module ActiveFedora module Associations class AssociationCollection < AssociationProxy #:nodoc: def initialize(owner, reflection) super construct_query end # Returns the size of the collection # # If the collection has been already loaded +size+ and +length+ are # equivalent. If not and you are going to need the records anyway # +length+ will take one less query. Otherwise +size+ is more efficient. # # This method is abstract in the sense that it relies on # +count_records+, which is a method descendants have to provide. def size if @owner.new_record? && @target @target.size elsif !loaded? && @target.is_a?(Array) unsaved_records = { |r| r.new_record? } unsaved_records.size + count_records else count_records end end # Replace this collection with +other_array+ # This will perform a diff and delete/add only records that have changed. def replace(other_array) other_array.each { |val| raise_on_type_mismatch(val) } load_target other = other_array.size < 100 ? other_array : other_array.to_set current = @target.size < 100 ? @target : @target.to_set delete( { |v| !other.include?(v) }) concat( { |v| !current.include?(v) }) end def to_ary load_target if @target.is_a?(Array) @target.to_ary else Array.wrap(@target) end end alias_method :to_a, :to_ary def reset reset_target! @loaded = false end def build(attributes = {}, &block) if attributes.is_a?(Array) attributes.collect { |attr| build(attr, &block) } else build_record(attributes) do |record| if block_given? set_belongs_to_association_for(record) end end end # Add +records+ to this association. Returns +self+ so method calls may be chained. # Since << flattens its argument list and inserts each record, +push+ and +concat+ behave identically. def <<(*records) result = true load_target unless loaded? flatten_deeper(records).each do |record| raise_on_type_mismatch(record) add_record_to_target_with_callbacks(record) do |r| result &&= insert_record(record) end end result && self end alias_method :push, :<< alias_method :concat, :<< # Removes +records+ from this association calling +before_remove+ and # +after_remove+ callbacks. # # This method is abstract in the sense that +delete_records+ has to be # provided by descendants. Note this method does not imply the records # are actually removed from the database, that depends precisely on # +delete_records+. They are in any case removed from the collection. def delete(*records) remove_records(records) do |_records, old_records| delete_records(old_records) if old_records.any? _records.each { |record| @target.delete(record) } end end def create(attrs = {}) if attrs.is_a?(Array) attrs.collect { |attr| create(attr) } else create_record(attrs) do |record| yield(record) if block_given? end end end def create!(attrs = {}) create_record(attrs) do |record| yield(record) if block_given?! end end def load_target if !@owner.new_record? begin if !loaded? if @target.is_a?(Array) && @target.any? @target = do |f| i = @target.index(f) if i @target.delete_at(i).tap do |t| keys = ["id"] + t.changes.keys + (f.attribute_names - t.attribute_names) t.attributes = f.attributes.except(*keys) end else f end end + @target else @target = find_target end end rescue ObjectNotFoundError => e logger.error "Solr and Fedora may be out of sync:\n" + e.message reset end end loaded if target target end def find_target return [] if @finder_query.empty? solr_result = SolrService.query(@finder_query, :rows=>1000) #TODO, don't reify, just store the solr results and lazily reify. return ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_results(solr_result) end def load_from_solr return [] if @finder_query.empty? SolrService.query(@finder_query, :rows=>1000) end def add_record_to_target_with_callbacks(record) # callback(:before_add, record) yield(record) if block_given? @target ||= [] unless loaded? if index = @target.index(record) @target[index] = record else @target << record end # callback(:after_add, record) # set_inverse_instance(record, @owner) record end protected def reset_target! @target = end def construct_query clauses = {find_predicate => @owner.internal_uri} clauses[:has_model] = @reflection.class_name.constantize.to_class_uri if @reflection.class_name && @reflection.class_name != 'ActiveFedora::Base' @counter_query = @finder_query = ActiveFedora::SolrService.construct_query_for_rel(clauses) end private def find_predicate if @reflection.options[:property] @reflection.options[:property] elsif @reflection.class_name && @reflection.class_name != 'ActiveFedora::Base' && @reflection.macro != :has_and_belongs_to_many inverse_relation = @owner.class.to_s.underscore.to_sym begin find_class_for_relation(@reflection.class_name.constantize) rescue NameError raise "No :property attribute was set or could be inferred for #{@reflection.macro} #{} on #{@owner.class}" end end end def find_class_for_relation(klass, inverse_relation=@owner.class.to_s.underscore.to_sym) raise "Unable to lookup the :property attribute for #{@reflection.macro} #{} on #{@owner.class} because #{klass} specifies \"class_name: 'ActiveFedora::Base'\". Either specify a specific class_name in #{klass} or set :property in the #{@reflection.macro} declaration on #{@owner.class}" if inverse_relation == :'active_fedora/base' if klass.reflections.key?(inverse_relation) # Try it singular return klass.reflections[inverse_relation].options[:property] elsif klass.reflections.key?(inverse_relation.to_s.pluralize.to_sym) # Try it plural return klass.reflections[inverse_relation.to_s.pluralize.to_sym].options[:property] end find_class_for_relation(klass, @owner.class.superclass.to_s.underscore.to_sym) end def create_record(attrs) attrs.update(@reflection.options[:conditions]) if @reflection.options[:conditions].is_a?(Hash) ensure_owner_is_not_new record = @reflection.klass.create do @reflection.build_association(attrs) end set_belongs_to_association_for(record) if block_given? add_record_to_target_with_callbacks(record) { |*block_args| yield(*block_args) } else add_record_to_target_with_callbacks(record) end end def build_record(attrs) #attrs.update(@reflection.options[:conditions]) if @reflection.options[:conditions].is_a?(Hash) record = @reflection.build_association(attrs) if block_given? add_record_to_target_with_callbacks(record) { |*block_args| yield(*block_args) } else add_record_to_target_with_callbacks(record) end end def remove_records(*records) records = flatten_deeper(records) records.each { |record| raise_on_type_mismatch(record) } records.each { |record| callback(:before_remove, record) } old_records = records.reject { |r| r.new_record? } yield(records, old_records) records.each { |record| callback(:after_remove, record) } end def callback(method, record) callbacks_for(method).each do |callback| case callback when Symbol @owner.send(callback, record) when Proc, record) else callback.send(method, @owner, record) end end end def callbacks_for(callback_name) full_callback_name = "#{callback_name}_for_#{}" @owner.class.send(full_callback_name.to_sym) || [] end def ensure_owner_is_not_new if @owner.new_record? raise ActiveFedora::RecordNotSaved, "You cannot call create unless the parent is saved" end end end end end