require "date" require "nokogiri" require "htmlentities" require "json" require "pathname" require "open-uri" require "twitter_cldr" module Metanorma module ISO class Converter < Standoc::Converter STAGE_ABBRS = { "00": "PWI", "10": "NP", "20": "WD", "30": "CD", "40": "DIS", "50": "FDIS", "60": "IS", "90": "(Review)", "95": "(Withdrawal)", }.freeze STAGE_NAMES = { "00": "Preliminary work item", "10": "New work item proposal", "20": "Working draft", "30": "Committee draft", "40": "Draft", "50": "Final draft", "60": "International standard", "90": "Review", "95": "Withdrawal", }.freeze def stage_abbr(stage, substage, doctype) return nil if stage.to_i > 60 ret = STAGE_ABBRS[stage.to_sym] ret = "PRF" if stage == "60" && substage == "00" ret = "AWI" if stage == "10" && substage == "99" if %w(amendment technical-corrigendum technical-report technical-specification).include?(doctype) ret = "D" if stage == "40" && doctype == "amendment" ret = "FD" if stage == "50" && %w(amendment technical-corrigendum) .include?(doctype) end ret end def stage_name(stage, substage, _doctype, iteration = nil) return "Proof" if stage == "60" && substage == "00" ret = STAGE_NAMES[stage.to_sym] if iteration && %w(20 30).include?(stage) prefix = iteration.to_i.localize(@lang.to_sym) .to_rbnf_s("SpelloutRules", "spellout-ordinal") ret = "#{prefix.capitalize} #{ret.downcase}" end ret end def metadata_id(node, xml) iso_id(node, xml) node&.attr("tc-docnumber")&.split(/,\s*/)&.each do |n| xml.docidentifier(n, **attr_code(type: "iso-tc")) end xml.docnumber node&.attr("docnumber") end def iso_id(node, xml) (!@amd && node.attr("docnumber")) || (@amd && node.attr("updates")) or return dn = iso_id1(node) dn1 = id_stage_prefix(dn, node, false) dn2 = id_stage_prefix(dn, node, true) xml.docidentifier dn1, **attr_code(type: "ISO") xml.docidentifier(id_langsuffix(dn1, node), **attr_code(type: "iso-with-lang")) xml.docidentifier(id_langsuffix(dn2, node), **attr_code(type: "iso-reference")) end def iso_id1(node) if @amd dn = node.attr("updates") add_amd_parts(dn, node) else part, subpart = node&.attr("partnumber")&.split(/-/) add_id_parts(node.attr("docnumber"), part, subpart) end end def add_amd_parts(docnum, node) case doctype(node) when "amendment" "#{docnum}/Amd #{node.attr('amendment-number')}" when "technical-corrigendum" "#{docnum}/Cor.#{node.attr('corrigendum-number')}" end end def id_langsuffix(docnum, node) lang = node.attr("language") || "en" suffix = case lang when "en" then "(E)" when "fr" then "(F)" when "ru" then "(R)" else "(X)" end "#{docnum}#{suffix}" end def structured_id(node, xml) return unless node.attr("docnumber") part, subpart = node&.attr("partnumber")&.split(/-/) xml.structuredidentifier do |i| i.project_number(node.attr("docnumber"), **attr_code( part: part, subpart: subpart, amendment: node.attr("amendment-number"), corrigendum: node.attr("corrigendum-number"), origyr: node.attr("created-date") )) end end def add_id_parts(docnum, part, subpart) docnum += "-#{part}" if part docnum += "-#{subpart}" if subpart docnum end def id_stage_abbr(stage, substage, node, bare = false) ret = id_stage_abbr1(stage, substage, node, bare) if %w(amendment technical-corrigendum technical-report technical-specification).include?(doctype(node)) && !%w(D FD).include?(ret) ret = "#{ret} " end ret end def id_stage_abbr1(stage, substage, node, bare) if bare"en", "Latn", @i18n) .status_abbrev(stage_abbr(stage, substage, doctype(node)), substage, nil, nil, doctype(node)) else"en", "Latn", @i18n) .status_abbrev(stage_abbr(stage, substage, doctype(node)), substage, node.attr("iteration"), node.attr("draft"), doctype(node)) end end def cover_stage_abbr(node) stage = get_stage(node) abbr = id_stage_abbr(get_stage(node), get_substage(node), node, true) typeabbr = get_typeabbr(node, true) if stage.to_i > 50 || (stage.to_i == 60 && get_substage(node).to_i < 60) typeabbr = "" end "#{abbr}#{typeabbr}".strip end def id_stage_prefix(docnum, node, force_year) stage = get_stage(node) typeabbr = get_typeabbr(node) if stage && (stage.to_i < 60) docnum = unpub_stage_prefix(docnum, stage, typeabbr, node) elsif typeabbr == "DIR " then docnum = "#{typeabbr}#{docnum}" elsif typeabbr && !@amd then docnum = "/#{typeabbr}#{docnum}" end (force_year || !(stage && (stage.to_i < 60))) and docnum = id_add_year(docnum, node) docnum end def unpub_stage_prefix(docnum, stage, typeabbr, node) abbr = id_stage_abbr(stage, get_substage(node), node) %w(40 50).include?(stage) && i = node.attr("iteration") and itersuffix = ".#{i}" return docnum if abbr.nil? || abbr.empty? # prefixes added in cleanup return "/#{abbr}#{typeabbr} #{docnum}#{itersuffix}" unless @amd a = docnum.split(%r{/}) a[-1] = "#{abbr}#{a[-1]}#{itersuffix}" a.join("/") end def id_add_year(docnum, node) year = node.attr("copyright-year") @amd and year ||= node.attr("updated-date")&.sub(/-.*$/, "") docnum += ":#{year}" if year docnum end def get_stage(node) a = node.attr("status") a = node.attr("docstage") if a.nil? || a.empty? a = "60" if a.nil? || a.empty? a end def get_substage(node) stage = get_stage(node) ret = node.attr("docsubstage") ret = (stage == "60" ? "60" : "00") if ret.nil? || ret.empty? ret end def get_typeabbr(node, amd = false) case doctype(node) when "directive" then "DIR " when "technical-report" then "TR " when "technical-specification" then "TS " when "amendment" then (amd ? "Amd " : "") when "technical-corrigendum" then (amd ? "Cor " : "") end end end end end