each do |idx| data["idx"] = idx socket.puts(LogStash::Json.dump(data) + "\n") end socket.close (1..event_count).map{queue.pop} end events = events.sort_by {|e| e.get("idx")} # the ordering of events in the queue is highly timing-dependent events.each_with_index do |event, idx| insist { event.get("hello") } == data["hello"] insist { event.get("foo").to_a } == data["foo"] # to_a to cast Java ArrayList produced by JrJackson insist { event.get("baz") } == data["baz"] insist { event.get("idx") } == idx + 1 end # do end # describe it "should one message per connection" do event_count = 10 conf = <<-CONFIG input { tcp { port => #{port} } } CONFIG events = input(conf) do |pipeline, queue| event_count.times do |i| socket = Stud::try(5.times) { TCPSocket.new("", port) } socket.puts("#{i}") socket.flush socket.close end # since each message is sent on its own tcp connection & thread, exact receiving order cannot be garanteed event_count.times.collect{queue.pop}.sort_by{|event| event.get("message")} end event_count.times do |i| insist { events[i].get("message") } == "#{i}" end end it "should flush codec after client disconnects" do # verifies fix for https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-tcp/issues/90 conf = <<-CONFIG input { tcp { port => #{port} codec => multiline { pattern => "^\s" what => "previous" } } } CONFIG data = "a\n 1\n 2\nb\n 1" event_count = 2 events = input(conf) do |pipeline, queue| socket = Stud::try(5.times) { TCPSocket.new("", port) } socket.puts(data) socket.close # If the codec is not properly flushed, there will be only one event and the second call to queue.pop # will block indefinitely. Wrapping this with a timeout ensures that failure mode does not hang the # test. Timeout.timeout(5) do event_count.times.collect do queue.pop end end end expect(events.length).to equal(event_count) end # below are new specs added in the context of the shutdown semantic refactor. # TODO: # - refactor all specs using this new model # - pipelineless_input has been basically copied from the udp input specs, it should be DRYied up # - see if we should miminc the udp input UDPClient helper class instead of directly using TCPSocket context "LogStash::Inputs::Tcp new specs style" do before do srand(RSpec.configuration.seed) end let(:config) { { "port" => port } } subject { described_class.new(config) } let!(:helper) { TcpHelpers.new } after :each do subject.close rescue nil end describe "#register" do it "should register without errors" do expect { subject.register }.to_not raise_error end context "when using ssl" do let(:config) do { "host" => "", "port" => port, "ssl_enable" => true, "ssl_cert" => certificate_file.path, "ssl_key" => key_file.path, "ssl_extra_chain_certs" => certificate_file.path } end context "with pkcs#1 keys" do let(:pki) { Flores::PKI.generate } let(:certificate) { pki[0] } let(:key) { pki[1] } let(:certificate_file) { Stud::Temporary.file } let(:key_file) { Stud::Temporary.file } before do certificate_file.write(certificate) key_file.write(key) certificate_file.close key_file.close end it "should configure ssl manager correctly without errors" do expect { subject.register }.to_not raise_error end after do File.unlink(certificate_file.path) File.unlink(key_file.path) end end context "with pkcs#8 keys" do let(:ssc) { SelfSignedCertificate.new } let(:certificate_file) { ssc.certificate } let(:key_file) { ssc.private_key} it "should configure ssl manager correctly without errors" do expect { subject.register }.to_not raise_error end after do ssc.delete end end context "with multiple certificates with empty spaces in them" do let(:ssc) { SelfSignedCertificate.new } let(:certificate_file) { ssc.certificate } let(:key_file) { ssc.private_key} let(:ssc_2) { SelfSignedCertificate.new } let(:certificate_file_2) { ssc.certificate } let(:config) do { "host" => "", "port" => port, "ssl_enable" => true, "ssl_cert" => certificate_file.path, "ssl_key" => key_file.path } end before(:each) do File.open(certificate_file.path, "a") do |file| path = ssc_2.certificate.path file.puts("\n") file.puts(IO.read(path)) file.puts("\n") end end it "should register without errors" do expect { subject.register }.to_not raise_error end end end end describe "#receive" do shared_examples "receiving events" do # TODO(sissel): Implement normal event-receipt tests as as a shared example end context "when ssl_enable is true" do let(:input) { subject } let(:queue) { Queue.new } before(:each) { subject.register } context "when using a certificate chain" do chain_of_certificates = TcpHelpers.new.chain_of_certificates let(:tcp) do Stud::try(5.times) { TCPSocket.new("", port) } end let(:sslcontext) do sslcontext = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new sslcontext.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER sslcontext.ca_file = chain_of_certificates[:root_ca].path sslcontext.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(chain_of_certificates[:aa_cert].path)) sslcontext.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read(chain_of_certificates[:aa_key].path)) sslcontext end let(:sslsocket) { OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(tcp, sslcontext) } let(:message) { "message to #{port}" } context "with a non encrypted private key" do let(:config) do { "host" => "", "port" => port, "ssl_enable" => true, "ssl_cert" => chain_of_certificates[:b_cert].path, "ssl_key" => chain_of_certificates[:b_key].path, "ssl_extra_chain_certs" => [ chain_of_certificates[:a_cert].path ], "ssl_certificate_authorities" => [ chain_of_certificates[:root_ca].path ], "ssl_verify" => true } end it "should be able to connect and write data" do result = TcpHelpers.pipelineless_input(subject, 1) do sslsocket.connect sslsocket.write("#{message}\n") tcp.flush sslsocket.close tcp.close end expect(result.size).to eq(1) expect(result.first.get("message")).to eq(message) end end context "when using an encrypted private pkcs1 key" do let(:config) do { "host" => "", "port" => port, "ssl_enable" => true, "ssl_cert" => chain_of_certificates[:be_cert].path, "ssl_key" => chain_of_certificates[:be_key].path, "ssl_key_passphrase" => "passpasspassword", "ssl_extra_chain_certs" => [ chain_of_certificates[:a_cert].path ], "ssl_certificate_authorities" => [ chain_of_certificates[:root_ca].path ], "ssl_verify" => true } end it "should be able to connect and write data" do result = TcpHelpers.pipelineless_input(subject, 1) do sslsocket.connect sslsocket.write("#{message}\n") tcp.flush sslsocket.close tcp.close end expect(result.size).to eq(1) expect(result.first.get("message")).to eq(message) end end context "when using an encrypted private pkcs8 key" do let(:config) do { "host" => "", "port" => port, "ssl_enable" => true, "ssl_cert" => chain_of_certificates[:be_cert].path, "ssl_key" => chain_of_certificates[:be_key_pkcs8].path, "ssl_key_passphrase" => "passpasspassword", "ssl_extra_chain_certs" => [ chain_of_certificates[:a_cert].path ], "ssl_certificate_authorities" => [ chain_of_certificates[:root_ca].path ], "ssl_verify" => true } end it "should be able to connect and write data" do result = TcpHelpers.pipelineless_input(subject, 1) do sslsocket.connect sslsocket.write("#{message}\n") tcp.flush sslsocket.close tcp.close end expect(result.size).to eq(1) expect(result.first.get("message")).to eq(message) end end end context "with a poorly-behaving client" do let!(:input_task) { Stud::Task.new { input.run(queue) } } context "that disconnects before doing TLS handshake" do before do client = Stud::try(5.times) { TCPSocket.new("", port) } client.close end it "should not negatively impact the plugin" do # TODO(sissel): Look for a better way to detect this failure # besides a sleep/wait. result = input_task.thread.join(0.5) expect(result).to be_nil end end describe "an error occurs during an accept" do let(:socket) { double("socket").as_null_object } before do allow(input).to receive(:server_socket).and_return(socket) allow(socket).to receive(:accept) do |a1, a2, a3| raise StandardError, "blah" end end end context "that sends garbage instead of TLS handshake" do let!(:input_task) { Stud::Task.new { input.run(queue) } } let(:max_length) { 1000 } let(:garbage) { Flores::Random.iterations(max_length).collect { Flores::Random.integer(1...255) }.pack("C*") } before do # Assertion to verify this test is actually sending something. expect(garbage.length).to be > 0 client = Stud::try(5.times) { TCPSocket.new("", port) } client.write(garbage) client.flush Thread.new { sleep(1); client.close } end it "should not negatively impact the plugin" do # TODO(sissel): Look for a better way to detect this failure besides a sleep/wait. result = input_task.thread.join(0.5) expect(result).to be_nil end end end # TODO(sissel): Spec multiple clients where only one is bad. context "with client certificate problems" do context "using an expired certificate" context "using an untrusted certificate" end context "with a good connection" do # TODO(sissel): use shared example include_examples "receiving events" end end end it_behaves_like "an interruptible input plugin" do let(:config) { { "port" => port } } end end end