#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'rubygems' require 'appscript' require 'optparse' options = {} rows = nil columns = nil optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} [options]" options[:debug] = false options[:fullscreen] = false opts.on('-d', '--debug', "Start RIPL after creating terminals") { options[:debug] = true } opts.on('-f', '--file FILE', "Cluster file") { |f| options[:file] = f } opts.on('-F', '--fullscreen', "Fullscreen") { options[:fullscreen] = true } opts.on('-g', '--grid WxH', "Grid size") { |f| options[:grid] = f.split("x")} opts.on('-u', '--username USERNAME', "SSH username") { |u| options[:username] = u } opts.on('-c', '--cluster CLUSTERNAME', "Name of the cluster specified in ~/.i2csshrc") { |c| options[:cluster] = c } end optparse.parse! unless options[:file] || options[:grid] || options[:cluster] then puts optparse.help exit end if options[:file] && options[:grid] then puts "ERROR: -g and -f can't be used at the same time" puts optparse.help exit end ssh_prefix = "ssh " + (options[:username] ? "#{options[:username]}@" : "") if options[:file] then servers = File.read(options[:file]).split("\n") elsif options[:grid] then columns = options[:grid][0].to_i rows = options[:grid][1].to_i elsif options[:cluster] then require 'yaml' config_hash = YAML.load(File.read(File.expand_path("~/.i2csshrc"))) puts config_hash.inspect servers = config_hash["clusters"][options[:cluster]] end count = servers.size rows ||= Math.sqrt(count).ceil columns ||= (count / rows.to_f).ceil iterm = Appscript.app.by_name('iTerm') finder = Appscript.app.by_name('Finder') sys_events = Appscript.app.by_name('System Events') window_bounds = finder.desktop.window.bounds term = iterm.make(:new => :terminal) session = term.sessions.after.make(:new => :session) session.exec(:command => "/bin/bash -l") if options[:fullscreen] then window = iterm.windows.get.sort_by{|x| x.id_.get}.last window.bounds.set(window_bounds.get) end (columns - 1).times do sys_events.keystroke("d", :using => :command_down) end (rows - 1).times do (columns - 1).times do sys_events.key_code(123, :using => [:command_down, :option_down]) end (columns).times do |x| sys_events.keystroke("D", :using => :command_down) sys_events.key_code(124, :using => [:command_down, :option_down]) unless (columns - 1) == x end end (rows * columns).times do |i| term.sessions[i+1].write(:text => "#{ssh_prefix}#{servers[i]}") if servers && servers[i] end if options[:debug] then require 'ripl' Ripl.start :binding => binding end