=begin rdoc The Memcached client class. =end class Memcached FLAGS = 0x0 DEFAULTS = { :hash => :fnv1_32, :no_block => false, :distribution => :consistent_ketama, :ketama_weighted => true, :buffer_requests => false, :cache_lookups => true, :support_cas => false, :tcp_nodelay => false, :show_backtraces => false, :retry_timeout => 30, :timeout => 0.25, :rcv_timeout => nil, :poll_timeout => nil, :connect_timeout => 2, :prefix_key => nil, :hash_with_prefix_key => true, :default_ttl => 604800, :default_weight => 8, :sort_hosts => false, :auto_eject_hosts => true, :server_failure_limit => 2, :verify_key => true, :use_udp => false } #:stopdoc: IGNORED = 0 #:startdoc: attr_reader :options # Return the options Hash used to configure this instance. ###### Configuration =begin rdoc Create a new Memcached instance. Accepts string or array of server strings, as well an an optional configuration hash. Memcached.new('localhost', ...) # A single server Memcached.new(['web001:11212', 'web002:11212'], ...) # Two servers with custom ports Memcached.new(['web001:11211:2', 'web002:11211:8'], ...) # Two servers with default ports and explicit weights Weights only affect Ketama hashing. If you use Ketama hashing and don't specify a weight, the client will poll each server's stats and use its size as the weight. Valid option parameters are: <tt>:prefix_key</tt>:: A string to prepend to every key, for namespacing. Max length is 127. <tt>:hash</tt>:: The name of a hash function to use. Possible values are: <tt>:crc</tt>, <tt>:default</tt>, <tt>:fnv1_32</tt>, <tt>:fnv1_64</tt>, <tt>:fnv1a_32</tt>, <tt>:fnv1a_64</tt>, <tt>:hsieh</tt>, <tt>:md5</tt>, and <tt>:murmur</tt>. <tt>:fnv1_32</tt> is fast and well known, and is the default. Use <tt>:md5</tt> for compatibility with other ketama clients. <tt>:distribution</tt>:: Either <tt>:modula</tt>, <tt>:consistent_ketama</tt>, <tt>:consistent_wheel</tt>, or <tt>:ketama</tt>. Defaults to <tt>:ketama</tt>. <tt>:server_failure_limit</tt>:: How many consecutive failures to allow before marking a host as dead. Has no effect unless <tt>:retry_timeout</tt> is also set. <tt>:retry_timeout</tt>:: How long to wait until retrying a dead server. Has no effect unless <tt>:server_failure_limit</tt> is non-zero. Defaults to <tt>30</tt>. <tt>:auto_eject_hosts</tt>:: Whether to temporarily eject dead hosts from the pool. Defaults to <tt>true</tt>. Note that in the event of an ejection, <tt>:auto_eject_hosts</tt> will remap the entire pool unless <tt>:distribution</tt> is set to <tt>:consistent</tt>. <tt>:cache_lookups</tt>:: Whether to cache hostname lookups for the life of the instance. Defaults to <tt>true</tt>. <tt>:support_cas</tt>:: Flag CAS support in the client. Accepts <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt>. Defaults to <tt>false</tt> because it imposes a slight performance penalty. Note that your server must also support CAS or you will trigger <b>Memcached::ProtocolError</b> exceptions. <tt>:tcp_nodelay</tt>:: Turns on the no-delay feature for connecting sockets. Accepts <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt>. Performance may or may not change, depending on your system. <tt>:no_block</tt>:: Whether to use pipelining for writes. Accepts <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt>. <tt>:buffer_requests</tt>:: Whether to use an internal write buffer. Accepts <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt>. Calling <tt>get</tt> or closing the connection will force the buffer to flush. Note that <tt>:buffer_requests</tt> might not work well without <tt>:no_block</tt> also enabled. <tt>:show_backtraces</tt>:: Whether <b>Memcached::NotFound</b> exceptions should include backtraces. Generating backtraces is slow, so this is off by default. Turn it on to ease debugging. <tt>:connect_timeout</tt>:: How long to wait for a connection to a server. Defaults to 2 seconds. Set to <tt>0</tt> if you want to wait forever. <tt>:timeout</tt>:: How long to wait for a response from the server. Defaults to 0.25 seconds. Set to <tt>0</tt> if you want to wait forever. <tt>:default_ttl</tt>:: The <tt>ttl</tt> to use on set if no <tt>ttl</tt> is specified, in seconds. Defaults to one week. Set to <tt>0</tt> if you want things to never expire. <tt>:default_weight</tt>:: The weight to use if <tt>:ketama_weighted</tt> is <tt>true</tt>, but no weight is specified for a server. <tt>:hash_with_prefix_key</tt>:: Whether to include the prefix when calculating which server a key falls on. Defaults to <tt>true</tt>. <tt>:use_udp</tt>:: Use the UDP protocol to reduce connection overhead. Defaults to false. <tt>:sort_hosts</tt>:: Whether to force the server list to stay sorted. This defeats consistent hashing and is rarely useful. <tt>:verify_key</tt>:: Validate keys before accepting them. Never disable this. Please note that when pipelining is enabled, setter and deleter methods do not raise on errors. For example, if you try to set an invalid key with <tt>:no_block => true</tt>, it will appear to succeed. The actual setting of the key occurs after libmemcached has returned control to your program, so there is no way to backtrack and raise the exception. =end def initialize(servers, opts = {}) @struct = Lib::MemcachedSt.new Lib.memcached_create(@struct) # Merge option defaults and discard meaningless keys @options = DEFAULTS.merge(opts) @options.delete_if { |k,v| not DEFAULTS.keys.include? k } @default_ttl = options[:default_ttl] # Force :buffer_requests to use :no_block # XXX Deleting the :no_block key should also work, but libmemcached doesn't seem to set it # consistently options[:no_block] = true if options[:buffer_requests] # Disallow weights without ketama options.delete(:ketama_weighted) if options[:distribution] != :consistent_ketama # Legacy accessor options[:prefix_key] = options.delete(:namespace) if options[:namespace] # Disallow :sort_hosts with consistent hashing if options[:sort_hosts] and options[:distribution] == :consistent raise ArgumentError, ":sort_hosts defeats :consistent hashing" end # Read timeouts options[:rcv_timeout] ||= options[:timeout] options[:poll_timeout] ||= options[:timeout] # Set the behaviors on the struct set_behaviors set_callbacks # Freeze the hash options.freeze # Set the servers on the struct set_servers(servers) # Not found exceptions unless options[:show_backtraces] @not_found_instance = NotFound.new @not_found_instance.no_backtrace = true end end # Return the array of server strings used to configure this instance. def servers server_structs.map do |server| inspect_server(server) end end # Safely copy this instance. Returns a Memcached instance. # # <tt>clone</tt> is useful for threading, since each thread must have its own unshared Memcached # object. # def clone memcached = super memcached.instance_variable_set('@struct', Lib.memcached_clone(nil, @struct)) memcached end # Reset the state of the libmemcached struct. This is useful for changing the server list at runtime. def reset(current_servers = nil) current_servers ||= servers @struct = Lib::MemcachedSt.new Lib.memcached_create(@struct) set_behaviors set_callbacks set_servers(current_servers) end # Disconnect from all currently connected servers def quit Lib.memcached_quit(@struct) self end #:stopdoc: alias :dup :clone #:nodoc: #:startdoc: ### Configuration helpers private # Return an array of raw <tt>memcached_host_st</tt> structs for this instance. def server_structs array = [] if @struct.hosts @struct.hosts.count.times do |i| array << Lib.memcached_select_server_at(@struct, i) end end array end ###### Operations public ### Setters # Set a key/value pair. Accepts a String <tt>key</tt> and an arbitrary Ruby object. Overwrites any existing value on the server. # # Accepts an optional <tt>ttl</tt> value to specify the maximum lifetime of the key on the server. <tt>ttl</tt> can be either an integer number of seconds, or a Time elapsed time object. <tt>0</tt> means no ttl. Note that there is no guarantee that the key will persist as long as the <tt>ttl</tt>, but it will not persist longer. # # Also accepts a <tt>marshal</tt> value, which defaults to <tt>true</tt>. Set <tt>marshal</tt> to <tt>false</tt> if you want the <tt>value</tt> to be set directly. # def set(key, value, ttl=@default_ttl, marshal=true, flags=FLAGS) value = marshal ? Marshal.dump(value) : value.to_s check_return_code( Lib.memcached_set(@struct, key, value, ttl, flags), key ) end # Add a key/value pair. Raises <b>Memcached::NotStored</b> if the key already exists on the server. The parameters are the same as <tt>set</tt>. def add(key, value, ttl=@default_ttl, marshal=true, flags=FLAGS) value = marshal ? Marshal.dump(value) : value.to_s check_return_code( Lib.memcached_add(@struct, key, value, ttl, flags), key ) end # Increment a key's value. Accepts a String <tt>key</tt>. Raises <b>Memcached::NotFound</b> if the key does not exist. # # Also accepts an optional <tt>offset</tt> paramater, which defaults to 1. <tt>offset</tt> must be an integer. # # Note that the key must be initialized to an unmarshalled integer first, via <tt>set</tt>, <tt>add</tt>, or <tt>replace</tt> with <tt>marshal</tt> set to <tt>false</tt>. def increment(key, offset=1) ret, value = Lib.memcached_increment(@struct, key, offset) check_return_code(ret, key) value end # Decrement a key's value. The parameters and exception behavior are the same as <tt>increment</tt>. def decrement(key, offset=1) ret, value = Lib.memcached_decrement(@struct, key, offset) check_return_code(ret, key) value end #:stopdoc: alias :incr :increment alias :decr :decrement #:startdoc: # Replace a key/value pair. Raises <b>Memcached::NotFound</b> if the key does not exist on the server. The parameters are the same as <tt>set</tt>. def replace(key, value, ttl=@default_ttl, marshal=true, flags=FLAGS) value = marshal ? Marshal.dump(value) : value.to_s check_return_code( Lib.memcached_replace(@struct, key, value, ttl, flags), key ) end # Appends a string to a key's value. Accepts a String <tt>key</tt> and a String <tt>value</tt>. Raises <b>Memcached::NotFound</b> if the key does not exist on the server. # # Note that the key must be initialized to an unmarshalled string first, via <tt>set</tt>, <tt>add</tt>, or <tt>replace</tt> with <tt>marshal</tt> set to <tt>false</tt>. def append(key, value) # Requires memcached 1.2.4 check_return_code( Lib.memcached_append(@struct, key, value.to_s, IGNORED, IGNORED), key ) end # Prepends a string to a key's value. The parameters and exception behavior are the same as <tt>append</tt>. def prepend(key, value) # Requires memcached 1.2.4 check_return_code( Lib.memcached_prepend(@struct, key, value.to_s, IGNORED, IGNORED), key ) end # Reads a key's value from the server and yields it to a block. Replaces the key's value with the result of the block as long as the key hasn't been updated in the meantime, otherwise raises <b>Memcached::NotStored</b>. Accepts a String <tt>key</tt> and a block. # # Also accepts an optional <tt>ttl</tt> value. # # CAS stands for "compare and swap", and avoids the need for manual key mutexing. CAS support must be enabled in Memcached.new or a <b>Memcached::ClientError</b> will be raised. Note that CAS may be buggy in memcached itself. # def cas(key, ttl=@default_ttl, marshal=true, flags=FLAGS) raise ClientError, "CAS not enabled for this Memcached instance" unless options[:support_cas] value, flags, ret = Lib.memcached_get_rvalue(@struct, key) check_return_code(ret, key) cas = @struct.result.cas value = Marshal.load(value) if marshal value = yield value value = Marshal.dump(value) if marshal check_return_code(Lib.memcached_cas(@struct, key, value, ttl, flags, cas), key) end alias :compare_and_swap :cas ### Deleters # Deletes a key/value pair from the server. Accepts a String <tt>key</tt>. Raises <b>Memcached::NotFound</b> if the key does not exist. def delete(key) check_return_code( Lib.memcached_delete(@struct, key, IGNORED), key ) end # Flushes all key/value pairs from all the servers. def flush check_return_code( Lib.memcached_flush(@struct, IGNORED) ) end ### Getters # Gets a key's value from the server. Accepts a String <tt>key</tt> or array of String <tt>keys</tt>. # # Also accepts a <tt>marshal</tt> value, which defaults to <tt>true</tt>. Set <tt>marshal</tt> to <tt>false</tt> if you want the <tt>value</tt> to be returned directly as a String. Otherwise it will be assumed to be a marshalled Ruby object and unmarshalled. # # If you pass a String key, and the key does not exist on the server, <b>Memcached::NotFound</b> will be raised. If you pass an array of keys, memcached's <tt>multiget</tt> mode will be used, and a hash of key/value pairs will be returned. The hash will contain only the keys that were found. # # The multiget behavior is subject to change in the future; however, for multiple lookups, it is much faster than normal mode. # # Note that when you rescue Memcached::NotFound exceptions, you should use a the block rescue syntax instead of the inline syntax. Block rescues are very fast, but inline rescues are very slow. # def get(keys, marshal=true) if keys.is_a? Array # Multi get ret = Lib.memcached_mget(@struct, keys); check_return_code(ret, keys) hash = {} keys.size.times do value, key, flags, ret = Lib.memcached_fetch_rvalue(@struct) break if ret == Lib::MEMCACHED_END check_return_code(ret, key) value = Marshal.load(value) if marshal # Assign the value hash[key] = value end hash else # Single get value, flags, ret = Lib.memcached_get_rvalue(@struct, keys) check_return_code(ret, keys) value = Marshal.load(value) if marshal value end end ### Information methods # Return the server used by a particular key. def server_by_key(key) ret = Lib.memcached_server_by_key(@struct, key) inspect_server(ret.first) if ret.is_a?(Array) end # Return a Hash of statistics responses from the set of servers. Each value is an array with one entry for each server, in the same order the servers were defined. def stats stats = Hash.new([]) stat_struct, ret = Lib.memcached_stat(@struct, "") check_return_code(ret) keys, ret = Lib.memcached_stat_get_keys(@struct, stat_struct) check_return_code(ret) keys.each do |key| server_structs.size.times do |index| value, ret = Lib.memcached_stat_get_rvalue( @struct, Lib.memcached_select_stat_at(@struct, stat_struct, index), key) check_return_code(ret, key) value = case value when /^\d+\.\d+$/: value.to_f when /^\d+$/: value.to_i else value end stats[key.to_sym] += [value] end end Lib.memcached_stat_free(@struct, stat_struct) stats end ### Operations helpers private # Checks the return code from Rlibmemcached against the exception list. Raises the corresponding exception if the return code is not Memcached::Success or Memcached::ActionQueued. Accepts an integer return code and an optional key, for exception messages. def check_return_code(ret, key = nil) #:doc: if ret == 0 # Lib::MEMCACHED_SUCCESS elsif ret == Lib::MEMCACHED_BUFFERED elsif ret == Lib::MEMCACHED_NOTFOUND and !options[:show_backtraces] raise @not_found_instance else message = "Key #{inspect_keys(key, (detect_failure if ret == Lib::MEMCACHED_SERVER_MARKED_DEAD)).inspect}" if key.is_a?(String) if ret == Lib::MEMCACHED_ERRNO server = Lib.memcached_server_by_key(@struct, key) errno = server.first.cached_errno message = "Errno #{errno}: #{ERRNO_HASH[errno].inspect}. #{message}" elsif ret == Lib::MEMCACHED_SERVER_ERROR server = Lib.memcached_server_by_key(@struct, key) message = "\"#{server.first.cached_server_error}\". #{message}." end end raise EXCEPTIONS[ret], message end end # Turn an array of keys into a hash of keys to servers. def inspect_keys(keys, server = nil) Hash[*Array(keys).map do |key| [key, server || server_by_key(key)] end.flatten] end # Find which server failed most recently. # FIXME Is this still necessary with cached_errno? def detect_failure time = Time.now server = server_structs.detect do |server| server.next_retry > time end inspect_server(server) if server end # Set the servers on the struct. def set_servers(servers) add_method = options[:use_udp] ? "memcached_server_add_udp_with_weight" : "memcached_server_add_with_weight" Array(servers).each_with_index do |server, index| if server.is_a?(String) and File.socket?(server) Lib.memcached_server_add_unix_socket_with_weight(@struct, server, options[:default_weight].to_i) elsif server.is_a?(String) and server =~ /^[\w\d\.-]+(:\d{1,5}){0,2}$/ host, port, weight = server.split(":") Lib.memcached_server_add_with_weight(@struct, host, port.to_i, (weight || options[:default_weight]).to_i) else raise ArgumentError, "Servers must be either in the format 'host:port[:weight]' (e.g., 'localhost:11211' or 'localhost:11211:10') for a network server, or a valid path to a Unix domain socket (e.g., /var/run/memcached)." end end # For inspect @servers = send(:servers) end # Set the behaviors on the struct from the current options. def set_behaviors BEHAVIORS.keys.each do |behavior| set_behavior(behavior, options[behavior]) if options.key?(behavior) end # BUG Hash must be last due to the weird Libmemcached multi-behaviors set_behavior(:hash, options[:hash]) end # Set the callbacks on the struct from the current options. def set_callbacks # Only support prefix_key for now if options[:prefix_key] unless options[:prefix_key].size < Lib::MEMCACHED_PREFIX_KEY_MAX_SIZE raise ArgumentError, "Max prefix_key size is #{Lib::MEMCACHED_PREFIX_KEY_MAX_SIZE - 1}" end Lib.memcached_callback_set(@struct, Lib::MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_PREFIX_KEY, options[:prefix_key]) end end def is_unix_socket?(server) server.type == Lib::MEMCACHED_CONNECTION_UNIX_SOCKET end # Stringify an opaque server struct def inspect_server(server) strings = [server.hostname] if !is_unix_socket?(server) strings << ":#{server.port}" strings << ":#{server.weight}" if options[:ketama_weighted] end strings.join end end