function createCommonjsModule(fn, basedir, module) { return module = { path: basedir, exports: {}, require: function(path, base) { return commonjsRequire(path, base === undefined || base === null ? module.path : base); } }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; } function commonjsRequire() { throw new Error("Dynamic requires are not currently supported by @rollup/plugin-commonjs"); } var _global = createCommonjsModule(function(module) { var global = module.exports = typeof window != "undefined" && window.Math == Math ? window : typeof self != "undefined" && self.Math == Math ? self : Function("return this")(); if (typeof __g == "number") __g = global; }); var _core = createCommonjsModule(function(module) { var core = module.exports = { version: "2.6.11" }; if (typeof __e == "number") __e = core; }); var _isObject = function(it) { return typeof it === "object" ? it !== null : typeof it === "function"; }; var _anObject = function(it) { if (!_isObject(it)) throw TypeError(it + " is not an object!"); return it; }; var _fails = function(exec) { try { return !!exec(); } catch (e) { return true; } }; var _descriptors = !_fails(function() { return Object.defineProperty({}, "a", { get: function() { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); var document$1 = _global.document; var is = _isObject(document$1) && _isObject(document$1.createElement); var _domCreate = function(it) { return is ? document$1.createElement(it) : {}; }; var _ie8DomDefine = !_descriptors && !_fails(function() { return Object.defineProperty(_domCreate("div"), "a", { get: function() { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); var _toPrimitive = function(it, S) { if (!_isObject(it)) return it; var fn, val; if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == "function" && !_isObject(val = return val; if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == "function" && !_isObject(val = return val; if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == "function" && !_isObject(val = return val; throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; var dP = Object.defineProperty; var f = _descriptors ? Object.defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) { _anObject(O); P = _toPrimitive(P, true); _anObject(Attributes); if (_ie8DomDefine) try { return dP(O, P, Attributes); } catch (e) {} if ("get" in Attributes || "set" in Attributes) throw TypeError("Accessors not supported!"); if ("value" in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value; return O; }; var _objectDp = { f: f }; var _propertyDesc = function(bitmap, value) { return { enumerable: !(bitmap & 1), configurable: !(bitmap & 2), writable: !(bitmap & 4), value: value }; }; var _hide = _descriptors ? function(object, key, value) { return _objectDp.f(object, key, _propertyDesc(1, value)); } : function(object, key, value) { object[key] = value; return object; }; var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty; var _has = function(it, key) { return, key); }; var id = 0; var px = Math.random(); var _uid = function(key) { return "Symbol(".concat(key === undefined ? "" : key, ")_", (++id + px).toString(36)); }; var _shared = createCommonjsModule(function(module) { var SHARED = "__core-js_shared__"; var store = _global[SHARED] || (_global[SHARED] = {}); (module.exports = function(key, value) { return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {}); })("versions", []).push({ version: _core.version, mode: "global", copyright: "© 2019 Denis Pushkarev (" }); }); var _functionToString = _shared("native-function-to-string", Function.toString); var _redefine = createCommonjsModule(function(module) { var SRC = _uid("src"); var TO_STRING = "toString"; var TPL = ("" + _functionToString).split(TO_STRING); _core.inspectSource = function(it) { return; }; (module.exports = function(O, key, val, safe) { var isFunction = typeof val == "function"; if (isFunction) _has(val, "name") || _hide(val, "name", key); if (O[key] === val) return; if (isFunction) _has(val, SRC) || _hide(val, SRC, O[key] ? "" + O[key] : TPL.join(String(key))); if (O === _global) { O[key] = val; } else if (!safe) { delete O[key]; _hide(O, key, val); } else if (O[key]) { O[key] = val; } else { _hide(O, key, val); } })(Function.prototype, TO_STRING, function toString() { return typeof this == "function" && this[SRC] ||; }); }); var _aFunction = function(it) { if (typeof it != "function") throw TypeError(it + " is not a function!"); return it; }; var _ctx = function(fn, that, length) { _aFunction(fn); if (that === undefined) return fn; switch (length) { case 1: return function(a) { return, a); }; case 2: return function(a, b) { return, a, b); }; case 3: return function(a, b, c) { return, a, b, c); }; } return function() { return fn.apply(that, arguments); }; }; var PROTOTYPE = "prototype"; var $export = function(type, name, source) { var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F; var IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G; var IS_STATIC = type & $export.S; var IS_PROTO = type & $export.P; var IS_BIND = type & $export.B; var target = IS_GLOBAL ? _global : IS_STATIC ? _global[name] || (_global[name] = {}) : (_global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE]; var exports = IS_GLOBAL ? _core : _core[name] || (_core[name] = {}); var expProto = exports[PROTOTYPE] || (exports[PROTOTYPE] = {}); var key, own, out, exp; if (IS_GLOBAL) source = name; for (key in source) { own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key] !== undefined; out = (own ? target : source)[key]; exp = IS_BIND && own ? _ctx(out, _global) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == "function" ? _ctx(, out) : out; if (target) _redefine(target, key, out, type & $export.U); if (exports[key] != out) _hide(exports, key, exp); if (IS_PROTO && expProto[key] != out) expProto[key] = out; } }; _global.core = _core; $export.F = 1; $export.G = 2; $export.S = 4; $export.P = 8; $export.B = 16; $export.W = 32; $export.U = 64; $export.R = 128; var _export = $export; var toString = {}.toString; var _cof = function(it) { return, -1); }; var _iobject = Object("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function(it) { return _cof(it) == "String" ? it.split("") : Object(it); }; var _defined = function(it) { if (it == undefined) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it); return it; }; var _toObject = function(it) { return Object(_defined(it)); }; var ceil = Math.ceil; var floor = Math.floor; var _toInteger = function(it) { return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it); }; var min = Math.min; var _toLength = function(it) { return it > 0 ? min(_toInteger(it), 9007199254740991) : 0; }; var _isArray = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) { return _cof(arg) == "Array"; }; var _wks = createCommonjsModule(function(module) { var store = _shared("wks"); var Symbol = _global.Symbol; var USE_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol == "function"; var $exports = module.exports = function(name) { return store[name] || (store[name] = USE_SYMBOL && Symbol[name] || (USE_SYMBOL ? Symbol : _uid)("Symbol." + name)); }; $ = store; }); var SPECIES = _wks("species"); var _arraySpeciesConstructor = function(original) { var C; if (_isArray(original)) { C = original.constructor; if (typeof C == "function" && (C === Array || _isArray(C.prototype))) C = undefined; if (_isObject(C)) { C = C[SPECIES]; if (C === null) C = undefined; } } return C === undefined ? Array : C; }; var _arraySpeciesCreate = function(original, length) { return new (_arraySpeciesConstructor(original))(length); }; var _arrayMethods = function(TYPE, $create) { var IS_MAP = TYPE == 1; var IS_FILTER = TYPE == 2; var IS_SOME = TYPE == 3; var IS_EVERY = TYPE == 4; var IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE == 6; var NO_HOLES = TYPE == 5 || IS_FIND_INDEX; var create = $create || _arraySpeciesCreate; return function($this, callbackfn, that) { var O = _toObject($this); var self = _iobject(O); var f = _ctx(callbackfn, that, 3); var length = _toLength(self.length); var index = 0; var result = IS_MAP ? create($this, length) : IS_FILTER ? create($this, 0) : undefined; var val, res; for (;length > index; index++) if (NO_HOLES || index in self) { val = self[index]; res = f(val, index, O); if (TYPE) { if (IS_MAP) result[index] = res; else if (res) switch (TYPE) { case 3: return true; case 5: return val; case 6: return index; case 2: result.push(val); } else if (IS_EVERY) return false; } } return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : result; }; }; var UNSCOPABLES = _wks("unscopables"); var ArrayProto = Array.prototype; if (ArrayProto[UNSCOPABLES] == undefined) _hide(ArrayProto, UNSCOPABLES, {}); var _addToUnscopables = function(key) { ArrayProto[UNSCOPABLES][key] = true; }; var $find = _arrayMethods(5); var KEY = "find"; var forced = true; if (KEY in []) Array(1)[KEY](function() { forced = false; }); _export(_export.P + _export.F * forced, "Array", { find: function find(callbackfn) { return $find(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); } }); _addToUnscopables(KEY); var find = _core.Array.find; var $find$1 = _arrayMethods(6); var KEY$1 = "findIndex"; var forced$1 = true; if (KEY$1 in []) Array(1)[KEY$1](function() { forced$1 = false; }); _export(_export.P + _export.F * forced$1, "Array", { findIndex: function findIndex(callbackfn) { return $find$1(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); } }); _addToUnscopables(KEY$1); var findIndex = _core.Array.findIndex; var _stringAt = function(TO_STRING) { return function(that, pos) { var s = String(_defined(that)); var i = _toInteger(pos); var l = s.length; var a, b; if (i < 0 || i >= l) return TO_STRING ? "" : undefined; a = s.charCodeAt(i); return a < 55296 || a > 56319 || i + 1 === l || (b = s.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 56320 || b > 57343 ? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i) : a : TO_STRING ? s.slice(i, i + 2) : (a - 55296 << 10) + (b - 56320) + 65536; }; }; var _iterators = {}; var _toIobject = function(it) { return _iobject(_defined(it)); }; var max = Math.max; var min$1 = Math.min; var _toAbsoluteIndex = function(index, length) { index = _toInteger(index); return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min$1(index, length); }; var _arrayIncludes = function(IS_INCLUDES) { return function($this, el, fromIndex) { var O = _toIobject($this); var length = _toLength(O.length); var index = _toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length); var value; if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) { value = O[index++]; if (value != value) return true; } else for (;length > index; index++) if (IS_INCLUDES || index in O) { if (O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0; } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; }; }; var shared = _shared("keys"); var _sharedKey = function(key) { return shared[key] || (shared[key] = _uid(key)); }; var arrayIndexOf = _arrayIncludes(false); var IE_PROTO = _sharedKey("IE_PROTO"); var _objectKeysInternal = function(object, names) { var O = _toIobject(object); var i = 0; var result = []; var key; for (key in O) if (key != IE_PROTO) _has(O, key) && result.push(key); while (names.length > i) if (_has(O, key = names[i++])) { ~arrayIndexOf(result, key) || result.push(key); } return result; }; var _enumBugKeys = "constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf".split(","); var _objectKeys = Object.keys || function keys(O) { return _objectKeysInternal(O, _enumBugKeys); }; var _objectDps = _descriptors ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) { _anObject(O); var keys = _objectKeys(Properties); var length = keys.length; var i = 0; var P; while (length > i) _objectDp.f(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]); return O; }; var document$2 = _global.document; var _html = document$2 && document$2.documentElement; var IE_PROTO$1 = _sharedKey("IE_PROTO"); var Empty = function() {}; var PROTOTYPE$1 = "prototype"; var createDict = function() { var iframe = _domCreate("iframe"); var i = _enumBugKeys.length; var lt = "<"; var gt = ">"; var iframeDocument; = "none"; _html.appendChild(iframe); iframe.src = "javascript:"; iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;; iframeDocument.write(lt + "script" + gt + "document.F=Object" + lt + "/script" + gt); iframeDocument.close(); createDict = iframeDocument.F; while (i--) delete createDict[PROTOTYPE$1][_enumBugKeys[i]]; return createDict(); }; var _objectCreate = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) { var result; if (O !== null) { Empty[PROTOTYPE$1] = _anObject(O); result = new Empty(); Empty[PROTOTYPE$1] = null; result[IE_PROTO$1] = O; } else result = createDict(); return Properties === undefined ? result : _objectDps(result, Properties); }; var def = _objectDp.f; var TAG = _wks("toStringTag"); var _setToStringTag = function(it, tag, stat) { if (it && !_has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG)) def(it, TAG, { configurable: true, value: tag }); }; var IteratorPrototype = {}; _hide(IteratorPrototype, _wks("iterator"), function() { return this; }); var _iterCreate = function(Constructor, NAME, next) { Constructor.prototype = _objectCreate(IteratorPrototype, { next: _propertyDesc(1, next) }); _setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + " Iterator"); }; var IE_PROTO$2 = _sharedKey("IE_PROTO"); var ObjectProto = Object.prototype; var _objectGpo = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(O) { O = _toObject(O); if (_has(O, IE_PROTO$2)) return O[IE_PROTO$2]; if (typeof O.constructor == "function" && O instanceof O.constructor) { return O.constructor.prototype; } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null; }; var ITERATOR = _wks("iterator"); var BUGGY = !([].keys && "next" in [].keys()); var FF_ITERATOR = "@@iterator"; var KEYS = "keys"; var VALUES = "values"; var returnThis = function() { return this; }; var _iterDefine = function(Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) { _iterCreate(Constructor, NAME, next); var getMethod = function(kind) { if (!BUGGY && kind in proto) return proto[kind]; switch (kind) { case KEYS: return function keys() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; case VALUES: return function values() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; } return function entries() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; }; var TAG = NAME + " Iterator"; var DEF_VALUES = DEFAULT == VALUES; var VALUES_BUG = false; var proto = Base.prototype; var $native = proto[ITERATOR] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT]; var $default = $native || getMethod(DEFAULT); var $entries = DEFAULT ? !DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod("entries") : undefined; var $anyNative = NAME == "Array" ? proto.entries || $native : $native; var methods, key, IteratorPrototype; if ($anyNative) { IteratorPrototype = _objectGpo($ Base())); if (IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && { _setToStringTag(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true); if (typeof IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR] != "function") _hide(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis); } } if (DEF_VALUES && $native && $ !== VALUES) { VALUES_BUG = true; $default = function values() { return $; }; } if (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG || !proto[ITERATOR]) { _hide(proto, ITERATOR, $default); } _iterators[NAME] = $default; _iterators[TAG] = returnThis; if (DEFAULT) { methods = { values: DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod(VALUES), keys: IS_SET ? $default : getMethod(KEYS), entries: $entries }; if (FORCED) for (key in methods) { if (!(key in proto)) _redefine(proto, key, methods[key]); } else _export(_export.P + _export.F * (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG), NAME, methods); } return methods; }; var $at = _stringAt(true); _iterDefine(String, "String", function(iterated) { this._t = String(iterated); this._i = 0; }, function() { var O = this._t; var index = this._i; var point; if (index >= O.length) return { value: undefined, done: true }; point = $at(O, index); this._i += point.length; return { value: point, done: false }; }); var _iterCall = function(iterator, fn, value, entries) { try { return entries ? fn(_anObject(value)[0], value[1]) : fn(value); } catch (e) { var ret = iterator["return"]; if (ret !== undefined) _anObject(; throw e; } }; var ITERATOR$1 = _wks("iterator"); var ArrayProto$1 = Array.prototype; var _isArrayIter = function(it) { return it !== undefined && (_iterators.Array === it || ArrayProto$1[ITERATOR$1] === it); }; var _createProperty = function(object, index, value) { if (index in object) _objectDp.f(object, index, _propertyDesc(0, value)); else object[index] = value; }; var TAG$1 = _wks("toStringTag"); var ARG = _cof(function() { return arguments; }()) == "Arguments"; var tryGet = function(it, key) { try { return it[key]; } catch (e) {} }; var _classof = function(it) { var O, T, B; return it === undefined ? "Undefined" : it === null ? "Null" : typeof (T = tryGet(O = Object(it), TAG$1)) == "string" ? T : ARG ? _cof(O) : (B = _cof(O)) == "Object" && typeof O.callee == "function" ? "Arguments" : B; }; var ITERATOR$2 = _wks("iterator"); var core_getIteratorMethod = _core.getIteratorMethod = function(it) { if (it != undefined) return it[ITERATOR$2] || it["@@iterator"] || _iterators[_classof(it)]; }; var ITERATOR$3 = _wks("iterator"); var SAFE_CLOSING = false; try { var riter = [ 7 ][ITERATOR$3](); riter["return"] = function() { SAFE_CLOSING = true; }; Array.from(riter, function() { throw 2; }); } catch (e) {} var _iterDetect = function(exec, skipClosing) { if (!skipClosing && !SAFE_CLOSING) return false; var safe = false; try { var arr = [ 7 ]; var iter = arr[ITERATOR$3](); = function() { return { done: safe = true }; }; arr[ITERATOR$3] = function() { return iter; }; exec(arr); } catch (e) {} return safe; }; _export(_export.S + _export.F * !_iterDetect(function(iter) { Array.from(iter); }), "Array", { from: function from(arrayLike) { var O = _toObject(arrayLike); var C = typeof this == "function" ? this : Array; var aLen = arguments.length; var mapfn = aLen > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var mapping = mapfn !== undefined; var index = 0; var iterFn = core_getIteratorMethod(O); var length, result, step, iterator; if (mapping) mapfn = _ctx(mapfn, aLen > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined, 2); if (iterFn != undefined && !(C == Array && _isArrayIter(iterFn))) { for (iterator =, result = new C(); !(step =; index++) { _createProperty(result, index, mapping ? _iterCall(iterator, mapfn, [ step.value, index ], true) : step.value); } } else { length = _toLength(O.length); for (result = new C(length); length > index; index++) { _createProperty(result, index, mapping ? mapfn(O[index], index) : O[index]); } } result.length = index; return result; } }); var from_1 = _core.Array.from; var test = {}; test[_wks("toStringTag")] = "z"; if (test + "" != "[object z]") { _redefine(Object.prototype, "toString", function toString() { return "[object " + _classof(this) + "]"; }, true); } var _iterStep = function(done, value) { return { value: value, done: !!done }; }; var es6_array_iterator = _iterDefine(Array, "Array", function(iterated, kind) { this._t = _toIobject(iterated); this._i = 0; this._k = kind; }, function() { var O = this._t; var kind = this._k; var index = this._i++; if (!O || index >= O.length) { this._t = undefined; return _iterStep(1); } if (kind == "keys") return _iterStep(0, index); if (kind == "values") return _iterStep(0, O[index]); return _iterStep(0, [ index, O[index] ]); }, "values"); _iterators.Arguments = _iterators.Array; _addToUnscopables("keys"); _addToUnscopables("values"); _addToUnscopables("entries"); var ITERATOR$4 = _wks("iterator"); var TO_STRING_TAG = _wks("toStringTag"); var ArrayValues = _iterators.Array; var DOMIterables = { CSSRuleList: true, CSSStyleDeclaration: false, CSSValueList: false, ClientRectList: false, DOMRectList: false, DOMStringList: false, DOMTokenList: true, DataTransferItemList: false, FileList: false, HTMLAllCollection: false, HTMLCollection: false, HTMLFormElement: false, HTMLSelectElement: false, MediaList: true, MimeTypeArray: false, NamedNodeMap: false, NodeList: true, PaintRequestList: false, Plugin: false, PluginArray: false, SVGLengthList: false, SVGNumberList: false, SVGPathSegList: false, SVGPointList: false, SVGStringList: false, SVGTransformList: false, SourceBufferList: false, StyleSheetList: true, TextTrackCueList: false, TextTrackList: false, TouchList: false }; for (var collections = _objectKeys(DOMIterables), i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) { var NAME = collections[i]; var explicit = DOMIterables[NAME]; var Collection = _global[NAME]; var proto = Collection && Collection.prototype; var key; if (proto) { if (!proto[ITERATOR$4]) _hide(proto, ITERATOR$4, ArrayValues); if (!proto[TO_STRING_TAG]) _hide(proto, TO_STRING_TAG, NAME); _iterators[NAME] = ArrayValues; if (explicit) for (key in es6_array_iterator) if (!proto[key]) _redefine(proto, key, es6_array_iterator[key], true); } } var _redefineAll = function(target, src, safe) { for (var key in src) _redefine(target, key, src[key], safe); return target; }; var _anInstance = function(it, Constructor, name, forbiddenField) { if (!(it instanceof Constructor) || forbiddenField !== undefined && forbiddenField in it) { throw TypeError(name + ": incorrect invocation!"); } return it; }; var _forOf = createCommonjsModule(function(module) { var BREAK = {}; var RETURN = {}; var exports = module.exports = function(iterable, entries, fn, that, ITERATOR) { var iterFn = ITERATOR ? function() { return iterable; } : core_getIteratorMethod(iterable); var f = _ctx(fn, that, entries ? 2 : 1); var index = 0; var length, step, iterator, result; if (typeof iterFn != "function") throw TypeError(iterable + " is not iterable!"); if (_isArrayIter(iterFn)) for (length = _toLength(iterable.length); length > index; index++) { result = entries ? f(_anObject(step = iterable[index])[0], step[1]) : f(iterable[index]); if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result; } else for (iterator =; !(step =; ) { result = _iterCall(iterator, f, step.value, entries); if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result; } }; exports.BREAK = BREAK; exports.RETURN = RETURN; }); var SPECIES$1 = _wks("species"); var _setSpecies = function(KEY) { var C = _global[KEY]; if (_descriptors && C && !C[SPECIES$1]) _objectDp.f(C, SPECIES$1, { configurable: true, get: function() { return this; } }); }; var _meta = createCommonjsModule(function(module) { var META = _uid("meta"); var setDesc = _objectDp.f; var id = 0; var isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || function() { return true; }; var FREEZE = !_fails(function() { return isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({})); }); var setMeta = function(it) { setDesc(it, META, { value: { i: "O" + ++id, w: {} } }); }; var fastKey = function(it, create) { if (!_isObject(it)) return typeof it == "symbol" ? it : (typeof it == "string" ? "S" : "P") + it; if (!_has(it, META)) { if (!isExtensible(it)) return "F"; if (!create) return "E"; setMeta(it); } return it[META].i; }; var getWeak = function(it, create) { if (!_has(it, META)) { if (!isExtensible(it)) return true; if (!create) return false; setMeta(it); } return it[META].w; }; var onFreeze = function(it) { if (FREEZE && meta.NEED && isExtensible(it) && !_has(it, META)) setMeta(it); return it; }; var meta = module.exports = { KEY: META, NEED: false, fastKey: fastKey, getWeak: getWeak, onFreeze: onFreeze }; }); var _validateCollection = function(it, TYPE) { if (!_isObject(it) || it._t !== TYPE) throw TypeError("Incompatible receiver, " + TYPE + " required!"); return it; }; var dP$1 = _objectDp.f; var fastKey = _meta.fastKey; var SIZE = _descriptors ? "_s" : "size"; var getEntry = function(that, key) { var index = fastKey(key); var entry; if (index !== "F") return that._i[index]; for (entry = that._f; entry; entry = entry.n) { if (entry.k == key) return entry; } }; var _collectionStrong = { getConstructor: function(wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER) { var C = wrapper(function(that, iterable) { _anInstance(that, C, NAME, "_i"); that._t = NAME; that._i = _objectCreate(null); that._f = undefined; that._l = undefined; that[SIZE] = 0; if (iterable != undefined) _forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that); }); _redefineAll(C.prototype, { clear: function clear() { for (var that = _validateCollection(this, NAME), data = that._i, entry = that._f; entry; entry = entry.n) { entry.r = true; if (entry.p) entry.p = entry.p.n = undefined; delete data[entry.i]; } that._f = that._l = undefined; that[SIZE] = 0; }, delete: function(key) { var that = _validateCollection(this, NAME); var entry = getEntry(that, key); if (entry) { var next = entry.n; var prev = entry.p; delete that._i[entry.i]; entry.r = true; if (prev) prev.n = next; if (next) next.p = prev; if (that._f == entry) that._f = next; if (that._l == entry) that._l = prev; that[SIZE]--; } return !!entry; }, forEach: function forEach(callbackfn) { _validateCollection(this, NAME); var f = _ctx(callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined, 3); var entry; while (entry = entry ? entry.n : this._f) { f(entry.v, entry.k, this); while (entry && entry.r) entry = entry.p; } }, has: function has(key) { return !!getEntry(_validateCollection(this, NAME), key); } }); if (_descriptors) dP$1(C.prototype, "size", { get: function() { return _validateCollection(this, NAME)[SIZE]; } }); return C; }, def: function(that, key, value) { var entry = getEntry(that, key); var prev, index; if (entry) { entry.v = value; } else { that._l = entry = { i: index = fastKey(key, true), k: key, v: value, p: prev = that._l, n: undefined, r: false }; if (!that._f) that._f = entry; if (prev) prev.n = entry; that[SIZE]++; if (index !== "F") that._i[index] = entry; } return that; }, getEntry: getEntry, setStrong: function(C, NAME, IS_MAP) { _iterDefine(C, NAME, function(iterated, kind) { this._t = _validateCollection(iterated, NAME); this._k = kind; this._l = undefined; }, function() { var that = this; var kind = that._k; var entry = that._l; while (entry && entry.r) entry = entry.p; if (!that._t || !(that._l = entry = entry ? entry.n : that._t._f)) { that._t = undefined; return _iterStep(1); } if (kind == "keys") return _iterStep(0, entry.k); if (kind == "values") return _iterStep(0, entry.v); return _iterStep(0, [ entry.k, entry.v ]); }, IS_MAP ? "entries" : "values", !IS_MAP, true); _setSpecies(NAME); } }; var f$1 = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; var _objectPie = { f: f$1 }; var gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var f$2 = _descriptors ? gOPD : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) { O = _toIobject(O); P = _toPrimitive(P, true); if (_ie8DomDefine) try { return gOPD(O, P); } catch (e) {} if (_has(O, P)) return _propertyDesc(!, P), O[P]); }; var _objectGopd = { f: f$2 }; var check = function(O, proto) { _anObject(O); if (!_isObject(proto) && proto !== null) throw TypeError(proto + ": can't set as prototype!"); }; var _setProto = { set: Object.setPrototypeOf || ("__proto__" in {} ? function(test, buggy, set) { try { set = _ctx(, _objectGopd.f(Object.prototype, "__proto__").set, 2); set(test, []); buggy = !(test instanceof Array); } catch (e) { buggy = true; } return function setPrototypeOf(O, proto) { check(O, proto); if (buggy) O.__proto__ = proto; else set(O, proto); return O; }; }({}, false) : undefined), check: check }; var setPrototypeOf = _setProto.set; var _inheritIfRequired = function(that, target, C) { var S = target.constructor; var P; if (S !== C && typeof S == "function" && (P = S.prototype) !== C.prototype && _isObject(P) && setPrototypeOf) { setPrototypeOf(that, P); } return that; }; var _collection = function(NAME, wrapper, methods, common, IS_MAP, IS_WEAK) { var Base = _global[NAME]; var C = Base; var ADDER = IS_MAP ? "set" : "add"; var proto = C && C.prototype; var O = {}; var fixMethod = function(KEY) { var fn = proto[KEY]; _redefine(proto, KEY, KEY == "delete" ? function(a) { return IS_WEAK && !_isObject(a) ? false :, a === 0 ? 0 : a); } : KEY == "has" ? function has(a) { return IS_WEAK && !_isObject(a) ? false :, a === 0 ? 0 : a); } : KEY == "get" ? function get(a) { return IS_WEAK && !_isObject(a) ? undefined :, a === 0 ? 0 : a); } : KEY == "add" ? function add(a) {, a === 0 ? 0 : a); return this; } : function set(a, b) {, a === 0 ? 0 : a, b); return this; }); }; if (typeof C != "function" || !(IS_WEAK || proto.forEach && !_fails(function() { new C().entries().next(); }))) { C = common.getConstructor(wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER); _redefineAll(C.prototype, methods); _meta.NEED = true; } else { var instance = new C(); var HASNT_CHAINING = instance[ADDER](IS_WEAK ? {} : -0, 1) != instance; var THROWS_ON_PRIMITIVES = _fails(function() { instance.has(1); }); var ACCEPT_ITERABLES = _iterDetect(function(iter) { new C(iter); }); var BUGGY_ZERO = !IS_WEAK && _fails(function() { var $instance = new C(); var index = 5; while (index--) $instance[ADDER](index, index); return !$instance.has(-0); }); if (!ACCEPT_ITERABLES) { C = wrapper(function(target, iterable) { _anInstance(target, C, NAME); var that = _inheritIfRequired(new Base(), target, C); if (iterable != undefined) _forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that); return that; }); C.prototype = proto; proto.constructor = C; } if (THROWS_ON_PRIMITIVES || BUGGY_ZERO) { fixMethod("delete"); fixMethod("has"); IS_MAP && fixMethod("get"); } if (BUGGY_ZERO || HASNT_CHAINING) fixMethod(ADDER); if (IS_WEAK && proto.clear) delete proto.clear; } _setToStringTag(C, NAME); O[NAME] = C; _export(_export.G + _export.W + _export.F * (C != Base), O); if (!IS_WEAK) common.setStrong(C, NAME, IS_MAP); return C; }; var MAP = "Map"; var es6_map = _collection(MAP, function(get) { return function Map() { return get(this, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined); }; }, { get: function get(key) { var entry = _collectionStrong.getEntry(_validateCollection(this, MAP), key); return entry && entry.v; }, set: function set(key, value) { return _collectionStrong.def(_validateCollection(this, MAP), key === 0 ? 0 : key, value); } }, _collectionStrong, true); var _arrayFromIterable = function(iter, ITERATOR) { var result = []; _forOf(iter, false, result.push, result, ITERATOR); return result; }; var _collectionToJson = function(NAME) { return function toJSON() { if (_classof(this) != NAME) throw TypeError(NAME + "#toJSON isn't generic"); return _arrayFromIterable(this); }; }; _export(_export.P + _export.R, "Map", { toJSON: _collectionToJson("Map") }); var _setCollectionOf = function(COLLECTION) { _export(_export.S, COLLECTION, { of: function of() { var length = arguments.length; var A = new Array(length); while (length--) A[length] = arguments[length]; return new this(A); } }); }; _setCollectionOf("Map"); var _setCollectionFrom = function(COLLECTION) { _export(_export.S, COLLECTION, { from: function from(source) { var mapFn = arguments[1]; var mapping, A, n, cb; _aFunction(this); mapping = mapFn !== undefined; if (mapping) _aFunction(mapFn); if (source == undefined) return new this(); A = []; if (mapping) { n = 0; cb = _ctx(mapFn, arguments[2], 2); _forOf(source, false, function(nextItem) { A.push(cb(nextItem, n++)); }); } else { _forOf(source, false, A.push, A); } return new this(A); } }); }; _setCollectionFrom("Map"); var map = _core.Map; var f$3 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var _objectGops = { f: f$3 }; var $assign = Object.assign; var _objectAssign = !$assign || _fails(function() { var A = {}; var B = {}; var S = Symbol(); var K = "abcdefghijklmnopqrst"; A[S] = 7; K.split("").forEach(function(k) { B[k] = k; }); return $assign({}, A)[S] != 7 || Object.keys($assign({}, B)).join("") != K; }) ? function assign(target, source) { var T = _toObject(target); var aLen = arguments.length; var index = 1; var getSymbols = _objectGops.f; var isEnum = _objectPie.f; while (aLen > index) { var S = _iobject(arguments[index++]); var keys = getSymbols ? _objectKeys(S).concat(getSymbols(S)) : _objectKeys(S); var length = keys.length; var j = 0; var key; while (length > j) { key = keys[j++]; if (!_descriptors ||, key)) T[key] = S[key]; } } return T; } : $assign; _export(_export.S + _export.F, "Object", { assign: _objectAssign }); var assign = _core.Object.assign; var SPECIES$2 = _wks("species"); var _speciesConstructor = function(O, D) { var C = _anObject(O).constructor; var S; return C === undefined || (S = _anObject(C)[SPECIES$2]) == undefined ? D : _aFunction(S); }; var _invoke = function(fn, args, that) { var un = that === undefined; switch (args.length) { case 0: return un ? fn() :; case 1: return un ? fn(args[0]) :, args[0]); case 2: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1]) :, args[0], args[1]); case 3: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2]) :, args[0], args[1], args[2]); case 4: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]) :, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); } return fn.apply(that, args); }; var process = _global.process; var setTask = _global.setImmediate; var clearTask = _global.clearImmediate; var MessageChannel = _global.MessageChannel; var Dispatch = _global.Dispatch; var counter = 0; var queue = {}; var ONREADYSTATECHANGE = "onreadystatechange"; var defer, channel, port; var run = function() { var id = +this; if (queue.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var fn = queue[id]; delete queue[id]; fn(); } }; var listener = function(event) {; }; if (!setTask || !clearTask) { setTask = function setImmediate(fn) { var args = []; var i = 1; while (arguments.length > i) args.push(arguments[i++]); queue[++counter] = function() { _invoke(typeof fn == "function" ? fn : Function(fn), args); }; defer(counter); return counter; }; clearTask = function clearImmediate(id) { delete queue[id]; }; if (_cof(process) == "process") { defer = function(id) { process.nextTick(_ctx(run, id, 1)); }; } else if (Dispatch && { defer = function(id) {, id, 1)); }; } else if (MessageChannel) { channel = new MessageChannel(); port = channel.port2; channel.port1.onmessage = listener; defer = _ctx(port.postMessage, port, 1); } else if (_global.addEventListener && typeof postMessage == "function" && !_global.importScripts) { defer = function(id) { _global.postMessage(id + "", "*"); }; _global.addEventListener("message", listener, false); } else if (ONREADYSTATECHANGE in _domCreate("script")) { defer = function(id) { _html.appendChild(_domCreate("script"))[ONREADYSTATECHANGE] = function() { _html.removeChild(this);; }; }; } else { defer = function(id) { setTimeout(_ctx(run, id, 1), 0); }; } } var _task = { set: setTask, clear: clearTask }; var macrotask = _task.set; var Observer = _global.MutationObserver || _global.WebKitMutationObserver; var process$1 = _global.process; var Promise$1 = _global.Promise; var isNode = _cof(process$1) == "process"; var _microtask = function() { var head, last, notify; var flush = function() { var parent, fn; if (isNode && (parent = process$1.domain)) parent.exit(); while (head) { fn = head.fn; head =; try { fn(); } catch (e) { if (head) notify(); else last = undefined; throw e; } } last = undefined; if (parent) parent.enter(); }; if (isNode) { notify = function() { process$1.nextTick(flush); }; } else if (Observer && !(_global.navigator && _global.navigator.standalone)) { var toggle = true; var node = document.createTextNode(""); new Observer(flush).observe(node, { characterData: true }); notify = function() { = toggle = !toggle; }; } else if (Promise$1 && Promise$1.resolve) { var promise = Promise$1.resolve(undefined); notify = function() { promise.then(flush); }; } else { notify = function() {, flush); }; } return function(fn) { var task = { fn: fn, next: undefined }; if (last) = task; if (!head) { head = task; notify(); } last = task; }; }; function PromiseCapability(C) { var resolve, reject; this.promise = new C(function($$resolve, $$reject) { if (resolve !== undefined || reject !== undefined) throw TypeError("Bad Promise constructor"); resolve = $$resolve; reject = $$reject; }); this.resolve = _aFunction(resolve); this.reject = _aFunction(reject); } var f$4 = function(C) { return new PromiseCapability(C); }; var _newPromiseCapability = { f: f$4 }; var _perform = function(exec) { try { return { e: false, v: exec() }; } catch (e) { return { e: true, v: e }; } }; var navigator = _global.navigator; var _userAgent = navigator && navigator.userAgent || ""; var _promiseResolve = function(C, x) { _anObject(C); if (_isObject(x) && x.constructor === C) return x; var promiseCapability = _newPromiseCapability.f(C); var resolve = promiseCapability.resolve; resolve(x); return promiseCapability.promise; }; var task = _task.set; var microtask = _microtask(); var PROMISE = "Promise"; var TypeError$1 = _global.TypeError; var process$2 = _global.process; var versions = process$2 && process$2.versions; var v8 = versions && versions.v8 || ""; var $Promise = _global[PROMISE]; var isNode$1 = _classof(process$2) == "process"; var empty = function() {}; var Internal, newGenericPromiseCapability, OwnPromiseCapability, Wrapper; var newPromiseCapability = newGenericPromiseCapability = _newPromiseCapability.f; var USE_NATIVE = !!function() { try { var promise = $Promise.resolve(1); var FakePromise = (promise.constructor = {})[_wks("species")] = function(exec) { exec(empty, empty); }; return (isNode$1 || typeof PromiseRejectionEvent == "function") && promise.then(empty) instanceof FakePromise && v8.indexOf("6.6") !== 0 && _userAgent.indexOf("Chrome/66") === -1; } catch (e) {} }(); var isThenable = function(it) { var then; return _isObject(it) && typeof (then = it.then) == "function" ? then : false; }; var notify = function(promise, isReject) { if (promise._n) return; promise._n = true; var chain = promise._c; microtask(function() { var value = promise._v; var ok = promise._s == 1; var i = 0; var run = function(reaction) { var handler = ok ? reaction.ok :; var resolve = reaction.resolve; var reject = reaction.reject; var domain = reaction.domain; var result, then, exited; try { if (handler) { if (!ok) { if (promise._h == 2) onHandleUnhandled(promise); promise._h = 1; } if (handler === true) result = value; else { if (domain) domain.enter(); result = handler(value); if (domain) { domain.exit(); exited = true; } } if (result === reaction.promise) { reject(TypeError$1("Promise-chain cycle")); } else if (then = isThenable(result)) {, resolve, reject); } else resolve(result); } else reject(value); } catch (e) { if (domain && !exited) domain.exit(); reject(e); } }; while (chain.length > i) run(chain[i++]); promise._c = []; promise._n = false; if (isReject && !promise._h) onUnhandled(promise); }); }; var onUnhandled = function(promise) {, function() { var value = promise._v; var unhandled = isUnhandled(promise); var result, handler, console; if (unhandled) { result = _perform(function() { if (isNode$1) { process$2.emit("unhandledRejection", value, promise); } else if (handler = _global.onunhandledrejection) { handler({ promise: promise, reason: value }); } else if ((console = _global.console) && console.error) { console.error("Unhandled promise rejection", value); } }); promise._h = isNode$1 || isUnhandled(promise) ? 2 : 1; } promise._a = undefined; if (unhandled && result.e) throw result.v; }); }; var isUnhandled = function(promise) { return promise._h !== 1 && (promise._a || promise._c).length === 0; }; var onHandleUnhandled = function(promise) {, function() { var handler; if (isNode$1) { process$2.emit("rejectionHandled", promise); } else if (handler = _global.onrejectionhandled) { handler({ promise: promise, reason: promise._v }); } }); }; var $reject = function(value) { var promise = this; if (promise._d) return; promise._d = true; promise = promise._w || promise; promise._v = value; promise._s = 2; if (!promise._a) promise._a = promise._c.slice(); notify(promise, true); }; var $resolve = function(value) { var promise = this; var then; if (promise._d) return; promise._d = true; promise = promise._w || promise; try { if (promise === value) throw TypeError$1("Promise can't be resolved itself"); if (then = isThenable(value)) { microtask(function() { var wrapper = { _w: promise, _d: false }; try {, _ctx($resolve, wrapper, 1), _ctx($reject, wrapper, 1)); } catch (e) { $, e); } }); } else { promise._v = value; promise._s = 1; notify(promise, false); } } catch (e) { ${ _w: promise, _d: false }, e); } }; if (!USE_NATIVE) { $Promise = function Promise(executor) { _anInstance(this, $Promise, PROMISE, "_h"); _aFunction(executor);; try { executor(_ctx($resolve, this, 1), _ctx($reject, this, 1)); } catch (err) { $, err); } }; Internal = function Promise(executor) { this._c = []; this._a = undefined; this._s = 0; this._d = false; this._v = undefined; this._h = 0; this._n = false; }; Internal.prototype = _redefineAll($Promise.prototype, { then: function then(onFulfilled, onRejected) { var reaction = newPromiseCapability(_speciesConstructor(this, $Promise)); reaction.ok = typeof onFulfilled == "function" ? onFulfilled : true; = typeof onRejected == "function" && onRejected; reaction.domain = isNode$1 ? process$2.domain : undefined; this._c.push(reaction); if (this._a) this._a.push(reaction); if (this._s) notify(this, false); return reaction.promise; }, catch: function(onRejected) { return this.then(undefined, onRejected); } }); OwnPromiseCapability = function() { var promise = new Internal(); this.promise = promise; this.resolve = _ctx($resolve, promise, 1); this.reject = _ctx($reject, promise, 1); }; _newPromiseCapability.f = newPromiseCapability = function(C) { return C === $Promise || C === Wrapper ? new OwnPromiseCapability(C) : newGenericPromiseCapability(C); }; } _export(_export.G + _export.W + _export.F * !USE_NATIVE, { Promise: $Promise }); _setToStringTag($Promise, PROMISE); _setSpecies(PROMISE); Wrapper = _core[PROMISE]; _export(_export.S + _export.F * !USE_NATIVE, PROMISE, { reject: function reject(r) { var capability = newPromiseCapability(this); var $$reject = capability.reject; $$reject(r); return capability.promise; } }); _export(_export.S + _export.F * !USE_NATIVE, PROMISE, { resolve: function resolve(x) { return _promiseResolve(this, x); } }); _export(_export.S + _export.F * !(USE_NATIVE && _iterDetect(function(iter) { $Promise.all(iter)["catch"](empty); })), PROMISE, { all: function all(iterable) { var C = this; var capability = newPromiseCapability(C); var resolve = capability.resolve; var reject = capability.reject; var result = _perform(function() { var values = []; var index = 0; var remaining = 1; _forOf(iterable, false, function(promise) { var $index = index++; var alreadyCalled = false; values.push(undefined); remaining++; C.resolve(promise).then(function(value) { if (alreadyCalled) return; alreadyCalled = true; values[$index] = value; --remaining || resolve(values); }, reject); }); --remaining || resolve(values); }); if (result.e) reject(result.v); return capability.promise; }, race: function race(iterable) { var C = this; var capability = newPromiseCapability(C); var reject = capability.reject; var result = _perform(function() { _forOf(iterable, false, function(promise) { C.resolve(promise).then(capability.resolve, reject); }); }); if (result.e) reject(result.v); return capability.promise; } }); _export(_export.P + _export.R, "Promise", { finally: function(onFinally) { var C = _speciesConstructor(this, _core.Promise || _global.Promise); var isFunction = typeof onFinally == "function"; return this.then(isFunction ? function(x) { return _promiseResolve(C, onFinally()).then(function() { return x; }); } : onFinally, isFunction ? function(e) { return _promiseResolve(C, onFinally()).then(function() { throw e; }); } : onFinally); } }); _export(_export.S, "Promise", { try: function(callbackfn) { var promiseCapability = _newPromiseCapability.f(this); var result = _perform(callbackfn); (result.e ? promiseCapability.reject : promiseCapability.resolve)(result.v); return promiseCapability.promise; } }); var promise = _core.Promise; var SET = "Set"; var es6_set = _collection(SET, function(get) { return function Set() { return get(this, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined); }; }, { add: function add(value) { return _collectionStrong.def(_validateCollection(this, SET), value = value === 0 ? 0 : value, value); } }, _collectionStrong); _export(_export.P + _export.R, "Set", { toJSON: _collectionToJson("Set") }); _setCollectionOf("Set"); _setCollectionFrom("Set"); var set = _core.Set; (function(ElementProto) { if (typeof ElementProto.matches !== "function") { ElementProto.matches = ElementProto.msMatchesSelector || ElementProto.mozMatchesSelector || ElementProto.webkitMatchesSelector || function matches(selector) { var element = this; var elements = (element.document || element.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(selector); var index = 0; while (elements[index] && elements[index] !== element) { ++index; } return Boolean(elements[index]); }; } if (typeof ElementProto.closest !== "function") { ElementProto.closest = function closest(selector) { var element = this; while (element && element.nodeType === 1) { if (element.matches(selector)) { return element; } element = element.parentNode; } return null; }; } })(window.Element.prototype); if (window.MutationObserver) { var element = document.createElement("div"); element.innerHTML = "
"; new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) { observer.disconnect(); if (mutations[0] && mutations[0].type == "childList" && mutations[0].removedNodes[0].childNodes.length == 0) { var prototype = HTMLElement.prototype; var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, "innerHTML"); if (descriptor && descriptor.set) { Object.defineProperty(prototype, "innerHTML", { set: function(value) { while (this.lastChild) this.removeChild(this.lastChild);, value); } }); } } }).observe(element, { childList: true, subtree: true }); element.innerHTML = ""; } var EventListener = function() { function EventListener(eventTarget, eventName, eventOptions) { this.eventTarget = eventTarget; this.eventName = eventName; this.eventOptions = eventOptions; this.unorderedBindings = new Set(); } EventListener.prototype.connect = function() { this.eventTarget.addEventListener(this.eventName, this, this.eventOptions); }; EventListener.prototype.disconnect = function() { this.eventTarget.removeEventListener(this.eventName, this, this.eventOptions); }; EventListener.prototype.bindingConnected = function(binding) { this.unorderedBindings.add(binding); }; EventListener.prototype.bindingDisconnected = function(binding) { this.unorderedBindings.delete(binding); }; EventListener.prototype.handleEvent = function(event) { var extendedEvent = extendEvent(event); for (var _i = 0, _a = this.bindings; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var binding = _a[_i]; if (extendedEvent.immediatePropagationStopped) { break; } else { binding.handleEvent(extendedEvent); } } }; Object.defineProperty(EventListener.prototype, "bindings", { get: function() { return Array.from(this.unorderedBindings).sort(function(left, right) { var leftIndex = left.index, rightIndex = right.index; return leftIndex < rightIndex ? -1 : leftIndex > rightIndex ? 1 : 0; }); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); return EventListener; }(); function extendEvent(event) { if ("immediatePropagationStopped" in event) { return event; } else { var stopImmediatePropagation_1 = event.stopImmediatePropagation; return Object.assign(event, { immediatePropagationStopped: false, stopImmediatePropagation: function() { this.immediatePropagationStopped = true;; } }); } } var Dispatcher = function() { function Dispatcher(application) { this.application = application; this.eventListenerMaps = new Map(); this.started = false; } Dispatcher.prototype.start = function() { if (!this.started) { this.started = true; this.eventListeners.forEach(function(eventListener) { return eventListener.connect(); }); } }; Dispatcher.prototype.stop = function() { if (this.started) { this.started = false; this.eventListeners.forEach(function(eventListener) { return eventListener.disconnect(); }); } }; Object.defineProperty(Dispatcher.prototype, "eventListeners", { get: function() { return Array.from(this.eventListenerMaps.values()).reduce(function(listeners, map) { return listeners.concat(Array.from(map.values())); }, []); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Dispatcher.prototype.bindingConnected = function(binding) { this.fetchEventListenerForBinding(binding).bindingConnected(binding); }; Dispatcher.prototype.bindingDisconnected = function(binding) { this.fetchEventListenerForBinding(binding).bindingDisconnected(binding); }; Dispatcher.prototype.handleError = function(error, message, detail) { if (detail === void 0) { detail = {}; } this.application.handleError(error, "Error " + message, detail); }; Dispatcher.prototype.fetchEventListenerForBinding = function(binding) { var eventTarget = binding.eventTarget, eventName = binding.eventName, eventOptions = binding.eventOptions; return this.fetchEventListener(eventTarget, eventName, eventOptions); }; Dispatcher.prototype.fetchEventListener = function(eventTarget, eventName, eventOptions) { var eventListenerMap = this.fetchEventListenerMapForEventTarget(eventTarget); var cacheKey = this.cacheKey(eventName, eventOptions); var eventListener = eventListenerMap.get(cacheKey); if (!eventListener) { eventListener = this.createEventListener(eventTarget, eventName, eventOptions); eventListenerMap.set(cacheKey, eventListener); } return eventListener; }; Dispatcher.prototype.createEventListener = function(eventTarget, eventName, eventOptions) { var eventListener = new EventListener(eventTarget, eventName, eventOptions); if (this.started) { eventListener.connect(); } return eventListener; }; Dispatcher.prototype.fetchEventListenerMapForEventTarget = function(eventTarget) { var eventListenerMap = this.eventListenerMaps.get(eventTarget); if (!eventListenerMap) { eventListenerMap = new Map(); this.eventListenerMaps.set(eventTarget, eventListenerMap); } return eventListenerMap; }; Dispatcher.prototype.cacheKey = function(eventName, eventOptions) { var parts = [ eventName ]; Object.keys(eventOptions).sort().forEach(function(key) { parts.push("" + (eventOptions[key] ? "" : "!") + key); }); return parts.join(":"); }; return Dispatcher; }(); var descriptorPattern = /^((.+?)(@(window|document))?->)?(.+?)(#([^:]+?))(:(.+))?$/; function parseActionDescriptorString(descriptorString) { var source = descriptorString.trim(); var matches = source.match(descriptorPattern) || []; return { eventTarget: parseEventTarget(matches[4]), eventName: matches[2], eventOptions: matches[9] ? parseEventOptions(matches[9]) : {}, identifier: matches[5], methodName: matches[7] }; } function parseEventTarget(eventTargetName) { if (eventTargetName == "window") { return window; } else if (eventTargetName == "document") { return document; } } function parseEventOptions(eventOptions) { return eventOptions.split(":").reduce(function(options, token) { var _a; return Object.assign(options, (_a = {}, _a[token.replace(/^!/, "")] = !/^!/.test(token), _a)); }, {}); } function stringifyEventTarget(eventTarget) { if (eventTarget == window) { return "window"; } else if (eventTarget == document) { return "document"; } } var Action = function() { function Action(element, index, descriptor) { this.element = element; this.index = index; this.eventTarget = descriptor.eventTarget || element; this.eventName = descriptor.eventName || getDefaultEventNameForElement(element) || error("missing event name"); this.eventOptions = descriptor.eventOptions || {}; this.identifier = descriptor.identifier || error("missing identifier"); this.methodName = descriptor.methodName || error("missing method name"); } Action.forToken = function(token) { return new this(token.element, token.index, parseActionDescriptorString(token.content)); }; Action.prototype.toString = function() { var eventNameSuffix = this.eventTargetName ? "@" + this.eventTargetName : ""; return "" + this.eventName + eventNameSuffix + "->" + this.identifier + "#" + this.methodName; }; Object.defineProperty(Action.prototype, "eventTargetName", { get: function() { return stringifyEventTarget(this.eventTarget); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); return Action; }(); var defaultEventNames = { a: function(e) { return "click"; }, button: function(e) { return "click"; }, form: function(e) { return "submit"; }, input: function(e) { return e.getAttribute("type") == "submit" ? "click" : "input"; }, select: function(e) { return "change"; }, textarea: function(e) { return "input"; } }; function getDefaultEventNameForElement(element) { var tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tagName in defaultEventNames) { return defaultEventNames[tagName](element); } } function error(message) { throw new Error(message); } var Binding = function() { function Binding(context, action) { this.context = context; this.action = action; } Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, "index", { get: function() { return this.action.index; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, "eventTarget", { get: function() { return this.action.eventTarget; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, "eventOptions", { get: function() { return this.action.eventOptions; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, "identifier", { get: function() { return this.context.identifier; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Binding.prototype.handleEvent = function(event) { if (this.willBeInvokedByEvent(event)) { this.invokeWithEvent(event); } }; Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, "eventName", { get: function() { return this.action.eventName; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, "method", { get: function() { var method = this.controller[this.methodName]; if (typeof method == "function") { return method; } throw new Error('Action "' + this.action + '" references undefined method "' + this.methodName + '"'); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Binding.prototype.invokeWithEvent = function(event) { try {, event); } catch (error) { var _a = this, identifier = _a.identifier, controller = _a.controller, element = _a.element, index = _a.index; var detail = { identifier: identifier, controller: controller, element: element, index: index, event: event }; this.context.handleError(error, 'invoking action "' + this.action + '"', detail); } }; Binding.prototype.willBeInvokedByEvent = function(event) { var eventTarget =; if (this.element === eventTarget) { return true; } else if (eventTarget instanceof Element && this.element.contains(eventTarget)) { return this.scope.containsElement(eventTarget); } else { return this.scope.containsElement(this.action.element); } }; Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, "controller", { get: function() { return this.context.controller; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, "methodName", { get: function() { return this.action.methodName; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return this.scope.element; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, "scope", { get: function() { return this.context.scope; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); return Binding; }(); var ElementObserver = function() { function ElementObserver(element, delegate) { var _this = this; this.element = element; this.started = false; this.delegate = delegate; this.elements = new Set(); this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { return _this.processMutations(mutations); }); } ElementObserver.prototype.start = function() { if (!this.started) { this.started = true; this.mutationObserver.observe(this.element, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }); this.refresh(); } }; ElementObserver.prototype.stop = function() { if (this.started) { this.mutationObserver.takeRecords(); this.mutationObserver.disconnect(); this.started = false; } }; ElementObserver.prototype.refresh = function() { if (this.started) { var matches = new Set(this.matchElementsInTree()); for (var _i = 0, _a = Array.from(this.elements); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var element = _a[_i]; if (!matches.has(element)) { this.removeElement(element); } } for (var _b = 0, _c = Array.from(matches); _b < _c.length; _b++) { var element = _c[_b]; this.addElement(element); } } }; ElementObserver.prototype.processMutations = function(mutations) { if (this.started) { for (var _i = 0, mutations_1 = mutations; _i < mutations_1.length; _i++) { var mutation = mutations_1[_i]; this.processMutation(mutation); } } }; ElementObserver.prototype.processMutation = function(mutation) { if (mutation.type == "attributes") { this.processAttributeChange(, mutation.attributeName); } else if (mutation.type == "childList") { this.processRemovedNodes(mutation.removedNodes); this.processAddedNodes(mutation.addedNodes); } }; ElementObserver.prototype.processAttributeChange = function(node, attributeName) { var element = node; if (this.elements.has(element)) { if (this.delegate.elementAttributeChanged && this.matchElement(element)) { this.delegate.elementAttributeChanged(element, attributeName); } else { this.removeElement(element); } } else if (this.matchElement(element)) { this.addElement(element); } }; ElementObserver.prototype.processRemovedNodes = function(nodes) { for (var _i = 0, _a = Array.from(nodes); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var node = _a[_i]; var element = this.elementFromNode(node); if (element) { this.processTree(element, this.removeElement); } } }; ElementObserver.prototype.processAddedNodes = function(nodes) { for (var _i = 0, _a = Array.from(nodes); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var node = _a[_i]; var element = this.elementFromNode(node); if (element && this.elementIsActive(element)) { this.processTree(element, this.addElement); } } }; ElementObserver.prototype.matchElement = function(element) { return this.delegate.matchElement(element); }; ElementObserver.prototype.matchElementsInTree = function(tree) { if (tree === void 0) { tree = this.element; } return this.delegate.matchElementsInTree(tree); }; ElementObserver.prototype.processTree = function(tree, processor) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.matchElementsInTree(tree); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var element = _a[_i];, element); } }; ElementObserver.prototype.elementFromNode = function(node) { if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { return node; } }; ElementObserver.prototype.elementIsActive = function(element) { if (element.isConnected != this.element.isConnected) { return false; } else { return this.element.contains(element); } }; ElementObserver.prototype.addElement = function(element) { if (!this.elements.has(element)) { if (this.elementIsActive(element)) { this.elements.add(element); if (this.delegate.elementMatched) { this.delegate.elementMatched(element); } } } }; ElementObserver.prototype.removeElement = function(element) { if (this.elements.has(element)) { this.elements.delete(element); if (this.delegate.elementUnmatched) { this.delegate.elementUnmatched(element); } } }; return ElementObserver; }(); var AttributeObserver = function() { function AttributeObserver(element, attributeName, delegate) { this.attributeName = attributeName; this.delegate = delegate; this.elementObserver = new ElementObserver(element, this); } Object.defineProperty(AttributeObserver.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return this.elementObserver.element; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(AttributeObserver.prototype, "selector", { get: function() { return "[" + this.attributeName + "]"; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); AttributeObserver.prototype.start = function() { this.elementObserver.start(); }; AttributeObserver.prototype.stop = function() { this.elementObserver.stop(); }; AttributeObserver.prototype.refresh = function() { this.elementObserver.refresh(); }; Object.defineProperty(AttributeObserver.prototype, "started", { get: function() { return this.elementObserver.started; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); AttributeObserver.prototype.matchElement = function(element) { return element.hasAttribute(this.attributeName); }; AttributeObserver.prototype.matchElementsInTree = function(tree) { var match = this.matchElement(tree) ? [ tree ] : []; var matches = Array.from(tree.querySelectorAll(this.selector)); return match.concat(matches); }; AttributeObserver.prototype.elementMatched = function(element) { if (this.delegate.elementMatchedAttribute) { this.delegate.elementMatchedAttribute(element, this.attributeName); } }; AttributeObserver.prototype.elementUnmatched = function(element) { if (this.delegate.elementUnmatchedAttribute) { this.delegate.elementUnmatchedAttribute(element, this.attributeName); } }; AttributeObserver.prototype.elementAttributeChanged = function(element, attributeName) { if (this.delegate.elementAttributeValueChanged && this.attributeName == attributeName) { this.delegate.elementAttributeValueChanged(element, attributeName); } }; return AttributeObserver; }(); var StringMapObserver = function() { function StringMapObserver(element, delegate) { var _this = this; this.element = element; this.delegate = delegate; this.started = false; this.stringMap = new Map(); this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { return _this.processMutations(mutations); }); } StringMapObserver.prototype.start = function() { if (!this.started) { this.started = true; this.mutationObserver.observe(this.element, { attributes: true }); this.refresh(); } }; StringMapObserver.prototype.stop = function() { if (this.started) { this.mutationObserver.takeRecords(); this.mutationObserver.disconnect(); this.started = false; } }; StringMapObserver.prototype.refresh = function() { if (this.started) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.knownAttributeNames; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var attributeName = _a[_i]; this.refreshAttribute(attributeName); } } }; StringMapObserver.prototype.processMutations = function(mutations) { if (this.started) { for (var _i = 0, mutations_1 = mutations; _i < mutations_1.length; _i++) { var mutation = mutations_1[_i]; this.processMutation(mutation); } } }; StringMapObserver.prototype.processMutation = function(mutation) { var attributeName = mutation.attributeName; if (attributeName) { this.refreshAttribute(attributeName); } }; StringMapObserver.prototype.refreshAttribute = function(attributeName) { var key = this.delegate.getStringMapKeyForAttribute(attributeName); if (key != null) { if (!this.stringMap.has(attributeName)) { this.stringMapKeyAdded(key, attributeName); } var value = this.element.getAttribute(attributeName); if (this.stringMap.get(attributeName) != value) { this.stringMapValueChanged(value, key); } if (value == null) { this.stringMap.delete(attributeName); this.stringMapKeyRemoved(key, attributeName); } else { this.stringMap.set(attributeName, value); } } }; StringMapObserver.prototype.stringMapKeyAdded = function(key, attributeName) { if (this.delegate.stringMapKeyAdded) { this.delegate.stringMapKeyAdded(key, attributeName); } }; StringMapObserver.prototype.stringMapValueChanged = function(value, key) { if (this.delegate.stringMapValueChanged) { this.delegate.stringMapValueChanged(value, key); } }; StringMapObserver.prototype.stringMapKeyRemoved = function(key, attributeName) { if (this.delegate.stringMapKeyRemoved) { this.delegate.stringMapKeyRemoved(key, attributeName); } }; Object.defineProperty(StringMapObserver.prototype, "knownAttributeNames", { get: function() { return Array.from(new Set(this.currentAttributeNames.concat(this.recordedAttributeNames))); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(StringMapObserver.prototype, "currentAttributeNames", { get: function() { return Array.from(this.element.attributes).map(function(attribute) { return; }); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(StringMapObserver.prototype, "recordedAttributeNames", { get: function() { return Array.from(this.stringMap.keys()); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); return StringMapObserver; }(); function add(map, key, value) { fetch(map, key).add(value); } function del(map, key, value) { fetch(map, key).delete(value); prune(map, key); } function fetch(map, key) { var values = map.get(key); if (!values) { values = new Set(); map.set(key, values); } return values; } function prune(map, key) { var values = map.get(key); if (values != null && values.size == 0) { map.delete(key); } } var Multimap = function() { function Multimap() { this.valuesByKey = new Map(); } Object.defineProperty(Multimap.prototype, "values", { get: function() { var sets = Array.from(this.valuesByKey.values()); return sets.reduce(function(values, set) { return values.concat(Array.from(set)); }, []); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Multimap.prototype, "size", { get: function() { var sets = Array.from(this.valuesByKey.values()); return sets.reduce(function(size, set) { return size + set.size; }, 0); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Multimap.prototype.add = function(key, value) { add(this.valuesByKey, key, value); }; Multimap.prototype.delete = function(key, value) { del(this.valuesByKey, key, value); }; Multimap.prototype.has = function(key, value) { var values = this.valuesByKey.get(key); return values != null && values.has(value); }; Multimap.prototype.hasKey = function(key) { return this.valuesByKey.has(key); }; Multimap.prototype.hasValue = function(value) { var sets = Array.from(this.valuesByKey.values()); return sets.some(function(set) { return set.has(value); }); }; Multimap.prototype.getValuesForKey = function(key) { var values = this.valuesByKey.get(key); return values ? Array.from(values) : []; }; Multimap.prototype.getKeysForValue = function(value) { return Array.from(this.valuesByKey).filter(function(_a) { var key = _a[0], values = _a[1]; return values.has(value); }).map(function(_a) { var key = _a[0], values = _a[1]; return key; }); }; return Multimap; }(); var __extends = window && window.__extends || function() { var extendStatics = function(d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; } || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function(d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; }(); var IndexedMultimap = function(_super) { __extends(IndexedMultimap, _super); function IndexedMultimap() { var _this = || this; _this.keysByValue = new Map(); return _this; } Object.defineProperty(IndexedMultimap.prototype, "values", { get: function() { return Array.from(this.keysByValue.keys()); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); IndexedMultimap.prototype.add = function(key, value) {, key, value); add(this.keysByValue, value, key); }; IndexedMultimap.prototype.delete = function(key, value) {, key, value); del(this.keysByValue, value, key); }; IndexedMultimap.prototype.hasValue = function(value) { return this.keysByValue.has(value); }; IndexedMultimap.prototype.getKeysForValue = function(value) { var set = this.keysByValue.get(value); return set ? Array.from(set) : []; }; return IndexedMultimap; }(Multimap); var TokenListObserver = function() { function TokenListObserver(element, attributeName, delegate) { this.attributeObserver = new AttributeObserver(element, attributeName, this); this.delegate = delegate; this.tokensByElement = new Multimap(); } Object.defineProperty(TokenListObserver.prototype, "started", { get: function() { return this.attributeObserver.started; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); TokenListObserver.prototype.start = function() { this.attributeObserver.start(); }; TokenListObserver.prototype.stop = function() { this.attributeObserver.stop(); }; TokenListObserver.prototype.refresh = function() { this.attributeObserver.refresh(); }; Object.defineProperty(TokenListObserver.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return this.attributeObserver.element; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(TokenListObserver.prototype, "attributeName", { get: function() { return this.attributeObserver.attributeName; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); TokenListObserver.prototype.elementMatchedAttribute = function(element) { this.tokensMatched(this.readTokensForElement(element)); }; TokenListObserver.prototype.elementAttributeValueChanged = function(element) { var _a = this.refreshTokensForElement(element), unmatchedTokens = _a[0], matchedTokens = _a[1]; this.tokensUnmatched(unmatchedTokens); this.tokensMatched(matchedTokens); }; TokenListObserver.prototype.elementUnmatchedAttribute = function(element) { this.tokensUnmatched(this.tokensByElement.getValuesForKey(element)); }; TokenListObserver.prototype.tokensMatched = function(tokens) { var _this = this; tokens.forEach(function(token) { return _this.tokenMatched(token); }); }; TokenListObserver.prototype.tokensUnmatched = function(tokens) { var _this = this; tokens.forEach(function(token) { return _this.tokenUnmatched(token); }); }; TokenListObserver.prototype.tokenMatched = function(token) { this.delegate.tokenMatched(token); this.tokensByElement.add(token.element, token); }; TokenListObserver.prototype.tokenUnmatched = function(token) { this.delegate.tokenUnmatched(token); this.tokensByElement.delete(token.element, token); }; TokenListObserver.prototype.refreshTokensForElement = function(element) { var previousTokens = this.tokensByElement.getValuesForKey(element); var currentTokens = this.readTokensForElement(element); var firstDifferingIndex = zip(previousTokens, currentTokens).findIndex(function(_a) { var previousToken = _a[0], currentToken = _a[1]; return !tokensAreEqual(previousToken, currentToken); }); if (firstDifferingIndex == -1) { return [ [], [] ]; } else { return [ previousTokens.slice(firstDifferingIndex), currentTokens.slice(firstDifferingIndex) ]; } }; TokenListObserver.prototype.readTokensForElement = function(element) { var attributeName = this.attributeName; var tokenString = element.getAttribute(attributeName) || ""; return parseTokenString(tokenString, element, attributeName); }; return TokenListObserver; }(); function parseTokenString(tokenString, element, attributeName) { return tokenString.trim().split(/\s+/).filter(function(content) { return content.length; }).map(function(content, index) { return { element: element, attributeName: attributeName, content: content, index: index }; }); } function zip(left, right) { var length = Math.max(left.length, right.length); return Array.from({ length: length }, function(_, index) { return [ left[index], right[index] ]; }); } function tokensAreEqual(left, right) { return left && right && left.index == right.index && left.content == right.content; } var ValueListObserver = function() { function ValueListObserver(element, attributeName, delegate) { this.tokenListObserver = new TokenListObserver(element, attributeName, this); this.delegate = delegate; this.parseResultsByToken = new WeakMap(); this.valuesByTokenByElement = new WeakMap(); } Object.defineProperty(ValueListObserver.prototype, "started", { get: function() { return this.tokenListObserver.started; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); ValueListObserver.prototype.start = function() { this.tokenListObserver.start(); }; ValueListObserver.prototype.stop = function() { this.tokenListObserver.stop(); }; ValueListObserver.prototype.refresh = function() { this.tokenListObserver.refresh(); }; Object.defineProperty(ValueListObserver.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return this.tokenListObserver.element; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(ValueListObserver.prototype, "attributeName", { get: function() { return this.tokenListObserver.attributeName; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); ValueListObserver.prototype.tokenMatched = function(token) { var element = token.element; var value = this.fetchParseResultForToken(token).value; if (value) { this.fetchValuesByTokenForElement(element).set(token, value); this.delegate.elementMatchedValue(element, value); } }; ValueListObserver.prototype.tokenUnmatched = function(token) { var element = token.element; var value = this.fetchParseResultForToken(token).value; if (value) { this.fetchValuesByTokenForElement(element).delete(token); this.delegate.elementUnmatchedValue(element, value); } }; ValueListObserver.prototype.fetchParseResultForToken = function(token) { var parseResult = this.parseResultsByToken.get(token); if (!parseResult) { parseResult = this.parseToken(token); this.parseResultsByToken.set(token, parseResult); } return parseResult; }; ValueListObserver.prototype.fetchValuesByTokenForElement = function(element) { var valuesByToken = this.valuesByTokenByElement.get(element); if (!valuesByToken) { valuesByToken = new Map(); this.valuesByTokenByElement.set(element, valuesByToken); } return valuesByToken; }; ValueListObserver.prototype.parseToken = function(token) { try { var value = this.delegate.parseValueForToken(token); return { value: value }; } catch (error) { return { error: error }; } }; return ValueListObserver; }(); var BindingObserver = function() { function BindingObserver(context, delegate) { this.context = context; this.delegate = delegate; this.bindingsByAction = new Map(); } BindingObserver.prototype.start = function() { if (!this.valueListObserver) { this.valueListObserver = new ValueListObserver(this.element, this.actionAttribute, this); this.valueListObserver.start(); } }; BindingObserver.prototype.stop = function() { if (this.valueListObserver) { this.valueListObserver.stop(); delete this.valueListObserver; this.disconnectAllActions(); } }; Object.defineProperty(BindingObserver.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return this.context.element; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(BindingObserver.prototype, "identifier", { get: function() { return this.context.identifier; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(BindingObserver.prototype, "actionAttribute", { get: function() { return this.schema.actionAttribute; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(BindingObserver.prototype, "schema", { get: function() { return this.context.schema; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(BindingObserver.prototype, "bindings", { get: function() { return Array.from(this.bindingsByAction.values()); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); BindingObserver.prototype.connectAction = function(action) { var binding = new Binding(this.context, action); this.bindingsByAction.set(action, binding); this.delegate.bindingConnected(binding); }; BindingObserver.prototype.disconnectAction = function(action) { var binding = this.bindingsByAction.get(action); if (binding) { this.bindingsByAction.delete(action); this.delegate.bindingDisconnected(binding); } }; BindingObserver.prototype.disconnectAllActions = function() { var _this = this; this.bindings.forEach(function(binding) { return _this.delegate.bindingDisconnected(binding); }); this.bindingsByAction.clear(); }; BindingObserver.prototype.parseValueForToken = function(token) { var action = Action.forToken(token); if (action.identifier == this.identifier) { return action; } }; BindingObserver.prototype.elementMatchedValue = function(element, action) { this.connectAction(action); }; BindingObserver.prototype.elementUnmatchedValue = function(element, action) { this.disconnectAction(action); }; return BindingObserver; }(); var ValueObserver = function() { function ValueObserver(context, receiver) { this.context = context; this.receiver = receiver; this.stringMapObserver = new StringMapObserver(this.element, this); this.valueDescriptorMap = this.controller.valueDescriptorMap; this.invokeChangedCallbacksForDefaultValues(); } ValueObserver.prototype.start = function() { this.stringMapObserver.start(); }; ValueObserver.prototype.stop = function() { this.stringMapObserver.stop(); }; Object.defineProperty(ValueObserver.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return this.context.element; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(ValueObserver.prototype, "controller", { get: function() { return this.context.controller; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); ValueObserver.prototype.getStringMapKeyForAttribute = function(attributeName) { if (attributeName in this.valueDescriptorMap) { return this.valueDescriptorMap[attributeName].name; } }; ValueObserver.prototype.stringMapValueChanged = function(attributeValue, name) { this.invokeChangedCallbackForValue(name); }; ValueObserver.prototype.invokeChangedCallbacksForDefaultValues = function() { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.valueDescriptors; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var _b = _a[_i], key = _b.key, name_1 =, defaultValue = _b.defaultValue; if (defaultValue != undefined && ! { this.invokeChangedCallbackForValue(name_1); } } }; ValueObserver.prototype.invokeChangedCallbackForValue = function(name) { var methodName = name + "Changed"; var method = this.receiver[methodName]; if (typeof method == "function") { var value = this.receiver[name];, value); } }; Object.defineProperty(ValueObserver.prototype, "valueDescriptors", { get: function() { var valueDescriptorMap = this.valueDescriptorMap; return Object.keys(valueDescriptorMap).map(function(key) { return valueDescriptorMap[key]; }); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); return ValueObserver; }(); var Context = function() { function Context(module, scope) { this.module = module; this.scope = scope; this.controller = new module.controllerConstructor(this); this.bindingObserver = new BindingObserver(this, this.dispatcher); this.valueObserver = new ValueObserver(this, this.controller); try { this.controller.initialize(); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error, "initializing controller"); } } Context.prototype.connect = function() { this.bindingObserver.start(); this.valueObserver.start(); try { this.controller.connect(); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error, "connecting controller"); } }; Context.prototype.disconnect = function() { try { this.controller.disconnect(); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error, "disconnecting controller"); } this.valueObserver.stop(); this.bindingObserver.stop(); }; Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, "application", { get: function() { return this.module.application; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, "identifier", { get: function() { return this.module.identifier; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, "schema", { get: function() { return this.application.schema; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, "dispatcher", { get: function() { return this.application.dispatcher; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return this.scope.element; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, "parentElement", { get: function() { return this.element.parentElement; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Context.prototype.handleError = function(error, message, detail) { if (detail === void 0) { detail = {}; } var _a = this, identifier = _a.identifier, controller = _a.controller, element = _a.element; detail = Object.assign({ identifier: identifier, controller: controller, element: element }, detail); this.application.handleError(error, "Error " + message, detail); }; return Context; }(); function readInheritableStaticArrayValues(constructor, propertyName) { var ancestors = getAncestorsForConstructor(constructor); return Array.from(ancestors.reduce(function(values, constructor) { getOwnStaticArrayValues(constructor, propertyName).forEach(function(name) { return values.add(name); }); return values; }, new Set())); } function readInheritableStaticObjectPairs(constructor, propertyName) { var ancestors = getAncestorsForConstructor(constructor); return ancestors.reduce(function(pairs, constructor) { pairs.push.apply(pairs, getOwnStaticObjectPairs(constructor, propertyName)); return pairs; }, []); } function getAncestorsForConstructor(constructor) { var ancestors = []; while (constructor) { ancestors.push(constructor); constructor = Object.getPrototypeOf(constructor); } return ancestors.reverse(); } function getOwnStaticArrayValues(constructor, propertyName) { var definition = constructor[propertyName]; return Array.isArray(definition) ? definition : []; } function getOwnStaticObjectPairs(constructor, propertyName) { var definition = constructor[propertyName]; return definition ? Object.keys(definition).map(function(key) { return [ key, definition[key] ]; }) : []; } var __extends$1 = window && window.__extends || function() { var extendStatics = function(d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; } || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function(d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; }(); var __spreadArrays = window && window.__spreadArrays || function() { for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length; for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) r[k] = a[j]; return r; }; function bless(constructor) { return shadow(constructor, getBlessedProperties(constructor)); } function shadow(constructor, properties) { var shadowConstructor = extend(constructor); var shadowProperties = getShadowProperties(constructor.prototype, properties); Object.defineProperties(shadowConstructor.prototype, shadowProperties); return shadowConstructor; } function getBlessedProperties(constructor) { var blessings = readInheritableStaticArrayValues(constructor, "blessings"); return blessings.reduce(function(blessedProperties, blessing) { var properties = blessing(constructor); for (var key in properties) { var descriptor = blessedProperties[key] || {}; blessedProperties[key] = Object.assign(descriptor, properties[key]); } return blessedProperties; }, {}); } function getShadowProperties(prototype, properties) { return getOwnKeys(properties).reduce(function(shadowProperties, key) { var _a; var descriptor = getShadowedDescriptor(prototype, properties, key); if (descriptor) { Object.assign(shadowProperties, (_a = {}, _a[key] = descriptor, _a)); } return shadowProperties; }, {}); } function getShadowedDescriptor(prototype, properties, key) { var shadowingDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, key); var shadowedByValue = shadowingDescriptor && "value" in shadowingDescriptor; if (!shadowedByValue) { var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(properties, key).value; if (shadowingDescriptor) { descriptor.get = shadowingDescriptor.get || descriptor.get; descriptor.set = shadowingDescriptor.set || descriptor.set; } return descriptor; } } var getOwnKeys = function() { if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") { return function(object) { return __spreadArrays(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object), Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object)); }; } else { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames; } }(); var extend = function() { function extendWithReflect(constructor) { function extended() { var _newTarget = this && this instanceof extended ? this.constructor : void 0; return Reflect.construct(constructor, arguments, _newTarget); } extended.prototype = Object.create(constructor.prototype, { constructor: { value: extended } }); Reflect.setPrototypeOf(extended, constructor); return extended; } function testReflectExtension() { var a = function() {; }; var b = extendWithReflect(a); b.prototype.a = function() {}; return new b(); } try { testReflectExtension(); return extendWithReflect; } catch (error) { return function(constructor) { return function(_super) { __extends$1(extended, _super); function extended() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } return extended; }(constructor); }; } }(); function blessDefinition(definition) { return { identifier: definition.identifier, controllerConstructor: bless(definition.controllerConstructor) }; } var Module = function() { function Module(application, definition) { this.application = application; this.definition = blessDefinition(definition); this.contextsByScope = new WeakMap(); this.connectedContexts = new Set(); } Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, "identifier", { get: function() { return this.definition.identifier; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, "controllerConstructor", { get: function() { return this.definition.controllerConstructor; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, "contexts", { get: function() { return Array.from(this.connectedContexts); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Module.prototype.connectContextForScope = function(scope) { var context = this.fetchContextForScope(scope); this.connectedContexts.add(context); context.connect(); }; Module.prototype.disconnectContextForScope = function(scope) { var context = this.contextsByScope.get(scope); if (context) { this.connectedContexts.delete(context); context.disconnect(); } }; Module.prototype.fetchContextForScope = function(scope) { var context = this.contextsByScope.get(scope); if (!context) { context = new Context(this, scope); this.contextsByScope.set(scope, context); } return context; }; return Module; }(); var ClassMap = function() { function ClassMap(scope) { this.scope = scope; } ClassMap.prototype.has = function(name) { return; }; ClassMap.prototype.get = function(name) { return; }; ClassMap.prototype.getAttributeName = function(name) { return; }; ClassMap.prototype.getDataKey = function(name) { return name + "-class"; }; Object.defineProperty(ClassMap.prototype, "data", { get: function() { return; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); return ClassMap; }(); function camelize(value) { return value.replace(/(?:[_-])([a-z0-9])/g, function(_, char) { return char.toUpperCase(); }); } function capitalize(value) { return value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1); } function dasherize(value) { return value.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(_, char) { return "-" + char.toLowerCase(); }); } var DataMap = function() { function DataMap(scope) { this.scope = scope; } Object.defineProperty(DataMap.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return this.scope.element; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(DataMap.prototype, "identifier", { get: function() { return this.scope.identifier; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); DataMap.prototype.get = function(key) { var name = this.getAttributeNameForKey(key); return this.element.getAttribute(name); }; DataMap.prototype.set = function(key, value) { var name = this.getAttributeNameForKey(key); this.element.setAttribute(name, value); return this.get(key); }; DataMap.prototype.has = function(key) { var name = this.getAttributeNameForKey(key); return this.element.hasAttribute(name); }; DataMap.prototype.delete = function(key) { if (this.has(key)) { var name_1 = this.getAttributeNameForKey(key); this.element.removeAttribute(name_1); return true; } else { return false; } }; DataMap.prototype.getAttributeNameForKey = function(key) { return "data-" + this.identifier + "-" + dasherize(key); }; return DataMap; }(); var Guide = function() { function Guide(logger) { this.warnedKeysByObject = new WeakMap(); this.logger = logger; } Guide.prototype.warn = function(object, key, message) { var warnedKeys = this.warnedKeysByObject.get(object); if (!warnedKeys) { warnedKeys = new Set(); this.warnedKeysByObject.set(object, warnedKeys); } if (!warnedKeys.has(key)) { warnedKeys.add(key); this.logger.warn(message, object); } }; return Guide; }(); function attributeValueContainsToken(attributeName, token) { return "[" + attributeName + '~="' + token + '"]'; } var __spreadArrays$1 = window && window.__spreadArrays || function() { for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length; for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) r[k] = a[j]; return r; }; var TargetSet = function() { function TargetSet(scope) { this.scope = scope; } Object.defineProperty(TargetSet.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return this.scope.element; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(TargetSet.prototype, "identifier", { get: function() { return this.scope.identifier; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(TargetSet.prototype, "schema", { get: function() { return this.scope.schema; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); TargetSet.prototype.has = function(targetName) { return this.find(targetName) != null; }; TargetSet.prototype.find = function() { var _this = this; var targetNames = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { targetNames[_i] = arguments[_i]; } return targetNames.reduce(function(target, targetName) { return target || _this.findTarget(targetName) || _this.findLegacyTarget(targetName); }, undefined); }; TargetSet.prototype.findAll = function() { var _this = this; var targetNames = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { targetNames[_i] = arguments[_i]; } return targetNames.reduce(function(targets, targetName) { return __spreadArrays$1(targets, _this.findAllTargets(targetName), _this.findAllLegacyTargets(targetName)); }, []); }; TargetSet.prototype.findTarget = function(targetName) { var selector = this.getSelectorForTargetName(targetName); return this.scope.findElement(selector); }; TargetSet.prototype.findAllTargets = function(targetName) { var selector = this.getSelectorForTargetName(targetName); return this.scope.findAllElements(selector); }; TargetSet.prototype.getSelectorForTargetName = function(targetName) { var attributeName = "data-" + this.identifier + "-target"; return attributeValueContainsToken(attributeName, targetName); }; TargetSet.prototype.findLegacyTarget = function(targetName) { var selector = this.getLegacySelectorForTargetName(targetName); return this.deprecate(this.scope.findElement(selector), targetName); }; TargetSet.prototype.findAllLegacyTargets = function(targetName) { var _this = this; var selector = this.getLegacySelectorForTargetName(targetName); return this.scope.findAllElements(selector).map(function(element) { return _this.deprecate(element, targetName); }); }; TargetSet.prototype.getLegacySelectorForTargetName = function(targetName) { var targetDescriptor = this.identifier + "." + targetName; return attributeValueContainsToken(this.schema.targetAttribute, targetDescriptor); }; TargetSet.prototype.deprecate = function(element, targetName) { if (element) { var identifier = this.identifier; var attributeName = this.schema.targetAttribute;, "target:" + targetName, "Please replace " + attributeName + '="' + identifier + "." + targetName + '" with data-' + identifier + '-target="' + targetName + '". ' + ("The " + attributeName + " attribute is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Stimulus.")); } return element; }; Object.defineProperty(TargetSet.prototype, "guide", { get: function() { return; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); return TargetSet; }(); var __spreadArrays$2 = window && window.__spreadArrays || function() { for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length; for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) r[k] = a[j]; return r; }; var Scope = function() { function Scope(schema, element, identifier, logger) { var _this = this; this.targets = new TargetSet(this); this.classes = new ClassMap(this); = new DataMap(this); this.containsElement = function(element) { return element.closest(_this.controllerSelector) === _this.element; }; this.schema = schema; this.element = element; this.identifier = identifier; = new Guide(logger); } Scope.prototype.findElement = function(selector) { return this.element.matches(selector) ? this.element : this.queryElements(selector).find(this.containsElement); }; Scope.prototype.findAllElements = function(selector) { return __spreadArrays$2(this.element.matches(selector) ? [ this.element ] : [], this.queryElements(selector).filter(this.containsElement)); }; Scope.prototype.queryElements = function(selector) { return Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll(selector)); }; Object.defineProperty(Scope.prototype, "controllerSelector", { get: function() { return attributeValueContainsToken(this.schema.controllerAttribute, this.identifier); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); return Scope; }(); var ScopeObserver = function() { function ScopeObserver(element, schema, delegate) { this.element = element; this.schema = schema; this.delegate = delegate; this.valueListObserver = new ValueListObserver(this.element, this.controllerAttribute, this); this.scopesByIdentifierByElement = new WeakMap(); this.scopeReferenceCounts = new WeakMap(); } ScopeObserver.prototype.start = function() { this.valueListObserver.start(); }; ScopeObserver.prototype.stop = function() { this.valueListObserver.stop(); }; Object.defineProperty(ScopeObserver.prototype, "controllerAttribute", { get: function() { return this.schema.controllerAttribute; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); ScopeObserver.prototype.parseValueForToken = function(token) { var element = token.element, identifier = token.content; var scopesByIdentifier = this.fetchScopesByIdentifierForElement(element); var scope = scopesByIdentifier.get(identifier); if (!scope) { scope = this.delegate.createScopeForElementAndIdentifier(element, identifier); scopesByIdentifier.set(identifier, scope); } return scope; }; ScopeObserver.prototype.elementMatchedValue = function(element, value) { var referenceCount = (this.scopeReferenceCounts.get(value) || 0) + 1; this.scopeReferenceCounts.set(value, referenceCount); if (referenceCount == 1) { this.delegate.scopeConnected(value); } }; ScopeObserver.prototype.elementUnmatchedValue = function(element, value) { var referenceCount = this.scopeReferenceCounts.get(value); if (referenceCount) { this.scopeReferenceCounts.set(value, referenceCount - 1); if (referenceCount == 1) { this.delegate.scopeDisconnected(value); } } }; ScopeObserver.prototype.fetchScopesByIdentifierForElement = function(element) { var scopesByIdentifier = this.scopesByIdentifierByElement.get(element); if (!scopesByIdentifier) { scopesByIdentifier = new Map(); this.scopesByIdentifierByElement.set(element, scopesByIdentifier); } return scopesByIdentifier; }; return ScopeObserver; }(); var Router = function() { function Router(application) { this.application = application; this.scopeObserver = new ScopeObserver(this.element, this.schema, this); this.scopesByIdentifier = new Multimap(); this.modulesByIdentifier = new Map(); } Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return this.application.element; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype, "schema", { get: function() { return this.application.schema; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype, "logger", { get: function() { return this.application.logger; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype, "controllerAttribute", { get: function() { return this.schema.controllerAttribute; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype, "modules", { get: function() { return Array.from(this.modulesByIdentifier.values()); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype, "contexts", { get: function() { return this.modules.reduce(function(contexts, module) { return contexts.concat(module.contexts); }, []); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Router.prototype.start = function() { this.scopeObserver.start(); }; Router.prototype.stop = function() { this.scopeObserver.stop(); }; Router.prototype.loadDefinition = function(definition) { this.unloadIdentifier(definition.identifier); var module = new Module(this.application, definition); this.connectModule(module); }; Router.prototype.unloadIdentifier = function(identifier) { var module = this.modulesByIdentifier.get(identifier); if (module) { this.disconnectModule(module); } }; Router.prototype.getContextForElementAndIdentifier = function(element, identifier) { var module = this.modulesByIdentifier.get(identifier); if (module) { return module.contexts.find(function(context) { return context.element == element; }); } }; Router.prototype.handleError = function(error, message, detail) { this.application.handleError(error, message, detail); }; Router.prototype.createScopeForElementAndIdentifier = function(element, identifier) { return new Scope(this.schema, element, identifier, this.logger); }; Router.prototype.scopeConnected = function(scope) { this.scopesByIdentifier.add(scope.identifier, scope); var module = this.modulesByIdentifier.get(scope.identifier); if (module) { module.connectContextForScope(scope); } }; Router.prototype.scopeDisconnected = function(scope) { this.scopesByIdentifier.delete(scope.identifier, scope); var module = this.modulesByIdentifier.get(scope.identifier); if (module) { module.disconnectContextForScope(scope); } }; Router.prototype.connectModule = function(module) { this.modulesByIdentifier.set(module.identifier, module); var scopes = this.scopesByIdentifier.getValuesForKey(module.identifier); scopes.forEach(function(scope) { return module.connectContextForScope(scope); }); }; Router.prototype.disconnectModule = function(module) { this.modulesByIdentifier.delete(module.identifier); var scopes = this.scopesByIdentifier.getValuesForKey(module.identifier); scopes.forEach(function(scope) { return module.disconnectContextForScope(scope); }); }; return Router; }(); var defaultSchema = { controllerAttribute: "data-controller", actionAttribute: "data-action", targetAttribute: "data-target" }; var __awaiter = window && window.__awaiter || function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; var __generator = window && window.__generator || function(thisArg, body) { var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; return g = { next: verb(0), throw: verb(1), return: verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; function verb(n) { return function(v) { return step([ n, v ]); }; } function step(op) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (_) try { if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t; if (y = 0, t) op = [ op[0] & 2, t.value ]; switch (op[0]) { case 0: case 1: t = op; break; case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [ 0 ]; continue; case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) { _.label = op[1]; break; } if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; } op =, _); } catch (e) { op = [ 6, e ]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; } }; var __spreadArrays$3 = window && window.__spreadArrays || function() { for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length; for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) r[k] = a[j]; return r; }; var Application = function() { function Application(element, schema) { if (element === void 0) { element = document.documentElement; } if (schema === void 0) { schema = defaultSchema; } this.logger = console; this.element = element; this.schema = schema; this.dispatcher = new Dispatcher(this); this.router = new Router(this); } Application.start = function(element, schema) { var application = new Application(element, schema); application.start(); return application; }; Application.prototype.start = function() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() { return __generator(this, function(_a) { switch (_a.label) { case 0: return [ 4, domReady() ]; case 1: _a.sent(); this.dispatcher.start(); this.router.start(); return [ 2 ]; } }); }); }; Application.prototype.stop = function() { this.dispatcher.stop(); this.router.stop(); }; Application.prototype.register = function(identifier, controllerConstructor) { this.load({ identifier: identifier, controllerConstructor: controllerConstructor }); }; Application.prototype.load = function(head) { var _this = this; var rest = []; for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i]; } var definitions = Array.isArray(head) ? head : __spreadArrays$3([ head ], rest); definitions.forEach(function(definition) { return _this.router.loadDefinition(definition); }); }; Application.prototype.unload = function(head) { var _this = this; var rest = []; for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i]; } var identifiers = Array.isArray(head) ? head : __spreadArrays$3([ head ], rest); identifiers.forEach(function(identifier) { return _this.router.unloadIdentifier(identifier); }); }; Object.defineProperty(Application.prototype, "controllers", { get: function() { return { return context.controller; }); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Application.prototype.getControllerForElementAndIdentifier = function(element, identifier) { var context = this.router.getContextForElementAndIdentifier(element, identifier); return context ? context.controller : null; }; Application.prototype.handleError = function(error, message, detail) { this.logger.error("%s\n\n%o\n\n%o", message, error, detail); }; return Application; }(); function domReady() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { if (document.readyState == "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", resolve); } else { resolve(); } }); } function ClassPropertiesBlessing(constructor) { var classes = readInheritableStaticArrayValues(constructor, "classes"); return classes.reduce(function(properties, classDefinition) { return Object.assign(properties, propertiesForClassDefinition(classDefinition)); }, {}); } function propertiesForClassDefinition(key) { var _a; var name = key + "Class"; return _a = {}, _a[name] = { get: function() { var classes = this.classes; if (classes.has(key)) { return classes.get(key); } else { var attribute = classes.getAttributeName(key); throw new Error('Missing attribute "' + attribute + '"'); } } }, _a["has" + capitalize(name)] = { get: function() { return this.classes.has(key); } }, _a; } function TargetPropertiesBlessing(constructor) { var targets = readInheritableStaticArrayValues(constructor, "targets"); return targets.reduce(function(properties, targetDefinition) { return Object.assign(properties, propertiesForTargetDefinition(targetDefinition)); }, {}); } function propertiesForTargetDefinition(name) { var _a; return _a = {}, _a[name + "Target"] = { get: function() { var target = this.targets.find(name); if (target) { return target; } else { throw new Error('Missing target element "' + this.identifier + "." + name + '"'); } } }, _a[name + "Targets"] = { get: function() { return this.targets.findAll(name); } }, _a["has" + capitalize(name) + "Target"] = { get: function() { return this.targets.has(name); } }, _a; } function ValuePropertiesBlessing(constructor) { var valueDefinitionPairs = readInheritableStaticObjectPairs(constructor, "values"); var propertyDescriptorMap = { valueDescriptorMap: { get: function() { var _this = this; return valueDefinitionPairs.reduce(function(result, valueDefinitionPair) { var _a; var valueDescriptor = parseValueDefinitionPair(valueDefinitionPair); var attributeName =; return Object.assign(result, (_a = {}, _a[attributeName] = valueDescriptor, _a)); }, {}); } } }; return valueDefinitionPairs.reduce(function(properties, valueDefinitionPair) { return Object.assign(properties, propertiesForValueDefinitionPair(valueDefinitionPair)); }, propertyDescriptorMap); } function propertiesForValueDefinitionPair(valueDefinitionPair) { var _a; var definition = parseValueDefinitionPair(valueDefinitionPair); var type = definition.type, key = definition.key, name =; var read = readers[type], write = writers[type] || writers.default; return _a = {}, _a[name] = { get: function() { var value =; if (value !== null) { return read(value); } else { return definition.defaultValue; } }, set: function(value) { if (value === undefined) {; } else {, write(value)); } } }, _a["has" + capitalize(name)] = { get: function() { return; } }, _a; } function parseValueDefinitionPair(_a) { var token = _a[0], typeConstant = _a[1]; var type = parseValueTypeConstant(typeConstant); return valueDescriptorForTokenAndType(token, type); } function parseValueTypeConstant(typeConstant) { switch (typeConstant) { case Array: return "array"; case Boolean: return "boolean"; case Number: return "number"; case Object: return "object"; case String: return "string"; } throw new Error('Unknown value type constant "' + typeConstant + '"'); } function valueDescriptorForTokenAndType(token, type) { var key = dasherize(token) + "-value"; return { type: type, key: key, name: camelize(key), get defaultValue() { return defaultValuesByType[type]; } }; } var defaultValuesByType = { get array() { return []; }, boolean: false, number: 0, get object() { return {}; }, string: "" }; var readers = { array: function(value) { var array = JSON.parse(value); if (!Array.isArray(array)) { throw new TypeError("Expected array"); } return array; }, boolean: function(value) { return !(value == "0" || value == "false"); }, number: function(value) { return parseFloat(value); }, object: function(value) { var object = JSON.parse(value); if (object === null || typeof object != "object" || Array.isArray(object)) { throw new TypeError("Expected object"); } return object; }, string: function(value) { return value; } }; var writers = { default: writeString, array: writeJSON, object: writeJSON }; function writeJSON(value) { return JSON.stringify(value); } function writeString(value) { return "" + value; } var Controller = function() { function Controller(context) { this.context = context; } Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, "application", { get: function() { return this.context.application; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, "scope", { get: function() { return this.context.scope; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return this.scope.element; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, "identifier", { get: function() { return this.scope.identifier; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, "targets", { get: function() { return this.scope.targets; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, "classes", { get: function() { return this.scope.classes; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, "data", { get: function() { return; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Controller.prototype.initialize = function() {}; Controller.prototype.connect = function() {}; Controller.prototype.disconnect = function() {}; Controller.blessings = [ ClassPropertiesBlessing, TargetPropertiesBlessing, ValuePropertiesBlessing ]; Controller.targets = []; Controller.values = {}; return Controller; }(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); } function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); } function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); } function _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; try {, [], function() {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); } function _createSuper(Derived) { return function() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (_isNativeReflectConstruct()) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; } function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); } function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr); } function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter); } function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(n); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); } function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var $ = window.$; var _default = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { _classCallCheck(this, _default); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "row", value: function row(event) { event.preventDefault; var tbody ="tbody"); tbody.classList.toggle("toggleable--open"); $(".mgrid > .row").masonry("layout"); } }, { key: "table", value: function table(event) { event.preventDefault; var table ="table"); var thead ="thead"); var tbodies ="tbody")); var hide = thead.classList.contains("toggleable--open"); thead.classList.toggle("toggleable--open"); tbodies.forEach(function(tbody) { tbody.classList.toggle("toggleable--open", !hide); }); $(".mgrid > .row").masonry("layout"); } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); var $$1 = window.$; var _default$1 = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { _classCallCheck(this, _default); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "connect", value: function connect() { window.initDatepickersIn(".hd-drug-administration"); } }, { key: "toggleAdministered", value: function toggleAdministered() { var checked = == "true"; this.containerTarget.classList.toggle("administered", checked); this.containerTarget.classList.toggle("not-administered", !checked); this.containerTarget.classList.remove("undecided"); $$1(".authentication", this.containerTarget).toggle(checked); $$1(".authentication", this.containerTarget).toggleClass("disabled-with-faded-overlay", !checked); $$1(".reason-why-not-administered", this.containerTarget).toggle(!checked); $$1("#btn_save_and_witness_later").toggle(checked); } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); _defineProperty(_default$1, "targets", [ "container", "radio" ]); var Rails = window.Rails; var _default$2 = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { _classCallCheck(this, _default); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "refreshForm", value: function refreshForm() {, "submit"); } }, { key: "askForPrintFeedback", value: function askForPrintFeedback() { this.printOptionsTarget.classList.toggle("visuallyhidden"); this.printFeedbackTarget.classList.toggle("visuallyhidden"); } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); _defineProperty(_default$2, "targets", [ "form", "printOptions", "printFeedback" ]); var $$2 = window.$; var _default$3 = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { _classCallCheck(this, _default); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "insert", value: function insert(event) { var modal = $$2("#snippets-modal"); var snippetBody = $$2("tr").find(".body").html(); var trix = document.querySelector("trix-editor"); trix.editor.insertHTML(snippetBody); $$2(modal).foundation("reveal", "close"); } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); var $$3 = window.$; var _default$4 = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { _classCallCheck(this, _default); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "initInsertEventNotesIntoTrixEditor", value: function initInsertEventNotesIntoTrixEditor(event) { event.preventDefault(); var notes = $$3("notes"); if (notes && this.trix) { this.trix.insertHTML(notes); } else { alert("There are no notes to insert"); } } }, { key: "trix", get: function get() { return this.trixTarget.editor; } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); _defineProperty(_default$4, "targets", [ "trix" ]); var _default$5 = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { _classCallCheck(this, _default); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "connect", value: function connect() { var radio_value = this.providersTarget.querySelector("input:checked").value; this.toggleDeliveryDatesVisibility(radio_value); } }, { key: "toggleDeliveryDates", value: function toggleDeliveryDates(event) { this.toggleDeliveryDatesVisibility(; } }, { key: "toggleDeliveryDatesVisibility", value: function toggleDeliveryDatesVisibility(radio_value) { if (radio_value == "home_delivery") { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); _defineProperty(_default$5, "targets", [ "homeDeliveryDates", "providers" ]); var Chartkick = window.Chartkick; var _default$6 = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { _classCallCheck(this, _default); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "redisplay", value: function redisplay(event) { var json = event.detail[0]; if (this.chartCreated()) { this.chartTarget.getChartObject().updateData(json); } else { new Chartkick.LineChart("chart1", json, this.chartOptions); } } }, { key: "chartCreated", value: function chartCreated() { return, "getChartObject"); } }, { key: "chartOptions", get: function get() { return { curve: false, library: { chart: { zoomType: "x" }, plotOptions: { series: { animation: { duration: 400 } } }, colors: [ "#005eb8", "#009639", "#434348", "#90ed7d", "#f7a35c", "#8085e9", "#f15c80", "#e4d354" ] } }; } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); _defineProperty(_default$6, "targets", [ "chart" ]); var Rails$1 = window.Rails; var _ = window._; var _default$7 = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, _default); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this =, [ this ].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "checkForSessionExpiryTimeout", null); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "userActivityDetected", false); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "checkAlivePath", null); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "keepAlivePath", null); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "loginPath", null); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "throttledRegisterUserActivity", null); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "sessionTimeoutSeconds", 0); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "defaultSessionTimeoutSeconds", 20 * 60); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "throttlePeriodSeconds", 0); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "defaultThrottlePeriodSeconds", 20); return _this; } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "initialize", value: function initialize() { this.throttlePeriodSeconds = parseInt("register-user-activity-after") || this.defaultThrottlePeriodSeconds); this.sessionTimeoutSeconds = parseInt("timeout") || this.defaultSessionTimeoutSeconds); this.sessionTimeoutSeconds += 10; this.checkAlivePath ="check-alive-path"); this.loginPath ="login-path"); this.keepAlivePath ="keep-alive-path"); this.logSettings(); this.throttledRegisterUserActivity = _.throttle(this.registerUserActivity.bind(this), this.throttlePeriodSeconds * 1e3, { leading: false, trailing: true }); } }, { key: "connect", value: function connect() { if (this.onLoginPage) { this.log("connect: onLoginPage - skipping session time"); } else { this.addHandlersToMonitorUserActivity(); this.resetCheckForSessionExpiryTimeout(this.sessionTimeoutSeconds); } } }, { key: "disconnect", value: function disconnect() { if (!this.onLoginPage) { this.removeUserActivityHandlers(); clearTimeout(this.checkForSessionExpiryTimeout); } } }, { key: "sendLogoutMessageToAnyOpenTabs", value: function sendLogoutMessageToAnyOpenTabs() { window.localStorage.setItem("logout-event", "logout" + Math.random()); } }, { key: "registerUserActivity", value: function registerUserActivity() { this.sendRequestToKeepSessionAlive(); this.resetCheckForSessionExpiryTimeout(this.sessionTimeoutSeconds); } }, { key: "resetCheckForSessionExpiryTimeout", value: function resetCheckForSessionExpiryTimeout(intervalSeconds) { this.log("resetting session expiry timeout ".concat(intervalSeconds)); clearTimeout(this.checkForSessionExpiryTimeout); this.checkForSessionExpiryTimeout = setTimeout(this.checkForSessionExpiry.bind(this), intervalSeconds * 1e3); } }, { key: "checkForSessionExpiry", value: function checkForSessionExpiry() { this.sendRequestToTestForSessionExpiry(); this.resetCheckForSessionExpiryTimeout(this.throttlePeriodSeconds * 2); } }, { key: "sendRequestToKeepSessionAlive", value: function sendRequestToKeepSessionAlive() { this.ajaxGet(this.keepAlivePath); } }, { key: "sendRequestToTestForSessionExpiry", value: function sendRequestToTestForSessionExpiry() { this.log("checking for session expiry"); this.ajaxGet(this.checkAlivePath); } }, { key: "ajaxGet", value: function ajaxGet(path) { Rails$1.ajax({ type: "GET", url: path, dataType: "text", error: this.reloadPageIfAjaxRequestWasUnauthorised.bind(this) }); } }, { key: "reloadPageIfAjaxRequestWasUnauthorised", value: function reloadPageIfAjaxRequestWasUnauthorised(responseText, status, xhr) { if (xhr.status == 401) { window.location.reload(); this.sendLogoutMessageToAnyOpenTabs(); } } }, { key: "addHandlersToMonitorUserActivity", value: function addHandlersToMonitorUserActivity() { document.addEventListener("click", this.throttledRegisterUserActivity.bind(this)); document.addEventListener("keydown", this.throttledRegisterUserActivity.bind(this)); window.addEventListener("resize", this.throttledRegisterUserActivity.bind(this)); window.addEventListener("storage", this.storageChange.bind(this)); } }, { key: "removeUserActivityHandlers", value: function removeUserActivityHandlers() { document.removeEventListener("click", this.throttledRegisterUserActivity.bind(this)); document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.throttledRegisterUserActivity.bind(this)); window.removeEventListener("resize", this.throttledRegisterUserActivity.bind(this)); window.removeEventListener("storage", this.storageChange.bind(this)); } }, { key: "logSettings", value: function logSettings() { if (this.debug) { this.log("keepAlivePath ".concat(this.keepAlivePath)); this.log("checkAlivePath ".concat(this.checkAlivePath)); this.log("loginPath ".concat(this.loginPath)); this.log("sessionTimeoutSeconds ".concat(this.sessionTimeoutSeconds)); this.log("throttlePeriodSeconds ".concat(this.throttlePeriodSeconds)); } } }, { key: "log", value: function log(msg) { if (this.debug) { console.log(msg); } } }, { key: "storageChange", value: function storageChange(event) { if (event.key == "logout-event") { setTimeout(this.sendRequestToTestForSessionExpiry.bind(this), 2e3); } } }, { key: "onLoginPage", get: function get() { return window.location.pathname == this.loginPath; } }, { key: "debug", get: function get() { return"debug") === "true"; } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); var _default$8 = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { _classCallCheck(this, _default); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "connect", value: function connect() { this.toggleClass ="class") || "hidden"; } }, { key: "toggle", value: function toggle(event) { var _this = this; event.preventDefault(); this.toggleableTargets.forEach(function(target) { target.classList.toggle(_this.toggleClass); }); } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); _defineProperty(_default$8, "targets", [ "toggleable" ]); var _default$9 = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { _classCallCheck(this, _default); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "connect", value: function connect() {} }, { key: "initialize", value: function initialize() { this.activeTabClasses = ("activeTab") || "active").split(" "); this.showTab(); } }, { key: "change", value: function change(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.index = this.tabTargets.indexOf(event.currentTarget); } }, { key: "showTab", value: function showTab() { var _this = this; this.tabTargets.forEach(function(tab, index) { var panel = _this.panelTargets[index]; if (index === _this.index) { var _tab$classList; panel.classList.remove("hidden"); (_tab$classList = tab.classList).add.apply(_tab$classList, _toConsumableArray(_this.activeTabClasses)); } else { var _tab$classList2; panel.classList.add("hidden"); (_tab$classList2 = tab.classList).remove.apply(_tab$classList2, _toConsumableArray(_this.activeTabClasses)); } }); } }, { key: "index", get: function get() { return parseInt("index") || 0); }, set: function set(value) {"index", value); this.showTab(); } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); _defineProperty(_default$9, "targets", [ "tab", "panel" ]); var highchartsMore = createCommonjsModule(function(module) { (function(f) { module.exports ? (f["default"] = f, module.exports = f) : f("undefined" !== typeof Highcharts ? Highcharts : void 0); })(function(f) { function E(l, a, c, b) { l.hasOwnProperty(a) || (l[a] = b.apply(null, c)); } f = f ? f._modules : {}; E(f, "parts-more/Pane.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a) { function c(d, b, n) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(d - n[0], 2) + Math.pow(b - n[1], 2)) < n[2] / 2; } var b = a.addEvent, u = a.extend, v = a.merge, w = a.pick, f = a.splat, y = l.CenteredSeriesMixin; l.Chart.prototype.collectionsWithUpdate.push("pane"); a = function() { function d(d, b) { this.options = this.chart = = this.background = void 0; this.coll = "pane"; this.defaultOptions = { center: [ "50%", "50%" ], size: "85%", innerSize: "0%", startAngle: 0 }; this.defaultBackgroundOptions = { shape: "circle", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#cccccc", backgroundColor: { linearGradient: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1 }, stops: [ [ 0, "#ffffff" ], [ 1, "#e6e6e6" ] ] }, from: -Number.MAX_VALUE, innerRadius: 0, to: Number.MAX_VALUE, outerRadius: "105%" }; this.init(d, b); } d.prototype.init = function(d, b) { this.chart = b; this.background = []; b.pane.push(this); this.setOptions(d); }; d.prototype.setOptions = function(d) { this.options = v(this.defaultOptions, this.chart.angular ? { background: {} } : void 0, d); }; d.prototype.render = function() { var d = this.options, b = this.options.background, a = this.chart.renderer; || ( = a.g("pane-group").attr({ zIndex: d.zIndex || 0 }).add()); this.updateCenter(); if (b) for (b = f(b), d = Math.max(b.length, this.background.length || 0), a = 0; a < d; a++) b[a] && this.axis ? this.renderBackground(v(this.defaultBackgroundOptions, b[a]), a) : this.background[a] && (this.background[a] = this.background[a].destroy(), this.background.splice(a, 1)); }; d.prototype.renderBackground = function(d, b) { var a = "animate", n = { class: "highcharts-pane " + (d.className || "") }; this.chart.styledMode || u(n, { fill: d.backgroundColor, stroke: d.borderColor, "stroke-width": d.borderWidth }); this.background[b] || (this.background[b] = this.chart.renderer.path().add(, a = "attr"); this.background[b][a]({ d: this.axis.getPlotBandPath(d.from,, d) }).attr(n); }; d.prototype.updateCenter = function(d) { = (d || this.axis || {}).center =; }; d.prototype.update = function(d, b) { v(!0, this.options, d); v(!0, this.chart.options.pane, d); this.setOptions(this.options); this.render(); this.chart.axes.forEach(function(d) { d.pane === this && (d.pane = null, d.update({}, b)); }, this); }; return d; }(); l.Chart.prototype.getHoverPane = function(d) { var b = this, a; d && b.pane.forEach(function(n) { var m = d.chartX - b.plotLeft, t = d.chartY - b.plotTop; c(b.inverted ? t : m, b.inverted ? m : t, && (a = n); }); return a; }; b(l.Chart, "afterIsInsidePlot", function(d) { this.polar && (d.isInsidePlot = this.pane.some(function(b) { return c(d.x, d.y,; })); }); b(l.Pointer, "beforeGetHoverData", function(d) { var b = this.chart; b.polar && (b.hoverPane = b.getHoverPane(d), d.filter = function(a) { return a.visible && !(!d.shared && a.directTouch) && w(a.options.enableMouseTracking, !0) && (!b.hoverPane || a.xAxis.pane === b.hoverPane); }); }); b(l.Pointer, "afterGetHoverData", function(d) { var b = this.chart; d.hoverPoint && d.hoverPoint.plotX && d.hoverPoint.plotY && b.hoverPane && !c(d.hoverPoint.plotX, d.hoverPoint.plotY, && (d.hoverPoint = void 0); }); l.Pane = a; return l.Pane; }); E(f, "parts-more/RadialAxis.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Tick.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a, c) { var b = c.addEvent, u = c.correctFloat, v = c.defined, w = c.extend, f = c.merge, y = c.pick, d = c.pInt, m = c.relativeLength; c = c.wrap; var n = l.Axis, t = l.noop, x = n.prototype, A = a.prototype; var r = { getOffset: t, redraw: function() { this.isDirty = !1; }, render: function() { this.isDirty = !1; }, createLabelCollector: function() { return !1; }, setScale: t, setCategories: t, setTitle: t }; var p = { defaultRadialGaugeOptions: { labels: { align: "center", x: 0, y: null }, minorGridLineWidth: 0, minorTickInterval: "auto", minorTickLength: 10, minorTickPosition: "inside", minorTickWidth: 1, tickLength: 10, tickPosition: "inside", tickWidth: 2, title: { rotation: 0 }, zIndex: 2 }, defaultCircularOptions: { gridLineWidth: 1, labels: { align: null, distance: 15, x: 0, y: null, style: { textOverflow: "none" } }, maxPadding: 0, minPadding: 0, showLastLabel: !1, tickLength: 0 }, defaultRadialOptions: { gridLineInterpolation: "circle", gridLineWidth: 1, labels: { align: "right", x: -3, y: -2 }, showLastLabel: !1, title: { x: 4, text: null, rotation: 90 } }, setOptions: function(h) { h = this.options = f(this.defaultOptions, this.defaultPolarOptions, h); h.plotBands || (h.plotBands = []); l.fireEvent(this, "afterSetOptions"); }, getOffset: function() {; this.chart.axisOffset[this.side] = 0; }, getLinePath: function(h, g, e) { h =; var k = this.chart, p = y(g, h[2] / 2 - this.offset); "undefined" === typeof e && (e = this.horiz ? 0 : &&[3] / 2); e && (p += e); this.isCircular || "undefined" !== typeof g ? (g = this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(this.left + h[0], + h[1], p, p, { start: this.startAngleRad, end: this.endAngleRad, open: !0, innerR: 0 }), g.xBounds = [ this.left + h[0] ], g.yBounds = [ + h[1] - p ]) : (g = this.postTranslate(this.angleRad, p), g = [ "M",[0] + k.plotLeft,[1] + k.plotTop, "L", g.x, g.y ]); return g; }, setAxisTranslation: function() {; && (this.transA = this.isCircular ? (this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) / (this.max - this.min || 1) : ([2] -[3]) / 2 / (this.max - this.min || 1), this.minPixelPadding = this.isXAxis ? this.transA * this.minPointOffset : 0); }, beforeSetTickPositions: function() { this.autoConnect = this.isCircular && "undefined" === typeof y(this.userMax, this.options.max) && u(this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) === u(2 * Math.PI); !this.isCircular && this.chart.inverted && this.max++; this.autoConnect && (this.max += this.categories && 1 || this.pointRange || this.closestPointRange || 0); }, setAxisSize: function() {; if (this.isRadial) { this.pane.updateCenter(this); var h = = w([],; if (this.isCircular) this.sector = this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad; else { var g = this.postTranslate(this.angleRad, h[3] / 2); h[0] = g.x - this.chart.plotLeft; h[1] = g.y - this.chart.plotTop; } this.len = this.width = this.height = (h[2] - h[3]) * y(this.sector, 1) / 2; } }, getPosition: function(h, g) { h = this.translate(h); return this.postTranslate(this.isCircular ? h : this.angleRad, y(this.isCircular ? g : 0 > h ? 0 : h,[2] / 2) - this.offset); }, postTranslate: function(h, g) { var e = this.chart, k =; h = this.startAngleRad + h; return { x: e.plotLeft + k[0] + Math.cos(h) * g, y: e.plotTop + k[1] + Math.sin(h) * g }; }, getPlotBandPath: function(h, g, e) { var k =, p = this.startAngleRad, C = k[2] / 2, q = [ y(e.outerRadius, "100%"), e.innerRadius, y(e.thickness, 10) ], r = Math.min(this.offset, 0), b = /%$/; var a = this.isCircular; if ("polygon" === this.options.gridLineInterpolation) q = this.getPlotLinePath({ value: h }).concat(this.getPlotLinePath({ value: g, reverse: !0 })); else { h = Math.max(h, this.min); g = Math.min(g, this.max); a || (q[0] = this.translate(h), q[1] = this.translate(g)); q = { b.test(e) && (e = d(e, 10) * C / 100); return e; }); if ("circle" !== e.shape && a) h = p + this.translate(h), g = p + this.translate(g); else { h = -Math.PI / 2; g = 1.5 * Math.PI; var n = !0; } q[0] -= r; q[2] -= r; q = this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(this.left + k[0], + k[1], q[0], q[0], { start: Math.min(h, g), end: Math.max(h, g), innerR: y(q[1], q[0] - q[2]), open: n }); a && (a = (g + h) / 2, r = this.left + k[0] + k[2] / 2 * Math.cos(a), q.xBounds = a > -Math.PI / 2 && a < Math.PI / 2 ? [ r, this.chart.plotWidth ] : [ 0, r ], q.yBounds = [ + k[1] + k[2] / 2 * Math.sin(a) ], q.yBounds[0] += a > -Math.PI && 0 > a || a > Math.PI ? -10 : 10); } return q; }, getCrosshairPosition: function(h, g, e) { var k = h.value, p =; if (this.isCircular) { if (v(k)) h.point && (d = h.point.shapeArgs || {}, d.start && (k = this.chart.inverted ? this.translate(h.point.rectPlotY, !0) : h.point.x)); else { var d = h.chartX || 0; var q = h.chartY || 0; k = this.translate(Math.atan2(q - e, d - g) - this.startAngleRad, !0); } h = this.getPosition(k); d = h.x; q = h.y; } else v(k) || (d = h.chartX, q = h.chartY), v(d) && v(q) && (e = p[1] + this.chart.plotTop, k = this.translate(Math.min(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(d - g, 2) + Math.pow(q - e, 2)), p[2] / 2) - p[3] / 2, !0)); return [ k, d || 0, q || 0 ]; }, getPlotLinePath: function(h) { var g = this, e =, k = g.chart, p = k.inverted, d = h.value, q = h.reverse, r = g.getPosition(d), b = g.pane.options.background ? g.pane.options.background[0] || g.pane.options.background : {}, a = b.innerRadius || "0%", n = b.outerRadius || "100%"; b = e[0] + k.plotLeft; var c = e[1] + k.plotTop, t = r.x, x = r.y, u = g.height; r = e[3] / 2; var v, l; h.isCrosshair && (x = this.getCrosshairPosition(h, b, c), d = x[0], t = x[1], x = x[2]); if (g.isCircular) { q = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(t - b, 2) + Math.pow(x - c, 2)); a = "string" === typeof a ? m(a, 1) : a / q; n = "string" === typeof n ? m(n, 1) : n / q; e && r && (e = r / q, a < e && (a = e), n < e && (n = e)); var w = [ "M", b + a * (t - b), c - a * (c - x), "L", t - (1 - n) * (t - b), x + (1 - n) * (c - x) ]; } else (d = g.translate(d)) && (0 > d || d > u) && (d = 0), "circle" === g.options.gridLineInterpolation ? w = g.getLinePath(0, d, r) : (k[p ? "yAxis" : "xAxis"].forEach(function(e) { e.pane === g.pane && (v = e); }), w = [], e = v.tickPositions, v.autoConnect && (e = e.concat([ e[0] ])), q && (e = [].concat(e).reverse()), d && (d += r), e.forEach(function(e, k) { l = v.getPosition(e, d); w.push(k ? "L" : "M", l.x, l.y); })); return w; }, getTitlePosition: function() { var h =, g = this.chart, e = this.options.title; return { x: g.plotLeft + h[0] + (e.x || 0), y: g.plotTop + h[1] - { high: .5, middle: .25, low: 0 }[e.align] * h[2] + (e.y || 0) }; }, createLabelCollector: function() { var h = this; return function() { if (h.isRadial && h.tickPositions && !0 !== h.options.labels.allowOverlap) return { return h.ticks[g] && h.ticks[g].label; }).filter(function(g) { return !!g; }); }; } }; b(n, "init", function(h) { var g = this.chart, e = g.inverted, k = g.angular, d = g.polar, b = this.isXAxis, q = this.coll, a = k && b, n, c = g.options; h = h.userOptions.pane || 0; h = this.pane = g.pane && g.pane[h]; if ("colorAxis" === q) this.isRadial = !1; else { if (k) { if (w(this, a ? r : p), n = !b) this.defaultPolarOptions = this.defaultRadialGaugeOptions; } else d && (w(this, p), this.defaultPolarOptions = (n = this.horiz) ? this.defaultCircularOptions : f("xAxis" === q ? this.defaultOptions : this.defaultYAxisOptions, this.defaultRadialOptions), e && "yAxis" === q && (this.defaultPolarOptions.stackLabels = this.defaultYAxisOptions.stackLabels)); k || d ? (this.isRadial = !0, c.chart.zoomType = null, this.labelCollector || (this.labelCollector = this.createLabelCollector()), this.labelCollector && g.labelCollectors.push(this.labelCollector)) : this.isRadial = !1; h && n && (h.axis = this); this.isCircular = n; } }); b(n, "afterInit", function() { var h = this.chart, g = this.options, e = this.pane, k = e && e.options; h.angular && this.isXAxis || !e || !h.angular && !h.polar || (this.angleRad = (g.angle || 0) * Math.PI / 180, this.startAngleRad = (k.startAngle - 90) * Math.PI / 180, this.endAngleRad = (y(k.endAngle, k.startAngle + 360) - 90) * Math.PI / 180, this.offset = g.offset || 0); }); b(n, "autoLabelAlign", function(h) { this.isRadial && (h.align = void 0, h.preventDefault()); }); b(n, "destroy", function() { if (this.chart && this.chart.labelCollectors) { var h = this.chart.labelCollectors.indexOf(this.labelCollector); 0 <= h && this.chart.labelCollectors.splice(h, 1); } }); b(a, "afterGetPosition", function(h) { this.axis.getPosition && w(h.pos, this.axis.getPosition(this.pos)); }); b(a, "afterGetLabelPosition", function(h) { var g = this.axis, e = this.label, k = e.getBBox(), d = g.options.labels, p = d.y, q = 20, r = d.align, b = (g.translate(this.pos) + g.startAngleRad + Math.PI / 2) / Math.PI * 180 % 360, a = Math.round(b), n = "end", c = 0 > a ? a + 360 : a, x = c, t = 0, u = 0, v = null === d.y ? .3 * -k.height : 0; if (g.isRadial) { var l = g.getPosition(this.pos,[2] / 2 + m(y(d.distance, -25),[2] / 2,[2] / 2)); "auto" === d.rotation ? e.attr({ rotation: b }) : null === p && (p = g.chart.renderer.fontMetrics(e.styles && e.styles.fontSize).b - k.height / 2); null === r && (g.isCircular ? (k.width > g.len * g.tickInterval / (g.max - g.min) && (q = 0), r = b > q && b < 180 - q ? "left" : b > 180 + q && b < 360 - q ? "right" : "center") : r = "center", e.attr({ align: r })); if ("auto" === r && 2 === g.tickPositions.length && g.isCircular) { 90 < c && 180 > c ? c = 180 - c : 270 < c && 360 >= c && (c = 540 - c); 180 < x && 360 >= x && (x = 360 - x); if (g.pane.options.startAngle === a || g.pane.options.startAngle === a + 360 || g.pane.options.startAngle === a - 360) n = "start"; r = -90 <= a && 90 >= a || -360 <= a && -270 >= a || 270 <= a && 360 >= a ? "start" === n ? "right" : "left" : "start" === n ? "left" : "right"; 70 < x && 110 > x && (r = "center"); 15 > c || 180 <= c && 195 > c ? t = .3 * k.height : 15 <= c && 35 >= c ? t = "start" === n ? 0 : .75 * k.height : 195 <= c && 215 >= c ? t = "start" === n ? .75 * k.height : 0 : 35 < c && 90 >= c ? t = "start" === n ? .25 * -k.height : k.height : 215 < c && 270 >= c && (t = "start" === n ? k.height : .25 * -k.height); 15 > x ? u = "start" === n ? .15 * -k.height : .15 * k.height : 165 < x && 180 >= x && (u = "start" === n ? .15 * k.height : .15 * -k.height); e.attr({ align: r }); e.translate(u, t + v); } h.pos.x = l.x + d.x; h.pos.y = l.y + p; } }); c(A, "getMarkPath", function(h, g, e, k, d, p, q) { var r = this.axis; r.isRadial ? (h = r.getPosition(this.pos,[2] / 2 + k), g = [ "M", g, e, "L", h.x, h.y ]) : g =, g, e, k, d, p, q); return g; }); }); E(f, "parts-more/AreaRangeSeries.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Point.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a, c) { var b = c.defined, u = c.extend, v = c.isArray, w = c.isNumber, f = c.pick; c = c.seriesType; var y = l.seriesTypes, d = l.Series.prototype, m = a.prototype; c("arearange", "area", { lineWidth: 1, threshold: null, tooltip: { pointFormat: ' {}: {point.low} - {point.high}
' }, trackByArea: !0, dataLabels: { align: null, verticalAlign: null, xLow: 0, xHigh: 0, yLow: 0, yHigh: 0 } }, { pointArrayMap: [ "low", "high" ], pointValKey: "low", deferTranslatePolar: !0, toYData: function(d) { return [ d.low, d.high ]; }, highToXY: function(d) { var b = this.chart, a = this.xAxis.postTranslate(d.rectPlotX, this.yAxis.len - d.plotHigh); d.plotHighX = a.x - b.plotLeft; d.plotHigh = a.y - b.plotTop; d.plotLowX = d.plotX; }, translate: function() { var d = this, b = d.yAxis, a = !!d.modifyValue; y.area.prototype.translate.apply(d); d.points.forEach(function(c) { var r = c.high, p = c.plotY; c.isNull ? c.plotY = null : (c.plotLow = p, c.plotHigh = b.translate(a ? d.modifyValue(r, c) : r, 0, 1, 0, 1), a && (c.yBottom = c.plotHigh)); }); this.chart.polar && this.points.forEach(function(b) { d.highToXY(b); b.tooltipPos = [ (b.plotHighX + b.plotLowX) / 2, (b.plotHigh + b.plotLow) / 2 ]; }); }, getGraphPath: function(d) { var b = [], a = [], c, r = y.area.prototype.getGraphPath; var p = this.options; var h = this.chart.polar && !1 !== p.connectEnds, g = p.connectNulls, e = p.step; d = d || this.points; for (c = d.length; c--; ) { var k = d[c]; k.isNull || h || g || d[c + 1] && !d[c + 1].isNull || a.push({ plotX: k.plotX, plotY: k.plotY, doCurve: !1 }); var B = { polarPlotY: k.polarPlotY, rectPlotX: k.rectPlotX, yBottom: k.yBottom, plotX: f(k.plotHighX, k.plotX), plotY: k.plotHigh, isNull: k.isNull }; a.push(B); b.push(B); k.isNull || h || g || d[c - 1] && !d[c - 1].isNull || a.push({ plotX: k.plotX, plotY: k.plotY, doCurve: !1 }); } d =, d); e && (!0 === e && (e = "left"), p.step = { left: "right", center: "center", right: "left" }[e]); b =, b); a =, a); p.step = e; p = [].concat(d, b); this.chart.polar || "M" !== a[0] || (a[0] = "L"); this.graphPath = p; this.areaPath = d.concat(a); p.isArea = !0; p.xMap = d.xMap; this.areaPath.xMap = d.xMap; return p; }, drawDataLabels: function() { var b = this.points, a = b.length, c, m = [], r = this.options.dataLabels, p, h = this.chart.inverted; if (v(r)) { if (1 < r.length) { var g = r[0]; var e = r[1]; } else g = r[0], e = { enabled: !1 }; } else g = u({}, r), g.x = r.xHigh, g.y = r.yHigh, e = u({}, r), e.x = r.xLow, e.y = r.yLow; if (g.enabled || this._hasPointLabels) { for (c = a; c--; ) if (p = b[c]) { var k = g.inside ? p.plotHigh < p.plotLow : p.plotHigh > p.plotLow; p.y = p.high; p._plotY = p.plotY; p.plotY = p.plotHigh; m[c] = p.dataLabel; p.dataLabel = p.dataLabelUpper; p.below = k; h ? g.align || (g.align = k ? "right" : "left") : g.verticalAlign || (g.verticalAlign = k ? "top" : "bottom"); } this.options.dataLabels = g; d.drawDataLabels && d.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments); for (c = a; c--; ) if (p = b[c]) p.dataLabelUpper = p.dataLabel, p.dataLabel = m[c], delete p.dataLabels, p.y = p.low, p.plotY = p._plotY; } if (e.enabled || this._hasPointLabels) { for (c = a; c--; ) if (p = b[c]) k = e.inside ? p.plotHigh < p.plotLow : p.plotHigh > p.plotLow, p.below = !k, h ? e.align || (e.align = k ? "left" : "right") : e.verticalAlign || (e.verticalAlign = k ? "bottom" : "top"); this.options.dataLabels = e; d.drawDataLabels && d.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments); } if (g.enabled) for (c = a; c--; ) if (p = b[c]) p.dataLabels = [ p.dataLabelUpper, p.dataLabel ].filter(function(e) { return !!e; }); this.options.dataLabels = r; }, alignDataLabel: function() { y.column.prototype.alignDataLabel.apply(this, arguments); }, drawPoints: function() { var a = this.points.length, c; d.drawPoints.apply(this, arguments); for (c = 0; c < a; ) { var m = this.points[c]; m.origProps = { plotY: m.plotY, plotX: m.plotX, isInside: m.isInside, negative: m.negative, zone:, y: m.y }; m.lowerGraphic = m.graphic; m.graphic = m.upperGraphic; m.plotY = m.plotHigh; b(m.plotHighX) && (m.plotX = m.plotHighX); m.y = m.high; m.negative = m.high < (this.options.threshold || 0); = this.zones.length && m.getZone(); this.chart.polar || (m.isInside = m.isTopInside = "undefined" !== typeof m.plotY && 0 <= m.plotY && m.plotY <= this.yAxis.len && 0 <= m.plotX && m.plotX <= this.xAxis.len); c++; } d.drawPoints.apply(this, arguments); for (c = 0; c < a; ) m = this.points[c], m.upperGraphic = m.graphic, m.graphic = m.lowerGraphic, u(m, m.origProps), delete m.origProps, c++; }, setStackedPoints: l.noop }, { setState: function() { var d = this.state, a = this.series, c = a.chart.polar; b(this.plotHigh) || (this.plotHigh = a.yAxis.toPixels(this.high, !0)); b(this.plotLow) || (this.plotLow = this.plotY = a.yAxis.toPixels(this.low, !0)); a.stateMarkerGraphic && (a.lowerStateMarkerGraphic = a.stateMarkerGraphic, a.stateMarkerGraphic = a.upperStateMarkerGraphic); this.graphic = this.upperGraphic; this.plotY = this.plotHigh; c && (this.plotX = this.plotHighX); m.setState.apply(this, arguments); this.state = d; this.plotY = this.plotLow; this.graphic = this.lowerGraphic; c && (this.plotX = this.plotLowX); a.stateMarkerGraphic && (a.upperStateMarkerGraphic = a.stateMarkerGraphic, a.stateMarkerGraphic = a.lowerStateMarkerGraphic, a.lowerStateMarkerGraphic = void 0); m.setState.apply(this, arguments); }, haloPath: function() { var d = this.series.chart.polar, a = []; this.plotY = this.plotLow; d && (this.plotX = this.plotLowX); this.isInside && (a = m.haloPath.apply(this, arguments)); this.plotY = this.plotHigh; d && (this.plotX = this.plotHighX); this.isTopInside && (a = a.concat(m.haloPath.apply(this, arguments))); return a; }, destroyElements: function() { [ "lowerGraphic", "upperGraphic" ].forEach(function(d) { this[d] && (this[d] = this[d].destroy()); }, this); this.graphic = null; return m.destroyElements.apply(this, arguments); }, isValid: function() { return w(this.low) && w(this.high); } }); }); E(f, "parts-more/AreaSplineRangeSeries.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a) { a = a.seriesType; a("areasplinerange", "arearange", null, { getPointSpline: l.seriesTypes.spline.prototype.getPointSpline }); }); E(f, "parts-more/ColumnRangeSeries.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a) { var c = a.clamp, b = a.merge, u = a.pick; a = a.seriesType; var v = l.defaultPlotOptions, w = l.noop, f = l.seriesTypes.column.prototype; a("columnrange", "arearange", b(v.column, v.arearange, { pointRange: null, marker: null, states: { hover: { halo: !1 } } }), { translate: function() { var a = this, d = a.yAxis, b = a.xAxis, n = b.startAngleRad, v, l = a.chart, w = a.xAxis.isRadial, r = Math.max(l.chartWidth, l.chartHeight) + 999, p; f.translate.apply(a); a.points.forEach(function(h) { var g = h.shapeArgs, e = a.options.minPointLength; h.plotHigh = p = c(d.translate(h.high, 0, 1, 0, 1), -r, r); h.plotLow = c(h.plotY, -r, r); var k = p; var B = u(h.rectPlotY, h.plotY) - p; Math.abs(B) < e ? (e -= B, B += e, k -= e / 2) : 0 > B && (B *= -1, k -= B); w ? (v = h.barX + n, h.shapeType = "arc", h.shapeArgs = a.polarArc(k + B, k, v, v + h.pointWidth)) : (g.height = B, g.y = k, h.tooltipPos = l.inverted ? [ d.len + d.pos - l.plotLeft - k - B / 2, b.len + b.pos - l.plotTop - g.x - g.width / 2, B ] : [ b.left - l.plotLeft + g.x + g.width / 2, d.pos - l.plotTop + k + B / 2, B ]); }); }, directTouch: !0, trackerGroups: [ "group", "dataLabelsGroup" ], drawGraph: w, getSymbol: w, crispCol: function() { return f.crispCol.apply(this, arguments); }, drawPoints: function() { return f.drawPoints.apply(this, arguments); }, drawTracker: function() { return f.drawTracker.apply(this, arguments); }, getColumnMetrics: function() { return f.getColumnMetrics.apply(this, arguments); }, pointAttribs: function() { return f.pointAttribs.apply(this, arguments); }, animate: function() { return f.animate.apply(this, arguments); }, polarArc: function() { return f.polarArc.apply(this, arguments); }, translate3dPoints: function() { return f.translate3dPoints.apply(this, arguments); }, translate3dShapes: function() { return f.translate3dShapes.apply(this, arguments); } }, { setState: f.pointClass.prototype.setState }); }); E(f, "parts-more/ColumnPyramidSeries.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a) { var c = a.clamp, b = a.pick; a = a.seriesType; var u = l.seriesTypes.column.prototype; a("columnpyramid", "column", {}, { translate: function() { var a = this, l = a.chart, f = a.options, y = a.dense = 2 > a.closestPointRange * a.xAxis.transA; y = a.borderWidth = b(f.borderWidth, y ? 0 : 1); var d = a.yAxis, m = f.threshold, n = a.translatedThreshold = d.getThreshold(m), t = b(f.minPointLength, 5), x = a.getColumnMetrics(), A = x.width, r = a.barW = Math.max(A, 1 + 2 * y), p = a.pointXOffset = x.offset; l.inverted && (n -= .5); f.pointPadding && (r = Math.ceil(r)); u.translate.apply(a); a.points.forEach(function(h) { var g = b(h.yBottom, n), e = 999 + Math.abs(g), k = c(h.plotY, -e, d.len + e); e = h.plotX + p; var B = r / 2, C = Math.min(k, g); g = Math.max(k, g) - C; var q; h.barX = e; h.pointWidth = A; h.tooltipPos = l.inverted ? [ d.len + d.pos - l.plotLeft - k, a.xAxis.len - e - B, g ] : [ e + B, k + d.pos - l.plotTop, g ]; k = m + ( || h.y); "percent" === f.stacking && (k = m + (0 > h.y) ? -100 : 100); k = d.toPixels(k, !0); var F = (q = l.plotHeight - k - (l.plotHeight - n)) ? B * (C - k) / q : 0; var G = q ? B * (C + g - k) / q : 0; q = e - F + B; F = e + F + B; var u = e + G + B; G = e - G + B; var v = C - t; var w = C + g; 0 > h.y && (v = C, w = C + g + t); l.inverted && (u = l.plotWidth - C, q = k - (l.plotWidth - n), F = B * (k - u) / q, G = B * (k - (u - g)) / q, q = e + B + F, F = q - 2 * F, u = e - G + B, G = e + G + B, v = C, w = C + g - t, 0 > h.y && (w = C + g + t)); h.shapeType = "path"; h.shapeArgs = { x: q, y: v, width: F - q, height: g, d: [ "M", q, v, "L", F, v, u, w, G, w, "Z" ] }; }); } }); }); E(f, "parts-more/GaugeSeries.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a) { var c = a.clamp, b = a.isNumber, u = a.merge, v = a.pick, f = a.pInt; a = a.seriesType; var z = l.Series, y = l.TrackerMixin; a("gauge", "line", { dataLabels: { borderColor: "#cccccc", borderRadius: 3, borderWidth: 1, crop: !1, defer: !1, enabled: !0, verticalAlign: "top", y: 15, zIndex: 2 }, dial: {}, pivot: {}, tooltip: { headerFormat: "" }, showInLegend: !1 }, { angular: !0, directTouch: !0, drawGraph: l.noop, fixedBox: !0, forceDL: !0, noSharedTooltip: !0, trackerGroups: [ "group", "dataLabelsGroup" ], translate: function() { var d = this.yAxis, a = this.options, n =; this.generatePoints(); this.points.forEach(function(m) { var l = u(a.dial, m.dial), t = f(v(l.radius, "80%")) * n[2] / 200, r = f(v(l.baseLength, "70%")) * t / 100, p = f(v(l.rearLength, "10%")) * t / 100, h = l.baseWidth || 3, g = l.topWidth || 1, e = a.overshoot, k = d.startAngleRad + d.translate(m.y, null, null, null, !0); if (b(e) || !1 === a.wrap) e = b(e) ? e / 180 * Math.PI : 0, k = c(k, d.startAngleRad - e, d.endAngleRad + e); k = 180 * k / Math.PI; m.shapeType = "path"; m.shapeArgs = { d: l.path || [ "M", -p, -h / 2, "L", r, -h / 2, t, -g / 2, t, g / 2, r, h / 2, -p, h / 2, "z" ], translateX: n[0], translateY: n[1], rotation: k }; m.plotX = n[0]; m.plotY = n[1]; }); }, drawPoints: function() { var d = this, a = d.chart, b =, c = d.pivot, l = d.options, f = l.pivot, r = a.renderer; d.points.forEach(function(b) { var h = b.graphic, g = b.shapeArgs, e = g.d, k = u(l.dial, b.dial); h ? (h.animate(g), g.d = e) : b.graphic = r[b.shapeType](g).attr({ rotation: g.rotation, zIndex: 1 }).addClass("highcharts-dial").add(; if (!a.styledMode) b.graphic[h ? "animate" : "attr"]({ stroke: k.borderColor || "none", "stroke-width": k.borderWidth || 0, fill: k.backgroundColor || "#000000" }); }); c ? c.animate({ translateX: b[0], translateY: b[1] }) : (d.pivot =, 0, v(f.radius, 5)).attr({ zIndex: 2 }).addClass("highcharts-pivot").translate(b[0], b[1]).add(, a.styledMode || d.pivot.attr({ "stroke-width": f.borderWidth || 0, stroke: f.borderColor || "#cccccc", fill: f.backgroundColor || "#000000" })); }, animate: function(d) { var a = this; d || a.points.forEach(function(d) { var b = d.graphic; b && (b.attr({ rotation: 180 * a.yAxis.startAngleRad / Math.PI }), b.animate({ rotation: d.shapeArgs.rotation }, a.options.animation)); }); }, render: function() { = this.plotGroup("group", "series", this.visible ? "visible" : "hidden", this.options.zIndex, this.chart.seriesGroup);;; }, setData: function(d, a) {, d, !1); this.processData(); this.generatePoints(); v(a, !0) && this.chart.redraw(); }, hasData: function() { return !!this.points.length; }, drawTracker: y && y.drawTrackerPoint }, { setState: function(d) { this.state = d; } }); }); E(f, "parts-more/BoxPlotSeries.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a) { var c = a.pick; a = a.seriesType; var b = l.noop, u = l.seriesTypes; a("boxplot", "column", { threshold: null, tooltip: { pointFormat: ' {}
Maximum: {point.high}
Upper quartile: {point.q3}
Median: {point.median}
Lower quartile: {point.q1}
Minimum: {point.low}
' }, whiskerLength: "50%", fillColor: "#ffffff", lineWidth: 1, medianWidth: 2, whiskerWidth: 2 }, { pointArrayMap: [ "low", "q1", "median", "q3", "high" ], toYData: function(a) { return [ a.low, a.q1, a.median, a.q3, a.high ]; }, pointValKey: "high", pointAttribs: function() { return {}; }, drawDataLabels: b, translate: function() { var a = this.yAxis, b = this.pointArrayMap; u.column.prototype.translate.apply(this); this.points.forEach(function(c) { b.forEach(function(b) { null !== c[b] && (c[b + "Plot"] = a.translate(c[b], 0, 1, 0, 1)); }); c.plotHigh = c.highPlot; }); }, drawPoints: function() { var a = this, b = a.options, l = a.chart, u = l.renderer, d, m, n, f, x, A, r = 0, p, h, g, e, k = !1 !== a.doQuartiles, B, C = a.options.whiskerLength; a.points.forEach(function(q) { var F = q.graphic, G = F ? "animate" : "attr", K = q.shapeArgs, v = {}, t = {}, H = {}, J = {}, I = q.color || a.color; "undefined" !== typeof q.plotY && (p = K.width, h = Math.floor(K.x), g = h + p, e = Math.round(p / 2), d = Math.floor(k ? q.q1Plot : q.lowPlot), m = Math.floor(k ? q.q3Plot : q.lowPlot), n = Math.floor(q.highPlot), f = Math.floor(q.lowPlot), F || (q.graphic = F = u.g("point").add(, q.stem = u.path().addClass("highcharts-boxplot-stem").add(F), C && (q.whiskers = u.path().addClass("highcharts-boxplot-whisker").add(F)), k && ( = u.path(void 0).addClass("highcharts-boxplot-box").add(F)), q.medianShape = u.path(void 0).addClass("highcharts-boxplot-median").add(F)), l.styledMode || (t.stroke = q.stemColor || b.stemColor || I, t["stroke-width"] = c(q.stemWidth, b.stemWidth, b.lineWidth), t.dashstyle = q.stemDashStyle || b.stemDashStyle, q.stem.attr(t), C && (H.stroke = q.whiskerColor || b.whiskerColor || I, H["stroke-width"] = c(q.whiskerWidth, b.whiskerWidth, b.lineWidth), q.whiskers.attr(H)), k && (v.fill = q.fillColor || b.fillColor || I, v.stroke = b.lineColor || I, v["stroke-width"] = b.lineWidth || 0,, J.stroke = q.medianColor || b.medianColor || I, J["stroke-width"] = c(q.medianWidth, b.medianWidth, b.lineWidth), q.medianShape.attr(J)), A = q.stem.strokeWidth() % 2 / 2, r = h + e + A, q.stem[G]({ d: [ "M", r, m, "L", r, n, "M", r, d, "L", r, f ] }), k && (A = % 2 / 2, d = Math.floor(d) + A, m = Math.floor(m) + A, h += A, g += A,[G]({ d: [ "M", h, m, "L", h, d, "L", g, d, "L", g, m, "L", h, m, "z" ] })), C && (A = q.whiskers.strokeWidth() % 2 / 2, n += A, f += A, B = /%$/.test(C) ? e * parseFloat(C) / 100 : C / 2, q.whiskers[G]({ d: [ "M", r - B, n, "L", r + B, n, "M", r - B, f, "L", r + B, f ] })), x = Math.round(q.medianPlot), A = q.medianShape.strokeWidth() % 2 / 2, x += A, q.medianShape[G]({ d: [ "M", h, x, "L", g, x ] })); }); }, setStackedPoints: b }); }); E(f, "parts-more/ErrorBarSeries.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a) { a = a.seriesType; var c = l.noop, b = l.seriesTypes; a("errorbar", "boxplot", { color: "#000000", grouping: !1, linkedTo: ":previous", tooltip: { pointFormat: ' {}: {point.low} - {point.high}
' }, whiskerWidth: null }, { type: "errorbar", pointArrayMap: [ "low", "high" ], toYData: function(a) { return [ a.low, a.high ]; }, pointValKey: "high", doQuartiles: !1, drawDataLabels: b.arearange ? function() { var a = this.pointValKey;; { b.y = b[a]; }); } : c, getColumnMetrics: function() { return this.linkedParent && this.linkedParent.columnMetrics ||; } }); }); E(f, "parts-more/WaterfallSeries.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Point.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a, c) { var b = c.addEvent, u = c.arrayMax, f = c.arrayMin, w = c.correctFloat, z = c.isNumber, y = c.objectEach, d = c.pick; c = c.seriesType; var m = l.Axis, n = l.Chart, t = l.Series, x = l.StackItem, A = l.seriesTypes; b(m, "afterInit", function() { this.isXAxis || (this.waterfallStacks = { changed: !1 }); }); b(m, "afterBuildStacks", function() { this.waterfallStacks.changed = !1; delete this.waterfallStacks.alreadyChanged; }); b(n, "beforeRedraw", function() { for (var a = this.axes, d = this.series, h = d.length; h--; ) d[h].options.stacking && (a.forEach(function(g) { g.isXAxis || (g.waterfallStacks.changed = !0); }), h = 0); }); b(m, "afterRender", function() { var a = this.options.stackLabels; a && a.enabled && this.waterfallStacks && this.renderWaterfallStackTotals(); }); m.prototype.renderWaterfallStackTotals = function() { var a = this.waterfallStacks, d = this.stackTotalGroup, h = new x(this, this.options.stackLabels, !1, 0, void 0); this.dummyStackItem = h; y(a, function(g) { y(g, function(e) { = e.stackTotal; e.label && (h.label = e.label);, d); e.label = h.label; delete h.label; }); }); = null; }; c("waterfall", "column", { dataLabels: { inside: !0 }, lineWidth: 1, lineColor: "#333333", dashStyle: "Dot", borderColor: "#333333", states: { hover: { lineWidthPlus: 0 } } }, { pointValKey: "y", showLine: !0, generatePoints: function() { var a; A.column.prototype.generatePoints.apply(this); var d = 0; for (a = this.points.length; d < a; d++) { var h = this.points[d]; var g = this.processedYData[d]; if (h.isIntermediateSum || h.isSum) h.y = w(g); } }, translate: function() { var a = this.options, b = this.yAxis, h, g = d(a.minPointLength, 5), e = g / 2, k = a.threshold, c = a.stacking, C = b.waterfallStacks[this.stackKey]; A.column.prototype.translate.apply(this); var q = h = k; var F = this.points; var m = 0; for (a = F.length; m < a; m++) { var l = F[m]; var u = this.processedYData[m]; var n = l.shapeArgs; var f = [ 0, u ]; var t = l.y; if (c) { if (C) { f = C[m]; if ("overlap" === c) { var v = f.stackState[f.stateIndex--]; v = 0 <= t ? v : v - t;, "absolutePos") && delete f.absolutePos;, "absoluteNeg") && delete f.absoluteNeg; } else 0 <= t ? (v = f.threshold + f.posTotal, f.posTotal -= t) : (v = f.threshold + f.negTotal, f.negTotal -= t, v -= t), !f.posTotal &&, "absolutePos") && (f.posTotal = f.absolutePos, delete f.absolutePos), !f.negTotal &&, "absoluteNeg") && (f.negTotal = f.absoluteNeg, delete f.absoluteNeg); l.isSum || (f.connectorThreshold = f.threshold + f.stackTotal); b.reversed ? (u = 0 <= t ? v - t : v + t, t = v) : (u = v, t = v - t); l.below = u <= d(k, 0); n.y = b.translate(u, 0, 1, 0, 1); n.height = Math.abs(n.y - b.translate(t, 0, 1, 0, 1)); } if (t = b.dummyStackItem) t.x = m, t.label = C[m].label, t.setOffset(this.pointXOffset || 0, this.barW || 0, this.stackedYNeg[m], this.stackedYPos[m]); } else v = Math.max(q, q + t) + f[0], n.y = b.translate(v, 0, 1, 0, 1), l.isSum ? (n.y = b.translate(f[1], 0, 1, 0, 1), n.height = Math.min(b.translate(f[0], 0, 1, 0, 1), b.len) - n.y) : l.isIntermediateSum ? (0 <= t ? (u = f[1] + h, t = h) : (u = h, t = f[1] + h), b.reversed && (u ^= t, t ^= u, u ^= t), n.y = b.translate(u, 0, 1, 0, 1), n.height = Math.abs(n.y - Math.min(b.translate(t, 0, 1, 0, 1), b.len)), h += f[1]) : (n.height = 0 < u ? b.translate(q, 0, 1, 0, 1) - n.y : b.translate(q, 0, 1, 0, 1) - b.translate(q - u, 0, 1, 0, 1), q += u, l.below = q < d(k, 0)), 0 > n.height && (n.y += n.height, n.height *= -1); l.plotY = n.y = Math.round(n.y) - this.borderWidth % 2 / 2; n.height = Math.max(Math.round(n.height), .001); l.yBottom = n.y + n.height; n.height <= g && !l.isNull ? (n.height = g, n.y -= e, l.plotY = n.y, l.minPointLengthOffset = 0 > l.y ? -e : e) : (l.isNull && (n.width = 0), l.minPointLengthOffset = 0); n = l.plotY + (l.negative ? n.height : 0); this.chart.inverted ? l.tooltipPos[0] = b.len - n : l.tooltipPos[1] = n; } }, processData: function(a) { var d = this.options, h = this.yData, g =, e = h.length, k = d.threshold || 0, b, r, q, c, m; for (m = r = b = q = c = 0; m < e; m++) { var n = h[m]; var l = g && g[m] ? g[m] : {}; "sum" === n || l.isSum ? h[m] = w(r) : "intermediateSum" === n || l.isIntermediateSum ? (h[m] = w(b), b = 0) : (r += n, b += n); q = Math.min(r, q); c = Math.max(r, c); }, a); d.stacking || (this.dataMin = q + k, this.dataMax = c); }, toYData: function(a) { return a.isSum ? "sum" : a.isIntermediateSum ? "intermediateSum" : a.y; }, updateParallelArrays: function(a, d) {, a, d); if ("sum" === this.yData[0] || "intermediateSum" === this.yData[0]) this.yData[0] = null; }, pointAttribs: function(a, d) { var b = this.options.upColor; b && !a.options.color && (a.color = 0 < a.y ? b : null); a =, a, d); delete a.dashstyle; return a; }, getGraphPath: function() { return [ "M", 0, 0 ]; }, getCrispPath: function() { var a =, d = this.yAxis, b = a.length, g = Math.round(this.graph.strokeWidth()) % 2 / 2, e = Math.round(this.borderWidth) % 2 / 2, k = this.xAxis.reversed, c = this.yAxis.reversed, C = this.options.stacking, q = [], m; for (m = 1; m < b; m++) { var n = a[m].shapeArgs; var l = a[m - 1]; var f = a[m - 1].shapeArgs; var u = d.waterfallStacks[this.stackKey]; var t = 0 < l.y ? -f.height : 0; if (u) { u = u[m - 1]; C ? (u = u.connectorThreshold, t = Math.round(d.translate(u, 0, 1, 0, 1) + (c ? t : 0)) - g) : t = f.y + l.minPointLengthOffset + e - g; var v = [ "M", f.x + (k ? 0 : f.width), t, "L", n.x + (k ? n.width : 0), t ]; } if (!C && v && 0 > l.y && !c || 0 < l.y && c) v[2] += f.height, v[5] += f.height; q = q.concat(v); } return q; }, drawGraph: function() {; this.graph.attr({ d: this.getCrispPath() }); }, setStackedPoints: function() { function a(e, a, k, g) { if (z) for (k; k < z; k++) w.stackState[k] += g; else w.stackState[0] = e, z = w.stackState.length; w.stackState.push(w.stackState[z - 1] + a); } var d = this.options, b = this.yAxis.waterfallStacks, g = d.threshold, e = g || 0, k = e, c = this.stackKey, C = this.xData, q = C.length, m, n, l; this.yAxis.usePercentage = !1; var f = n = l = e; if (this.visible || !this.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries) { var u = b.changed; (m = b.alreadyChanged) && 0 > m.indexOf(c) && (u = !0); b[c] || (b[c] = {}); m = b[c]; for (var t = 0; t < q; t++) { var v = C[t]; if (!m[v] || u) m[v] = { negTotal: 0, posTotal: 0, stackTotal: 0, threshold: 0, stateIndex: 0, stackState: [], label: u && m[v] ? m[v].label : void 0 }; var w = m[v]; var x = this.yData[t]; 0 <= x ? w.posTotal += x : w.negTotal += x; var y =[t]; v = w.absolutePos = w.posTotal; var A = w.absoluteNeg = w.negTotal; w.stackTotal = v + A; var z = w.stackState.length; y && y.isIntermediateSum ? (a(l, n, 0, l), l = n, n = g, e ^= k, k ^= e, e ^= k) : y && y.isSum ? (a(g, f, z), e = g) : (a(e, x, 0, f), y && (f += x, n += x)); w.stateIndex++; w.threshold = e; e += w.stackTotal; } b.changed = !1; b.alreadyChanged || (b.alreadyChanged = []); b.alreadyChanged.push(c); } }, getExtremes: function() { var a = this.options.stacking; if (a) { var d = this.yAxis; d = d.waterfallStacks; var b = this.stackedYNeg = []; var g = this.stackedYPos = []; "overlap" === a ? y(d[this.stackKey], function(e) { b.push(f(e.stackState)); g.push(u(e.stackState)); }) : y(d[this.stackKey], function(e) { b.push(e.negTotal + e.threshold); g.push(e.posTotal + e.threshold); }); this.dataMin = f(b); this.dataMax = u(g); } } }, { getClassName: function() { var d =; this.isSum ? d += " highcharts-sum" : this.isIntermediateSum && (d += " highcharts-intermediate-sum"); return d; }, isValid: function() { return z(this.y) || this.isSum || this.isIntermediateSum; } }); }); E(f, "parts-more/PolygonSeries.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["mixins/legend-symbol.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a, c) { c = c.seriesType; var b = l.Series, f = l.seriesTypes; c("polygon", "scatter", { marker: { enabled: !1, states: { hover: { enabled: !1 } } }, stickyTracking: !1, tooltip: { followPointer: !0, pointFormat: "" }, trackByArea: !0 }, { type: "polygon", getGraphPath: function() { for (var a =, c = a.length + 1; c--; ) (c === a.length || "M" === a[c]) && 0 < c && a.splice(c, 0, "z"); return this.areaPath = a; }, drawGraph: function() { this.options.fillColor = this.color;; }, drawLegendSymbol: a.drawRectangle, drawTracker: b.prototype.drawTracker, setStackedPoints: l.noop }); }); E(f, "parts-more/BubbleLegend.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Color.js"], f["parts/Legend.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a, c, b) { var f = a.parse; a = b.addEvent; var v = b.arrayMax, w = b.arrayMin, z = b.isNumber, y = b.merge, d = b.objectEach, m = b.pick, n = b.stableSort, t = b.wrap, x = l.Series, A = l.Chart, r = l.noop, p = l.setOptions; p({ legend: { bubbleLegend: { borderColor: void 0, borderWidth: 2, className: void 0, color: void 0, connectorClassName: void 0, connectorColor: void 0, connectorDistance: 60, connectorWidth: 1, enabled: !1, labels: { className: void 0, allowOverlap: !1, format: "", formatter: void 0, align: "right", style: { fontSize: 10, color: void 0 }, x: 0, y: 0 }, maxSize: 60, minSize: 10, legendIndex: 0, ranges: { value: void 0, borderColor: void 0, color: void 0, connectorColor: void 0 }, sizeBy: "area", sizeByAbsoluteValue: !1, zIndex: 1, zThreshold: 0 } } }); p = function() { function a(a, e) { this.options = this.symbols = this.visible = this.ranges = this.movementX = this.maxLabel = this.legendSymbol = this.legendItemWidth = this.legendItemHeight = this.legendItem = this.legendGroup = this.legend = this.fontMetrics = this.chart = void 0; this.setState = r; this.init(a, e); } a.prototype.init = function(a, e) { this.options = a; this.visible = !0; this.chart = e.chart; this.legend = e; }; a.prototype.addToLegend = function(a) { a.splice(this.options.legendIndex, 0, this); }; a.prototype.drawLegendSymbol = function(a) { var e = this.chart, k = this.options, d = m(a.options.itemDistance, 20), b = k.ranges; var g = k.connectorDistance; this.fontMetrics = e.renderer.fontMetrics( + "px"); b && b.length && z(b[0].value) ? (n(b, function(e, a) { return a.value - e.value; }), this.ranges = b, this.setOptions(), this.render(), e = this.getMaxLabelSize(), b = this.ranges[0].radius, a = 2 * b, g = g - b + e.width, g = 0 < g ? g : 0, this.maxLabel = e, this.movementX = "left" === k.labels.align ? g : 0, this.legendItemWidth = a + g + d, this.legendItemHeight = a + this.fontMetrics.h / 2) : a.options.bubbleLegend.autoRanges = !0; }; a.prototype.setOptions = function() { var a = this.ranges, e = this.options, k = this.chart.series[e.seriesIndex], d = this.legend.baseline, b = { "z-index": e.zIndex, "stroke-width": e.borderWidth }, h = { "z-index": e.zIndex, "stroke-width": e.connectorWidth }, c = this.getLabelStyles(), p = k.options.marker.fillOpacity, r = this.chart.styledMode; a.forEach(function(g, q) { r || (b.stroke = m(g.borderColor, e.borderColor, k.color), b.fill = m(g.color, e.color, 1 !== p ? f(k.color).setOpacity(p).get("rgba") : k.color), h.stroke = m(g.connectorColor, e.connectorColor, k.color)); a[q].radius = this.getRangeRadius(g.value); a[q] = y(a[q], { center: a[0].radius - a[q].radius + d }); r || y(!0, a[q], { bubbleStyle: y(!1, b), connectorStyle: y(!1, h), labelStyle: c }); }, this); }; a.prototype.getLabelStyles = function() { var a = this.options, e = {}, k = "left" === a.labels.align, b = this.legend.options.rtl; d(, function(a, k) { "color" !== k && "fontSize" !== k && "z-index" !== k && (e[k] = a); }); return y(!1, e, { "font-size":, fill: m(, "#000000"), "z-index": a.zIndex, align: b || k ? "right" : "left" }); }; a.prototype.getRangeRadius = function(a) { var e = this.options; return this.chart.series[this.options.seriesIndex], e.ranges[e.ranges.length - 1].value, e.ranges[0].value, e.minSize, e.maxSize, a); }; a.prototype.render = function() { var a = this.chart.renderer, e = this.options.zThreshold; this.symbols || (this.symbols = { connectors: [], bubbleItems: [], labels: [] }); this.legendSymbol = a.g("bubble-legend"); this.legendItem = a.g("bubble-legend-item"); this.legendSymbol.translateX = 0; this.legendSymbol.translateY = 0; this.ranges.forEach(function(a) { a.value >= e && this.renderRange(a); }, this); this.legendSymbol.add(this.legendItem); this.legendItem.add(this.legendGroup); this.hideOverlappingLabels(); }; a.prototype.renderRange = function(a) { var e = this.options, k = e.labels, b = this.chart.renderer, d = this.symbols, g = d.labels, h =, c = Math.abs(a.radius), p = e.connectorDistance, r = k.align, m =; p = this.legend.options.rtl || "left" === r ? -p : p; k = e.connectorWidth; var n = this.ranges[0].radius, l = h - c - e.borderWidth / 2 + k / 2; m = m / 2 - (this.fontMetrics.h - m) / 2; var f = b.styledMode; "center" === r && (p = 0, e.connectorDistance = 0, a.labelStyle.align = "center"); r = l + e.labels.y; var u = n + p + e.labels.x; d.bubbleItems.push(, h + ((l % 1 ? 1 : .5) - (k % 2 ? 0 : .5)), c).attr(f ? {} : a.bubbleStyle).addClass((f ? "highcharts-color-" + this.options.seriesIndex + " " : "") + "highcharts-bubble-legend-symbol " + (e.className || "")).add(this.legendSymbol)); d.connectors.push(b.path(b.crispLine([ "M", n, l, "L", n + p, l ], e.connectorWidth)).attr(f ? {} : a.connectorStyle).addClass((f ? "highcharts-color-" + this.options.seriesIndex + " " : "") + "highcharts-bubble-legend-connectors " + (e.connectorClassName || "")).add(this.legendSymbol)); a = b.text(this.formatLabel(a), u, r + m).attr(f ? {} : a.labelStyle).addClass("highcharts-bubble-legend-labels " + (e.labels.className || "")).add(this.legendSymbol); g.push(a); a.placed = !0; a.alignAttr = { x: u, y: r + m }; }; a.prototype.getMaxLabelSize = function() { var a, e; this.symbols.labels.forEach(function(k) { e = k.getBBox(!0); a = a ? e.width > a.width ? e : a : e; }); return a || {}; }; a.prototype.formatLabel = function(a) { var e = this.options, k = e.labels.formatter; e = e.labels.format; var d = this.chart.numberFormatter; return e ? b.format(e, a) : k ? : d(a.value, 1); }; a.prototype.hideOverlappingLabels = function() { var a = this.chart, e = this.symbols; !this.options.labels.allowOverlap && e && (a.hideOverlappingLabels(e.labels), e.labels.forEach(function(a, b) { a.newOpacity ? a.newOpacity !== a.oldOpacity && e.connectors[b].show() : e.connectors[b].hide(); })); }; a.prototype.getRanges = function() { var a = this.legend.bubbleLegend, e = a.options.ranges, k, b = Number.MAX_VALUE, d = -Number.MAX_VALUE; a.chart.series.forEach(function(e) { e.isBubble && !e.ignoreSeries && (k = e.zData.filter(z), k.length && (b = m(e.options.zMin, Math.min(b, Math.max(w(k), !1 === e.options.displayNegative ? e.options.zThreshold : -Number.MAX_VALUE))), d = m(e.options.zMax, Math.max(d, v(k))))); }); var h = b === d ? [ { value: d } ] : [ { value: b }, { value: (b + d) / 2 }, { value: d, autoRanges: !0 } ]; e.length && e[0].radius && h.reverse(); h.forEach(function(a, b) { e && e[b] && (h[b] = y(!1, e[b], a)); }); return h; }; a.prototype.predictBubbleSizes = function() { var a = this.chart, e = this.fontMetrics, b = a.legend.options, d = "horizontal" === b.layout, h = d ? a.legend.lastLineHeight : 0, q = a.plotSizeX, c = a.plotSizeY, p = a.series[this.options.seriesIndex]; a = Math.ceil(p.minPxSize); var r = Math.ceil(p.maxPxSize); p = p.options.maxSize; var m = Math.min(c, q); if (b.floating || !/%$/.test(p)) e = r; else if (p = parseFloat(p), e = (m + h - e.h / 2) * p / 100 / (p / 100 + 1), d && c - e >= q || !d && q - e >= c) e = r; return [ a, Math.ceil(e) ]; }; a.prototype.updateRanges = function(a, e) { var b = this.legend.options.bubbleLegend; b.minSize = a; b.maxSize = e; b.ranges = this.getRanges(); }; a.prototype.correctSizes = function() { var a = this.legend, e = this.chart.series[this.options.seriesIndex]; 1 < Math.abs(Math.ceil(e.maxPxSize) - this.options.maxSize) && (this.updateRanges(this.options.minSize, e.maxPxSize), a.render()); }; return a; }(); a(c, "afterGetAllItems", function(a) { var b = this.bubbleLegend, e = this.options, d = e.bubbleLegend, h = this.chart.getVisibleBubbleSeriesIndex(); b && b.ranges && b.ranges.length && (d.ranges.length && (d.autoRanges = !!d.ranges[0].autoRanges), this.destroyItem(b)); 0 <= h && e.enabled && d.enabled && (d.seriesIndex = h, this.bubbleLegend = new l.BubbleLegend(d, this), this.bubbleLegend.addToLegend(a.allItems)); }); A.prototype.getVisibleBubbleSeriesIndex = function() { for (var a = this.series, b = 0; b < a.length; ) { if (a[b] && a[b].isBubble && a[b].visible && a[b].zData.length) return b; b++; } return -1; }; c.prototype.getLinesHeights = function() { var a = this.allItems, b = [], e = a.length, d, c = 0; for (d = 0; d < e; d++) if (a[d].legendItemHeight && (a[d].itemHeight = a[d].legendItemHeight), a[d] === a[e - 1] || a[d + 1] && a[d]._legendItemPos[1] !== a[d + 1]._legendItemPos[1]) { b.push({ height: 0 }); var p = b[b.length - 1]; for (c; c <= d; c++) a[c].itemHeight > p.height && (p.height = a[c].itemHeight); p.step = d; } return b; }; c.prototype.retranslateItems = function(a) { var b, e, d, h = this.options.rtl, c = 0; this.allItems.forEach(function(k, g) { b = k.legendGroup.translateX; e = k._legendItemPos[1]; if ((d = k.movementX) || h && k.ranges) d = h ? b - k.options.maxSize / 2 : b + d, k.legendGroup.attr({ translateX: d }); g > a[c].step && c++; k.legendGroup.attr({ translateY: Math.round(e + a[c].height / 2) }); k._legendItemPos[1] = e + a[c].height / 2; }); }; a(x, "legendItemClick", function() { var a = this.chart, b = this.visible, e = this.chart.legend; e && e.bubbleLegend && (this.visible = !b, this.ignoreSeries = b, a = 0 <= a.getVisibleBubbleSeriesIndex(), e.bubbleLegend.visible !== a && (e.update({ bubbleLegend: { enabled: a } }), e.bubbleLegend.visible = a), this.visible = b); }); t(A.prototype, "drawChartBox", function(a, b, e) { var k = this.legend, h = 0 <= this.getVisibleBubbleSeriesIndex(); if (k && k.options.enabled && k.bubbleLegend && k.options.bubbleLegend.autoRanges && h) { var g = k.bubbleLegend.options; h = k.bubbleLegend.predictBubbleSizes(); k.bubbleLegend.updateRanges(h[0], h[1]); g.placed || ( = !1, k.allItems.forEach(function(e) { e.legendGroup.translateY = null; })); k.render(); this.getMargins(); this.axes.forEach(function(e) { e.visible && e.render(); g.placed || (e.setScale(), e.updateNames(), d(e.ticks, function(e) { e.isNew = !0; e.isNewLabel = !0; })); }); g.placed = !0; this.getMargins();, b, e); k.bubbleLegend.correctSizes(); k.retranslateItems(k.getLinesHeights()); } else, b, e), k && k.options.enabled && k.bubbleLegend && (k.render(), k.retranslateItems(k.getLinesHeights())); }); l.BubbleLegend = p; return l.BubbleLegend; }); E(f, "parts-more/BubbleSeries.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Color.js"], f["parts/Point.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(l, a, c, b) { var f = a.parse, v = b.arrayMax, w = b.arrayMin, z = b.clamp, y = b.extend, d = b.isNumber, m = b.pick, n = b.pInt; a = b.seriesType; b = l.Axis; var t = l.noop, x = l.Series, A = l.seriesTypes; a("bubble", "scatter", { dataLabels: { formatter: function() { return this.point.z; }, inside: !0, verticalAlign: "middle" }, animationLimit: 250, marker: { lineColor: null, lineWidth: 1, fillOpacity: .5, radius: null, states: { hover: { radiusPlus: 0 } }, symbol: "circle" }, minSize: 8, maxSize: "20%", softThreshold: !1, states: { hover: { halo: { size: 5 } } }, tooltip: { pointFormat: "({point.x}, {point.y}), Size: {point.z}" }, turboThreshold: 0, zThreshold: 0, zoneAxis: "z" }, { pointArrayMap: [ "y", "z" ], parallelArrays: [ "x", "y", "z" ], trackerGroups: [ "group", "dataLabelsGroup" ], specialGroup: "group", bubblePadding: !0, zoneAxis: "z", directTouch: !0, isBubble: !0, pointAttribs: function(a, b) { var d = this.options.marker.fillOpacity; a =, a, b); 1 !== d && (a.fill = f(a.fill).setOpacity(d).get("rgba")); return a; }, getRadii: function(a, b, d) { var g = this.zData, e = this.yData, k = d.minPxSize, h = d.maxPxSize, c = []; var q = 0; for (d = g.length; q < d; q++) { var p = g[q]; c.push(this.getRadius(a, b, k, h, p, e[q])); } this.radii = c; }, getRadius: function(a, b, h, g, e, k) { var c = this.options, p = "width" !== c.sizeBy, q = c.zThreshold, r = b - a, m = .5; if (null === k || null === e) return null; if (d(e)) { c.sizeByAbsoluteValue && (e = Math.abs(e - q), r = Math.max(b - q, Math.abs(a - q)), a = 0); if (e < a) return h / 2 - 1; 0 < r && (m = (e - a) / r); } p && 0 <= m && (m = Math.sqrt(m)); return Math.ceil(h + m * (g - h)) / 2; }, animate: function(a) { !a && this.points.length < this.options.animationLimit && this.points.forEach(function(a) { var b = a.graphic; if (b && b.width) { var d = { x: b.x, y: b.y, width: b.width, height: b.height }; b.attr({ x: a.plotX, y: a.plotY, width: 1, height: 1 }); b.animate(d, this.options.animation); } }, this); }, hasData: function() { return !!this.processedXData.length; }, translate: function() { var a, b =, c = this.radii;; for (a = b.length; a--; ) { var g = b[a]; var e = c ? c[a] : 0; d(e) && e >= this.minPxSize / 2 ? (g.marker = y(g.marker, { radius: e, width: 2 * e, height: 2 * e }), g.dlBox = { x: g.plotX - e, y: g.plotY - e, width: 2 * e, height: 2 * e }) : g.shapeArgs = g.plotY = g.dlBox = void 0; } }, alignDataLabel: A.column.prototype.alignDataLabel, buildKDTree: t, applyZones: t }, { haloPath: function(a) { return, 0 === a ? 0 : (this.marker ? this.marker.radius || 0 : 0) + a); }, ttBelow: !1 }); b.prototype.beforePadding = function() { var a = this, b = this.len, c = this.chart, g = 0, e = b, k = this.isXAxis, l = k ? "xData" : "yData", f = this.min, q = {}, u = Math.min(c.plotWidth, c.plotHeight), t = Number.MAX_VALUE, x = -Number.MAX_VALUE, y = this.max - f, A = b / y, H = []; this.series.forEach(function(e) { var b = e.options; !e.bubblePadding || !e.visible && c.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries || (a.allowZoomOutside = !0, H.push(e), k && ([ "minSize", "maxSize" ].forEach(function(e) { var a = b[e], d = /%$/.test(a); a = n(a); q[e] = d ? u * a / 100 : a; }), e.minPxSize = q.minSize, e.maxPxSize = Math.max(q.maxSize, q.minSize), e = e.zData.filter(d), e.length && (t = m(b.zMin, z(w(e), !1 === b.displayNegative ? b.zThreshold : -Number.MAX_VALUE, t)), x = m(b.zMax, Math.max(x, v(e)))))); }); H.forEach(function(b) { var c = b[l], h = c.length; k && b.getRadii(t, x, b); if (0 < y) for (;h--; ) if (d(c[h]) && a.dataMin <= c[h] && c[h] <= a.max) { var q = b.radii ? b.radii[h] : 0; g = Math.min((c[h] - f) * A - q, g); e = Math.max((c[h] - f) * A + q, e); } }); H.length && 0 < y && !this.isLog && (e -= b, A *= (b + Math.max(0, g) - Math.min(e, b)) / b, [ [ "min", "userMin", g ], [ "max", "userMax", e ] ].forEach(function(e) { "undefined" === typeof m(a.options[e[0]], a[e[1]]) && (a[e[0]] += e[2] / A); })); }; }); E(f, "modules/networkgraph/integrations.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"] ], function(l) { l.networkgraphIntegrations = { verlet: { attractiveForceFunction: function(a, c) { return (c - a) / a; }, repulsiveForceFunction: function(a, c) { return (c - a) / a * (c > a ? 1 : 0); }, barycenter: function() { var a = this.options.gravitationalConstant, c = this.barycenter.xFactor, b = this.barycenter.yFactor; c = (c - ( + / 2) * a; b = (b - ( + / 2) * a; this.nodes.forEach(function(a) { a.fixedPosition || (a.plotX -= c / a.mass /, a.plotY -= b / a.mass /; }); }, repulsive: function(a, c, b) { c = c * this.diffTemperature / a.mass /; a.fixedPosition || (a.plotX += b.x * c, a.plotY += b.y * c); }, attractive: function(a, c, b) { var l = a.getMass(), f = -b.x * c * this.diffTemperature; c = -b.y * c * this.diffTemperature; a.fromNode.fixedPosition || (a.fromNode.plotX -= f * l.fromNode /, a.fromNode.plotY -= c * l.fromNode /; a.toNode.fixedPosition || (a.toNode.plotX += f * l.toNode /, a.toNode.plotY += c * l.toNode /; }, integrate: function(a, c) { var b = -a.options.friction, l = a.options.maxSpeed, f = (c.plotX + c.dispX - c.prevX) * b; b *= c.plotY + c.dispY - c.prevY; var w = Math.abs, z = w(f) / (f || 1); w = w(b) / (b || 1); f = z * Math.min(l, Math.abs(f)); b = w * Math.min(l, Math.abs(b)); c.prevX = c.plotX + c.dispX; c.prevY = c.plotY + c.dispY; c.plotX += f; c.plotY += b; c.temperature = a.vectorLength({ x: f, y: b }); }, getK: function(a) { return Math.pow( * / a.nodes.length, .5); } }, euler: { attractiveForceFunction: function(a, c) { return a * a / c; }, repulsiveForceFunction: function(a, c) { return c * c / a; }, barycenter: function() { var a = this.options.gravitationalConstant, c = this.barycenter.xFactor, b = this.barycenter.yFactor; this.nodes.forEach(function(f) { if (!f.fixedPosition) { var l = f.getDegree(); l *= 1 + l / 2; f.dispX += (c - f.plotX) * a * l /; f.dispY += (b - f.plotY) * a * l /; } }); }, repulsive: function(a, c, b, f) { a.dispX += b.x / f * c /; a.dispY += b.y / f * c /; }, attractive: function(a, c, b, f) { var l = a.getMass(), u = b.x / f * c; c *= b.y / f; a.fromNode.fixedPosition || (a.fromNode.dispX -= u * l.fromNode /, a.fromNode.dispY -= c * l.fromNode /; a.toNode.fixedPosition || (a.toNode.dispX += u * l.toNode /, a.toNode.dispY += c * l.toNode /; }, integrate: function(a, c) { c.dispX += c.dispX * a.options.friction; c.dispY += c.dispY * a.options.friction; var b = c.temperature = a.vectorLength({ x: c.dispX, y: c.dispY }); 0 !== b && (c.plotX += c.dispX / b * Math.min(Math.abs(c.dispX), a.temperature), c.plotY += c.dispY / b * Math.min(Math.abs(c.dispY), a.temperature)); }, getK: function(a) { return Math.pow( * / a.nodes.length, .3); } } }; }); E(f, "modules/networkgraph/QuadTree.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(f, a) { a = a.extend; var c = f.QuadTreeNode = function(a) { = a; this.boxSize = Math.min(a.width, a.height); this.nodes = []; this.body = this.isInternal = !1; this.isEmpty = !0; }; a(c.prototype, { insert: function(a, f) { this.isInternal ? this.nodes[this.getBoxPosition(a)].insert(a, f - 1) : (this.isEmpty = !1, this.body ? f ? (this.isInternal = !0, this.divideBox(), !0 !== this.body && (this.nodes[this.getBoxPosition(this.body)].insert(this.body, f - 1), this.body = !0), this.nodes[this.getBoxPosition(a)].insert(a, f - 1)) : (f = new c({ top: a.plotX, left: a.plotY, width: .1, height: .1 }), f.body = a, f.isInternal = !1, this.nodes.push(f)) : (this.isInternal = !1, this.body = a)); }, updateMassAndCenter: function() { var a = 0, c = 0, f = 0; this.isInternal ? (this.nodes.forEach(function(b) { b.isEmpty || (a += b.mass, c += b.plotX * b.mass, f += b.plotY * b.mass); }), c /= a, f /= a) : this.body && (a = this.body.mass, c = this.body.plotX, f = this.body.plotY); this.mass = a; this.plotX = c; this.plotY = f; }, divideBox: function() { var a = / 2, f = / 2; this.nodes[0] = new c({ left:, top:, width: a, height: f }); this.nodes[1] = new c({ left: + a, top:, width: a, height: f }); this.nodes[2] = new c({ left: + a, top: + f, width: a, height: f }); this.nodes[3] = new c({ left:, top: + f, width: a, height: f }); }, getBoxPosition: function(a) { var b = a.plotY < + / 2; return a.plotX < + / 2 ? b ? 0 : 3 : b ? 1 : 2; } }); f = f.QuadTree = function(a, f, l, w) { = { left: a, top: f, width: l, height: w }; this.maxDepth = 25; this.root = new c(, "0"); this.root.isInternal = !0; this.root.isRoot = !0; this.root.divideBox(); }; a(f.prototype, { insertNodes: function(a) { a.forEach(function(a) { this.root.insert(a, this.maxDepth); }, this); }, visitNodeRecursive: function(a, c, f) { var b; a || (a = this.root); a === this.root && c && (b = c(a)); !1 !== b && (a.nodes.forEach(function(a) { if (a.isInternal) { c && (b = c(a)); if (!1 === b) return; this.visitNodeRecursive(a, c, f); } else a.body && c && c(a.body); f && f(a); }, this), a === this.root && f && f(a)); }, calculateMassAndCenter: function() { this.visitNodeRecursive(null, null, function(a) { a.updateMassAndCenter(); }); } }); }); E(f, "modules/networkgraph/layouts.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(f, a) { var c = a.addEvent, b = a.clamp, l = a.defined, v = a.extend, w = a.isFunction, z = a.pick, y = a.setAnimation; a = f.Chart; f.layouts = { "reingold-fruchterman": function() {} }; v(f.layouts["reingold-fruchterman"].prototype, { init: function(a) { this.options = a; this.nodes = []; this.links = []; this.series = []; = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; this.setInitialRendering(!0); this.integration = f.networkgraphIntegrations[a.integration]; this.attractiveForce = z(a.attractiveForce, this.integration.attractiveForceFunction); this.repulsiveForce = z(a.repulsiveForce, this.integration.repulsiveForceFunction); this.approximation = a.approximation; }, start: function() { var a = this.series, b = this.options; this.currentStep = 0; this.forces = a[0] && a[0].forces || []; this.initialRendering && (this.initPositions(), a.forEach(function(a) { a.render(); })); this.setK(); this.resetSimulation(b); b.enableSimulation && this.step(); }, step: function() { var a = this, b = this.series, c = this.options; a.currentStep++; "barnes-hut" === a.approximation && (a.createQuadTree(), a.quadTree.calculateMassAndCenter()); a.forces.forEach(function(b) { a[b + "Forces"](a.temperature); }); a.applyLimits(a.temperature); a.temperature = a.coolDown(a.startTemperature, a.diffTemperature, a.currentStep); a.prevSystemTemperature = a.systemTemperature; a.systemTemperature = a.getSystemTemperature(); c.enableSimulation && (b.forEach(function(a) { a.chart && a.render(); }), a.maxIterations-- && isFinite(a.temperature) && !a.isStable() ? (a.simulation &&, a.simulation = { a.step(); })) : a.simulation = !1); }, stop: function() { this.simulation &&; }, setArea: function(a, b, c, f) { = { left: a, top: b, width: c, height: f }; }, setK: function() { this.k = this.options.linkLength || this.integration.getK(this); }, addElementsToCollection: function(a, b) { a.forEach(function(a) { -1 === b.indexOf(a) && b.push(a); }); }, removeElementFromCollection: function(a, b) { a = b.indexOf(a); -1 !== a && b.splice(a, 1); }, clear: function() { this.nodes.length = 0; this.links.length = 0; this.series.length = 0; this.resetSimulation(); }, resetSimulation: function() { this.forcedStop = !1; this.systemTemperature = 0; this.setMaxIterations(); this.setTemperature(); this.setDiffTemperature(); }, setMaxIterations: function(a) { this.maxIterations = z(a, this.options.maxIterations); }, setTemperature: function() { this.temperature = this.startTemperature = Math.sqrt(this.nodes.length); }, setDiffTemperature: function() { this.diffTemperature = this.startTemperature / (this.options.maxIterations + 1); }, setInitialRendering: function(a) { this.initialRendering = a; }, createQuadTree: function() { this.quadTree = new f.QuadTree(,,,; this.quadTree.insertNodes(this.nodes); }, initPositions: function() { var a = this.options.initialPositions; w(a) ? (, this.nodes.forEach(function(a) { l(a.prevX) || (a.prevX = a.plotX); l(a.prevY) || (a.prevY = a.plotY); a.dispX = 0; a.dispY = 0; })) : "circle" === a ? this.setCircularPositions() : this.setRandomPositions(); }, setCircularPositions: function() { function a(b) { b.linksFrom.forEach(function(b) { r[] || (r[] = !0, u.push(b.toNode), a(b.toNode)); }); } var b =, c = this.nodes, f = 2 * Math.PI / (c.length + 1), l = c.filter(function(a) { return 0 === a.linksTo.length; }), u = [], r = {}, p = this.options.initialPositionRadius; l.forEach(function(b) { u.push(b); a(b); }); u.length ? c.forEach(function(a) { -1 === u.indexOf(a) && u.push(a); }) : u = c; u.forEach(function(a, d) { a.plotX = a.prevX = z(a.plotX, b.width / 2 + p * Math.cos(d * f)); a.plotY = a.prevY = z(a.plotY, b.height / 2 + p * Math.sin(d * f)); a.dispX = 0; a.dispY = 0; }); }, setRandomPositions: function() { function a(a) { a = a * a / Math.PI; return a -= Math.floor(a); } var b =, c = this.nodes, f = c.length + 1; c.forEach(function(d, c) { d.plotX = d.prevX = z(d.plotX, b.width * a(c)); d.plotY = d.prevY = z(d.plotY, b.height * a(f + c)); d.dispX = 0; d.dispY = 0; }); }, force: function(a) { this.integration[a].apply(this,, 1)); }, barycenterForces: function() { this.getBarycenter(); this.force("barycenter"); }, getBarycenter: function() { var a = 0, b = 0, c = 0; this.nodes.forEach(function(d) { b += d.plotX * d.mass; c += d.plotY * d.mass; a += d.mass; }); return this.barycenter = { x: b, y: c, xFactor: b / a, yFactor: c / a }; }, barnesHutApproximation: function(a, b) { var d = this.getDistXY(a, b), c = this.vectorLength(d); if (a !== b && 0 !== c) if (b.isInternal) { if (b.boxSize / c < this.options.theta && 0 !== c) { var f = this.repulsiveForce(c, this.k); this.force("repulsive", a, f * b.mass, d, c); var l = !1; } else l = !0; } else f = this.repulsiveForce(c, this.k), this.force("repulsive", a, f * b.mass, d, c); return l; }, repulsiveForces: function() { var a = this; "barnes-hut" === a.approximation ? a.nodes.forEach(function(b) { a.quadTree.visitNodeRecursive(null, function(d) { return a.barnesHutApproximation(b, d); }); }) : a.nodes.forEach(function(b) { a.nodes.forEach(function(d) { if (b !== d && !b.fixedPosition) { var c = a.getDistXY(b, d); var f = a.vectorLength(c); if (0 !== f) { var l = a.repulsiveForce(f, a.k); a.force("repulsive", b, l * d.mass, c, f); } } }); }); }, attractiveForces: function() { var a = this, b, c, f; a.links.forEach(function(d) { d.fromNode && d.toNode && (b = a.getDistXY(d.fromNode, d.toNode), c = a.vectorLength(b), 0 !== c && (f = a.attractiveForce(c, a.k), a.force("attractive", d, f, b, c))); }); }, applyLimits: function() { var a = this; a.nodes.forEach(function(b) { b.fixedPosition || (a.integration.integrate(a, b), a.applyLimitBox(b,, b.dispX = 0, b.dispY = 0); }); }, applyLimitBox: function(a, c) { var d = a.radius; a.plotX = b(a.plotX, c.left + d, c.width - d); a.plotY = b(a.plotY, + d, c.height - d); }, coolDown: function(a, b, c) { return a - b * c; }, isStable: function() { return 1e-5 > Math.abs(this.systemTemperature - this.prevSystemTemperature) || 0 >= this.temperature; }, getSystemTemperature: function() { return this.nodes.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b.temperature; }, 0); }, vectorLength: function(a) { return Math.sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y); }, getDistR: function(a, b) { a = this.getDistXY(a, b); return this.vectorLength(a); }, getDistXY: function(a, b) { var c = a.plotX - b.plotX; a = a.plotY - b.plotY; return { x: c, y: a, absX: Math.abs(c), absY: Math.abs(a) }; } }); c(a, "predraw", function() { this.graphLayoutsLookup && this.graphLayoutsLookup.forEach(function(a) { a.stop(); }); }); c(a, "render", function() { function a(a) { a.maxIterations-- && isFinite(a.temperature) && !a.isStable() && !a.options.enableSimulation && (a.beforeStep && a.beforeStep(), a.step(), c = !1, b = !0); } var b = !1; if (this.graphLayoutsLookup) { y(!1, this); for (this.graphLayoutsLookup.forEach(function(a) { a.start(); }); !c; ) { var c = !0; this.graphLayoutsLookup.forEach(a); } b && this.series.forEach(function(a) { a && a.layout && a.render(); }); } }); }); E(f, "modules/networkgraph/draggable-nodes.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(f, a) { var c = a.addEvent; a = f.Chart; f.dragNodesMixin = { onMouseDown: function(a, c) { c = this.chart.pointer.normalize(c); a.fixedPosition = { chartX: c.chartX, chartY: c.chartY, plotX: a.plotX, plotY: a.plotY }; a.inDragMode = !0; }, onMouseMove: function(a, c) { if (a.fixedPosition && a.inDragMode) { var b = this.chart, f = b.pointer.normalize(c); c = a.fixedPosition.chartX - f.chartX; f = a.fixedPosition.chartY - f.chartY; if (5 < Math.abs(c) || 5 < Math.abs(f)) c = a.fixedPosition.plotX - c, f = a.fixedPosition.plotY - f, b.isInsidePlot(c, f) && (a.plotX = c, a.plotY = f, a.hasDragged = !0, this.redrawHalo(a), this.layout.simulation ? this.layout.resetSimulation() : (this.layout.setInitialRendering(!1), this.layout.enableSimulation ? this.layout.start() : this.layout.setMaxIterations(1), this.chart.redraw(), this.layout.setInitialRendering(!0))); } }, onMouseUp: function(a, c) { a.fixedPosition && a.hasDragged && (this.layout.enableSimulation ? this.layout.start() : this.chart.redraw(), a.inDragMode = a.hasDragged = !1, this.options.fixedDraggable || delete a.fixedPosition); }, redrawHalo: function(a) { a && this.halo && this.halo.attr({ d: a.haloPath(this.options.states.hover.halo.size) }); } }; c(a, "load", function() { var a = this, f, l, w; a.container && (f = c(a.container, "mousedown", function(b) { var f = a.hoverPoint; f && f.series && f.series.hasDraggableNodes && f.series.options.draggable && (f.series.onMouseDown(f, b), l = c(a.container, "mousemove", function(a) { return f && f.series && f.series.onMouseMove(f, a); }), w = c(a.container.ownerDocument, "mouseup", function(a) { l(); w(); return f && f.series && f.series.onMouseUp(f, a); })); })); c(a, "destroy", function() { f(); }); }); }); E(f, "parts-more/PackedBubbleSeries.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Color.js"], f["parts/Point.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"] ], function(f, a, c, b) { var l = a.parse, v = b.addEvent, w = b.clamp, z = b.defined, y = b.extend; a = b.extendClass; var d = b.fireEvent, m = b.isArray, n = b.isNumber, t = b.merge, x = b.pick; b = b.seriesType; var A = f.Series, r = f.Chart, p = f.layouts["reingold-fruchterman"], h = f.seriesTypes.bubble.prototype.pointClass, g = f.dragNodesMixin; f.networkgraphIntegrations.packedbubble = { repulsiveForceFunction: function(a, b, c, d) { return Math.min(a, (c.marker.radius + d.marker.radius) / 2); }, barycenter: function() { var a = this, b = a.options.gravitationalConstant, c =, d = a.nodes, f, g; d.forEach(function(e) { a.options.splitSeries && !e.isParentNode ? (f = e.series.parentNode.plotX, g = e.series.parentNode.plotY) : (f = c.width / 2, g = c.height / 2); e.fixedPosition || (e.plotX -= (e.plotX - f) * b / (e.mass * Math.sqrt(d.length)), e.plotY -= (e.plotY - g) * b / (e.mass * Math.sqrt(d.length))); }); }, repulsive: function(a, b, c, d) { var e = b * this.diffTemperature / a.mass /; b = c.x * e; c = c.y * e; a.fixedPosition || (a.plotX += b, a.plotY += c); d.fixedPosition || (d.plotX -= b, d.plotY -= c); }, integrate: f.networkgraphIntegrations.verlet.integrate, getK: f.noop }; f.layouts.packedbubble = a(p, { beforeStep: function() { this.options.marker && this.series.forEach(function(a) { a && a.calculateParentRadius(); }); }, setCircularPositions: function() { var a = this, b =, c = a.nodes, d = 2 * Math.PI / (c.length + 1), f, g, h = a.options.initialPositionRadius; c.forEach(function(e, c) { a.options.splitSeries && !e.isParentNode ? (f = e.series.parentNode.plotX, g = e.series.parentNode.plotY) : (f = b.width / 2, g = b.height / 2); e.plotX = e.prevX = x(e.plotX, f + h * Math.cos(e.index || c * d)); e.plotY = e.prevY = x(e.plotY, g + h * Math.sin(e.index || c * d)); e.dispX = 0; e.dispY = 0; }); }, repulsiveForces: function() { var a = this, b, c, d, f = a.options.bubblePadding; a.nodes.forEach(function(e) { = e.mass; e.neighbours = 0; a.nodes.forEach(function(k) { b = 0; e === k || e.fixedPosition || !a.options.seriesInteraction && e.series !== k.series || (d = a.getDistXY(e, k), c = a.vectorLength(d) - (e.marker.radius + k.marker.radius + f), 0 > c && ( += .01, e.neighbours++, b = a.repulsiveForce(-c / Math.sqrt(e.neighbours), a.k, e, k)), a.force("repulsive", e, b * k.mass, d, k, c)); }); }); }, applyLimitBox: function(a) { if (this.options.splitSeries && !a.isParentNode && this.options.parentNodeLimit) { var e = this.getDistXY(a, a.series.parentNode); var b = a.series.parentNodeRadius - a.marker.radius - this.vectorLength(e); 0 > b && b > -2 * a.marker.radius && (a.plotX -= .01 * e.x, a.plotY -= .01 * e.y); } p.prototype.applyLimitBox.apply(this, arguments); }, isStable: function() { return 1e-5 > Math.abs(this.systemTemperature - this.prevSystemTemperature) || 0 >= this.temperature || 0 < this.systemTemperature && .02 > this.systemTemperature / this.nodes.length && this.enableSimulation; } }); b("packedbubble", "bubble", { minSize: "10%", maxSize: "50%", sizeBy: "area", zoneAxis: "y", tooltip: { pointFormat: "Value: {point.value}" }, draggable: !0, useSimulation: !0, dataLabels: { formatter: function() { return this.point.value; }, parentNodeFormatter: function() { return; }, parentNodeTextPath: { enabled: !0 }, padding: 0 }, layoutAlgorithm: { initialPositions: "circle", initialPositionRadius: 20, bubblePadding: 5, parentNodeLimit: !1, seriesInteraction: !0, dragBetweenSeries: !1, parentNodeOptions: { maxIterations: 400, gravitationalConstant: .03, maxSpeed: 50, initialPositionRadius: 100, seriesInteraction: !0, marker: { fillColor: null, fillOpacity: 1, lineWidth: 1, lineColor: null, symbol: "circle" } }, enableSimulation: !0, type: "packedbubble", integration: "packedbubble", maxIterations: 1e3, splitSeries: !1, maxSpeed: 5, gravitationalConstant: .01, friction: -.981 } }, { hasDraggableNodes: !0, forces: [ "barycenter", "repulsive" ], pointArrayMap: [ "value" ], pointValKey: "value", isCartesian: !1, requireSorting: !1, directTouch: !0, axisTypes: [], noSharedTooltip: !0, searchPoint: f.noop, accumulateAllPoints: function(a) { var e = a.chart, b = [], c, d; for (c = 0; c < e.series.length; c++) if (a = e.series[c], a.visible || !e.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries) for (d = 0; d < a.yData.length; d++) b.push([ null, null, a.yData[d], a.index, d, { id: d, marker: { radius: 0 } } ]); return b; }, init: function() { A.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments); v(this, "updatedData", function() { this.chart.series.forEach(function(a) { a.type === this.type && (a.isDirty = !0); }, this); }); return this; }, render: function() { var a = []; A.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments); this.options.dataLabels.allowOverlap || ( { m(e.dataLabels) && e.dataLabels.forEach(function(e) { a.push(e); }); }), this.options.useSimulation && this.chart.hideOverlappingLabels(a)); }, setVisible: function() { var a = this; A.prototype.setVisible.apply(a, arguments); a.parentNodeLayout && a.graph ? a.visible ? (, a.parentNode.dataLabel && : (a.graph.hide(), a.parentNodeLayout.removeElementFromCollection(a.parentNode, a.parentNodeLayout.nodes), a.parentNode.dataLabel && a.parentNode.dataLabel.hide()) : a.layout && (a.visible ? a.layout.addElementsToCollection(a.points, a.layout.nodes) : a.points.forEach(function(e) { a.layout.removeElementFromCollection(e, a.layout.nodes); })); }, drawDataLabels: function() { var a = this.options.dataLabels.textPath, b = this.points; A.prototype.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments); this.parentNode && (this.parentNode.formatPrefix = "parentNode", this.points = [ this.parentNode ], this.options.dataLabels.textPath = this.options.dataLabels.parentNodeTextPath, A.prototype.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments), this.points = b, this.options.dataLabels.textPath = a); }, seriesBox: function() { var a = this.chart, b = Math.max, c = Math.min, d, f = [ a.plotLeft, a.plotLeft + a.plotWidth, a.plotTop, a.plotTop + a.plotHeight ]; { z(a.plotX) && z(a.plotY) && a.marker.radius && (d = a.marker.radius, f[0] = c(f[0], a.plotX - d), f[1] = b(f[1], a.plotX + d), f[2] = c(f[2], a.plotY - d), f[3] = b(f[3], a.plotY + d)); }); return n(f.width / f.height) ? f : null; }, calculateParentRadius: function() { var a = this.seriesBox(); this.parentNodeRadius = w(Math.sqrt(2 * this.parentNodeMass / Math.PI) + 20, 20, a ? Math.max(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.width, 2) + Math.pow(a.height, 2)) / 2 + 20, 20) : Math.sqrt(2 * this.parentNodeMass / Math.PI) + 20); this.parentNode && (this.parentNode.marker.radius = this.parentNode.radius = this.parentNodeRadius); }, drawGraph: function() { if (this.layout && this.layout.options.splitSeries) { var a = this.chart, b = this.layout.options.parentNodeOptions.marker; b = { fill: b.fillColor || l(this.color).brighten(.4).get(), opacity: b.fillOpacity, stroke: b.lineColor || this.color, "stroke-width": b.lineWidth }; var c = this.visible ? "inherit" : "hidden"; this.parentNodesGroup || (this.parentNodesGroup = this.plotGroup("parentNodesGroup", "parentNode", c, .1, a.seriesGroup),{ zIndex: 2 })); this.calculateParentRadius(); c = t({ x: this.parentNode.plotX - this.parentNodeRadius, y: this.parentNode.plotY - this.parentNodeRadius, width: 2 * this.parentNodeRadius, height: 2 * this.parentNodeRadius }, b); this.parentNode.graphic || (this.graph = this.parentNode.graphic = a.renderer.symbol(b.symbol).add(this.parentNodesGroup)); this.parentNode.graphic.attr(c); } }, createParentNodes: function() { var a = this, b = a.chart, c = a.parentNodeLayout, d, f = a.parentNode; a.parentNodeMass = 0; a.points.forEach(function(e) { a.parentNodeMass += Math.PI * Math.pow(e.marker.radius, 2); }); a.calculateParentRadius(); c.nodes.forEach(function(e) { e.seriesIndex === a.index && (d = !0); }); c.setArea(0, 0, b.plotWidth, b.plotHeight); d || (f || (f = new h().init(this, { mass: a.parentNodeRadius / 2, marker: { radius: a.parentNodeRadius }, dataLabels: { inside: !1 }, dataLabelOnNull: !0, degree: a.parentNodeRadius, isParentNode: !0, seriesIndex: a.index })), a.parentNode && (f.plotX = a.parentNode.plotX, f.plotY = a.parentNode.plotY), a.parentNode = f, c.addElementsToCollection([ a ], c.series), c.addElementsToCollection([ f ], c.nodes)); }, addSeriesLayout: function() { var a = this.options.layoutAlgorithm, b = this.chart.graphLayoutsStorage, c = this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup, d = t(a, a.parentNodeOptions, { enableSimulation: this.layout.options.enableSimulation }); var g = b[a.type + "-series"]; g || (b[a.type + "-series"] = g = new f.layouts[a.type](), g.init(d), c.splice(g.index, 0, g)); this.parentNodeLayout = g; this.createParentNodes(); }, addLayout: function() { var a = this.options.layoutAlgorithm, b = this.chart.graphLayoutsStorage, c = this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup, d = this.chart.options.chart; b || (this.chart.graphLayoutsStorage = b = {}, this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup = c = []); var g = b[a.type]; g || (a.enableSimulation = z(d.forExport) ? !d.forExport : a.enableSimulation, b[a.type] = g = new f.layouts[a.type](), g.init(a), c.splice(g.index, 0, g)); this.layout = g; this.points.forEach(function(a) { a.mass = 2; = 1; a.collisionNmb = 1; }); g.setArea(0, 0, this.chart.plotWidth, this.chart.plotHeight); g.addElementsToCollection([ this ], g.series); g.addElementsToCollection(this.points, g.nodes); }, deferLayout: function() { var a = this.options.layoutAlgorithm; this.visible && (this.addLayout(), a.splitSeries && this.addSeriesLayout()); }, translate: function() { var a = this.chart, b =, c = this.index, f, g = this.options.useSimulation; this.processedXData = this.xData; this.generatePoints(); z(a.allDataPoints) || (a.allDataPoints = this.accumulateAllPoints(this), this.getPointRadius()); if (g) var h = a.allDataPoints; else h = this.placeBubbles(a.allDataPoints), this.options.draggable = !1; for (f = 0; f < h.length; f++) if (h[f][3] === c) { var p = b[h[f][4]]; var r = h[f][2]; g || (p.plotX = h[f][0] - a.plotLeft + a.diffX, p.plotY = h[f][1] - a.plotTop + a.diffY); p.marker = y(p.marker, { radius: r, width: 2 * r, height: 2 * r }); p.radius = r; } g && this.deferLayout(); d(this, "afterTranslate"); }, checkOverlap: function(a, b) { var e = a[0] - b[0], c = a[1] - b[1]; return -.001 > Math.sqrt(e * e + c * c) - Math.abs(a[2] + b[2]); }, positionBubble: function(a, b, c) { var e = Math.sqrt, d = Math.asin, f = Math.acos, g = Math.pow, k = Math.abs; e = e(g(a[0] - b[0], 2) + g(a[1] - b[1], 2)); f = f((g(e, 2) + g(c[2] + b[2], 2) - g(c[2] + a[2], 2)) / (2 * (c[2] + b[2]) * e)); d = d(k(a[0] - b[0]) / e); a = (0 > a[1] - b[1] ? 0 : Math.PI) + f + d * (0 > (a[0] - b[0]) * (a[1] - b[1]) ? 1 : -1); return [ b[0] + (b[2] + c[2]) * Math.sin(a), b[1] - (b[2] + c[2]) * Math.cos(a), c[2], c[3], c[4] ]; }, placeBubbles: function(a) { var b = this.checkOverlap, e = this.positionBubble, c = [], d = 1, f = 0, g = 0; var h = []; var p; a = a.sort(function(a, b) { return b[2] - a[2]; }); if (a.length) { c.push([ [ 0, 0, a[0][2], a[0][3], a[0][4] ] ]); if (1 < a.length) for (c.push([ [ 0, 0 - a[1][2] - a[0][2], a[1][2], a[1][3], a[1][4] ] ]), p = 2; p < a.length; p++) a[p][2] = a[p][2] || 1, h = e(c[d][f], c[d - 1][g], a[p]), b(h, c[d][0]) ? (c.push([]), g = 0, c[d + 1].push(e(c[d][f], c[d][0], a[p])), d++, f = 0) : 1 < d && c[d - 1][g + 1] && b(h, c[d - 1][g + 1]) ? (g++, c[d].push(e(c[d][f], c[d - 1][g], a[p])), f++) : (f++, c[d].push(h)); this.chart.stages = c; this.chart.rawPositions = [].concat.apply([], c); this.resizeRadius(); h = this.chart.rawPositions; } return h; }, resizeRadius: function() { var a = this.chart, b = a.rawPositions, c = Math.min, d = Math.max, f = a.plotLeft, g = a.plotTop, h = a.plotHeight, p = a.plotWidth, r, l, m; var n = r = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; var t = l = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (m = 0; m < b.length; m++) { var u = b[m][2]; n = c(n, b[m][0] - u); t = d(t, b[m][0] + u); r = c(r, b[m][1] - u); l = d(l, b[m][1] + u); } m = [ t - n, l - r ]; c = c.apply([], [ (p - f) / m[0], (h - g) / m[1] ]); if (1e-10 < Math.abs(c - 1)) { for (m = 0; m < b.length; m++) b[m][2] *= c; this.placeBubbles(b); } else a.diffY = h / 2 + g - r - (l - r) / 2, a.diffX = p / 2 + f - n - (t - n) / 2; }, calculateZExtremes: function() { var a = this.options.zMin, b = this.options.zMax, c = Infinity, d = -Infinity; if (a && b) return [ a, b ]; this.chart.series.forEach(function(a) { a.yData.forEach(function(a) { z(a) && (a > d && (d = a), a < c && (c = a)); }); }); a = x(a, c); b = x(b, d); return [ a, b ]; }, getPointRadius: function() { var a = this, b = a.chart, c = a.options, d = c.useSimulation, f = Math.min(b.plotWidth, b.plotHeight), g = {}, h = [], p = b.allDataPoints, r, l, m, n; [ "minSize", "maxSize" ].forEach(function(a) { var b = parseInt(c[a], 10), e = /%$/.test(c[a]); g[a] = e ? f * b / 100 : b * Math.sqrt(p.length); }); b.minRadius = r = g.minSize / Math.sqrt(p.length); b.maxRadius = l = g.maxSize / Math.sqrt(p.length); var t = d ? a.calculateZExtremes() : [ r, l ]; (p || []).forEach(function(b, e) { m = d ? w(b[2], t[0], t[1]) : b[2]; n = a.getRadius(t[0], t[1], r, l, m); 0 === n && (n = null); p[e][2] = n; h.push(n); }); a.radii = h; }, redrawHalo: g.redrawHalo, onMouseDown: g.onMouseDown, onMouseMove: g.onMouseMove, onMouseUp: function(a) { if (a.fixedPosition && !a.removed) { var b, c, e = this.layout, d = this.parentNodeLayout; d && e.options.dragBetweenSeries && d.nodes.forEach(function(d) { a && a.marker && d !== a.series.parentNode && (b = e.getDistXY(a, d), c = e.vectorLength(b) - d.marker.radius - a.marker.radius, 0 > c && (d.series.addPoint(t(a.options, { plotX: a.plotX, plotY: a.plotY }), !1), e.removeElementFromCollection(a, e.nodes), a.remove())); }); g.onMouseUp.apply(this, arguments); } }, destroy: function() { this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup && this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup.forEach(function(a) { a.removeElementFromCollection(this, a.series); }, this); this.parentNode && (this.parentNodeLayout.removeElementFromCollection(this.parentNode, this.parentNodeLayout.nodes), this.parentNode.dataLabel && (this.parentNode.dataLabel = this.parentNode.dataLabel.destroy())); f.Series.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); }, alignDataLabel: f.Series.prototype.alignDataLabel }, { destroy: function() { this.series.layout && this.series.layout.removeElementFromCollection(this, this.series.layout.nodes); return c.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); v(r, "beforeRedraw", function() { this.allDataPoints && delete this.allDataPoints; }); }); E(f, "parts-more/Polar.js", [ f["parts/Globals.js"], f["parts/Utilities.js"], f["parts-more/Pane.js"] ], function(f, a, c) { var b = a.addEvent, l = a.defined, v = a.find, w = a.pick, z = a.splat, y = a.uniqueKey, d = a.wrap, m = f.Series, n = f.seriesTypes, t = m.prototype, x = f.Pointer.prototype; t.searchPointByAngle = function(a) { var b = this.chart, c =; return this.searchKDTree({ clientX: 180 + -180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(a.chartX - c[0] - b.plotLeft, a.chartY - c[1] - b.plotTop) }); }; t.getConnectors = function(a, b, c, d) { var e = d ? 1 : 0; var f = 0 <= b && b <= a.length - 1 ? b : 0 > b ? a.length - 1 + b : 0; b = 0 > f - 1 ? a.length - (1 + e) : f - 1; e = f + 1 > a.length - 1 ? e : f + 1; var g = a[b]; e = a[e]; var h = g.plotX; g = g.plotY; var p = e.plotX; var r = e.plotY; e = a[f].plotX; f = a[f].plotY; h = (1.5 * e + h) / 2.5; g = (1.5 * f + g) / 2.5; p = (1.5 * e + p) / 2.5; var l = (1.5 * f + r) / 2.5; r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(h - e, 2) + Math.pow(g - f, 2)); var m = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p - e, 2) + Math.pow(l - f, 2)); h = Math.atan2(g - f, h - e); l = Math.PI / 2 + (h + Math.atan2(l - f, p - e)) / 2; Math.abs(h - l) > Math.PI / 2 && (l -= Math.PI); h = e + Math.cos(l) * r; g = f + Math.sin(l) * r; p = e + Math.cos(Math.PI + l) * m; l = f + Math.sin(Math.PI + l) * m; e = { rightContX: p, rightContY: l, leftContX: h, leftContY: g, plotX: e, plotY: f }; c && (e.prevPointCont = this.getConnectors(a, b, !1, d)); return e; }; t.toXY = function(a) { var b = this.chart, c = this.xAxis; var d = this.yAxis; var e = a.plotX, f = a.plotY, l = a.series, r = b.inverted, m = a.y, n = r ? e : d.len - f; r && l && !l.isRadialBar && (a.plotY = f = "number" === typeof m ? d.translate(m) || 0 : 0); a.rectPlotX = e; a.rectPlotY = f; && (n +=[3] / 2); d = r ? d.postTranslate(f, n) : c.postTranslate(e, n); a.plotX = a.polarPlotX = d.x - b.plotLeft; a.plotY = a.polarPlotY = d.y - b.plotTop; this.kdByAngle ? (b = (e / Math.PI * 180 + c.pane.options.startAngle) % 360, 0 > b && (b += 360), a.clientX = b) : a.clientX = a.plotX; }; n.spline && (d(n.spline.prototype, "getPointSpline", function(a, b, c, d) { this.chart.polar ? d ? (a = this.getConnectors(b, d, !0, this.connectEnds), a = [ "C", a.prevPointCont.rightContX, a.prevPointCont.rightContY, a.leftContX, a.leftContY, a.plotX, a.plotY ]) : a = [ "M", c.plotX, c.plotY ] : a =, b, c, d); return a; }), n.areasplinerange && (n.areasplinerange.prototype.getPointSpline = n.spline.prototype.getPointSpline)); b(m, "afterTranslate", function() { var a = this.chart; if (a.polar && this.xAxis) { (this.kdByAngle = a.tooltip && a.tooltip.shared) ? this.searchPoint = this.searchPointByAngle : this.options.findNearestPointBy = "xy"; if (!this.preventPostTranslate) for (var c = this.points, d = c.length; d--; ) this.toXY(c[d]), !a.hasParallelCoordinates && !this.yAxis.reversed && c[d].y < this.yAxis.min && (c[d].isNull = !0); this.hasClipCircleSetter || (this.hasClipCircleSetter = !!this.eventsToUnbind.push(b(this, "afterRender", function() { if (a.polar) { var b =; this.clipCircle ? this.clipCircle.animate({ x: b[0], y: b[1], r: b[2] / 2, innerR: b[3] / 2 }) : this.clipCircle = a.renderer.clipCircle(b[0], b[1], b[2] / 2, b[3] / 2);; this.setClip = f.noop; } }))); } }, { order: 2 }); d(t, "getGraphPath", function(a, b) { var c = this, d; if (this.chart.polar) { b = b || this.points; for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) if (!b[d].isNull) { var e = d; break; } if (!1 !== this.options.connectEnds && "undefined" !== typeof e) { this.connectEnds = !0; b.splice(b.length, 0, b[e]); var f = !0; } b.forEach(function(a) { "undefined" === typeof a.polarPlotY && c.toXY(a); }); } d = a.apply(this, [], 1)); f && b.pop(); return d; }); var A = function(a, b) { var c = this, d = this.chart, e = this.options.animation, k =, p = this.markerGroup, l =, m = d.plotLeft, r = d.plotTop, n, t, u, v; if (d.polar) { if (c.isRadialBar) b || (c.startAngleRad = w(c.translatedThreshold, c.xAxis.startAngleRad),, b)); else { if (d.renderer.isSVG) if (e = f.animObject(e),"column")) { if (!b) { var x = l[3] / 2; c.points.forEach(function(a) { n = a.graphic; u = (t = a.shapeArgs) && t.r; v = t && t.innerR; n && t && (n.attr({ r: x, innerR: x }), n.animate({ r: u, innerR: v }, c.options.animation)); }); } } else b ? (a = { translateX: l[0] + m, translateY: l[1] + r, scaleX: .001, scaleY: .001 }, k.attr(a), p && p.attr(a)) : (a = { translateX: m, translateY: r, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }, k.animate(a, e), p && p.animate(a, e)); } } else, b); }; d(t, "animate", A); n.column && (m = n.arearange.prototype, n = n.column.prototype, n.polarArc = function(a, b, c, d) { var e =, f = this.yAxis.len, g = e[3] / 2; b = f - b + g; a = f - w(a, f) + g; this.yAxis.reversed && (0 > b && (b = g), 0 > a && (a = g)); return { x: e[0], y: e[1], r: b, innerR: a, start: c, end: d }; }, d(n, "animate", A), d(n, "translate", function(b) { var c = this.options, d = c.stacking, g = this.chart, e = this.xAxis, k = this.yAxis, m = k.reversed, r =, n = e.startAngleRad, t = e.endAngleRad - n; this.preventPostTranslate = !0;; if (e.isRadial) { b = this.points; e = b.length; var u = k.translate(k.min); var v = k.translate(k.max); c = c.threshold || 0; if (g.inverted && f.isNumber(c)) { var w = k.translate(c); l(w) && (0 > w ? w = 0 : w > t && (w = t), this.translatedThreshold = w + n); } for (;e--; ) { c = b[e]; var x = c.barX; var y = c.x; var A = c.y; c.shapeType = "arc"; if (g.inverted) { c.plotY = k.translate(A); if (d) { if (A = k.stacks[(0 > A ? "-" : "") + this.stackKey], this.visible && A && A[y] && !c.isNull) { var z = A[y].points[this.getStackIndicator(void 0, y, this.index).key]; var D = k.translate(z[0]); z = k.translate(z[1]); l(D) && (D = a.clamp(D, 0, t)); } } else D = w, z = c.plotY; D > z && (z = [ D, D = z ][0]); if (!m) { if (D < u) D = u; else if (z > v) z = v; else { if (z < u || D > v) D = z = 0; } } else if (z > u) z = u; else if (D < v) D = v; else if (D > u || z < v) D = z = t; k.min > k.max && (D = z = m ? t : 0); D += n; z += n; r && (c.barX = x += r[3] / 2); y = Math.max(x, 0); A = Math.max(x + c.pointWidth, 0); c.shapeArgs = { x: r && r[0], y: r && r[1], r: A, innerR: y, start: D, end: z }; c.opacity = D === z ? 0 : void 0; c.plotY = (l(this.translatedThreshold) && (D < this.translatedThreshold ? D : z)) - n; } else D = x + n, c.shapeArgs = this.polarArc(c.yBottom, c.plotY, D, D + c.pointWidth); this.toXY(c); g.inverted ? (x = k.postTranslate(c.rectPlotY, x + c.pointWidth / 2), c.tooltipPos = [ x.x - g.plotLeft, x.y - g.plotTop ]) : c.tooltipPos = [ c.plotX, c.plotY ]; r && (c.ttBelow = c.plotY > r[1]); } } }), n.findAlignments = function(a, b) { null === b.align && (b.align = 20 < a && 160 > a ? "left" : 200 < a && 340 > a ? "right" : "center"); null === b.verticalAlign && (b.verticalAlign = 45 > a || 315 < a ? "bottom" : 135 < a && 225 > a ? "top" : "middle"); return b; }, m && (m.findAlignments = n.findAlignments), d(n, "alignDataLabel", function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g = this.chart, h = w(d.inside, !!this.options.stacking); g.polar ? (a = b.rectPlotX / Math.PI * 180, g.inverted ? (this.forceDL = g.isInsidePlot(b.plotX, Math.round(b.plotY), !1), h && b.shapeArgs ? (e = b.shapeArgs, e = this.yAxis.postTranslate((e.start + e.end) / 2 - this.xAxis.startAngleRad, b.barX + b.pointWidth / 2), e = { x: e.x - g.plotLeft, y: e.y - g.plotTop }) : b.tooltipPos && (e = { x: b.tooltipPos[0], y: b.tooltipPos[1] }), d.align = w(d.align, "center"), d.verticalAlign = w(d.verticalAlign, "middle")) : this.findAlignments && (d = this.findAlignments(a, d)),, b, c, d, e, f), this.isRadialBar && b.shapeArgs && b.shapeArgs.start === b.shapeArgs.end && c.hide(!0)) :, b, c, d, e, f); })); d(x, "getCoordinates", function(a, b) { var c = this.chart, d = { xAxis: [], yAxis: [] }; c.polar ? c.axes.forEach(function(a) { var e = a.isXAxis, f =; if ("colorAxis" !== a.coll) { var g = b.chartX - f[0] - c.plotLeft; f = b.chartY - f[1] - c.plotTop; d[e ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"].push({ axis: a, value: a.translate(e ? Math.PI - Math.atan2(g, f) : Math.sqrt(Math.pow(g, 2) + Math.pow(f, 2)), !0) }); } }) : d =, b); return d; }); f.SVGRenderer.prototype.clipCircle = function(a, b, c, d) { var e = y(), f = this.createElement("clipPath").attr({ id: e }).add(this.defs); a = d ? this.arc(a, b, c, d, 0, 2 * Math.PI).add(f) :, b, c).add(f); = e; a.clipPath = f; return a; }; b(f.Chart, "getAxes", function() { this.pane || (this.pane = []); z(this.options.pane).forEach(function(a) { new c(a, this); }, this); }); b(f.Chart, "afterDrawChartBox", function() { this.pane.forEach(function(a) { a.render(); }); }); b(f.Series, "afterInit", function() { var a = this.chart; a.inverted && a.polar && (this.isRadialSeries = !0,"column") && (this.isRadialBar = !0)); }); d(f.Chart.prototype, "get", function(a, b) { return v(this.pane, function(a) { return === b; }) ||, b); }); }); E(f, "masters/highcharts-more.src.js", [], function() {}); }); }); var Highcharts$1 = window.Highcharts; var $$4 = window.$; highchartsMore(Highcharts$1); var _default$a = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { _classCallCheck(this, _default); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "connect", value: function connect() { var _this = this; $$4.getJSON("url"), function(data) { Highcharts$1.chart(_this.element, { chart: { scrollablePlotArea: { minWidth: 600, scrollPositionX: 1 } }, title: { text: "", align: "left" }, subtitle: { text: "", align: "left" }, xAxis: { title: { text: "D/P creatinine (4hrs)" }, type: "linear", labels: { overflow: "justify" }, plotBands: [ { from: .3, to: .5, color: "rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.1)", label: { text: "Low", style: { color: "#606060" } } }, { from: .5, to: .65, color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", label: { text: "Low average", style: { color: "#606060" } } }, { from: .65, to: .82, color: "rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.1)", label: { text: "High average", style: { color: "#606060" } } }, { from: .82, to: 1, color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", label: { text: "High", style: { color: "#606060" } } } ] }, yAxis: { title: { text: "Net Ultrafiltration (mls)" }, tickInterval: 200, minorGridLineWidth: 0, gridLineWidth: 0, alternateGridColor: null, floor: -600, plotLines: [ { color: "#BBB", width: 1, value: 0 } ] }, tooltip: { formatter: function formatter() { return "
D_Pcr " + this.x + "
" + "netUF " + this.y + ""; } }, plotOptions: { pointStart: .3, line: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: "{point.index}", style: { fontSize: "15px" } } }, series: { enableMouseTracking: false }, dataLabels: { enabled: true, style: { fontWeight: "bold" } } }, series: [ { name: "Expected", color: "#00a499", showInLegend: true, type: "polygon", data: [ [ .36, 400 ], [ .36, 1e3 ], [ .5, 1e3 ], [ .9, 600 ], [ .9, 300 ], [ .6, 100 ], [ .36, 400 ] ] }, { name: "Warning", color: "#fff495", showInLegend: true, type: "polygon", data: [ [ .6, 100 ], [ .9, 300 ], [ 1, 200 ], [ 1, -600 ], [ .75, -600 ], [ .6, 100 ] ] }, { color: "#040481", showInLegend: false, enableMouseTracking: true, data: data } ], navigation: { menuItemStyle: { fontSize: "10px" } } }); = "unset"; }); } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); var _default$b = function(_Controller) { _inherits(_default, _Controller); var _super = _createSuper(_default); function _default() { _classCallCheck(this, _default); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(_default, [ { key: "connect", value: function connect() { console.log("Not implemented"); } } ]); return _default; }(Controller); _defineProperty(_default$b, "targets", [ "chart" ]); var application = Application.start(); application.register("toggle", _default); application.register("hd-prescription-administration", _default$1); application.register("home-delivery-modal", _default$2); application.register("snippets", _default$3); application.register("letters-form", _default$4); application.register("prescriptions", _default$5); application.register("charts", _default$6); application.register("session", _default$7); application.register("simple-toggle", _default$8); application.register("tabs", _default$9); application.register("pd-pet-chart", _default$a); application.register("pathology-sparklines", _default$b); window.Chartkick.use(window.Highcharts);