require 'dynamoid/adapter_plugin/aws_sdk_v3' require_relative 'dynamoid/extension.rb' module ActivityNotification module Association extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :_associated_composite_records self._associated_composite_records = [] end class_methods do # Defines has_many association with ActivityNotification models. # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of associated model instances def has_many_records(name, options = {}) has_many_composite_xdb_records name, options end # Defines polymorphic belongs_to association using composite key with models in other database. def belongs_to_composite_xdb_record(name, _options = {}) association_name = name.to_s.singularize.underscore composite_field = "#{association_name}_key".to_sym field composite_field, :string associated_record_field = "#{association_name}_record".to_sym field associated_record_field, :string if ActivityNotification.config.store_with_associated_records && _options[:store_with_associated_records] self.instance_eval do define_method(name) do |reload = false| reload and self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", nil) if self.instance_variable_get("@#{name}").blank? composite_key = self.send(composite_field) if composite_key.present? && (class_name = composite_key.split(ActivityNotification.config.composite_key_delimiter).first).present? object_class = class_name.classify.constantize self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", object_class.where(id: composite_key.split(ActivityNotification.config.composite_key_delimiter).last).first) end end self.instance_variable_get("@#{name}") end define_method("#{name}=") do |new_instance| if new_instance.nil? self.send("#{composite_field}=", nil) else self.send("#{composite_field}=", "#{}#{ActivityNotification.config.composite_key_delimiter}#{}") self.send("#{associated_record_field}=", new_instance.to_json) if ActivityNotification.config.store_with_associated_records && _options[:store_with_associated_records] end self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", nil) end define_method("#{association_name}_type") do composite_key = self.send(composite_field) composite_key.present? ? composite_key.split(ActivityNotification.config.composite_key_delimiter).first : nil end define_method("#{association_name}_id") do composite_key = self.send(composite_field) composite_key.present? ? composite_key.split(ActivityNotification.config.composite_key_delimiter).last : nil end end self._associated_composite_records.push(association_name.to_sym) end # Defines polymorphic has_many association using composite key with models in other database. # @todo Add dependent option def has_many_composite_xdb_records(name, options = {}) association_name = options[:as] || name.to_s.underscore composite_field = "#{association_name}_key".to_sym object_name = options[:class_name] || name.to_s.singularize.camelize object_class = object_name.classify.constantize self.instance_eval do # Set default reload arg to true since Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain is stateful on the query define_method(name) do |reload = true| reload and self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", nil) if self.instance_variable_get("@#{name}").blank? new_value = object_class.where(composite_field => "#{}#{ActivityNotification.config.composite_key_delimiter}#{}") self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", new_value) end self.instance_variable_get("@#{name}") end end end end # Defines update method as update_attributes method def update(attributes) attributes_with_association = { |attribute, value| self.class._associated_composite_records.include?(attribute) ? ["#{attribute}_key".to_sym, value.nil? ? nil : "#{}#{ActivityNotification.config.composite_key_delimiter}#{}"] : [attribute, value] }.to_h update_attributes(attributes_with_association) end end end # Monkey patching for Rails 6.0+ class ActiveModel::NullMutationTracker # Monkey patching for Rails 6.0+ def force_change(attr_name); end if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 6 end # Entend Dynamoid to support ActivityNotification scope in Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain # @private module Dynamoid # :nodoc: all # # @private module Criteria # # @private class Chain # Selects all notification index. # ActivityNotification::Notification.all_index! # is defined same as # ActivityNotification::Notification.group_owners_only.latest_order # @scope class # @example Get all notification index of the @user # @notifications = @user.notifications.all_index! # @notifications = @user.notifications.group_owners_only.latest_order # @param [Boolean] reverse If notification index will be ordered as earliest first # @param [Boolean] with_group_members If notification index will include group members # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def all_index!(reverse = false, with_group_members = false) target_index = with_group_members ? self : group_owners_only reverse ? target_index.earliest_order : target_index.latest_order end # Selects unopened notification index. # ActivityNotification::Notification.unopened_index # is defined same as # ActivityNotification::Notification.unopened_only.group_owners_only.latest_order # @scope class # @example Get unopened notificaton index of the @user # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_index # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_only.group_owners_only.latest_order # @param [Boolean] reverse If notification index will be ordered as earliest first # @param [Boolean] with_group_members If notification index will include group members # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def unopened_index(reverse = false, with_group_members = false) target_index = with_group_members ? unopened_only : unopened_only.group_owners_only reverse ? target_index.earliest_order : target_index.latest_order end # Selects unopened notification index. # ActivityNotification::Notification.opened_index(limit) # is defined same as # ActivityNotification::Notification.opened_only(limit).group_owners_only.latest_order # @scope class # @example Get unopened notificaton index of the @user with limit 10 # @notifications = @user.notifications.opened_index(10) # @notifications = @user.notifications.opened_only(10).group_owners_only.latest_order # @param [Integer] limit Limit to query for opened notifications # @param [Boolean] reverse If notification index will be ordered as earliest first # @param [Boolean] with_group_members If notification index will include group members # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def opened_index(limit, reverse = false, with_group_members = false) target_index = with_group_members ? opened_only(limit) : opened_only(limit).group_owners_only reverse ? target_index.earliest_order : target_index.latest_order end # Selects filtered notifications or subscriptions by associated instance. # @scope class # @param [String] name Association name # @param [Object] instance Associated instance # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications or subscriptions def filtered_by_association(name, instance) instance.present? ? where("#{name}_key" => "#{}#{ActivityNotification.config.composite_key_delimiter}#{}") : where("#{name}_key.null" => true) end # Selects filtered notifications or subscriptions by association type. # @scope class # @param [String] name Association name # @param [Object] type Association type # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications or subscriptions def filtered_by_association_type(name, type) type.present? ? where("#{name}_key.begins_with" => "#{type}#{ActivityNotification.config.composite_key_delimiter}") : none end # Selects filtered notifications or subscriptions by association type and id. # @scope class # @param [String] name Association name # @param [Object] type Association type # @param [String] id Association id # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications or subscriptions def filtered_by_association_type_and_id(name, type, id) type.present? && id.present? ? where("#{name}_key" => "#{type}#{ActivityNotification.config.composite_key_delimiter}#{id}") : none end # Selects filtered notifications or subscriptions by target instance. # ActivityNotification::Notification.filtered_by_target(@user) # is the same as # @user.notifications # @scope class # @param [Object] target Target instance for filter # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications or subscriptions def filtered_by_target(target) filtered_by_association("target", target) end # Selects filtered notifications by notifiable instance. # @example Get filtered unopened notificatons of the @user for @comment as notifiable # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_only.filtered_by_instance(@comment) # @scope class # @param [Object] notifiable Notifiable instance for filter # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def filtered_by_instance(notifiable) filtered_by_association("notifiable", notifiable) end # Selects filtered notifications by group instance. # @example Get filtered unopened notificatons of the @user for @article as group # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_only.filtered_by_group(@article) # @scope class # @param [Object] group Group instance for filter # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def filtered_by_group(group) filtered_by_association("group", group) end # Selects filtered notifications or subscriptions by target_type. # @example Get filtered unopened notificatons of User as target type # @notifications = ActivityNotification.Notification.unopened_only.filtered_by_target_type('User') # @scope class # @param [String] target_type Target type for filter # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications or subscriptions def filtered_by_target_type(target_type) filtered_by_association_type("target", target_type) end # Selects filtered notifications by notifiable_type. # @example Get filtered unopened notificatons of the @user for Comment notifiable class # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_only.filtered_by_type('Comment') # @scope class # @param [String] notifiable_type Notifiable type for filter # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def filtered_by_type(notifiable_type) filtered_by_association_type("notifiable", notifiable_type) end # Selects filtered notifications or subscriptions by key. # @example Get filtered unopened notificatons of the @user with key 'comment.reply' # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_only.filtered_by_key('comment.reply') # @scope class # @param [String] key Key of the notification for filter # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications or subscriptions def filtered_by_key(key) where(key: key) end # Selects filtered notifications or subscriptions by notifiable_type, group or key with filter options. # @example Get filtered unopened notificatons of the @user for Comment notifiable class # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_only.filtered_by_options({ filtered_by_type: 'Comment' }) # @example Get filtered unopened notificatons of the @user for @article as group # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_only.filtered_by_options({ filtered_by_group: @article }) # @example Get filtered unopened notificatons of the @user for Article instance id=1 as group # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_only.filtered_by_options({ filtered_by_group_type: 'Article', filtered_by_group_id: '1' }) # @example Get filtered unopened notificatons of the @user with key 'comment.reply' # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_only.filtered_by_options({ filtered_by_key: 'comment.reply' }) # @example Get filtered unopened notificatons of the @user for Comment notifiable class with key 'comment.reply' # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_only.filtered_by_options({ filtered_by_type: 'Comment', filtered_by_key: 'comment.reply' }) # @example Get custom filtered notificatons of the @user # @notifications = @user.notifications.unopened_only.filtered_by_options({ custom_filter: ["created_at >= ?", time.hour.ago] }) # @scope class # @param [Hash] options Options for filter # @option options [String] :filtered_by_type (nil) Notifiable type for filter # @option options [Object] :filtered_by_group (nil) Group instance for filter # @option options [String] :filtered_by_group_type (nil) Group type for filter, valid with :filtered_by_group_id # @option options [String] :filtered_by_group_id (nil) Group instance id for filter, valid with :filtered_by_group_type # @option options [String] :filtered_by_key (nil) Key of the notification for filter # @option options [Array|Hash] :custom_filter (nil) Custom notification filter (e.g. ['': time.hour.ago]) # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications or subscriptions def filtered_by_options(options = {}) options = ActivityNotification.cast_to_indifferent_hash(options) filtered_notifications = self if options.has_key?(:filtered_by_type) filtered_notifications = filtered_notifications.filtered_by_type(options[:filtered_by_type]) end if options.has_key?(:filtered_by_group) filtered_notifications = filtered_notifications.filtered_by_group(options[:filtered_by_group]) end if options.has_key?(:filtered_by_group_type) && options.has_key?(:filtered_by_group_id) filtered_notifications = filtered_notifications.filtered_by_association_type_and_id("group", options[:filtered_by_group_type], options[:filtered_by_group_id]) end if options.has_key?(:filtered_by_key) filtered_notifications = filtered_notifications.filtered_by_key(options[:filtered_by_key]) end if options.has_key?(:custom_filter) filtered_notifications = filtered_notifications.where(options[:custom_filter]) end filtered_notifications end # Orders by latest (newest) first as created_at: :desc. # It uses sort key of Global Secondary Index in DynamoDB tables. # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of notifications or subscriptions ordered by latest first def latest_order # order(created_at: :desc) scan_index_forward(false) end # Orders by earliest (older) first as created_at: :asc. # It uses sort key of Global Secondary Index in DynamoDB tables. # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of notifications or subscriptions ordered by earliest first def earliest_order # order(created_at: :asc) scan_index_forward(true) end # Orders by latest (newest) first as created_at: :desc and returns as array. # @param [Boolean] reverse If notifications or subscriptions will be ordered as earliest first # @return [Array] Array of notifications or subscriptions ordered by latest first def latest_order!(reverse = false) # order(created_at: :desc) reverse ? earliest_order! : earliest_order!.reverse end # Orders by earliest (older) first as created_at: :asc and returns as array. # It does not use sort key in DynamoDB tables. # @return [Array] Array of notifications or subscriptions ordered by earliest first def earliest_order! # order(created_at: :asc) all.to_a.sort_by {|n| n.created_at } end # Orders by latest (newest) first as subscribed_at: :desc. # @return [Array] Array of subscriptions ordered by latest subscribed_at first def latest_subscribed_order # order(subscribed_at: :desc) earliest_subscribed_order.reverse end # Orders by earliest (older) first as subscribed_at: :asc. # @return [Array] Array of subscriptions ordered by earliest subscribed_at first def earliest_subscribed_order # order(subscribed_at: :asc) all.to_a.sort_by {|n| n.subscribed_at } end # Orders by key name as key: :asc. # @return [Array] Array of subscriptions ordered by key name def key_order # order(key: :asc) all.to_a.sort_by {|n| n.key } end # Selects group owner notifications only. # @scope class # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def group_owners_only where('group_owner_id.null': true) end # Selects group member notifications only. # @scope class # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def group_members_only where('group_owner_id.not_null': true) end # Selects unopened notifications only. # @scope class # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def unopened_only where('opened_at.null': true) end # Selects opened notifications only without limit. # Be careful to get too many records with this method. # @scope class # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def opened_only! where('opened_at.not_null': true) end # Selects opened notifications only with limit. # @scope class # @param [Integer] limit Limit to query for opened notifications # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def opened_only(limit) limit == 0 ? none : opened_only!.limit(limit) end # Selects group member notifications in unopened_index. # @scope class # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def unopened_index_group_members_only group_owner_ids = group_owner_ids.empty? ? none : where('': group_owner_ids) end # Selects group member notifications in opened_index. # @scope class # @param [Integer] limit Limit to query for opened notifications # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def opened_index_group_members_only(limit) group_owner_ids = opened_index(limit).map(&:id) group_owner_ids.empty? ? none : where('': group_owner_ids) end # Selects notifications within expiration. # @scope class # @param [ActiveSupport::Duration] expiry_delay Expiry period of notifications # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def within_expiration_only(expiry_delay) where('': expiry_delay.ago) end # Selects group member notifications with specified group owner ids. # @scope class # @param [Array] owner_ids Array of group owner ids # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of filtered notifications def group_members_of_owner_ids_only(owner_ids) owner_ids.present? ? where('': owner_ids) : none end # Includes target instance with query for notifications or subscriptions. # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of notifications with target def with_target self end # Includes notifiable instance with query for notifications. # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of notifications with notifiable def with_notifiable self end # Includes group instance with query for notifications. # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of notifications with group def with_group self end # Includes group owner instances with query for notifications. # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of notifications with group owner def with_group_owner self end # Includes group member instances with query for notifications. # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of notifications with group members def with_group_members self end # Includes notifier instance with query for notifications. # @return [Dynamoid::Criteria::Chain] Database query of notifications with notifier def with_notifier self end # Dummy reload method for test of notifications or subscriptions. def reload self end # Returns latest notification instance. # @return [Notification] Latest notification instance def latest latest_order.first end # Returns earliest notification instance. # @return [Notification] Earliest notification instance def earliest earliest_order.first end # Returns latest notification instance. # It does not use sort key in DynamoDB tables. # @return [Notification] Latest notification instance def latest! latest_order!.first end # Returns earliest notification instance. # It does not use sort key in DynamoDB tables. # @return [Notification] Earliest notification instance def earliest! earliest_order!.first end # Selects unique keys from query for notifications or subscriptions. # @return [Array] Array of notification unique keys def uniq_keys all.to_a.collect {|n| n.key }.uniq end end end end require_relative 'dynamoid/notification.rb' require_relative 'dynamoid/subscription.rb'