module Bandwidth
module Bxml
class StartTranscription < Bandwidth::Bxml::NestableVerb
# Initializer
# @param custom_params [Array] XML element children. Defaults to an empty array. Valid nested custom params are: CustomParam. You may specify up to 12 elements nested within a tag.
# @param attributes [Hash] The attributes to add to the element. Defaults to an empty hash.
def initialize(custom_params = [], attributes = {})
super('StartTranscription', nil, custom_params, attributes)
@attribute_map = {
name: 'name', # Optional [String]: A name to refer to this transcription by. Used when sending . If not provided, it will default to the generated transcription id as sent in the Real-Time Transcription Started webhook.
tracks: 'tracks', # Optional [String]: The part of the call to send a transcription from. inbound, outbound or both. Default is inbound.
transcription_event_url: 'transcriptionEventUrl', # Optional [String]: URL to send the associated Webhook events to during this real-time transcription's lifetime. Does not accept BXML. May be a relative URL.
transcription_event_method: 'transcriptionEventMethod', # Optional [String]: The HTTP method to use for the request to transcriptionEventUrl. GET or POST. Default value is POST.
username: 'username', # Optional [String]: The username to send in the HTTP request to transcriptionEventUrl. If specified, the transcriptionEventUrl must be TLS-encrypted (i.e., https).
password: 'password', # Optional [String]: The password to send in the HTTP request to transcriptionEventUrl. If specified, the transcriptionEventUrl must be TLS-encrypted (i.e., https).
destination: 'destination', # Optional [String]: A websocket URI to send the transcription to. A transcription of the specified tracks will be sent via websocket to this URL as a series of JSON messages. See below for more details on the websocket packet format.
stabilized: 'stabilized', # Optional [Boolean]: Whether to send transcription update events to the specified destination only after they have become stable. Requires destination. Defaults to true.
# Add custom param/s to the nested verbs array
# @param custom_params [CustomParam] or [Array] Verb or verbs to add to the array.
def add_custom_param(custom_params)