= CORL packaging system
CORL provides a middle layer between configuration management tools like Puppet
and automation systems and processes. CORL can be extended in individual
projects and easily merge libraries of bundled plugin interfaces and providers.
==== Networks
At the very top level in CORL there is a network project. Think of it as a
parent container for everything necessary to grow a network of machines. By
default the network is a shared Git repository but the project interface is
pluggable for individual needs.
The default plugin implementation of the CORL network maintains the following
project directory structure.
{network project directory}
|-> config # Contextually searched provisioner configurations
Networks bundle:
* Network and node group settings
* Contexual configurations
* Build definitions (packages, identities, projects, etc...)
* Node data objects
* Shared authentication information
* CORL plugin interface implementations
* Any other shared files
To see an example of a network project, {checkout our starter template}[https://github.com/coralnexus/network-template].
==== Packages
Packages are revision controlled projects (Git) that contain reusable
infrastructure components. Packages are like lego blocks and can be derived from
combinations of other packages.
Packages define a corl.{json|yaml} file in the root directory that contains
build directives targeted at various environments, like development, staging,
qa, and production. We internally lock qa and production build revisions so we
get standardized environments.
Packages bundle:
* Build definitions (packages, provisioner modules, projects, identities, etc...)
* Default configurations (Puppet by default)
* Provisioner gateways (Puppet by default)
* Provisioner profiles (Puppet by default)
Example build directive: (tracks *master* by default)
> {package directory}/corl.json
"builders": {
"package": {
"environment": {
"production": {
"coralnexus__core": "github:::coralnexus/corl-package-core[04eaa0f855c7824c58d43f0dd7b1370fa16157d6]"
"qa": {
"use": "production"
"default": {
"coralnexus__core": "github:::coralnexus/corl-package-core"
This directive basically defines a dependency on the coralnexus core package so
that when this package is built on a system and profiles are loaded the
dependency and it's profiles are loaded first. Different environments can
track different branches of the same projects or include different projects
based on the state of the environment. Above we just lock in a constant
revision when in a production or QA environment.
Example Puppet node profile: (Varnish proxy server)
> {package directory}/profiles/varnish_server.pp
class vendor_name::package_namespace::profile::varnish_server {
$base_name = 'coralnexus_varnish_server'
anchor { $base_name: }
# Required systems
class { 'varnish': require => Anchor[$base_name] }
class { 'varnish::vcl': require => Class['varnish'] }
# Optional systems
corl::include { 'varnish_server_classes': require => Class['varnish::vcl'] }
# Resources
corl_resources('varnish::acl', 'varnish_server::acl', 'varnish_server::acl_defaults')
corl_resources('varnish::probe', 'varnish_server::probe', 'varnish_server::probe_defaults')
corl_resources('varnish::backend', 'varnish_server::backend', 'varnish_server::backend_defaults')
corl_resources('varnish::director', 'varnish_server::director', 'varnish_server::director_defaults')
corl_resources('varnish::selector', 'varnish_server::selector', 'varnish_server::selector_defaults')
Example provisioner directive: (tracks *master* by default)
> {package directory}/corl.json
"provisioners": {
"puppetnode": {
"vendor_name::package_namespace": {
"varnish_server": {
"environment": {
"production": {
"modules": {
"varnish": "github:::maxchk/puppet-varnish[b9846d1b35e87a45c98213fddfe71fa0a6f3b31c]",
"varnish_drupal": "github:::coralnexus/puppet-varnish_drupal[b1f8ecd9be5144d642d7717429a3652234b5f0d9]"
"qa": {
"use": "production"
"default": {
"modules": {
"varnish": "github:::maxchk/puppet-varnish[develop]",
"varnish_drupal": "github:::coralnexus/puppet-varnish_drupal"
The above provisioner directive tells CORL to
To see an example of a package, {checkout our core package}[https://github.com/coralnexus/network-template].
==== Profiles
Node profiles are packaged systems and default configurations meant to run as
standalone server images or combined to create meta server images. The CORL
provisioner plugin defines an interface for creating, linking, and provisioning
profiles. Currently only Puppet is supported, but more provisioners are on the
way in the future.
Profiles are created in the native file format of the configuration management
system being used. For instance in our default Puppetnode provisioner
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