require_relative '../helper' require 'fluent/test/driver/output' require 'fluent/plugin/out_exec' require 'fileutils' class ExecOutputTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup Fluent::Test.setup FileUtils.rm_rf(TMP_DIR, secure: true) if File.exist?(TMP_DIR) # ensure files are closed for Windows, on which deleted files # are still visible from filesystem GC.start(full_mark: true, immediate_sweep: true) FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(TMP_DIR) end FileUtils.mkdir_p(TMP_DIR) end TMP_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../tmp/out_exec#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']}" def create_driver(config) end def create_test_data time = event_time("2011-01-02 13:14:15.123") records = [{"k1"=>"v1","kx"=>"vx"}, {"k1"=>"v2","kx"=>"vx"}] return time, records end DEFAULT_CONFIG_ONLY_WITH_KEYS = %[ command cat >#{TMP_DIR}/out keys ["k1", "kx"] ] test 'configure in default' do d = create_driver DEFAULT_CONFIG_ONLY_WITH_KEYS assert{ d.instance.formatter.is_a? Fluent::Plugin::TSVFormatter } assert_equal ["k1", "kx"], d.instance.formatter.keys assert_nil d.instance.inject_config end TSV_CONFIG = %[ command cat >#{TMP_DIR}/out tag_key tag time_key time time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S localtime yes @type tsv keys time, tag, k1 ] TSV_CONFIG_WITH_SUBSEC = %[ command cat >#{TMP_DIR}/out tag_key tag time_key time time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N localtime yes @type tsv keys time, tag, k1 ] TSV_CONFIG_WITH_BUFFER = TSV_CONFIG + %[ @type memory timekey 3600 flush_thread_count 5 chunk_limit_size 50m total_limit_size #{50 * 1024 * 1024 * 128} flush_at_shutdown yes ] JSON_CONFIG = %[ command cat >#{TMP_DIR}/out @type json ] MSGPACK_CONFIG = %[ command cat >#{TMP_DIR}/out @type msgpack ] CONFIG_COMPAT = %[ buffer_path #{TMP_DIR}/buffer command cat >#{TMP_DIR}/out localtime ] TSV_CONFIG_COMPAT = %[ keys "time,tag,k1" tag_key "tag" time_key "time" time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ] BUFFER_CONFIG_COMPAT = %[ buffer_type memory time_slice_format %Y%m%d%H num_threads 5 buffer_chunk_limit 50m buffer_queue_limit 128 flush_at_shutdown yes ] TSV_CONFIG_WITH_SUBSEC_COMPAT = %[ keys "time,tag,k1" tag_key "tag" time_key "time" time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N ] data( 'with sections' => TSV_CONFIG, 'traditional' => CONFIG_COMPAT + TSV_CONFIG_COMPAT, ) test 'configure for tsv' do |conf| d = create_driver(conf) assert_equal ["time","tag","k1"], d.instance.formatter.keys assert_equal "tag", d.instance.inject_config.tag_key assert_equal "time", d.instance.inject_config.time_key assert_equal "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", d.instance.inject_config.time_format assert_equal true, d.instance.inject_config.localtime end data( 'with sections' => TSV_CONFIG_WITH_BUFFER, 'traditional' => CONFIG_COMPAT + TSV_CONFIG_COMPAT + BUFFER_CONFIG_COMPAT, ) test 'configure_with_compat_buffer_parameters' do |conf| d = create_driver(conf) assert_equal 3600, d.instance.buffer_config.timekey assert_equal 5, d.instance.buffer_config.flush_thread_count assert_equal 50*1024*1024, d.instance.buffer.chunk_limit_size assert_equal 50*1024*1024*128, d.instance.buffer.total_limit_size assert d.instance.buffer_config.flush_at_shutdown end data( 'with sections' => TSV_CONFIG, 'traditional' => CONFIG_COMPAT + TSV_CONFIG_COMPAT, ) test 'format' do |conf| d = create_driver(conf) time, records = create_test_data 'test') do d.feed(time, records[0]) d.feed(time, records[1]) end assert_equal %[2011-01-02 13:14:15\ttest\tv1\n], d.formatted[0] assert_equal %[2011-01-02 13:14:15\ttest\tv2\n], d.formatted[1] end data( 'with sections' => JSON_CONFIG, 'traditional' => CONFIG_COMPAT + "format json", ) test 'format_json' do |conf| d = create_driver(conf) time, records = create_test_data 'test') do d.feed(time, records[0]) d.feed(time, records[1]) end assert_equal Yajl.dump(records[0]) + "\n", d.formatted[0] assert_equal Yajl.dump(records[1]) + "\n", d.formatted[1] end data( 'with sections' => MSGPACK_CONFIG, 'traditional' => CONFIG_COMPAT + "format msgpack" ) test 'format_msgpack' do |conf| d = create_driver(conf) time, records = create_test_data 'test') do d.feed(time, records[0]) d.feed(time, records[1]) end assert_equal records[0].to_msgpack, d.formatted[0] assert_equal records[1].to_msgpack, d.formatted[1] end data( 'with sections' => TSV_CONFIG_WITH_SUBSEC, 'traditional' => CONFIG_COMPAT + TSV_CONFIG_WITH_SUBSEC_COMPAT, ) test 'format subsecond time' do |conf| d = create_driver(conf) time, records = create_test_data 'test') do d.feed(time, records[0]) d.feed(time, records[1]) end assert_equal %[2011-01-02 13:14:15.123\ttest\tv1\n], d.formatted[0] assert_equal %[2011-01-02 13:14:15.123\ttest\tv2\n], d.formatted[1] end data( 'with sections' => TSV_CONFIG, 'traditional' => CONFIG_COMPAT + TSV_CONFIG_COMPAT, ) test 'write' do |conf| d = create_driver(conf) time, records = create_test_data 'test', flush: true) do d.feed(time, records[0]) d.feed(time, records[1]) end expect_path = "#{TMP_DIR}/out" waiting(10, plugin: d.instance) do sleep(0.1) until File.exist?(expect_path) end assert_equal true, File.exist?(expect_path) data = expect_data = %[2011-01-02 13:14:15\ttest\tv1\n] + %[2011-01-02 13:14:15\ttest\tv2\n] assert_equal expect_data, data end sub_test_case 'when executed process dies unexpectedly' do setup do @gen_config = ->(num){ <#{TMP_DIR}/fail_out tag_key tag time_key time time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S localtime yes @type tsv keys time, tag, k1 EOC } end test 'flushed chunk will be committed after child process successfully exits' do d = create_driver( time, records = create_test_data expect_path = "#{TMP_DIR}/fail_out" d.end_if{ File.exist?(expect_path) } 'test', flush: true, wait_flush_completion: true, shutdown: false) do d.feed(time, records[0]) d.feed(time, records[1]) end assert{ File.exist?(expect_path) } data = expect_data = %[2011-01-02 13:14:15\ttest\tv1\n] + %[2011-01-02 13:14:15\ttest\tv2\n] assert_equal expect_data, data assert{ d.instance.buffer.queue.empty? } assert{ d.instance.dequeued_chunks.empty? } ensure d.instance_shutdown if d && d.instance end test 'flushed chunk will be taken back after child process unexpectedly exits' do d = create_driver( time, records = create_test_data expect_path = "#{TMP_DIR}/fail_out" d.end_if{ d.instance.log.out.logs.any?{|line| line.include?("command exits with error code") } } 'test', flush: true, wait_flush_completion: false, shutdown: false) do d.feed(time, records[0]) d.feed(time, records[1]) end assert{ d.instance.dequeued_chunks.empty? } # because it's already taken back assert{ d.instance.buffer.queue.size == 1 } logs = d.instance.log.out.logs assert{ logs.any?{|line| line.include?("command exits with error code") && line.include?("status=3") } } assert{ File.exist?(expect_path) && File.size(expect_path) == 0 } ensure d.instance_shutdown if d && d.instance end end end