/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NEC Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <assert.h> #include "checks.h" #include "packet_info.h" #include "wrapper.h" void free_packet_info( buffer *buf ) { die_if_NULL( buf ); die_if_NULL( buf->user_data ); xfree( buf->user_data ); buf->user_data = NULL; buf->user_data_free_function = NULL; } void calloc_packet_info( buffer *buf ) { die_if_NULL( buf ); void *user_data = xcalloc( 1, sizeof( packet_info ) ); assert( user_data != NULL ); memset( user_data, 0, sizeof( packet_info ) ); buf->user_data = user_data; buf->user_data_free_function = free_packet_info; } packet_info get_packet_info( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); packet_info info; if ( frame->user_data != NULL ) { info = *( packet_info * ) frame->user_data; } else { memset( &info, 0, sizeof( info ) ); } return info; } static bool if_packet_type( const buffer *frame, const uint32_t type ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); packet_info packet_info = get_packet_info( frame ); return ( ( packet_info.format & type ) == type ); } bool packet_type_eth_dix( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, ETH_DIX ); } bool packet_type_eth_vtag( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, ETH_8021Q ); } bool packet_type_eth_raw( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, ETH_8023_RAW ); } bool packet_type_eth_llc( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, ETH_8023_LLC ); } bool packet_type_ether( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, ETH_DIX ) | if_packet_type( frame, ETH_8023_RAW ) | if_packet_type( frame, ETH_8023_LLC ) | if_packet_type( frame, ETH_8023_SNAP ) ); } bool packet_type_eth_snap( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, ETH_8023_SNAP ); } bool packet_type_arp( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, NW_ARP ); } bool packet_type_ipv4( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, NW_IPV4 ); } bool packet_type_ipv6( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, NW_IPV6 ); } bool packet_type_lldp( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, NW_LLDP ); } bool packet_type_icmpv4( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, NW_ICMPV4 ); } bool packet_type_igmp( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, NW_IGMP ); } bool packet_type_ipv4_tcp( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, NW_IPV4 | TP_TCP ); } bool packet_type_ipv6_tcp( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, NW_IPV6 | TP_TCP ); } bool packet_type_ipv4_udp( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, NW_IPV4 | TP_UDP ); } bool packet_type_ipv6_udp( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, NW_IPV6 | TP_UDP ); } bool packet_type_ipv4_etherip( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return if_packet_type( frame, NW_IPV4 | TP_ETHERIP ); } static bool if_arp_opcode( const buffer *frame, const uint32_t opcode ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); packet_info packet_info = get_packet_info( frame ); return ( packet_info.arp_ar_op == opcode ); } bool packet_type_arp_request( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, NW_ARP ) & if_arp_opcode( frame, ARP_OP_REQUEST ) ); } bool packet_type_arp_reply( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, NW_ARP ) & if_arp_opcode( frame, ARP_OP_REPLY ) ); } static bool if_icmpv4_type( const buffer *frame, const uint32_t type ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); packet_info packet_info = get_packet_info( frame ); return ( packet_info.icmpv4_type == type ); } bool packet_type_icmpv4_echo_reply( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, NW_ICMPV4 ) & if_icmpv4_type( frame, ICMP_TYPE_ECHOREP ) ); } bool packet_type_icmpv4_dst_unreach( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, NW_ICMPV4 ) & if_icmpv4_type( frame, ICMP_TYPE_UNREACH ) ); } bool packet_type_icmpv4_redirect( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, NW_ICMPV4 ) & if_icmpv4_type( frame, ICMP_TYPE_REDIRECT ) ); } bool packet_type_icmpv4_echo_request( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, NW_ICMPV4 ) & if_icmpv4_type( frame, ICMP_TYPE_ECHOREQ ) ); } static bool if_igmp_type( const buffer *frame, const uint32_t type ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); packet_info packet_info = get_packet_info( frame ); return ( packet_info.igmp_type == type ); } bool packet_type_igmp_membership_query( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, NW_IGMP ) & if_igmp_type( frame, IGMP_TYPE_MEMBERSHIP_QUERY ) ); } bool packet_type_igmp_v1_membership_report( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, NW_IGMP ) & if_igmp_type( frame, IGMP_TYPE_V1_MEMBERSHIP_REPORT ) ); } bool packet_type_igmp_v2_membership_report( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, NW_IGMP ) & if_igmp_type( frame, IGMP_TYPE_V2_MEMBERSHIP_REPORT ) ); } bool packet_type_igmp_v2_leave_group( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, NW_IGMP ) & if_igmp_type( frame, IGMP_TYPE_V2_LEAVE_GROUP ) ); } bool packet_type_igmp_v3_membership_report( const buffer *frame ) { die_if_NULL( frame ); return ( if_packet_type( frame, NW_IGMP ) & if_igmp_type( frame, IGMP_TYPE_V3_MEMBERSHIP_REPORT ) ); } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */