module Avo class App include Avo::Concerns::FetchesThings class_attribute :resources, default: [] class_attribute :dashboards, default: [] class_attribute :cache_store, default: nil class_attribute :fields, default: [] class_attribute :request, default: nil class_attribute :context, default: nil class_attribute :license, default: nil class_attribute :current_user, default: nil class_attribute :root_path, default: nil class_attribute :view_context, default: nil class_attribute :params, default: {} class_attribute :translation_enabled, default: false class_attribute :error_messages class << self def eager_load(entity) paths = Avo::ENTITIES.fetch entity return unless paths.present? pathname = Rails.root.join(*paths) if Rails.autoloaders.main.eager_load_dir(pathname.to_s) end end def boot init_fields self.cache_store = get_cache_store end # When not in production we'll just use the MemoryStore which is good enough. # Wehn running in production we'll try to use memcached or redis if available. # If not, we'll use the FileStore. # We decided against the MemoryStore in production because it will not be shared between multiple processes (when using Puma). def get_cache_store if Rails.env.production? case Rails.cache.class.to_s when "ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore", "ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisCacheStore" Rails.cache else ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(:file_store, "/tmp/cache") end elsif Rails.env.test? Rails.cache else end end # Renerate a dynamic root path using the URIService def root_path(paths: [], query: {}, **args) Avo::Services::URIService.parse(view_context.avo.root_url.to_s) .append_paths(paths) .append_query(query) .to_s end def init(request:, context:, current_user:, view_context:, params:) self.error_messages = [] self.context = context self.current_user = current_user self.params = params self.request = request self.view_context = view_context self.license = self.translation_enabled = license.has(:localization) # Set the current host for ActiveStorage begin if defined?(ActiveStorage::Current) if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR === 6 = request.base_url elsif Rails::VERSION::MAJOR === 7 ActiveStorage::Current.url_options = {protocol: request.protocol, host:, port: request.port} end end rescue => exception Rails.logger.debug "[Avo] Failed to set ActiveStorage::Current.url_options, #{exception.inspect}" end check_bad_resources init_resources init_dashboards if license.has_with_trial(:dashboards) end # This method will find all fields available in the Avo::Fields namespace and add them to the fields class_variable array # so later we can instantiate them on our resources. # # If the field has their `def_method` set up it will follow that convention, if not it will snake_case the name: # # Avo::Fields::TextField -> text # Avo::Fields::DateTimeField -> date_time def init_fields Avo::Fields::BaseField.descendants.each do |class_name| next if class_name.to_s == "BaseField" if class_name.to_s.end_with? "Field" load_field class_name.get_field_name, class_name end end end def load_field(method_name, klass) fields.push( name: method_name, class: klass ) end def check_bad_resources resources.each do |resource| has_model = resource.model_class.present? unless has_model possible_model = resource.class.to_s.gsub "Resource", "" Avo::App.error_messages.push({ url: "", target: "_blank", message: "#{resource.class.to_s} does not have a valid model assigned. It failed to find the #{possible_model} model. \n\r Please create that model or assign one using self.model_class = YOUR_MODEL" }) end end end # Fetches the resources available to the application. # We have two ways of doing that. # # 1. Through eager loading. # We automatically eager load the resources directory and fetch the descendants from the scanned files. # This is the simple way to get started. # # 2. Manually, declared by the user. # We have this option to load the resources because when they are loaded automatically through eager loading, # those Resource classes and their methods may trigger loading other classes. And that may disrupt Rails booting process. # Ex: AdminResource may use self.model_class = User. That will trigger Ruby to load the User class and itself load # other classes in a chain reaction. # The scenario that comes up most often is when Rails boots, the routes are being computed which eager loads the resource files. # At that boot time some migration might have not been run yet, but Rails tries to access them through model associations, # and they are not available. # # To enable this feature add a `resources` array config in your Avo initializer. # config.resources = [ # "UserResource", # "FishResource", # ] def fetch_resources resources = if Avo.configuration.resources.nil? BaseResource.descendants else Avo.configuration.resources end do |resource| if resource.is_a?(Class) resource else resource.to_s.safe_constantize end end end def init_resources self.resources = fetch_resources .select do |resource| # Remove the BaseResource. We only need the descendants resource != BaseResource end .uniq do |klass| # On invalid resource configuration the resource classes get duplicated in `ObjectSpace` # We need to de-duplicate them end .map do |resource| if resource.is_a? Class end end def init_dashboards eager_load :dashboards unless Rails.application.config.eager_load self.dashboards = Dashboards::BaseDashboard.descendants .select do |dashboard| dashboard != Dashboards::BaseDashboard end .uniq do |dashboard| end end def has_main_menu? return false if Avo::App.license.lacks_with_trial(:menu_editor) return false if Avo.configuration.main_menu.nil? true end def has_profile_menu? return false if Avo::App.license.lacks_with_trial(:menu_editor) return false if Avo.configuration.profile_menu.nil? true end def main_menu # Return empty menu if the app doesn't have the profile menu configured return unless has_main_menu? Avo::Menu::Builder.parse_menu(&Avo.configuration.main_menu) end def profile_menu # Return empty menu if the app doesn't have the profile menu configured return unless has_profile_menu? Avo::Menu::Builder.parse_menu(&Avo.configuration.profile_menu) end def debug_report(request = nil) payload = {} hq = payload[:license_id] = Avo::App&.license&.id payload[:license_valid] = Avo::App&.license&.valid? payload[:license_payload] = Avo::App&.license&.payload payload[:license_response] = Avo::App&.license&.response payload[:hq_payload] = hq&.payload payload[:thread_count] = get_thread_count payload[:license_abilities] = Avo::App&.license&.abilities payload[:cache_store] = self.cache_store&.class&.to_s payload[:avo_metadata] = hq&.avo_metadata payload[:app_timezone] = payload[:cache_key] = Avo::Licensing::HQ.cache_key payload[:cache_key_contents] = hq&.cached_response payload rescue => e e end def get_thread_count {|thread| thread.status == "run"}.count rescue => e e end end end end