/********************************************************************** Dvector.c based on Ruby's array.c (Copyright (C) Yukihiro Matsumoto) specialized for 1D arrays that only contain doubles Copyright (C) 2005 Bill Paxton This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Library Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA **********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "ruby.h" #include "intern.h" #include "dvector_intern.h" #include "../symbols.h" #include "../symbols.c" /* compiler-dependent definitions, such as is_okay_number */ #include /* safe storing of doubles */ #include /* temp */ /* #include */ #define is_a_dvector(d) ( TYPE(d) == T_DATA && RDATA(d)->dfree == (RUBY_DATA_FUNC)dvector_free ) #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif typedef struct { long len; /* current number of doubles in this vector */ long capa; /* current capacity which must be >= len */ VALUE shared; /* if not Qnil, then is the base object we're sharing with others */ double *ptr; /* the data */ int dirty; /* set to 1 if data has been modified since the last time it was cleared */ } Dvector; static VALUE dvector_make_shared(VALUE ary); static VALUE dvector_alloc(VALUE klass); static VALUE dvector_s_create(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass); static double *dvector_replace_dbls(VALUE ary, long len, double *data); static void dvector_store(VALUE ary, long idx, VALUE val); static VALUE dvector_to_dvector(VALUE obj); static Dvector *Get_Dvector(VALUE obj); static Dvector *dvector_modify(VALUE ary); static void dvector_splice(VALUE ary, long beg, long len, VALUE rpl); static void dvector_mark(Dvector *d); static void dvector_free(Dvector *d); #define DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE 16 PRIVATE bool Is_Dvector(VALUE obj) { return is_a_dvector(obj); } PRIVATE /* Checks if the given object is a Dvector. Mainly here for testing purposes, as it corresponds to the internal +is_a_dvector+. */ VALUE dvector_is_a_dvector(VALUE self, VALUE obj) { if(Is_Dvector(obj)) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; } static inline void dvector_mem_clear(double *mem, int size) { while (size--) { *mem++ = 0.0; } } static inline void dvector_memfill(double *mem, long size, double val) { while (size--) { *mem++ = val; } } static VALUE cDvector; /* the Dvector class object */ static void dvector_mark(Dvector *d) { if (d->shared != Qnil) rb_gc_mark(d->shared); } static void dvector_free(Dvector *d) { if (d->ptr != NULL && d->shared == Qnil) free(d->ptr); free(d); } static VALUE dvector_alloc(VALUE klass) { Dvector *d; VALUE ary = Data_Make_Struct(klass, Dvector, dvector_mark, dvector_free, d); d->len = 0; d->ptr = ALLOC_N(double, 1); d->capa = 1; d->shared = Qnil; return ary; } static void ary_to_dvector(VALUE *data, long len, double *p) { long i; VALUE v; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { v = rb_Float(data[i]); p[i] = NUM2DBL(v); } } /* * Returns a new Dvector populated with the given objects. * * Dvector.[]( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) -> a_dvector * Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] -> a_dvector * */ static VALUE dvector_s_create(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE ary = make_new_dvector(klass, argc, argc); Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (argc < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "negative number of arguments"); } ary_to_dvector(argv, argc, d->ptr); return ary; } void Dvector_Store_Double(VALUE ary, long idx, double val) { Dvector *d; d = dvector_modify(ary); if (idx < 0) { idx += d->len; if (idx < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "index %ld out of array", idx - d->len); } } if (idx >= d->capa) { long new_capa = d->capa / 2; if (new_capa < DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE) { new_capa = DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE; } new_capa += idx; REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, new_capa); d->capa = new_capa; } if (idx > d->len) { dvector_mem_clear(d->ptr + d->len, idx - d->len + 1); } if (idx >= d->len) { d->len = idx + 1; } d->ptr[idx] = val; } static void dvector_store(VALUE ary, long idx, VALUE val) { val = rb_Float(val); Dvector_Store_Double(ary, idx, NUM2DBL(val)); } static VALUE dvector_to_dvector(VALUE obj) { if ( is_a_dvector(obj) ) return obj; obj = rb_Array(obj); return dvector_s_create(RARRAY(obj)->len, RARRAY(obj)->ptr, cDvector); } static Dvector *Get_Dvector(VALUE obj) { Dvector *d; obj = dvector_to_dvector(obj); Data_Get_Struct(obj, Dvector, d); return d; } #define DVEC_TMPLOCK FL_USER1 static inline void dvector_modify_check(VALUE ary) { if (OBJ_FROZEN(ary)) rb_error_frozen("dvector"); if (FL_TEST(ary, DVEC_TMPLOCK)) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "can't modify dvector during iteration"); if (!OBJ_TAINTED(ary) && rb_safe_level() >= 4) rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't modify dvector"); } static Dvector *dvector_modify(VALUE ary) { double *ptr; Dvector *d; dvector_modify_check(ary); d = Get_Dvector(ary); /* we set the dirty bit */ d->dirty = 1; if (d->shared != Qnil) { ptr = ALLOC_N(double, d->len); d->shared = Qnil; d->capa = d->len; MEMCPY(ptr, d->ptr, double, d->len); d->ptr = ptr; } if (d->ptr == NULL) { d->ptr = ALLOC_N(double, DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE); d->capa = DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE; } return d; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.dirty? -> _true_ or _false_ * * Returns _true_ if the vector has been modified since the last time * dirty was cleared. When a Dvector is created or copied, dirty is set * to false. It is set to true whenever the vector is modified. You need * to reset it manually using dirty=. */ VALUE dvector_is_dirty(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d; d = Get_Dvector(ary); if(d->dirty) return Qtrue; else return Qfalse; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.clean? -> _true_ or _false_ * * Returns _true_ if the vector hasn't been modified since the last time * dirty was cleared. See dirty?. */ VALUE dvector_is_clean(VALUE ary) { if(RTEST(dvector_is_dirty(ary))) return Qfalse; return Qtrue; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.dirty= _true_ or _false_ -> dvector * * Sets (or unsets) the _dirty_ flag. Returns _dvector_. */ VALUE dvector_set_dirty(VALUE ary, VALUE b) { Dvector *d; d = Get_Dvector(ary); d->dirty = RTEST(b); return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.freeze -> _dvector_ * * Prevents further modifications. A TypeError will be raised if modification is attempted. */ VALUE dvector_freeze(VALUE ary) { return rb_obj_freeze(ary); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.frozen? -> true or false * * Return true if this vector is frozen (or temporarily frozen * while being sorted). */ VALUE dvector_frozen_p(VALUE ary) { if (OBJ_FROZEN(ary)) return Qtrue; if (FL_TEST(ary, DVEC_TMPLOCK)) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; } PRIVATE VALUE make_new_dvector(VALUE klass, long len, long capa) { VALUE ary = dvector_alloc(klass); Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (len < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "negative dvector size (or size too big)"); } d->len = len; if (len == 0) len++; if (capa < len) capa = len; d->ptr = ALLOC_N(double, capa); d->capa = capa; dvector_mem_clear(d->ptr, capa); /* we set dirty to 0 */ d->dirty = 0; return ary; } /* Makes a Dvector with the given data. No additional capacity. */ PRIVATE VALUE make_dvector_from_data(VALUE klass, long len, double * data) { VALUE ary = dvector_alloc(klass); Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (len < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "negative dvector size (or size too big)"); } d->len = len; if (len == 0) len++; d->ptr = ALLOC_N(double, len); MEMCPY(d->ptr, data, double, len); d->capa = len; /* we set dirty to 0 */ d->dirty = 0; return ary; } PRIVATE VALUE dvector_new2(long len, long capa) { return make_new_dvector(cDvector, len, capa); } PRIVATE VALUE dvector_new() { return dvector_new2(0, DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE); } PRIVATE VALUE dvector_new4(long len, VALUE *data) { VALUE ary = make_new_dvector(cDvector, len, len); Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (d->len < len) { Dvector_Store_Double(ary, len-1, 0.0); } ary_to_dvector(data, len, d->ptr); return ary; } PRIVATE VALUE dvector_new4_dbl(long len, double *data) { VALUE ary = make_new_dvector(cDvector, len, len); Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (d->len < len) { Dvector_Store_Double(ary, len-1, 0.0); } MEMCPY(d->ptr, data, double, len); return ary; } PRIVATE VALUE dvector_check_array_type(VALUE ary) { if ( is_a_dvector(ary) ) return ary; return rb_check_convert_type(ary, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary"); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * Dvector.new -> a_dvector * Dvector.new(size=0, value=0) -> a_dvector * Dvector.new(other) -> a_dvector * Dvector.new(size) {|index| block } -> a_dvector * * Returns a new Dvector. In the first form, the new vector is * empty. In the second it is created with _size_ copies of _value_ * The third form creates a copy of the _other_ vector * passed as a parameter (this can also be an Array). * In the last form, a vector of the given size is created. Each element in this vector is * calculated by passing the element's index to the given block and * storing the return value. * * Dvector.new -> Dvector[] * Dvector.new(2) -> Dvector[ 0, 0 ] * Dvector.new(3, -1) -> Dvector[ -1, -1, -1 ] * Dvector.new(3) {|i| i**2 + 1} -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 5 ] * */ VALUE dvector_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { long len; VALUE size, val; Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &size, &val) == 0) { d->len = 0; if (rb_block_given_p()) { rb_warning("given block not used"); } return ary; } if (argc == 1 && !FIXNUM_P(size)) { val = dvector_check_array_type(size); if (!NIL_P(val)) { dvector_replace(ary, val); return ary; } } len = NUM2LONG(size); if (len < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "negative array size"); } if (len > 0 && len * (long)sizeof(VALUE) <= len) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "array size too big"); } if (len > d->capa) { REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, len); d->capa = len; } if (rb_block_given_p()) { long i; if (argc == 2) { rb_warn("block supersedes default value argument"); } for (i=0; ilen = i + 1; } } else if (val == Qnil) { dvector_memfill(d->ptr, len, 0.0); d->len = len; } else { val = rb_Float(val); dvector_memfill(d->ptr, len, NUM2DBL(val)); d->len = len; } /* we ensure that the vector is clean on exit of initialize */ d->dirty = 0; return ary; } PRIVATE void Dvector_Push_Double(VALUE ary, double val) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); Dvector_Store_Double(ary, d->len, val); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector << number -> dvector * * Append---Pushes the given number on to the end of this vector. This * expression returns the vector itself, so several appends * may be chained together. * * Dvector[ 1, 2 ] << -3.3 << 1e3 -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3.3, 1000.0 ] * */ VALUE dvector_push(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { item = rb_Float(item); Dvector_Push_Double(ary, NUM2DBL(item)); return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.push(number, ... ) -> dvector * * Append---Pushes the given number(s) on to the end of this vector. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ] * a.push(4, 5, 6) -> Dvector[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] */ VALUE dvector_push_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { while (argc--) { dvector_push(ary, *argv++); } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.pop -> number or nil * * Removes the last element from _dvector_ and returns it, or * nil if the vector is empty. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ] * a.pop -> 3 * a -> Dvector[ 1, 2 ] */ VALUE dvector_pop(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); if (d->len == 0) return Qnil; if (d->shared == Qnil && d->len * 2 < d->capa && d->capa > DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE) { d->capa = d->len * 2; REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, d->capa); } return rb_float_new(d->ptr[--d->len]); } static VALUE dvector_make_shared(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (d->shared != Qnil) return d->shared; VALUE shared = dvector_alloc(cDvector); Dvector *s = Get_Dvector(shared); s->len = d->len; s->ptr = d->ptr; s->capa = d->capa; d->shared = shared; OBJ_FREEZE(shared); return shared; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.shift -> number or nil * * Returns the first element of _dvector_ and removes it (shifting all * other elements down by one). Returns nil if the vector * is empty. * * args = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ] * args.shift -> 1 * args -> Dvector[ 2, 3 ] */ VALUE dvector_shift(VALUE ary) { double top; Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); if (d->len == 0) return Qnil; top = d->ptr[0]; dvector_make_shared(ary); d->ptr++; /* shift ptr */ d->len--; return rb_float_new(top); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.unshift(number, ...) -> dvector * * Prepends objects to the front of _dvector_, moving other elements up one. * * a = [ 2, 3, 4 ] * a.unshift(1) -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] * a.unshift(-1, 0) -> Dvector[ -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] */ VALUE dvector_unshift_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); long len = d->len, i; if (argc < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "negative number of arguments"); } if (argc == 0) return ary; /* make room by setting the last item */ Dvector_Store_Double(ary, len + argc - 1, 0.0); /* slide items */ MEMMOVE(d->ptr + argc, d->ptr, double, len); for (i=0; i < argc; i++) dvector_store(ary, i, argv[i]); return ary; } PRIVATE VALUE dvector_entry(VALUE ary, long offset) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (d->len == 0) return Qnil; if (offset < 0) { offset += d->len; } if (offset < 0 || d->len <= offset) { return Qnil; } return rb_float_new(d->ptr[offset]); } PRIVATE VALUE dvector_subseq(VALUE ary, long beg, long len) { VALUE klass, ary2, shared; double *ptr; Dvector *d, *d2; d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (beg > d->len) return Qnil; if (beg < 0 || len < 0) return Qnil; if (beg + len > d->len) { len = d->len - beg; if (len < 0) len = 0; } klass = rb_obj_class(ary); if (len == 0) return make_new_dvector(klass,0,DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE); shared = dvector_make_shared(ary); ptr = d->ptr; ary2 = dvector_alloc(klass); d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2); d2->ptr = ptr + beg; d2->len = len; d2->shared = shared; return ary2; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector[int] -> number or nil * dvector[start, length] -> dvector or nil * dvector[range] -> dvector or nil * dvector.slice(index) -> number or nil * dvector.slice(start, length) -> dvector or nil * dvector.slice(range) -> dvector or nil * * Element Reference---Returns the element at index _int_, * or returns a subvector starting at _start_ and * continuing for _length_ elements, or returns a subvector * specified by _range_. * Negative indices count backward from the end of the * vector (-1 is the last element). Returns nil if the index * (or starting index) are out of range. If the start index equals the * vector size and a _length_ or _range_ parameter is given, an * empty vector is returned. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] * a[2] + a[0] + a[1] -> 6 * a[6] -> nil * a[1, 2] -> Dvector[ 2, 3 ] * a[1..3] -> Dvector[ 2, 3, 4 ] * a[4..7] -> Dvector[ 5 ] * a[6..10] -> nil * a[-3, 3] -> Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ] * # special cases * a[5] -> nil * a[5, 1] -> Dvector[] * a[5..10] -> Dvector[] * */ VALUE dvector_aref(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { VALUE arg; long beg, len; Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (argc == 2) { if (SYMBOL_P(argv[0])) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Symbol as array index"); } beg = NUM2LONG(argv[0]); len = NUM2LONG(argv[1]); if (beg < 0) { beg += d->len; } return dvector_subseq(ary, beg, len); } if (argc != 1) { rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", 0, 0); } arg = argv[0]; /* special case - speeding up */ if (FIXNUM_P(arg)) { return dvector_entry(ary, FIX2LONG(arg)); } if (SYMBOL_P(arg)) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Symbol as array index"); } /* check if idx is Range */ switch (rb_range_beg_len(arg, &beg, &len, d->len, 0)) { case Qfalse: break; case Qnil: return Qnil; default: return dvector_subseq(ary, beg, len); } return dvector_entry(ary, NUM2LONG(arg)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.at(int) -> number or nil * * Returns the element at index _int_. A * negative index counts from the end of _dvector_. Returns +nil+ * if the index is out of range. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] * a.at(0) -> 1 * a.at(-1) -> 5 */ VALUE dvector_at(VALUE ary, VALUE pos) { return dvector_entry(ary, NUM2LONG(pos)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.first -> number or nil * dvector.first(count) -> a_dvector * * Returns the first element, or the first _count_ elements, of _dvector_. If the vector is empty, * the first form returns nil, and the second returns an empty vector. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] * a.first -> 1 * a.first(1) -> Dvector[ 1 ] * a.first(3) -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ] */ VALUE dvector_first(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { VALUE nv, result; long n, i; Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (argc == 0) { if (d->len == 0) return Qnil; return rb_float_new(d->ptr[0]); } rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &nv); n = NUM2LONG(nv); if (n > d->len) n = d->len; result = dvector_new2(n,n); for (i=0; iptr[i]); } return result; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.last -> number or nil * dvector.last(count) -> a_dvector * * Returns the last element, or the last _count_ elements, of _dvector_. If the vector is empty, * the first form returns nil, and the second returns an empty vector. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] * a.last -> 5 * a.last(1) -> Dvector[ 5 ] * a.last(3) -> Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ] */ VALUE dvector_last(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { VALUE nv, result; long n, i, beg; Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (argc == 0) { if (d->len == 0) return Qnil; return rb_float_new(d->ptr[d->len-1]); } rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &nv); n = NUM2LONG(nv); if (n > d->len) n = d->len; result = dvector_new2(n,n); beg = d->len - n; for (i=0; i < n; i++) { Dvector_Store_Double(result, i, d->ptr[beg+i]); } return result; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.uniq! -> dvector * * Same as Dvector#uniq, but modifies the receiver in place. Returns nil if no changes are made * (that is, no duplicates are found). * Removes duplicate elements from dvector. * Deletes the element if there is a later one in the vector that is equal to it. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, 3.8, 1.7, 3.8, 5 ] * a.uniq! -> Dvector[1.1, 1.7, 3.8, 5] * b = Dvector[ 1.1, 3.8, 1.7, 5 ] * b.uniq! -> nil */ VALUE dvector_uniq_bang(VALUE ary) { double v; Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); long i, j, k; int uniq; for (i=j=0; i < d->len; i++) { v = d->ptr[i]; uniq = true; for (k=i+1; k < d->len; k++) { if (d->ptr[k] == v) { uniq = false; break; } } if (uniq) d->ptr[j++] = v; } if (d->len == j) return Qnil; d->len = j; return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.uniq -> a_dvector * * Returns a new vector by removing duplicate elements from _dvector_. * Remove the element if there is a later one in the vector that is equal to it. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, 3.8, 1.7, 3.8, 5 ] * a.uniq -> Dvector[1.1, 1.7, 3.8, 5] */ VALUE dvector_uniq(VALUE ary) { VALUE new = dvector_uniq_bang(dvector_dup(ary)); if (new == Qnil) new = ary; return new; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.fetch(int) -> number * dvector.fetch(int, default ) -> number * dvector.fetch(int) {|index| block } -> number * * Tries to return the element at index int. If the index * lies outside the vector, the first form throws an * IndexError exception, the second form returns * default, and the third form returns the value of invoking * the block, passing in the index. Negative values of the index * count from the end of the vector. * * a = Dvector[ 11, 22, 33, 44 ] * a.fetch(1) -> 22 * a.fetch(-1) -> 44 * a.fetch(4, 0) -> 0 * a.fetch(4) { |i| i*i } -> 16 */ VALUE dvector_fetch(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { VALUE pos, ifnone; long block_given; long idx; Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &pos, &ifnone); block_given = rb_block_given_p(); if (block_given && argc == 2) { rb_warn("block supersedes default value argument"); } idx = NUM2LONG(pos); if (idx < 0) { idx += d->len; } if (idx < 0 || d->len <= idx) { if (block_given) return rb_yield(pos); if (argc == 1) { rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "index %ld out of dvector", idx); } return ifnone; } return rb_float_new(d->ptr[idx]); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.index(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the first object in _dvector_ * == to _number_. Returns nil if * no match is found. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2 ] * a.index(3) -> 2 * a.index(0) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_index(VALUE ary, VALUE val) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); double v; long i = d->len; val = rb_Float(val); v = NUM2DBL(val); for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) { if (d->ptr[i] == v) return LONG2NUM(i); } return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.rindex(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the last object in _dvector_ * == to _number_. Returns nil if * no match is found. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2 ] * a.rindex(3) -> 6 * a.rindex(0) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_rindex(VALUE ary, VALUE val) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); double v; long i = d->len; val = rb_Float(val); v = NUM2DBL(val); while (i--) { if (i > d->len) { i = d->len; continue; } if (d->ptr[i] == v) return LONG2NUM(i); } return Qnil; } static void dvector_splice(VALUE ary, long beg, long len, VALUE rpl) { long rlen; Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary), *r = NULL; if (len < 0) rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "negative length (%ld)", len); if (beg < 0) { beg += d->len; if (beg < 0) { beg -= d->len; rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "index %ld out of array", beg); } } if (beg + len > d->len) { len = d->len - beg; } if (NIL_P(rpl)) { rlen = 0; } else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(rpl,rb_cArray)) { rpl = rb_Array(rpl); rlen = RARRAY(rpl)->len; } else { rpl = dvector_to_dvector(rpl); r = Get_Dvector(rpl); rlen = r->len; } if (beg >= d->len) { len = beg + rlen; if (len >= d->capa) { REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, len); d->capa = len; } dvector_mem_clear(d->ptr + d->len, beg - d->len); if (rlen > 0) { if (r != NULL) MEMCPY(d->ptr + beg, r->ptr, double, rlen); else ary_to_dvector(RARRAY(rpl)->ptr, rlen, d->ptr); } d->len = len; } else { long alen; if (beg + len > d->len) { len = d->len - beg; } alen = d->len + rlen - len; if (alen >= d->capa) { REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, alen); d->capa = alen; } if (len != rlen) { MEMMOVE(d->ptr + beg + rlen, d->ptr + beg + len, double, d->len - (beg + len)); d->len = alen; } if (rlen > 0) { if (r != NULL) MEMMOVE(d->ptr + beg, r->ptr, double, rlen); else ary_to_dvector(RARRAY(rpl)->ptr, rlen, d->ptr + beg); } } } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector[int] = number * dvector[start, length] = number or a_dvector or an_array or nil * dvector[range] = number or a_dvector or an_array or nil * * Element Assignment---Sets the element at index _int_, * or replaces a subvector starting at _start_ and * continuing for _length_ elements, or replaces a subvector * specified by _range_. Returns the assigned object as value. * If indices are greater than * the current capacity of the vector, the vector grows * automatically by adding zeros. Negative indices will count backward * from the end of the vector. Inserts elements if _length_ is * zero. If +nil+ is used in the second and third forms, * deletes elements from _dvector_. A 1D Array of numbers can be used on the right in the second * and third forms in place of a Dvector. An +IndexError+ is raised if a * negative index points past the beginning of the vector. See also * Dvector#push, and Dvector#unshift. * * a = Dvector.new * a[4] = 4; -> Dvector[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 4 ] * a[0, 3] = [ 1, 2, 3 ] -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 0, 4 ] * a[1..2] = [ 1, 2 ] -> Dvector[ 1, 1, 2, 0, 4 ] * a[0, 2] = -1 -> Dvector[ -1, 2, 0, 4 ] * a[0..2] = 1 -> Dvector[ 1, 4 ] * a[-1] = 5 -> Dvector[ 1, 5 ] * a[1..-1] = nil -> Dvector[ 1 ] */ VALUE dvector_aset(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { long offset, beg, len; Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); VALUE arg1; if (argc == 3) { if (SYMBOL_P(argv[0])) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Symbol as vector index"); } if (SYMBOL_P(argv[1])) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Symbol as subvector length"); } dvector_splice(ary, NUM2LONG(argv[0]), NUM2LONG(argv[1]), argv[2]); return argv[2]; } if (argc != 2) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 2)", argc); } if (FIXNUM_P(argv[0])) { offset = FIX2LONG(argv[0]); goto fixnum; } if (SYMBOL_P(argv[0])) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Symbol as vector index"); } if (rb_range_beg_len(argv[0], &beg, &len, d->len, 1)) { /* check if idx is Range */ arg1 = argv[1]; if (arg1 != Qnil && !rb_obj_is_kind_of(arg1, rb_cNumeric) && !is_a_dvector(arg1)) arg1 = dvector_to_dvector(arg1); dvector_splice(ary, beg, len, arg1); return arg1; } offset = NUM2LONG(argv[0]); fixnum: dvector_store(ary, offset, argv[1]); return argv[1]; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.clear -> dvector * * Removes all elements from _dvector_. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] * a.clear -> Dvector[] */ VALUE dvector_clear(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); d->len = 0; if (DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE * 2 < d->capa) { REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE * 2); d->capa = DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE * 2; } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.set(float) -> dvector * dvector.set(a_dvector) -> dvector * * Modifies the entries of _dvector_ array. If the argument is a float, then all of the * entries are set to that value. If the argument is another Dvector, then it must * be the same length as _dvector_, and its contents are copied to _dvector_. */ VALUE dvector_set(VALUE ary, VALUE val) { Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); int len = d->len, i; double *data = d->ptr; if (is_a_dvector(val)) { Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(val); double *data2 = d2->ptr; if (d2->len != len) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Vectors must be same length for Dvector set"); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i] = data2[i]; } } else { double v = NUM2DBL(val); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i] = v; } } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.min_gt(val) -> float or nil * * Returns the minimum entry in _dvector_ which is greater than _val_, or nil if no such entry if found. */ VALUE dvector_min_gt(VALUE ary, VALUE val) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); val = rb_Float(val); double zmin = 0, z = NUM2DBL(val), x; /* it doesn't matter what is zmin's initial value */ double *data = d->ptr; int len = d->len, i, imin; imin = -1; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { x = data[i]; if (x > z && (imin < 0 || x < zmin)) { imin = i; zmin = x; } } if (imin >= 0) return rb_float_new(zmin); return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.max_lt(val) -> float or nil * * Returns the maximum entry in _dvector_ which is less than _val_, or nil if no such entry if found. */ VALUE dvector_max_lt(VALUE ary, VALUE val) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); val = rb_Float(val); double zmax = 0, z = NUM2DBL(val), x; double *data = d->ptr; int len = d->len, i, imax; imax = -1; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { x = data[i]; if (x < z && (imax < 0 || x > zmax)) { imax = i; zmax = x; } } if (imax >= 0) return rb_float_new(zmax); return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.insert(int, number...) -> dvector * * If the index is not negative, insert the given values before * the element with the index _int_. If the index is -1, appends the * values to _dvector_. Otherwise inserts the values after the element * with the given index. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ] * a.insert(2, 99) -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 99, 3 ] * a.insert(-2, 1, 2, 3) -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 99, 1, 2, 3, 3 ] * a.insert(-1, 0) -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 99, 1, 2, 3, 3, 0 ] */ VALUE dvector_insert(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { long pos; if (argc < 1) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (at least 1)"); } pos = NUM2LONG(argv[0]); if (pos == -1) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); pos = d->len; } else if (pos < 0) { pos++; } if (argc == 1) return ary; dvector_splice(ary, pos, 0, dvector_new4(argc - 1, argv + 1)); return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.each {|x| block } -> dvector * * Calls block once for each element in _dvector_, passing that * element as a parameter. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ] * a.each {|x| print x, " -- " } * * produces: * * 1 -- 0 -- -1 -- */ VALUE dvector_each(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); long i; for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) { rb_yield(rb_float_new(d->ptr[i])); } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.each2(other) {|x,y| block } * * Calls block once for each element in _dvector_, passing that * element as a parameter along with the corresponding element from the _other_ vector. * The two vectors must be the same length. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ] * b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ] * a.each2(b) {|x,y| print "(", x ",", y, ") " } * * produces: * * (1,3) (0,4) (-1,5) */ VALUE dvector_each2(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2); long i; if (d->len != d2->len) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%d vs %d) for each2", d->len, d2->len); } for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) { rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[i])); } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.each_index {|index| block } -> dvector * * Same as Dvector#each, but passes the index of the element * instead of the element itself. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ] * a.each_index {|x| print x, " -- " } * * produces: * * 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- */ VALUE dvector_each_index(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); long i; for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) { rb_yield(LONG2NUM(i)); } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.each_with_index {|x,index| block } -> dvector * * Same as Dvector#each, but passes the index of the element * in addition to the element itself. * */ VALUE dvector_each_with_index(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); long i; for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) { rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), LONG2NUM(i)); } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.each2_with_index(other) {|x,y,index| block } * * Calls block once for each element in _dvector_, passing the * element, the corresponding element from the _other_ vector, and the index. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ] * b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ] * a.each2_with_index(b) {|x,y,i| print "(", x ",", y, ",", i, ") " } * * produces: * * (1,3,0) (0,4,1) (-1,5,2) */ VALUE dvector_each2_with_index(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2); long i; if (d->len != d2->len) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%d vs %d) for each2_with_index", d->len, d2->len); } for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) { rb_yield_values(3, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[i]), LONG2NUM(i)); } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.reverse_each {|x| block } * * Same as Dvector#each, but traverses _dvector_ in reverse * order. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ] * a.each {|x| print x, " " } * * produces: * * -1 0 1 */ VALUE dvector_reverse_each(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); long len = d->len; while (len--) { rb_yield(rb_float_new(d->ptr[len])); if (d->len < len) { len = d->len; } } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.reverse_each2(other) {|x,y| block } * * Same as Dvector#each2, but traverses vectors in reverse * order. The vectors must have the same size. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ] * b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ] * a.reverse_each2(b) {|x,y| print "(", x ",", y, ") " } * * produces: * * (-1,5) (0,4) (1,3) */ VALUE dvector_reverse_each2(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2); long len = d->len; if (len != d2->len) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%d vs %d) for reverse_each2", len, d2->len); } while (len--) { rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[len]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[len])); if (d->len < len) { len = d->len; } } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.reverse_each_index {|index| block } -> array * * Same as Dvector#reverse_each, but passes the index of the element * instead of the element itself. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ] * a.reverse_each_index {|i| print i, " -- " } * * produces: * * 2 -- 1 -- 0 -- */ VALUE dvector_reverse_each_index(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); long len = d->len; while (len--) { rb_yield(LONG2NUM(len)); if (d->len < len) { len = d->len; } } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.reverse_each_with_index {|x,index| block } -> array * * Same as Dvector#each_with_index, but traverses _dvector_ in reverse * order. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ] * a.reverse_each_with_index {|x,i| print "(", x, ",", i, ") " } * * produces: * * (-1,2) (0,1) (1,0) */ VALUE dvector_reverse_each_with_index(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); long len = d->len; while (len--) { rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[len]), LONG2NUM(len)); if (d->len < len) { len = d->len; } } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.reverse_each2_with_index {|x,y,index| block } -> dvector * * Same as Dvector#each2_with_index, but traverses the vectors in reverse * order. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ] * b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ] * a.reverse_each2_with_index(b) {|x,y,i| print "(", x ",", y, "," i, ") " } * * produces: * * (-1,5,2) (0,4,1) (1,3,0) */ VALUE dvector_reverse_each2_with_index(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2); long len = d->len; if (len != d2->len) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%d vs %d) for reverse_each2_with_index", len, d2->len); } while (len--) { rb_yield_values(3, rb_float_new(d->ptr[len]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[len]), LONG2NUM(len)); if (d->len < len) { len = d->len; } } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.length -> int * * Returns the number of elements in _dvector_. * * Dvector[ 0, -1, 2, -3, 4 ].length -> 5 * Dvector[].length -> 0 */ VALUE dvector_length(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); return LONG2NUM(d->len); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.empty? -> true or false * * Returns true if _dvector_ vector contains no elements. * * Dvector[].empty? -> true */ VALUE dvector_empty_p(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (d->len == 0) return Qtrue; return Qfalse; } static VALUE dvector_output_fs; PRIVATE VALUE dvector_join(VALUE ary, VALUE sep) { long len = 1, i; int taint = Qfalse; VALUE result, tmp; char buff[100]; Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (d->len == 0) return rb_str_new(0, 0); if (OBJ_TAINTED(ary) || OBJ_TAINTED(sep)) taint = Qtrue; len += d->len * 10; if (!NIL_P(sep)) { StringValue(sep); len += RSTRING_LEN(sep) * (d->len - 1); /* So it works for ruby 1.9 */ } result = rb_str_buf_new(len); for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) { snprintf(buff,sizeof(buff), "%g", d->ptr[i]); tmp = rb_str_new2(buff); if (i > 0 && !NIL_P(sep)) rb_str_buf_append(result, sep); rb_str_buf_append(result, tmp); } if (taint) OBJ_TAINT(result); return result; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.join(sep=" ") -> a_string * * Returns a string created by converting each element of the vector to * a string, separated by sep. * * Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ].join -> "1 2 3" * Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ].join("-") -> "1-2-3" */ VALUE dvector_join_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { VALUE sep; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &sep); if (NIL_P(sep)) sep = dvector_output_fs; return dvector_join(ary, sep); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.tridag(a,b,c,r) -> dvector * * Sets contents of _dvector_ to solution vector _u_ of the following tri-diagonal matrix problem. * * | b[0] c[0] 0 ... | | u[0] | | r[0] | * | a[1] b[1] c[1] ... | | u[1] | | r[1] | * | ... | * | ... | = | ... | * | ... a[n-2] b[n-2] c[n-2] | | u[n-2] | | r[n-2] | * | ... 0 a[n-1] b[n-1] | | u[n-1] | | r[n-1] | * * This corresponds to solving difference equations of the form * a[j] * u[j-1] + b[j] * u[j] + c[j] * u[j+1] = r[j], for 0 < j < n, * with boundary conditions * u[0] = (r[0] - c[0] * u[1]) / b[0], and * u[n-1] = (r[n-1] - a[n-1] * u[n-2]) / b[n-1]. * * See Numerical Recipes for more details. */ VALUE dvector_tridag(VALUE uVec, VALUE aVec, VALUE bVec, VALUE cVec, VALUE rVec) { double *u, *a, *b, *c, *r, *gam, bet; long j, n, u_len, a_len, b_len, c_len, r_len; u = Dvector_Data_for_Read(uVec, &u_len); a = Dvector_Data_for_Read(aVec, &a_len); b = Dvector_Data_for_Read(bVec, &b_len); c = Dvector_Data_for_Read(cVec, &c_len); r = Dvector_Data_for_Read(rVec, &r_len); if (a_len != b_len || b_len != c_len || c_len != r_len) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths for tridag"); } n = a_len; if (u_len != a_len) u = Dvector_Data_Resize(uVec, a_len); gam = (double *)ALLOC_N(double, n); if (b[0] == 0.0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "b[0] is zero in tridag"); } u[0] = r[0] / (bet = b[0]); for (j = 1; j < n; j++) { // decomposition and forward substitution gam[j] = c[j-1] / bet; bet = b[j] - a[j]*gam[j]; if (bet == 0.0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "zero divisor in tridag (j=%i)", j); } u[j] = (r[j] - a[j]*u[j-1]) / bet; } for (j = n-2; j >= 0; j--) { // backsubstitution u[j] -= gam[j+1]*u[j+1]; } free(gam); return uVec; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.to_s -> a_string * * Returns _dvector_.join. * * Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ].to_s -> "1 2 3" * */ VALUE dvector_to_s(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (d->len == 0) return rb_str_new(0, 0); return dvector_join(ary, dvector_output_fs); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.to_a -> an_array * * Returns an Array with the same contents as _dvector_. * */ VALUE dvector_to_a(VALUE dvector) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(dvector); long len = d->len, i; double *ptr = d->ptr; VALUE ary = rb_ary_new2(len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { rb_ary_store(ary, i, rb_float_new(*ptr++)); } return ary; } PRIVATE VALUE dvector_reverse(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); double tmp, *p1, *p2; if (d->len > 1) { p1 = d->ptr; p2 = p1 + d->len - 1; /* points last item */ while (p1 < p2) { tmp = *p1; *p1++ = *p2; *p2-- = tmp; } } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.reverse! -> dvector * * Reverses _dvector_ in place. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ] * a.reverse! -> Dvector[ 3, 2, 1 ] * a -> Dvector[ 3, 2, 1 ] */ VALUE dvector_reverse_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_reverse(ary); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.reverse -> a_dvector * * Returns a new vector containing _dvector_'s elements in reverse order. * * Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ].reverse -> Dvector[ 3, 2, 1 ] * Dvector[ 1 ].reverse -> Dvector[ 1 ] */ VALUE dvector_reverse_m(VALUE ary) { return dvector_reverse(dvector_dup(ary)); } struct dvector_sort_data { Dvector *d; double *ptr; long len; }; static int sort_2(const void *ap, const void *bp) { double a = *(double *)ap, b = *(double *)bp; if (a < b) return -1; if (a > b) return 1; return 0; } extern VALUE rb_ary_sort_bang(VALUE); static VALUE dvector_sort_internal(VALUE ary) { struct dvector_sort_data data; Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); VALUE ary2; data.d = d; data.ptr = d->ptr; data.len = d->len; if (!rb_block_given_p()) qsort(d->ptr, d->len, sizeof(double), sort_2); else { ary2 = dvector_to_a(ary); ary2 = rb_ary_sort_bang(ary2); ary_to_dvector(RARRAY(ary2)->ptr, d->len, d->ptr); } return ary; } static VALUE dvector_sort_unlock(VALUE ary) { FL_UNSET(ary, DVEC_TMPLOCK); return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.sort! -> dvector * dvector.sort! {| a,b | block } -> dvector * * Sorts _dvector_ in place. _dvev_ is effectively frozen while a sort is in progress. * Comparisons for the sort will be done using the <=> operator or using * an optional code block. The block implements a comparison between * a and b, returning -1, 0, or +1. * * a = Dvector[ 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 ] * a.sort! -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] * a.sort! {|x,y| y <=> x } -> Dvector[ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ] * a -> Dvector[ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ] */ VALUE dvector_sort_bang(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); /* force "unshared" before start the sort */ if (d->len > 1) { FL_SET(ary, DVEC_TMPLOCK); /* prohibit modification during sort */ rb_ensure(dvector_sort_internal, ary, dvector_sort_unlock, ary); } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.sort -> a_dvector * dvector.sort {| a,b | block } -> a_dvector * * Returns a new vector created by sorting _dvector_. Comparisons for * the sort will be done using the <=> operator or using * an optional code block. The block implements a comparison between * a and b, returning -1, 0, or +1. * * a = Dvector[ 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 ] * a.sort -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] * a -> Dvector[ 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 ] * a.sort {|x,y| y <=> x } -> Dvector[ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ] */ VALUE dvector_sort(VALUE ary) { ary = dvector_dup(ary); dvector_sort_bang(ary); return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.dup -> a_dvector * * Returns a copy of _dvector_. For performance sensitive situations involving a series of vector operations, * first make a copy using dup and then do "bang" operations to modify the result without further copying. */ VALUE dvector_dup(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); return dvector_new4_dbl(d->len, d->ptr); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.collect {|x| block } -> a_dvector * dvector.map {|x| block } -> a_dvector * * Invokes block once for each element of _dvector_. Returns a new vector holding the values returned by _block_. * Note that for numeric operations on long vectors, it is more efficient to * apply the operator directly to the vector rather than using map or collect. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] * a.map {|x| x**2 + 1 } -> Dvector[ 2, 5, 10, 17 ] * A better way: * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] * a**2 + 1 -> Dvector[ 2, 5, 10, 17 ] */ VALUE dvector_collect(VALUE ary) { long i; VALUE collect; Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); if (!rb_block_given_p()) { if ( is_a_dvector(ary) ) { return dvector_new4_dbl(d->len, d->ptr); } ary = rb_Array(ary); return dvector_new4(d->len, RARRAY(ary)->ptr); } collect = dvector_new2(0,d->len); for (i = 0; i < d->len; i++) { dvector_push(collect, rb_yield(rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]))); } return collect; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.collect2(other) {|x,y| block } -> dvector * dvector.map2(other) {|x,y| block } -> dvector * * Calls block for each element of _dvector_ along with the corresponding element in _other_. Creates a * new vector containing the values returned by _block_. The vectors must be the same size. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ] * b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ] * a.map2(b) {|x,y| x**2 + y**2 } -> Dvector[ 10, 16, 26 ] * */ VALUE dvector_collect2(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) { long i; VALUE collect; Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2); if (d->len != d2->len) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%d vs %d) for collect2", d->len, d2->len); } if (!rb_block_given_p()) { return dvector_collect(ary); } collect = dvector_new2(0,d->len); for (i = 0; i < d->len; i++) { dvector_push(collect, rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[i]))); } return collect; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.collect! {|x| block } -> dvector * dvector.map! {|x| block } -> dvector * * Invokes _block_ once for each element of _dvector_, replacing the * element with the value returned by _block_. * Note that for numeric operations on long vectors, it is more efficient to * apply the operator directly to the vector rather than using these operators. * * a = Dvector[ 2, -3, 7 ] * a.map! {|x| x**2 + 1 } -> Dvector[ 5, 10, 50 ] * a -> Dvector[ 5, 10, 50 ] * A better way: * a.mul!(a).add!(1) -> Dvector[ 5, 10, 50 ] * */ VALUE dvector_collect_bang(VALUE ary) { long i; Dvector *d= dvector_modify(ary); for (i = 0; i < d->len; i++) { dvector_store(ary, i, rb_yield(rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]))); } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.collect2! {|x,y| block } -> dvector * dvector.map2! {|x,y| block } -> dvector * * Invokes _block_ once for each element of _dvector_, replacing the * element with the value returned by _block_. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ] * b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ] * a.map2!(b) {|x,y| x**2 + y**2 } -> Dvector[ 10, 16, 26 ] * a -> Dvector[ 10, 16, 26 ] * */ VALUE dvector_collect2_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) { long i; Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2); if (d->len != d2->len) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%d vs %d) for collect2!", d->len, d2->len); } for (i = 0; i < d->len; i++) { dvector_store(ary, i, rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[i]))); } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.values_at(selector,... ) -> a_dvector * * Returns a new vector containing the elements in * _dvector_ corresponding to the given selector(s). The selectors * may be either integer indices or ranges. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] * a.values_at(1, 3, 5) -> Dvector[ 2, 4, 6 ] * a.values_at(1, 3, 5, 7) -> Dvector[ 2, 4, 6 ] * a.values_at(-1, -3, -5, -7) -> Dvector[ 6, 4, 2 ] * a.values_at(1..3, 2...5) -> Dvector[ 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5 ] */ VALUE dvector_values_at(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); long olen = d->len; VALUE result = dvector_new(); long beg, len, i, j; for (i=0; ilen; if (j >= 0 && j < d->len) Dvector_Push_Double(result, d->ptr[j]); continue; } /* check if idx is Range */ switch (rb_range_beg_len(argv[i], &beg, &len, olen, 0)) { case Qfalse: break; case Qnil: continue; default: for (j=0; j= 0 && j+beg < d->len) Dvector_Push_Double(result, d->ptr[j+beg]); } continue; } j = NUM2LONG(argv[i]); if (j < 0) j += d->len; if (j >= 0 && j < d->len) Dvector_Push_Double(result, d->ptr[j]); } return result; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.select {|x| block } -> dvector * * Invokes the block passing in successive elements from dvector, * returning a vector containing those elements for which the block * returns a true value (equivalent to Enumerable#select). * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] * a.select {|x| x.modulo(2) == 0 } -> Dvector[2, 4, 6] */ VALUE dvector_select(VALUE ary) { VALUE result, el; long i; Dvector *d; d = Get_Dvector(ary); result = dvector_new2(0,d->len); for (i = 0; i < d->len; i++) { el = rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]); if (RTEST(rb_yield(el))) { dvector_push(result, el); } } return result; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.delete(number) -> number or nil * dvector.delete(number) { block } -> number or nil * * Deletes items from _dvector_ that are equal to _number_. If * _number_ is not found, returns nil. If the optional * code block is given, returns the result of block if the item * is not found. * * a = Dvector.new(5) {|i| i*3 } * a.delete(6) -> 6 * a -> Dvector[0, 3, 9, 12] * a.delete(2) -> nil * a.delete(2) { "not found" } -> "not found" */ VALUE dvector_delete(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { long len, i1, i2; Dvector *d; double val, e; item = rb_Float(item); val = NUM2DBL(item); d = dvector_modify(ary); len = d->len; for (i1 = i2 = 0; i1 < d->len; i1++) { e = d->ptr[i1]; if (e == val) continue; if (i1 != i2) { d->ptr[i2] = e; } i2++; } if (len == i2) { if (rb_block_given_p()) { return rb_yield(item); } return Qnil; } if (len > i2) { d->len = i2; if (i2 * 2 < d->capa && d->capa > DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE) { REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, i2 * 2); d->capa = i2 * 2; } } return item; } PRIVATE VALUE dvector_delete_at(VALUE ary, long pos) { long i, len; double del; Dvector *d; d = Get_Dvector(ary); len = d->len; if (pos >= len) return Qnil; if (pos < 0) { pos += len; if (pos < 0) return Qnil; } dvector_modify(ary); del = d->ptr[pos]; for (i = pos + 1; i < len; i++, pos++) { d->ptr[pos] = d->ptr[i]; } d->len = pos; return rb_float_new(del); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.delete_at(int) -> number or nil * * Deletes the element at the specified index _int_, returning that element, * or nil if the index is out of range. * * a = Dvector.new(5) {|i| i*3 } * a.delete_at(2) -> 6 * a -> Dvector[0, 3, 9, 12] * a.delete_at(6) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_delete_at_m(VALUE ary, VALUE pos) { return dvector_delete_at(ary, NUM2LONG(pos)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.prune(lst) -> dvector * * Creates a new dvector without the entries given by the indexes in _lst_. * * a = Dvector.new(5) {|i| i*3 } -> [0, 3, 6, 9, 12] * a.prune([0, 2]) -> [3, 9, 12] * a -> [0, 3, 6, 9, 12] */ VALUE dvector_prune(VALUE ary, VALUE lst) { ary = dvector_dup(ary); dvector_prune_bang(ary, lst); return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.prune!(lst) -> dvector * * Modifies the dvector by removing the entries given by the indexes in _lst_. * * a = Dvector.new(5) {|i| i*3 } -> [0, 3, 6, 9, 12] * a.prune!([0, 2]) -> [3, 9, 12] * a -> [3, 9, 12] */ VALUE dvector_prune_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE lst) { Dvector *d; d = dvector_modify(ary); int i, lst_len, ary_len, pos, j; VALUE *lst_ptr; lst = rb_Array(lst); lst_ptr = RARRAY(lst)->ptr; lst_len = RARRAY(lst)->len; for (i = lst_len-1; i >= 0; i--) { ary_len = d->len; pos = NUM2INT(lst_ptr[i]); // remove this one from ary for (j = pos+1; j < ary_len; j++, pos++) { d->ptr[pos] = d->ptr[j]; } d->len = pos; } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.slice!(int) -> number or nil * dvector.slice!(start, length) -> sub_vector or nil * dvector.slice!(range) -> sub_vector or nil * * Deletes the element(s) given by an index (optionally with a length) * or by a range. Returns the deleted object, subvector, or * nil if the index is out of range. * * a = Dvector.new(5) {|i| i*3 } * a.slice!(1) -> 3 * a -> Dvector[0, 6, 9, 12] * a.slice!(-1) -> 12 * a -> Dvector[0, 6, 9] * a.slice!(100) -> nil * a -> Dvector[0, 6, 9] * a.slice!(1..2) -> Dvector[6, 9] * a -> Dvector[0] * a.slice!(1..2) -> Dvector[] * a -> Dvector[0] * a.slice!(0..2) -> Dvector[0] * a -> Dvector[] */ VALUE dvector_slice_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { VALUE arg1, arg2; long pos, len; Dvector *d; d = dvector_modify(ary); if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &arg1, &arg2) == 2) { pos = NUM2LONG(arg1); len = NUM2LONG(arg2); delete_pos_len: if (pos < 0) { pos = d->len + pos; } arg2 = dvector_subseq(ary, pos, len); dvector_splice(ary, pos, len, Qnil); return arg2; } if (!FIXNUM_P(arg1) && rb_range_beg_len(arg1, &pos, &len, d->len, 1)) { goto delete_pos_len; } return dvector_delete_at(ary, NUM2LONG(arg1)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.reject! {|x| block } -> dvector or nil * * Equivalent to Dvector#delete_if, deleting elements from * _dvector_ for which the block evaluates to true, but returns * nil if no changes were made. Also see * Enumerable#reject. */ VALUE dvector_reject_bang(VALUE ary) { long i1, i2; Dvector *d; d = dvector_modify(ary); for (i1 = i2 = 0; i1 < d->len; i1++) { double val = d->ptr[i1]; VALUE v = rb_float_new(val); if (RTEST(rb_yield(v))) continue; if (i1 != i2) { d->ptr[i2] = val; } i2++; } if (d->len == i2) return Qnil; if (i2 < d->len) d->len = i2; return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.reject {|x| block } -> a_dvector * * Returns a new vector containing the items in _dvector_, * except those for which the block is true. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] * a.reject {|x| x.modulo(2) == 0 } -> Dvector[1, 3] */ VALUE dvector_reject(VALUE ary) { ary = dvector_dup(ary); dvector_reject_bang(ary); return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.delete_if {|x| block } -> dvector * * Deletes every element of _dvector_ for which block evaluates * to true. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] * a.delete_if {|x| x.modulo(2) == 0 } -> Dvector[1, 3] * a -> Dvector[ 1, 3 ] */ VALUE dvector_delete_if(VALUE ary) { dvector_reject_bang(ary); return ary; } static double *dvector_replace_dbls(VALUE ary, long len, double *data) { Dvector *d; long i; if (len < 0) len = 0; d = dvector_modify(ary); if (len > d->capa) { long new_capa = d->capa / 2; if (new_capa < DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE) { new_capa = DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE; } new_capa += len; REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, new_capa); d->capa = new_capa; } d->len = len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) d->ptr[i] = data[i]; return d->ptr; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.replace(other) -> dvector * * Replaces the contents of _dvector_ with the contents of * other, truncating or expanding if necessary. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] * a.replace(Dvector[ -1, -2, -3 ]) -> Dvector[ -1, -2, -3 ] * a -> Dvector[ -1, -2, -3 ] */ VALUE dvector_replace(VALUE dest, VALUE orig) { VALUE shared; Dvector *org, *d; dvector_modify(dest); // take care of any sharing issues. orig = dvector_to_dvector(orig); /* it might be some kind of Array rather than a Dvector */ if (dest == orig) return dest; org = Get_Dvector(orig); d = Get_Dvector(dest); if (d->ptr) free(d->ptr); // we know it isn't shared because we did dvector_modify above shared = dvector_make_shared(orig); org = Get_Dvector(shared); d->ptr = org->ptr; d->len = org->len; d->shared = shared; return dest; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.fill(number) -> dvector * dvector.fill(number, start <, length>) -> dvector * dvector.fill(number, range ) -> dvector * dvector.fill {|index| block } -> dvector * dvector.fill(start <, length> ) {|index| block } -> dvector * dvector.fill(range) {|index| block } -> dvector * * The first three forms set the selected elements of _dvector_ (which * may be the entire vector) to number. A start of * nil is equivalent to zero. A length of * nil is equivalent to _dvector_.length. The last three * forms fill the vector with the value of the block. The block is * passed the absolute index of each element to be filled. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] * a.fill(-1) -> Dvector[ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ] * a.fill(7, 2, 2) -> Dvector[ -1, -1, 7, 7, -1 ] * a.fill(8, 0..1) -> Dvector[ 8, 8, 7, 7, -1 ] * a.fill {|i| i*i} -> Dvector[ 0, 1, 4, 9, 16 ] * a.fill(-2) {|i| i*i*i} -> Dvector[ 0, 1, 4, 27, 64 ] * a -> Dvector[ 0, 1, 4, 27, 64 ] */ VALUE dvector_fill(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) { Dvector *d; VALUE item, arg1, arg2; long beg, end, len, i; double *p, *pend; int block_p = Qfalse; double v; d = dvector_modify(ary); if (rb_block_given_p()) { block_p = Qtrue; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &arg1, &arg2); argc += 1; /* hackish */ } else { rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &item, &arg1, &arg2); } switch (argc) { case 1: beg = 0; len = d->len; break; case 2: if (rb_range_beg_len(arg1, &beg, &len, d->len, 1)) { break; } /* fall through */ case 3: beg = NIL_P(arg1) ? 0 : NUM2LONG(arg1); if (beg < 0) { beg = d->len + beg; if (beg < 0) beg = 0; } len = NIL_P(arg2) ? d->len - beg : NUM2LONG(arg2); break; } end = beg + len; if (end > d->len) { if (end >= d->capa) { REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, end); d->capa = end; } if (beg > d->len) { dvector_mem_clear(d->ptr + d->len, end - d->len); } d->len = end; } if (block_p) { for (i=beg; iptr[i] = NUM2DBL(item); } } else { p = d->ptr + beg; pend = p + len; item = rb_Float(item); v = NUM2DBL(item); while (p < pend) { *p++ = v; } } return ary; } static VALUE c_Resize(VALUE ary, long new_len) { Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); if (new_len > d->capa) { Dvector_Store_Double(ary, new_len-1, 0.0); } else { d->len = new_len; if (new_len < DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE) new_len = DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE; if (new_len * 2 < d->capa) { REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, new_len * 2); d->capa = new_len * 2; } } return ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.resize(new_size) -> dvector * * Modifies _dvector_ to have the requested size by truncating or expanding with trailing zeros. * * a = Dvector[1, 5, -3] * a.resize(5) -> Dvector[ 1, 5, -3, 0, 0 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1, 5, -3, 0, 0 ] * a.resize(2) -> Dvector[ 1, 5 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1, 5 ] */ VALUE dvector_resize(VALUE ary, VALUE len) { len = rb_Integer(len); long new_size = NUM2INT(len); return c_Resize(ary, new_size); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.concat(other) -> dvector * * Appends the elements in _other_ to dvector. _other_ can either be a Dvector or a 1D Array of numbers. * * a = Dvector[1, 5, -3] * a.concat([6, 7]) -> Dvector[ 1, 5, -3, 6, 7 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1, 5, -3, 6, 7 ] */ VALUE dvector_concat(VALUE x, VALUE y) { Dvector *c, *d; y = dvector_to_dvector(y); c = Get_Dvector(x); d = Get_Dvector(y); if (d->len > 0) { dvector_splice(x, c->len, 0, y); } return x; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.eql?(other) -> true or false * * Returns true if _dvector_ and _other_ have the same content. _other_ can either be a Dvector or a 1D Array of numbers. */ VALUE dvector_eql(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2) { long i, len; Dvector *d1, *d2; double *p1, *p2; if (ary1 == ary2) return Qtrue; if (ary1 == Qnil || ary2 == Qnil) return Qfalse; d1 = Get_Dvector(ary1); d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2); len = d1->len; if (len != d2->len) return Qfalse; p1 = d1->ptr; p2 = d2->ptr; for (i=0; i < len; i++) { if (*p1++ != *p2++) return Qfalse; } return Qtrue; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.include?(number) -> true or false * * Returns true if _number_ is present in * _dvector_, false otherwise. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ] * a.include?(2) -> true * a.include?(0) -> false */ VALUE dvector_includes(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); long i, len = d->len; double x, *p = d->ptr; item = rb_Float(item); x = NUM2DBL(item); for (i=0; i < len; i++) { if (*p++ == x) return Qtrue; } return Qfalse; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector <=> other -> -1, 0, +1 * * Comparison---Returns an integer (-1, 0, * or +1) if this vector is less than, equal to, or greater than * _other_. Two vectors are * ``equal'' according to Dvector#<=> if and only if they have * the same length and contain exactly the same values. * * * Dvector[ 1, 1, 2 ] <=> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ] -> -1 * Dvector[ 1, 1, 2 ] <=> Dvector[ 1, 0, 3 ] -> +1 * Dvector[ 1, 1, 2 ] <=> Dvector[ 1, 1, 2, 3 ] -> -1 * Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] <=> Dvector[ 1, 2 ] -> +1 * */ VALUE dvector_cmp(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2) { long i, len; Dvector *d1, *d2; double *p1, *p2, v1, v2; d1 = Get_Dvector(ary1); d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2); len =d1->len; if (len > d2->len) { len = d2->len; } p1 = d1->ptr; p2 = d2->ptr; for (i=0; i v2) return INT2FIX(1); } len = d1->len - d2->len; if (len == 0) return INT2FIX(0); if (len > 0) return INT2FIX(1); return INT2FIX(-1); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_max -> int or nil * dvector.where_first_max -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the first entry with the maximum value in _dvector_. Returns nil if * _dvector_ is empty. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2 ] * a.where_max -> 4 * Dvector[].where_max -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_max(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); double *p = d->ptr, bst; long len = d->len, i, bst_i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; bst = p[0]; bst_i = 0; for (i=1; i bst) { bst_i = i; bst = p[i]; } } return INT2FIX(bst_i); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_last_max -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the last entry with the maximum value in _dvector_. Returns nil if * _dvector_ is empty. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2 ] * a.where_last_max -> 7 * Dvector[].where_last_max -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_last_max(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); double *p = d->ptr, bst; long len = d->len, i, bst_i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; bst_i = len-1; bst = p[bst_i]; for (i=bst_i-1; i>=0; i--) { if (p[i] > bst) { bst_i = i; bst = p[i]; } } return INT2FIX(bst_i); } static double c_dvector_max(Dvector *d) { double bst, *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return 0.0; bst = p[0]; for (i=1; i bst) bst = p[i]; } return bst; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.max -> number or nil * dvector.max(dvector2, ...) -> number or nil * * First form returns the entry with the maximum value in _dvector_, nil if * _dvector_ is empty. Second form returns maximum of all the vectors (or nil if all are empty). * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2 ] * a.max -> 5 * Dvector[].max -> nil * b = Dvector[ 8, 3, 0, 7 ] * a.max(b) -> 8 */ VALUE dvector_max(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE ary, index; int i, got_one = false; double mx=0, tmp; Dvector *d; for (i = 0; i <= argc; i++) { ary = (i < argc)? argv[i] : self; index = dvector_where_max(ary); if (index == Qnil) continue; d = Get_Dvector(ary); tmp = d->ptr[NUM2INT(index)]; if (!got_one || tmp > mx) { mx = tmp; got_one = true; } } if (!got_one) return Qnil; return rb_float_new(mx); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_min -> int or nil * dvector.where_first_min -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the first entry with the minimum value in _dvector_, nil if * _dvector_ is empty. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_min -> 4 * Dvector[].where_min -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_min(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); double bst, *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i, bst_i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; bst = p[0]; bst_i = 0; for (i=1; iptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return 0.0; bst = p[0]; for (i=1; i number or nil * dvector.min(dvector2, ...) -> number or nil * * First form returns the entry with the minimum value in _dvector_, nil if * _dvector_ is empty. Second form returns minimum of all the vectors (or nil if all are empty). * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2 ] * a.min -> 1 * Dvector[].min -> nil * b = Dvector[ 8, 3, 0, 7 ] * a.min(b) -> 0 */ VALUE dvector_min(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE ary, index; int i, got_one = false; double mn=0, tmp; Dvector *d; for (i = 0; i <= argc; i++) { ary = (i < argc)? argv[i] : self; index = dvector_where_min(ary); if (index == Qnil) continue; d = Get_Dvector(ary); tmp = d->ptr[NUM2INT(index)]; if (!got_one || tmp < mn) { mn = tmp; got_one = true; } } if (!got_one) return Qnil; return rb_float_new(mn); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_last_min -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the last entry with the minimum value in _dvector_, nil if * _dvector_ is empty. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_last_min -> 7 * Dvector[].where_last_min -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_last_min(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); double *p = d->ptr, bst; long len = d->len, i, bst_i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; bst_i = len-1; bst = p[bst_i]; for (i=bst_i-1; i>=0; i--) { if (p[i] < bst) { bst_i = i; bst = p[i]; } } return INT2FIX(bst_i); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_closest(number) -> int or nil * dvector.where_first_closest(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the first entry in _dvector_ with value closest to _number_, nil if * _dvector_ is empty. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_closest(3.9) -> 3 * Dvector[].where_closest(3.9) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_closest(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr, tmp, bst; long len = d->len, i, bst_i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; bst = fabs(p[0]-x); if (bst == 0.0) return INT2FIX(0); bst_i = 0; for (i=1; i int or nil * * Returns the index of the last entry in _dvector_ with value closest to _number_, nil if * _dvector_ is empty. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_last_closest(3.9) -> 5 * Dvector[].where_last_closest(3.9) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_last_closest(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr, tmp, bst; long len = d->len, i, bst_i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; bst_i = len-1; bst = fabs(p[bst_i]-x); if (bst == 0.0) return INT2FIX(bst_i); for (i=bst_i-1; i>=0; i--) { tmp = p[i] - x; if (tmp == 0.0) return INT2FIX(i); if (tmp < 0.0) tmp = -tmp; if (tmp < bst) { bst_i = i; bst = tmp; } } return INT2FIX(bst_i); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_eq(number) -> int or nil * dvector.where_first_eq(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the first entry in _dvector_ with value equal to _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_eq(4) -> 3 * a.where_eq(6) -> nil * Dvector[].where_eq(4) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_first_eq(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=0; i int or nil * dvector.where_first_ne(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the first entry in _dvector_ with value not equal to _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_ne(1) -> 1 * Dvector[].where_ne(4) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_first_ne(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=0; i int or nil * dvector.where_first_lt(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the first entry in _dvector_ with value less than _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_lt(1) -> 2 * a.where_lt(-5) -> nil * Dvector[].where_lt(4) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_first_lt(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=0; i int or nil * dvector.where_first_le(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the first entry in _dvector_ with value less than or equal _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_le(0) -> 2 * a.where_le(-5.5) -> nil * Dvector[].where_le(4) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_first_le(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=0; i int or nil * dvector.where_first_gt(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the first entry in _dvector_ with value greater than _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_gt(3) -> 3 * a.where_gt(4) -> nil * Dvector[].where_gt(0) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_first_gt(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=0; i x) return INT2FIX(i); } return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_ge(number) -> int or nil * dvector.where_first_ge(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the first entry in _dvector_ with value greater than or equal _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_ge(3) -> 3 * a.where_ge(5) -> nil * Dvector[].where_ge(0) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_first_ge(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=0; i= x) return INT2FIX(i); } return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_last_eq(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the last entry in _dvector_ with value equal _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_last_eq(2) -> 8 * a.where_last_eq(5) -> nil * Dvector[].where_last_eq(0) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_last_eq(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) { if (p[i] == x) return INT2FIX(i); } return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_last_ne(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the last entry in _dvector_ with value not equal _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_last_ne(2) -> 7 * Dvector[0].where_last_ne(0) -> nil * Dvector[].where_last_ne(0) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_last_ne(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) { if (p[i] != x) return INT2FIX(i); } return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_last_lt(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the last entry in _dvector_ with value less than _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_last_lt(2) -> 7 * a.where_last_lt(-5) -> nil * Dvector[].where_last_lt(0) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_last_lt(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) { if (p[i] < x) return INT2FIX(i); } return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_last_le(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the last entry in _dvector_ with value less than or equal _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_last_le(1) -> 7 * a.where_last_le(-6) -> nil * Dvector[].where_last_le(0) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_last_le(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) { if (p[i] <= x) return INT2FIX(i); } return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_last_gt(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the last entry in _dvector_ with value greater than _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_last_gt(2) -> 6 * a.where_last_gt(4) -> nil * Dvector[].where_last_gt(0) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_last_gt(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) { if (p[i] > x) return INT2FIX(i); } return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.where_last_ge(number) -> int or nil * * Returns the index of the last entry in _dvector_ with value greater than or equal _number_, nil if * _dvector_ has no such entry. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ] * a.where_last_ge(4) -> 5 * a.where_last_ge(5) -> nil * Dvector[].where_last_ge(0) -> nil */ VALUE dvector_where_last_ge(VALUE ary, VALUE item) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); item = rb_Float(item); double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; if (len <= 0) return Qnil; for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) { if (p[i] >= x) return INT2FIX(i); } return Qnil; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.sum -> number * * Returns the sum of the entries in _dvector_. Returns 0.0 if * _dvector_ is empty. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] * a.sum -> 10 * Dvector[].sum -> 0 */ VALUE dvector_sum(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); double *p = d->ptr, sum = 0.0; long len = d->len, i; for (i=0; i number * * Returns the sum of the products of entries in _dvector_ and _other_. Returns 0.0 if * _dvector_ is empty. The vectors must be the same length. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] * b = Dvector[ 1, -3, 3, 0 ] * a.dot(b) -> 4 * Dvector[].dot(b) -> 0 */ VALUE dvector_dot(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2) { Dvector *d1 = Get_Dvector(ary1), *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2); double *p1 = d1->ptr, *p2 = d2->ptr, sum = 0.0; long len = d1->len, i; if (len != d2->len) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%d vs %d) for dot", d1->len, d2->len); } for (i=0; i number * * Returns square root of the dot product of the vector with itself. * * a = Dvector[ 3, 5 ] * a.vector_length -> 5.0 */ VALUE dvector_vector_length(VALUE ary) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary); double *p = d->ptr, sum = 0.0; long len = d->len, i; for (i=0; iptr; long len = d->len, i; for (i=0; i a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by -x. * * a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] * a.neg -> Dvector[ -1, -2, -3, -4 ] */ VALUE dvector_neg(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_neg); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.abs -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with all entries replaced by their absolute values. * * a = Dvector[ 1, -2, -3, 4 ] * a.abs -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] */ VALUE dvector_abs(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, fabs); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.sin -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by sin(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1, -2, -3, 4 ] * a.sin -> Dvector[ sin(1), sin(-2), sin(-3), sin(4) ] */ VALUE dvector_sin(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, sin); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.cos -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by cos(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1, -2, -3, 4 ] * a.cos -> Dvector[ cos(1), cos(-2), cos(-3), cos(4) ] */ VALUE dvector_cos(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, cos); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.tan -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by tan(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1, -2, -3, 4 ] * a.tan -> Dvector[ tan(1), tan(-2), tan(-3), tan(4) ] */ VALUE dvector_tan(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, tan); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.asin -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by asin(x). * * a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, -0.3, 0.4 ] * a.asin -> Dvector[ asin(0.1), asin(-0.2), asin(-0.3), asin(0.4) ] */ VALUE dvector_asin(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, asin); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.acos -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by acos(x). * * a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, -0.3, 0.4 ] * a.acos -> Dvector[ acos(0.1), acos(-0.2), acos(-0.3), acos(0.4) ] */ VALUE dvector_acos(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, acos); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.atan -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by atan(x). * * a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, -0.3, 0.4 ] * a.atan -> Dvector[ atan(0.1), atan(-0.2), atan(-0.3), atan(0.4) ] */ VALUE dvector_atan(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, atan); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.sinh -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by sinh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ] * a.sinh -> Dvector[ sinh(0.1), sinh(-0.2), sinh(0.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_sinh(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, sinh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.cosh -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by cosh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ] * a.cosh -> Dvector[ cosh(0.1), cosh(-0.2), cosh(0.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_cosh(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, cosh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.tanh -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by tanh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ] * a.tanh -> Dvector[ tanh(0.1), tanh(-0.2), tanh(0.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_tanh(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, tanh); } static double do_asinh(double x) { return log(x + sqrt(x*x+1.0)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.asinh -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by asinh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ] * a.asinh -> Dvector[ asinh(0.1), asinh(-0.2), asinh(0.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_asinh(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_asinh); } static double do_acosh(double x) { return log(x + sqrt(x*x-1.0)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.acosh -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by acosh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 5.1, 2.2, 1.3 ] * a.acosh -> Dvector[ acosh(5.1), acosh(2.2), acosh(1.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_acosh(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_acosh); } static double do_atanh(double x) { return 0.5*log((1.0+x)/(1.0-x)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.atanh -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by atanh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ] * a.atanh -> Dvector[ atanh(0.1), atanh(-0.2), atanh(0.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_atanh(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_atanh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.ceil -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with entry x replaced by smallest integer not less than x. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.ceil -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 6 ] */ VALUE dvector_ceil(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, ceil); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.floor -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by largest integer not greater than x. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.floor -> Dvector[ 1, -3, 5 ] */ VALUE dvector_floor(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, floor); } static double do_round(double x) { return (x == 0.0)? 0.0 : (x > 0.0)? floor(x+0.5) : ceil(x-0.5); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.round -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by round(x). * (Numbers midway between integers round away from zero.) * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.round -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 5 ] */ VALUE dvector_round(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_round); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.exp -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by exp(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.exp -> Dvector[ exp(1.1), exp(-2.2), exp(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_exp(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, exp); } static double do_exp10(double arg) { return pow(10.0, arg); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.exp10 -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by 10**x. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.exp10 -> Dvector[ 10**(1.1), 10**(-2.2), 10**(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_exp10(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_exp10); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.log -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by log(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.log -> Dvector[ log(1.1), log(-2.2), log(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_log(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, log); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.log10 -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by log10(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.log10 -> Dvector[ log10(1.1), log10(-2.2), log10(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_log10(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, log10); } static double do_inv(double arg) { return 1.0/arg; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.inv -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by 1/x. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.inv -> Dvector[ 1 / 1.1, -1 / 2.2, 1 / 5.3 ] */ VALUE dvector_inv(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_inv); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.sqrt -> a_dvector * * Returns of copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by sqrt(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ] * a.sqrt -> Dvector[ sqrt(1.1), sqrt(2.2), sqrt(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_sqrt(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, sqrt); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.neg! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with -x. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.neg! -> Dvector[ -1.1, 2.2, -5.3 ] * a -> Dvector[ -1.1, 2.2, -5.3 ] */ VALUE dvector_neg_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_neg); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.abs! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with abs(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.abs! -> Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ] */ VALUE dvector_abs_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, fabs); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.sin! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with sin(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.sin! -> Dvector[ sin(1.1), sin(-2.2), sin(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ sin(1.1), sin(-2.2), sin(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_sin_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, sin); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.cos! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with cos(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.cos! -> Dvector[ cos(1.1), cos(-2.2), cos(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ cos(1.1), cos(-2.2), cos(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_cos_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, cos); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.tan! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with tan(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.tan! -> Dvector[ tan(1.1), tan(-2.2), tan(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ tan(1.1), tan(-2.2), tan(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_tan_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, tan); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.asin! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with asin(x). * * a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ] * a.asin! -> Dvector[ asin(0.1), asin(-0.2), asin(0.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ asin(0.1), asin(-0.2), asin(0.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_asin_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, asin); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.acos! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with acos(x). * * a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ] * a.acos! -> Dvector[ acos(0.1), acos(-0.2), acos(0.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ acos(0.1), acos(-0.2), acos(0.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_acos_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, acos); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.atan! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with atan(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.atan! -> Dvector[ atan(1.1), atan(-2.2), atan(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ atan(1.1), atan(-2.2), atan(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_atan_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, atan); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.sinh! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with sinh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.sinh! -> Dvector[ sinh(1.1), sinh(-2.2), sinh(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ sinh(1.1), sinh(-2.2), sinh(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_sinh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, sinh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.cosh! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with cosh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.cosh! -> Dvector[ cosh(1.1), cosh(-2.2), cosh(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ cosh(1.1), cosh(-2.2), cosh(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_cosh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, cosh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.tanh! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with tanh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.tanh! -> Dvector[ tanh(1.1), tanh(-2.2), tanh(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ tanh(1.1), tanh(-2.2), tanh(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_tanh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, tanh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.asinh! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with asinh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ] * a.asinh! -> Dvector[ asinh(1.1), asinh(2.2), asinh(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ asinh(1.1), asinh(2.2), asinh(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_asinh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_asinh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.acosh! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with acosh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ] * a.acosh! -> Dvector[ acosh(1.1), acosh(2.2), acosh(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ acosh(1.1), acosh(2.2), acosh(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_acosh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_acosh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.atanh! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with atanh(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.atanh! -> Dvector[ atanh(1.1), atanh(-2.2), atanh(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ atanh(1.1), atanh(-2.2), atanh(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_atanh_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_atanh); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.ceil! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with the smallest integer not less than x. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.ceil! -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 6 ] * a -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 6 ] */ VALUE dvector_ceil_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, ceil); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.floor! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with the largest integer not greater than x. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.floor! -> Dvector[ 1, -3, 5 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1, -3, 5 ] */ VALUE dvector_floor_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, floor); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.round! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with the integer closest to x. * (Numbers midway between integers round away from zero.) * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.round! -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 5 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 5 ] */ VALUE dvector_round_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_round); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.exp! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with exp(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.exp! -> Dvector[ exp(1.1), exp(-2.2), exp(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ exp(1.1), exp(-2.2), exp(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_exp_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, exp); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.exp10! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with 10**x. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.exp10! -> Dvector[ 10**(1.1), 10**(-2.2), 10**(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ 10**(1.1), 10**(-2.2), 10**(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_exp10_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_exp10); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.log! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with log(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.log! -> Dvector[ log(1.1), log(-2.2), log(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ log(1.1), log(-2.2), log(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_log_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, log); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.log10! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with log10(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.log10! -> Dvector[ log10(1.1), log10(-2.2), log10(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ log10(1.1), log10(-2.2), log10(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_log10_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, log10); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.inv! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with 1/x. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ] * a.inv! -> Dvector[ 1 / 1.1, -1 / 2.2, 1 / 5.3 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1 / 1.1, -1 / 2.2, 1 / 5.3 ] */ VALUE dvector_inv_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_inv); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.sqrt! -> dvector * * Replace each entry x of _dvector_ with sqrt(x). * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ] * a.sqrt! -> Dvector[ sqrt(1.1), sqrt(2.2), sqrt(5.3) ] * a -> Dvector[ sqrt(1.1), sqrt(2.2), sqrt(5.3) ] */ VALUE dvector_sqrt_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, sqrt); } static VALUE dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg, double (*op)(double, double)) { Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); arg = rb_Float(arg); double y = NUM2DBL(arg), *p = d->ptr; long len = d->len, i; for (i=0; i a_dvector * * Returns a copy of _dvector_ with any entry with absolute value less than _cutoff_ replaced by 0. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, 1e-20, -5.3 ] * a.trim -> Dvector[ 1.1, 0, -5.3 ] */ VALUE dvector_trim(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-6); return dvector_apply_math_op1(self, arg1, do_trim); } static double do_safe_log(double x, double y) { return log(MAX(x,y)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_log(cutoff=1e-99) -> a_dvector * * Returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by log(max(x,_cutoff_)). * */ VALUE dvector_safe_log(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99); return dvector_apply_math_op1(self, arg1, do_safe_log); } static double do_safe_log10(double x, double y) { return log10(MAX(x,y)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_log10(cutoff=1e-99) -> a_dvector * * Returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by log10(max(x,_cutoff_)). * */ VALUE dvector_safe_log10(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99); return dvector_apply_math_op1(self, arg1, do_safe_log10); } static double do_safe_inv(double x, double y) { return (fabs(x) >= y)? 1.0/x : (x > 0.0)? 1.0/y : -1.0/y; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_inv(cutoff) -> a_dvector * * Returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by sign(x)/_cutoff_ if abs(x) < _cutoff_, 1/x otherwise. * */ VALUE dvector_safe_inv(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op1(ary, arg, do_safe_inv); } static double do_safe_asin(double x) { return asin(MAX(-1.0,MIN(1.0,x))); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_asin -> a_dvector * * Returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by asin(max(-1,min(1,x))). * */ VALUE dvector_safe_asin(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_safe_asin); } static double do_safe_acos(double x) { return acos(MAX(-1.0,MIN(1.0,x))); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_acos -> a_dvector * * Returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by acos(max(-1,min(1,x))). * */ VALUE dvector_safe_acos(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_safe_acos); } static double do_safe_sqrt(double x) { return sqrt(MAX(x,0.0)); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_sqrt -> a_dvector * * Returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by sqrt(max(x,0)). * */ VALUE dvector_safe_sqrt(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_safe_sqrt); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.atan2!(number) -> dvector * dvector.atan2!(other) -> dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation replaces each entry x of _dvector_ by the angle whose tangent is x/_number_. * When argument is a vector, this operation replaces each entry x of _dvector_ by the angle whose tangent is x divided * by the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ] * a.atan2!(3.8) -> Dvector[ atan2(1.1, 3.8), atan2(-5.7,3.8), atan2(12.7,3.8) ] * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ] * b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ] * a.atan2!(b) -> Dvector[ atan2(1.1,7.1), atan2(-5.7,4.9), atan2(12.7,-10.1) ] */ VALUE dvector_atan2_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, atan2); } static double do_mod(double x, double y) { return x - y * floor(x/y); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.modulo!(number) -> dvector * dvector.mod!(number) -> dvector * dvector.modulo!(other) -> dvector * dvector.mod!(other) -> dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by x % _number_. * When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced * by x % the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ] * a.mod!(3.8) -> Dvector[ 1.1, 1.9, 1.3 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1.1, 1.9, 1.3 ] * b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ] * a.mod!(b) -> Dvector[ 1.1, 4.1, -7.5 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1.1, 4.1, -7.5 ] */ VALUE dvector_modulo_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_mod); } static double do_remainder(double x, double y) { return (x*y > 0.0)? do_mod(x,y) : do_mod(x,y)-y; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.remainder!(number) -> dvector * dvector.remainder!(other) -> dvector * * When the argument is a number, this operation replaces with each entry x of _dvector_ by the remainder of x divided by _number_. * When the argument is a vector, this operation replaces with each entry x of _dvector_ * by remainder of x divided by the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * a.remainder!(3) -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 2 ] * a -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 2 ] * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * b = Dvector[ 2, 3, 5 ] * a.remainder!(b) -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 2 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 2 ] */ VALUE dvector_remainder_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_remainder); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.trim!(cutoff=1e-6) -> dvector * * Each entry x in _dvector_ having absolute value less than _cutoff_ is replaced by 0. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, 1e-20, -5.3 ] * a.trim! -> Dvector[ 1.1, 0, -5.3 ] */ VALUE dvector_trim_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-6); return dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_trim); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.pow!(number) -> dvector * dvector.pow!(other) -> dvector * dvector.raised_to!(number) -> dvector * dvector.raised_to!(other) -> dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by x ** _number_. * When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced * by x ** the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ] * a.raised_to!(3) -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 3, (-5.7) ** 3, 12.7 ** 3 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 3, (-5.7) ** 3, 12.7 ** 3 ] * b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -2 ] * a.raised_to!(b) -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 7, (-5.7) ** 4, 12.7 ** (-2) ] * a -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 7, (-5.7) ** 4, 12.7 ** (-2) ] */ VALUE dvector_pow_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(ary, arg, pow); } static double do_as_exponent_of(double x, double y) { return pow(y,x); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.as_exponent_of!(number) -> dvector * dvector.as_exponent_of!(other) -> dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation replaces each entry x of _dvector_ by _number_ ** x. * When argument is a vector, this operation replaces each entry x of _dvector_ * by the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector raised to the power x. * * a = Dvector[ 2, -5, 12 ] * a.as_exponent_of!(3.8) -> Dvector[ 3.8 ** 2, 3.8 ** (-5), 3.8 ** 12 ] * a -> Dvector[ 3.8 ** 2, 3.8 ** (-5), 3.8 ** 12 ] * b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10 ] * a.as_exponent_of!(b) -> Dvector[ 7.1 ** 2, 4.9 ** (-5), (-10) ** 12 ] * a -> Dvector[ 7.1 ** 2, 4.9 ** (-5), (-10) ** 12 ] */ VALUE dvector_as_exponent_of_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_as_exponent_of); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_log!(cutoff=1e-99) -> dvector * * Replaces each entry x in _dvector_ by log(max(x,_cutoff_)). * */ VALUE dvector_safe_log_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99); return dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_safe_log); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_log10!(cutoff=1e-99) -> dvector * * Replaces each entry x in _dvector_ by log10(max(x,_cutoff_)). * */ VALUE dvector_safe_log10_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99); return dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_safe_log10); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_inv!(cutoff=1e-99) -> dvector * * Replaces each entry x in _dvector_ by sign(x)/_cutoff_ if abs(x) < _cutoff_, 1/x otherwise. * */ VALUE dvector_safe_inv_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE arg1; if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc); arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99); return dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_safe_inv); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_sqrt! -> dvector * * Replaces each entry x in _dvector_ by sqrt(max(x,0)). * */ VALUE dvector_safe_sqrt_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_safe_sqrt); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_asin! -> dvector * * Replaces each entry x in _dvector_ by asin(max(-1,min(1,x))). * */ VALUE dvector_safe_asin_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_safe_asin); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.safe_acos! -> dvector * * Replaces each entry x in _dvector_ by acos(max(-1,min(1,x))). * */ VALUE dvector_safe_acos_bang(VALUE ary) { return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_safe_acos); } PRIVATE VALUE dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2, double (*op)(double, double)) { VALUE check = rb_obj_is_kind_of(ary2, rb_cNumeric); if (check != Qfalse) { return dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(ary1, ary2, op); } Dvector *d1 = dvector_modify(ary1), *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2); double *p1 = d1->ptr, *p2 = d2->ptr; long len = d1->len, i; if (len != d2->len) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%d vs %d) math operation", d1->len, d2->len); } for (i=0; i a_dvector * dvector.add(other) -> a_dvector * dvector + number -> a_dvector * number + dvector -> a_dvector * dvector + other -> a_dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by x + _number_. * When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced * by x + the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * a.add(3) -> Dvector[ 14, -2, 5 ] * a + 3 -> Dvector[ 14, -2, 5 ] * 3 + a -> Dvector[ 14, -2, 5 ] * b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ] * a.add(b) -> Dvector[ 18, -1, -8 ] * a + b -> Dvector[ 18, -1, -8 ] */ VALUE dvector_add(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_add); } static double do_sub(double x, double y) { return x - y; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.sub(number) -> a_dvector * dvector.sub(other) -> a_dvector * dvector - number -> a_dvector * number - dvector -> a_dvector * dvector - other -> a_dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by x - _number_. * When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced * by x - the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * a.sub(3) -> Dvector[ 8, -8, -1 ] * a - 3 -> Dvector[ 8, -8, -1 ] * 3 - a -> Dvector[ -8, 8, 1 ] * b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ] * a.sub(b) -> Dvector[ 4, -9, 12 ] * a - b -> Dvector[ 4, -9, 12 ] */ VALUE dvector_sub(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_sub); } static double do_mul(double x, double y) { return x * y; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.mul(number) -> a_dvector * dvector.mul(other) -> a_dvector * dvector - number -> a_dvector * number - dvector -> a_dvector * dvector - other -> a_dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by x * _number_. * When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced * by x * the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * a.mul(3) -> Dvector[ 33, -15, 6 ] * a * 3 -> Dvector[ 33, -15, 6 ] * 3 * a -> Dvector[ 33, -15, 6 ] * b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ] * a.mul(b) -> Dvector[ 77, -20, -20 ] * a * b -> Dvector[ 77, -20, -20 ] */ VALUE dvector_mul(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_mul); } static double do_div(double x, double y) { return x / y; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.div(number) -> a_dvector * dvector.div(other) -> a_dvector * dvector - number -> a_dvector * number - dvector -> a_dvector * dvector - other -> a_dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by x / _number_. * When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced * by x / the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 2.5 ] * a.div(3.8) -> Dvector[ 1.1/3.8, -5.7/3.8, 2.5/3.8 ] * a / 3.8 -> Dvector[ 1.1/3.8, -5.7/3.8, 2.5/3.8 ] * 3 / a -> Dvector[ 3.8/1.1, -3.8/5.7, 3.8/2.5 ] * b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ] * a.div(b) -> Dvector[ 1.1/7.1, -5.7/4.9, 2.5/10.1 ] * a / b -> Dvector[ 1.1/7.1, -5.7/4.9, 2.5/10.1 ] */ VALUE dvector_div(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_div); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.modulo(number) -> a_dvector * dvector.mod(number) -> a_dvector * dvector.modulo(other) -> a_dvector * dvector.mod(other) -> a_dvector * dvector % number -> a_dvector * dvector % other -> a_dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by x % _number_. * When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced * by x % the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ] * a.mod(3.8) -> Dvector[ 1.1, 1.9, 1.3 ] * a % 3.8 -> Dvector[ 1.1, 1.9, 1.3 ] * b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ] * a.mod(b) -> Dvector[ 1.1, 4.1, -7.5 ] * a % b -> Dvector[ 1.1, 4.1, -7.5 ] */ VALUE dvector_mod(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_mod); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.remainder(number) -> a_dvector * dvector.remainder(other) -> a_dvector * * When the argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by the remainder of x divided by _number_. * When the argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced * by the remainder of x divided by the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * a.remainder(3) -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 2 ] * b = Dvector[ 2, 3, 5 ] * a.remainder(b) -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 2 ] */ VALUE dvector_remainder(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_remainder); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.pow(number) -> a_dvector * dvector.pow(other) -> a_dvector * dvector.raised_to(number) -> a_dvector * dvector.raised_to(other) -> a_dvector * dvector ** number -> a_dvector * dvector ** other -> a_dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by x ** _number_. * When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced * by x ** the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ] * a.raised_to(3) -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 3, (-5.7) ** 3, 12.7 ** 3 ] * a ** 3 -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 3, (-5.7) ** 3, 12.7 ** 3 ] * b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -2 ] * a.raised_to(b) -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 7, (-5.7) ** 4, 12.7 ** (-2) ] * a ** b -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 7, (-5.7) ** 4, 12.7 ** (-2) ] */ VALUE dvector_pow(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, pow); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.as_exponent_of(number) -> a_dvector * dvector.as_exponent_of(other) -> a_dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by _number_ ** x. * When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced * by the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector raised to the power x. * * a = Dvector[ 2, -5, 12 ] * a.as_exponent_of(3.8) -> Dvector[ 3.8 ** 2, 3.8 ** (-5), 3.8 ** 12 ] * b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10 ] * a.as_exponent_of(b) -> Dvector[ 7.1 ** 2, 4.9 ** (-5), (-10) ** 12 ] */ VALUE dvector_as_exponent_of(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_as_exponent_of); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.atan2(number) -> a_dvector * dvector.atan2(other) -> a_dvector * * When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced by the angle whose tangent is x/_number_. * When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of _dvector_ with each entry x replaced * by the angle whose tangent is x divided by the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ] * a.atan2(3.8) -> Dvector[ atan2(1.1, 3.8), atan2(-5.7,3.8), atan2(12.7,3.8) ] * b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ] * a.atan2(b) -> Dvector[ atan2(1.1,7.1), atan2(-5.7,4.9), atan2(12.7,-10.1) ] */ VALUE dvector_atan2(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, atan2); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.add!(number) -> dvector * dvector.add!(other) -> dvector * * When argument is a number, each entry x in _dvector_ is replaced by x + _number_. * When argument is a vector, each entry x in _dvector_ is replaced by x + * the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * a.add!(3) -> Dvector[ 14, -2, 5 ] * a -> Dvector[ 14, -2, 5 ] * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ] * a.add!(b) -> Dvector[ 18, -1, -8 ] * a -> Dvector[ 18, -1, -8 ] */ VALUE dvector_add_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_add); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.sub!(number) -> dvector * dvector.sub!(other) -> dvector * * When argument is a number, each entry x in _dvector_ is replaced by x - _number_. * When argument is a vector, each entry x in _dvector_ is replaced by x - * the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * a.sub!(3) -> Dvector[ 8, -8, -1 ] * a -> Dvector[ 8, -8, -1 ] * b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ] * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * a.sub!(b) -> Dvector[ 4, -9, 12 ] * a -> Dvector[ 4, -9, 12 ] */ VALUE dvector_sub_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_sub); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.mul!(number) -> dvector * dvector.mul!(other) -> dvector * * When argument is a number, each entry x in _dvector_ is replaced by x * _number_. * When argument is a vector, each entry x in _dvector_ is replaced by x * * the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * a.mul!(3) -> Dvector[ 33, -15, 6 ] * a -> Dvector[ 33, -15, 6 ] * a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ] * b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ] * a.mul!(b) -> Dvector[ 77, -20, -20 ] * a -> Dvector[ 77, -20, -20 ] */ VALUE dvector_mul_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_mul); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.div!(number) -> dvector * dvector.div!(other) -> dvector * * When argument is a number, each entry x in _dvector_ is replaced by x / _number_. * When argument is a vector, each entry x in _dvector_ is replaced by x / * the corresponding entry in the _other_ vector. * * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 2.5 ] * a.div!(3.8) -> Dvector[ 1.1/3.8, -5.7/3.8, 2.5/3.8 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1.1/3.8, -5.7/3.8, 2.5/3.8 ] * a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 2.5 ] * b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ] * a.div!(b) -> Dvector[ 1.1/7.1, -5.7/4.9, 2.5/10.1 ] * a -> Dvector[ 1.1/7.1, -5.7/4.9, 2.5/10.1 ] */ VALUE dvector_div_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) { return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_div); } static char *fill_read_buffer(char **buff_ptr, int *len_ptr, FILE *file) { char *buff, *new_buff; buff = *buff_ptr; int len, i, max_tries, line_len; long filepos = ftell(file); if (filepos == -1) { printf("ftell failed\n"); return NULL; } max_tries = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_tries; i++) { len = *len_ptr; buff[len-1] = '1'; // mark the last character position buff = fgets(buff, len, file); if (buff == NULL) return NULL; // end of file if (buff[len-1] != '\0') { if (0) { line_len = strlen(buff); printf("len %i line_len %i\n", len, line_len); if (line_len < 80) { printf("line buff contains: %s\n", buff); } else { printf("line buff ends with: %s\n", buff+line_len-80); } } return buff; } // ran out of room -- make buffer larger and try again len = 10*len + 100; //printf("fill_read_buffer ran out of room -- increase buffer len to %i and try again\n", len); *len_ptr = len; new_buff = (char *)realloc(buff, len); if (new_buff == NULL) break; buff = new_buff; *buff_ptr = buff; if (fseek(file, filepos, SEEK_SET) != 0) { printf("fseek failed\n"); return NULL; } } return NULL; } PRIVATE /*======================================================================*/ VALUE Read_Dvectors(char *filename, VALUE destinations, int first_row_of_file, int number_of_rows) { FILE *file = NULL; VALUE col_obj, cols_obj, *cols_ptr = NULL; Dvector *d; double v; int last_row_of_file; int buff_len = 100; char *buff, *num_str, *pend, c, *cptr; int num_cols = 0, i, row, col, buff_loc, skip = first_row_of_file - 1; last_row_of_file = (number_of_rows == -1)? -1 : first_row_of_file + number_of_rows - 1; if ((last_row_of_file != -1 && last_row_of_file < first_row_of_file) || filename == NULL) return false; if (destinations != Qnil) { cols_obj = rb_Array(destinations); num_cols = RARRAY(cols_obj)->len; cols_ptr = RARRAY(cols_obj)->ptr; for (i = 0; i < num_cols; i++) { /* first pass to check validity */ col_obj = cols_ptr[i]; if (col_obj == Qnil) continue; if (!is_a_dvector(col_obj)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: destinations for read must be Dvectors"); } } for (i = 0; i < num_cols; i++) { /* second pass to clear destination dvectors */ col_obj = cols_ptr[i]; if (col_obj == Qnil) continue; d = dvector_modify(col_obj); d->len = 0; } } if ((file=fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: read cannot open %s", filename); } buff = (char *)malloc(buff_len); if (buff == NULL) { fclose(file); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: allocation of read buffer failed"); } for (i = 0; i < skip; i++) { /* skip over initial lines */ if (fill_read_buffer(&buff, &buff_len, file)==NULL) { fclose(file); free(buff); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: read reached end of file before reaching line %i in %s", first_row_of_file, filename); } } for (row = 0, i = first_row_of_file; last_row_of_file == -1 || i <= last_row_of_file; row++, i++) { if (fill_read_buffer(&buff, &buff_len, file)==NULL) break; /* have reached end of file */ if (destinations == Qnil) { /* create destinations */ buff_loc = 0; while (true) { while (isspace(buff[buff_loc])) buff_loc++; /* skip leading blanks */ if (buff[buff_loc] == '\0') break; while (isgraph(buff[buff_loc])) buff_loc++; /* include non-blanks */ if (buff[buff_loc] == '\0') break; col_obj = dvector_new(); if (destinations == Qnil) destinations = rb_ary_new3(1, col_obj); else destinations = rb_ary_push(destinations, col_obj); } } if (row == 0) { cols_obj = rb_Array(destinations); num_cols = RARRAY(cols_obj)->len; cols_ptr = RARRAY(cols_obj)->ptr; } buff_loc = 0; for (col = 0; col < num_cols; col++) { while (isspace(buff[buff_loc])) buff_loc++; /* skip leading blanks */ if (buff[buff_loc] == '\0') { fclose(file); free(buff); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "read reached end of line looking for column %i in line %i of %s", col+1, i, filename); } num_str = buff+buff_loc; while (isgraph(buff[buff_loc])) buff_loc++; /* include non-blanks */ if (buff[buff_loc] == '\0') { fclose(file); free(buff); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: read reached end of line looking for column %i in line %i of %s", col+1, i, filename); } col_obj = cols_ptr[col]; if (col_obj == Qnil) continue; Data_Get_Struct(col_obj, Dvector, d); buff[buff_loc] = ' '; // rewrite to use strtod instead of fscanf to deal with numbers from fortran like 0.501-129 for 0.501E-129 v = strtod(num_str,&pend); if (pend != buff+buff_loc) { if (pend != buff+buff_loc) { if ((buff+buff_loc - pend >= 4) && (pend[0] == '+' || pend[0] == '-')) { // insert 'E' and try again cptr = pend+5; c = *cptr; pend[5] = ' '; pend[4] = pend[3]; pend[3] = pend[2]; pend[2] = pend[1]; pend[1] = pend[0]; pend[0] = 'E'; v = strtod(num_str,&pend); *cptr = c; buff_loc = pend - buff; } else { fclose(file); free(buff); pend[0] = 0; rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: unreadable value in file %s in line %i: %s", filename, i , buff+buff_loc); } } } if (!is_okay_number(v)) { fclose(file); free(buff); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: bad value %g in line %i of %s -- %s", v, i, filename, num_str); } if (row >= d->capa) Dvector_Store_Double(col_obj, row, v); else { if (row > d->len) dvector_mem_clear(d->ptr + d->len, row - d->len + 1); if (row >= d->len) d->len = row + 1; d->ptr[row] = v; } } } fclose(file); free(buff); return destinations; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * Dvector.read(filename, dest=nil, start=1, length=-1) -> array of dvectors * * The data on the file should be organized in columns of numbers, with one row per line. * The _start_ parameter determines the starting line and defaults to 1 meaning start at the first line of the file. * The _length_ parameter determines the number of lines to be read and defaults to -1 meaning read to the end of the file. * Each column of data is stored in a Dvector. If the _dest_ argument is nil, the result array holds the newly created vectors * with the leftmost column in array entry 0, the second column in entry 1, and so on. * If _dest_ is not nil, it must be an array with entries either Dvectors or nil. For entries that are Dvectors, the * contents of the vector are replaced by the column of data from the file. If the entry is nil, that column of the file is skipped. * */ VALUE dvector_read(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { char *arg1 ; VALUE arg2 = Qnil; int arg3 = (int) 1 ; int arg4 = (int) -1 ; if ((argc < 1) || (argc > 4)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for read", argc); arg1 = StringValueCStr(argv[0]); if (argc > 1) arg2 = argv[1]; if (argc > 2) arg3 = NUM2INT(argv[2]); if (argc > 3) arg4 = NUM2INT(argv[3]); return Read_Dvectors(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4); klass = Qnil; } PRIVATE VALUE Read_Rows_of_Dvectors(char *filename, VALUE destinations, int first_row_of_file) { FILE *file = NULL; VALUE row_obj, rows_obj, *rows_ptr = NULL; Dvector *d; double v, *row_data; int buff_len = 1000; char *buff, *num_str, *pend, c, *cptr; int num_rows = 0, i, row, col, buff_loc, skip = first_row_of_file - 1; rows_obj = rb_Array(destinations); num_rows = RARRAY(rows_obj)->len; rows_ptr = RARRAY(rows_obj)->ptr; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { /* first pass to check validity */ row_obj = rows_ptr[i]; if (row_obj == Qnil) continue; if (!is_a_dvector(row_obj)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: destinations for read_rows must be Dvectors"); } } for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) { /* second pass to clear destination dvectors */ row_obj = rows_ptr[i]; if (row_obj == Qnil) continue; d = dvector_modify(row_obj); d->len = 0; } if ((file=fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: read_rows cannot open %s", filename); } buff = (char *)malloc(buff_len); if (buff == NULL) { fclose(file); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: allocation of read buffer failed"); } for (i = 0; i < skip; i++) { /* skip over initial lines */ if (fill_read_buffer(&buff, &buff_len, file)==NULL) { fclose(file); free(buff); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: read_rows reached end of file before reaching line %i in %s", first_row_of_file, filename); } } for (row = 0, i = first_row_of_file; row < num_rows; row++, i++) { if (fill_read_buffer(&buff, &buff_len, file)==NULL) { fclose(file); free(buff); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: read_rows reached end of file at line %i in %s", i, filename); } row_obj = rows_ptr[row]; if (row_obj == Qnil) continue; d = Get_Dvector(row_obj); row_data = d->ptr; buff_loc = 0; for (col = 0; ; col++) { while (isspace(buff[buff_loc])) buff_loc++; /* skip leading blanks */ if (buff[buff_loc] == '\0') break; num_str = buff+buff_loc; while (isgraph(buff[buff_loc])) buff_loc++; /* include non-blanks */ buff[buff_loc] = ' '; // use strtod instead of fscanf to deal with numbers from fortran like 0.501-129 for 0.501E-129 v = strtod(num_str,&pend); if (pend != buff+buff_loc) { if ((buff+buff_loc - pend >= 4) && (pend[0] == '+' || pend[0] == '-')) { // insert 'E' and try again cptr = pend+5; c = *cptr; pend[5] = ' '; pend[4] = pend[3]; pend[3] = pend[2]; pend[2] = pend[1]; pend[1] = pend[0]; pend[0] = 'E'; v = strtod(num_str,&pend); *cptr = c; buff_loc = pend - buff; } else { fclose(file); pend[0] = 0; rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: unreadable value in file %s in line %i: %s", filename, i , buff+buff_loc); } } if (!is_okay_number(v)) { fclose(file); free(buff); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: bad value %g in line %i of file %s", v, i, filename); } if (col < d->capa) { row_data[col] = v; d->len = col+1; } else { Dvector_Store_Double(row_obj, col, v); d = Get_Dvector(row_obj); row_data = d->ptr; } } if (col+10 < d->capa) { REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, col); d->capa = col; } } fclose(file); free(buff); return destinations; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * Dvector.read_rows(filename, dest, start=1) -> array of dvectors * * The data on the file should be organized in rows of numbers, with one row per line. * The rows need not all have the same number of entries since each row is placed in its own Dvector. * The _start_ parameter determines the starting line and defaults to 1 meaning start at the first line of the file. * The _dest_ must be an array with entries either Dvectors or nil. For entries that are Dvectors, the * contents of the vector are replaced by the row of data from the file. The _start_ row is placed in the * first entry in _dest_, the second row in the next, and so on. If the entry in _dest_ is nil, that row of the file is skipped. * */ VALUE dvector_read_rows(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { int arg3 = (int) 1 ; if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 3)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for read_rows", argc); if (argc > 2) arg3 = NUM2INT(argv[2]); return Read_Rows_of_Dvectors(StringValueCStr(argv[0]),argv[1],arg3); klass = Qnil; } PRIVATE VALUE Read_Row(char *filename, int row, VALUE row_ary) { FILE *file = NULL; int buff_len = 1000; char *buff, *num_str, *pend, c, *cptr; int i, col, buff_loc; double v; if (row <= 0) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: read_row line must be positive (not %i) for file %s", row, filename); } if (filename == NULL || (file=fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: read_row cannot open %s", filename); } buff = (char *)malloc(buff_len); if (buff == NULL) { fclose(file); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: allocation of read buffer failed"); } for (i = 0; i < row; i++) { /* read lines until reach desired row */ if (fill_read_buffer(&buff, &buff_len, file)==NULL) { fclose(file); free(buff); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: read_row reached end of file before reaching line %i in %s", row, filename); } } if (row_ary == Qnil) row_ary = dvector_new(); else if (is_a_dvector(row_ary)) dvector_clear(row_ary); else { fclose(file); free(buff); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: destination for read_row must be a Dvector"); } buff_loc = 0; for (col = 0; ; col++) { while (isspace(buff[buff_loc])) buff_loc++; /* skip leading blanks */ if (buff[buff_loc] == '\0') break; num_str = buff+buff_loc; while (isgraph(buff[buff_loc])) buff_loc++; /* include non-blanks */ if (buff[buff_loc] == '\0') break; buff[buff_loc] = ' '; // rewrite to use strtod instead of fscanf to deal with numbers from fortran like 0.501-129 for 0.501E-129 v = strtod(num_str,&pend); if (pend != buff+buff_loc) { if (pend != buff+buff_loc) { if ((buff+buff_loc - pend >= 4) && (pend[0] == '+' || pend[0] == '-')) { // insert 'E' and try again cptr = pend+5; c = *cptr; pend[5] = ' '; pend[4] = pend[3]; pend[3] = pend[2]; pend[2] = pend[1]; pend[1] = pend[0]; pend[0] = 'E'; v = strtod(num_str,&pend); *cptr = c; buff_loc = pend - buff; } else { fclose(file); free(buff); pend[0] = 0; rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: unreadable value in file %s in line %i: %s", filename, i , buff+buff_loc); } } } if (!is_okay_number(v)) { fclose(file); free(buff); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: bad value %g in line %i of file %s", v, i, filename); } Dvector_Store_Double(row_ary, col, v); } fclose(file); free(buff); return row_ary; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * Dvector.read_row(filename, row=1, dvector=nil) -> dvector * * This routine reads a row of numbers from the named file. * The _row_ argument determines which line of the file to read, starting at 1 for the first line. * If the _dvector_ argument is nil, a new Dvector is allocated to hold the row of numbers. * Otherwise, the contents of _dvector_ are replaced by the numbers from the line in the file. * */ VALUE dvector_read_row(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { char *arg1 ; int arg2 = (int) 1 ; VALUE arg3 = Qnil; if ((argc < 1) || (argc > 3)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for read_row", argc); arg1 = StringValueCStr(argv[0]); if (argc > 1) arg2 = NUM2INT(argv[1]); if (argc > 2) arg3 = argv[2]; return Read_Row(arg1,arg2,arg3); klass = Qnil; } /* C API functions */ bool isa_Dvector(VALUE dvector) { return Is_Dvector(dvector); } long len_Dvector(VALUE dvector) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(dvector); return d->len; } double access_Dvector(VALUE dvector, long offset) { Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(dvector); if (d->len == 0) return 0.0; if (offset < 0) { offset += d->len; } if (offset < 0 || d->len <= offset) { return 0.0; } return d->ptr[offset]; } double *Dvector_Data_for_Read(VALUE dvector, long *len_ptr) { /* returns pointer to the dvector's data (which may be shared) */ Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(dvector); if(len_ptr) *len_ptr = d->len; return d->ptr; } double *Dvector_Data_Copy(VALUE dvector, long *len_ptr) { /* like Dvector_Data_for_Read, but returns pointer to a copy of the data */ Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(dvector); double *data; if(len_ptr) *len_ptr = d->len; data = (double *)ALLOC_N(double, d->len); MEMCPY(data, d->ptr, double, d->len); return data; } double *Dvector_Data_for_Write(VALUE dvector, long *len_ptr) { if (!is_a_dvector(dvector)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "arg must be a Dvector"); Dvector *d = dvector_modify(dvector); if(len_ptr) *len_ptr = d->len; return d->ptr; } double *Dvector_Data_Resize(VALUE dvector, long new_len) { if (!is_a_dvector(dvector)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "arg must be a Dvector"); Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(c_Resize(dvector, new_len)); return d->ptr; } double *Dvector_Data_Replace(VALUE dvector, long len, double *data) { /* copies the data into the dvector */ if (!is_a_dvector(dvector)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "arg must be a Dvector"); return dvector_replace_dbls(dvector, len, data); } PRIVATE VALUE Dvector_Create(void) { return dvector_new(); } PRIVATE int Find_First_Both_Greater(VALUE Xs, VALUE Ys, double x, double y) { int i; long xlen, ylen; double *X_data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(Xs, &xlen); double *Y_data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(Ys, &ylen); if (X_data == NULL || Y_data == NULL || xlen != ylen) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: Find_First_Both_Greater args must be Dvectors of same length"); } for (i=0; i < xlen; i++) { if (X_data[i] > x && Y_data[i] > y) return i; } return -1; } PRIVATE int Find_First_Both_Smaller(VALUE Xs, VALUE Ys, double x, double y) { int i; long xlen, ylen; double *X_data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(Xs, &xlen); double *Y_data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(Ys, &ylen); if (X_data == NULL || Y_data == NULL || xlen != ylen) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ERROR: Find_First_Both_Smaller args must be Dvectors of same length"); } for (i=0; i < xlen; i++) { if (X_data[i] < x && Y_data[i] < y) return i; } return -1; } PRIVATE VALUE c_make_bezier_control_points_for_cubic_in_x(VALUE dest, double x0, double y0, double delta_x, double a, double b, double c) { double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, *data; if (!Is_Dvector(dest)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Sorry: invalid 'dest' for get_control_points_for_cubic_in_x: must be a Dvector"); double cx = delta_x, ay = a * delta_x * delta_x * delta_x, by = b * delta_x * delta_x, cy = c * delta_x; x1 = x0 + cx/3.0; x2 = x1 + cx/3.0; x3 = x0 + delta_x; y1 = y0 + cy/3.0; y2 = y1 + (cy + by)/3.0; y3 = y0 + ay + by + cy; data = Dvector_Data_Resize(dest, 6); data[0] = x1; data[1] = y1; data[2] = x2; data[3] = y2; data[4] = x3; data[5] = y3; return dest; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * dvector.make_bezier_control_points_for_cubic_in_x(x0, y0, delta_x, a, b, c) * * Replaces contents of _dvector_ by control points for Bezier curve. * The cubic, y(x), is defined from x0 to x0+delta_x. * At location x = x0 + dx, with dx between 0 and delta_x, define y = a*dx^3 + b*dx^2 + c*dx + y0. * This routine replaces the contents of _dest_ by [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3], the Bezier control points to match this cubic. * */ VALUE dvector_make_bezier_control_points_for_cubic_in_x(VALUE dest, VALUE x0, VALUE y0, VALUE delta_x, VALUE a, VALUE b, VALUE c) { x0 = rb_Float(x0); y0 = rb_Float(y0); delta_x = rb_Float(delta_x); a = rb_Float(a); b = rb_Float(b); c = rb_Float(c); return c_make_bezier_control_points_for_cubic_in_x(dest, NUM2DBL(x0), NUM2DBL(y0), NUM2DBL(delta_x), NUM2DBL(a), NUM2DBL(b), NUM2DBL(c)); } void c_dvector_create_spline_interpolant(int n_pts_data, double *Xs, double *Ys, bool start_clamped, double start_slope, bool end_clamped, double end_slope, double *As, double *Bs, double *Cs) { double *Hs = (double *)ALLOC_N(double, n_pts_data); double *alphas = (double *)ALLOC_N(double, n_pts_data); double *Ls = (double *)ALLOC_N(double, n_pts_data); double *mu_s = (double *)ALLOC_N(double, n_pts_data); double *Zs = (double *)ALLOC_N(double, n_pts_data); int n = n_pts_data-1, i, j; for (i=0; i < n; i++) Hs[i] = Xs[i+1] - Xs[i]; if (start_clamped) alphas[0] = 3.0*(Ys[1]-Ys[0])/Hs[0] - 3.0*start_slope; if (end_clamped) alphas[n] = 3.0*end_slope - 3.0*(Ys[n]-Ys[n-1])/Hs[n-1]; for (i=1; i < n; i++) alphas[i] = 3.0*(Ys[i+1]*Hs[i-1]-Ys[i]*(Xs[i+1]-Xs[i-1])+Ys[i-1]*Hs[i])/(Hs[i-1]*Hs[i]); if (start_clamped) { Ls[0] = 2.0*Hs[0]; mu_s[0] = 0.5; Zs[0] = alphas[0]/Ls[0]; } else { Ls[0] = 1.0; mu_s[0] = 0.0; Zs[0] = 0.0; } for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { Ls[i] = 2.0*(Xs[i+1]-Xs[i-1]) - Hs[i-1]*mu_s[i-1]; mu_s[i] = Hs[i]/Ls[i]; Zs[i] = (alphas[i] - Hs[i-1]*Zs[i-1])/Ls[i]; } if (end_clamped) { Ls[n] = Hs[n-1]*(2.0-mu_s[n-1]); Bs[n] = Zs[n] = (alphas[n]-Hs[n-1]*Zs[n-1])/Ls[n]; } else { Ls[n] = 1.0; Zs[n] = 0.0; Bs[n] = 0.0; } for (j = n-1; j >= 0; j--) { Bs[j] = Zs[j] - mu_s[j]*Bs[j+1]; Cs[j] = (Ys[j+1]-Ys[j])/Hs[j] - Hs[j]*(Bs[j+1]+2.0*Bs[j])/3.0; As[j] = (Bs[j+1]-Bs[j])/(3.0*Hs[j]); } free(Zs); free(mu_s); free(Ls); free(alphas); free(Hs); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * Dvector.create_spline_interpolant(xs, ys, start_clamped, start_slope, end_clamped, end_slope) -> interpolant * * Uses Dvectors _xs_ and _ys_ to create a cubic spline interpolant. The _xs_ must be given in ascending order. * There is a boundary condition choice to be made for each end concerning the slope. If clamped is true, the * correspdoning slope argument value sets the slope. If clamped is false (known as a "free" or "natural" spline), * the 2nd derivative is set to 0 and the slope is determined by the fit. In this case, the corresponding slope * argument is ignored. The interpolant is an array of Dvectors: [Xs, Ys, As, Bs, Cs]. * For x between Xs[j] and Xs[j+1], let dx = x - Xs[j], and find interpolated y for x by * y = As[j]*dx^3 + Bs[j]*dx^2 + Cs[j]*dx + Ys[j]. * (Spline algorithms derived from Burden & Faires, Numerical Analysis, 4th edition, pp 131 and following.) * */ VALUE dvector_create_spline_interpolant(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { if (argc != 6) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for create_spline_interpolant", argc); klass = Qnil; VALUE Xs = argv[0], Ys = argv[1]; VALUE start_clamped = argv[2], start_slope = argv[3], end_clamped = argv[4], end_slope = argv[5]; long xdlen, ydlen; double start = 0.0, end = 0.0; double *X_data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(Xs, &xdlen); double *Y_data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(Ys, &ydlen); if (X_data == NULL || Y_data == NULL || xdlen != ydlen) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Data for create_spline_interpolant must be equal length Dvectors"); bool start_flg = (start_clamped == Qtrue); bool end_flg = (end_clamped == Qtrue); if (start_flg) { start_slope = rb_Float(start_slope); start = NUM2DBL(start_slope); } if (end_flg) { end_slope = rb_Float(end_slope); end = NUM2DBL(end_slope); } int n_pts_data = xdlen; VALUE As = Dvector_Create(), Bs = Dvector_Create(), Cs = Dvector_Create(); double *As_data = Dvector_Data_Resize(As, n_pts_data); double *Bs_data = Dvector_Data_Resize(Bs, n_pts_data); double *Cs_data = Dvector_Data_Resize(Cs, n_pts_data); c_dvector_create_spline_interpolant(n_pts_data, X_data, Y_data, start_flg, start, end_flg, end, As_data, Bs_data, Cs_data); VALUE result = rb_ary_new2(5); rb_ary_store(result, 0, Xs); rb_ary_store(result, 1, Ys); rb_ary_store(result, 2, As); rb_ary_store(result, 3, Bs); rb_ary_store(result, 4, Cs); return result; } double c_dvector_spline_interpolate(double x, int n_pts_data, double *Xs, double *Ys, double *As, double *Bs, double *Cs) { int j; for (j = 0; j < n_pts_data && x >= Xs[j]; j++); if (j == n_pts_data) return Ys[j-1]; if (j == 0) return Ys[0]; j--; double dx = x - Xs[j]; return Ys[j] + dx*(Cs[j] + dx*(Bs[j] + dx*As[j])); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * Dvector.spline_interpolate(x, interpolant) -> y * * Returns the _y_ corresponding to _x_ by spline interpolation using the _interpolant_ * which was previously created by calling _create_spline_interpolant_. * */ VALUE dvector_spline_interpolate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { if (argc != 2) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for spline_interpolate", argc); klass = Qnil; VALUE x = argv[0]; VALUE interpolant = argv[1]; x = rb_Float(x); interpolant = rb_Array(interpolant); if (RARRAY(interpolant)->len != 5) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Spline interpolant must be array of length 5 from create_spline_interpolant"); Dvector *Xs = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,0)); Dvector *Ys = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,1)); Dvector *As = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,2)); Dvector *Bs = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,3)); Dvector *Cs = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,4)); if (Xs->len <= 0 || Xs->len != Ys->len || Xs->len != Bs->len || Xs->len != Cs->len || Xs->len != As->len) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Spline interpolant must be from create_spline_interpolant"); double y = c_dvector_spline_interpolate(NUM2DBL(x), Xs->len, Xs->ptr, Ys->ptr, As->ptr, Bs->ptr, Cs->ptr); return rb_float_new(y); } double c_dvector_linear_interpolate(int num_pts, double *xs, double *ys, double x) { int i; if (num_pts == 1) return ys[0]; for (i = 0; i < num_pts; i++) { if (xs[i] <= x && x < xs[i+1]) { return ys[i] + (ys[i+1]-ys[i])*(x-xs[i])/(xs[i+1]-xs[i]); } } return ys[num_pts-1]; } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * Dvector.linear_interpolate(x, xs, ys) -> y * * Returns the _y_ corresponding to _x_ by linear interpolation using the Dvectors _xs_ and _ys_. * */ VALUE dvector_linear_interpolate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { if (argc != 3) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for linear_interpolate", argc); klass = Qnil; VALUE x = argv[0]; VALUE Xs = argv[1]; VALUE Ys = argv[2]; Dvector *X_data = Get_Dvector(Xs); Dvector *Y_data = Get_Dvector(Ys); if (X_data->len <= 0 || X_data->len != Y_data->len) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Xs and Ys for linear_interpolate must be equal length Dvectors: xlen %i ylen %i.", X_data->len, Y_data->len); x = rb_Float(x); double y = c_dvector_linear_interpolate(X_data->len, X_data->ptr, Y_data->ptr, NUM2DBL(x)); return rb_float_new(y); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * Dvector.min_of_many(ary) -> number or nil * * Returns the minimum value held in the array of Dvectors (or nil if _ary_ is empty). * Any +nil+ entries in _ary_ are ignored. * */ VALUE dvector_min_of_many(VALUE klass, VALUE ary) { VALUE *ary_ptr; long ary_len, i; Dvector *d; double m=0.0, tmp; bool found_one = false; ary = rb_Array(ary); ary_ptr = RARRAY(ary)->ptr; ary_len = RARRAY(ary)->len; if (ary_len == 0) return Qnil; for (i = 0; i < ary_len; i++) { if (ary_ptr[i] == Qnil) continue; d = Get_Dvector(ary_ptr[i]); if (d->len == 0) continue; if (!found_one) { m = c_dvector_min(d); found_one = true; } else { tmp = c_dvector_min(d); if (tmp < m) m = tmp; } } if (!found_one) return Qnil; return rb_float_new(m); } PRIVATE /* * call-seq: * Dvector.max_of_many(ary) -> number or nil * * Returns the maximum value held in the array of Dvectors (or nil if _ary_ is empty). * Any +nil+ entries in _ary_ are ignored. * */ VALUE dvector_max_of_many(VALUE klass, VALUE ary) { VALUE *ary_ptr; long ary_len, i; Dvector *d; double m=0.0, tmp; bool found_one = false; ary = rb_Array(ary); ary_ptr = RARRAY(ary)->ptr; ary_len = RARRAY(ary)->len; if (ary_len == 0) return Qnil; for (i = 0; i < ary_len; i++) { if (ary_ptr[i] == Qnil) continue; d = Get_Dvector(ary_ptr[i]); if (d->len == 0) continue; if (!found_one) { m = c_dvector_max(d); found_one = true; } else { tmp = c_dvector_max(d); if (tmp > m) m = tmp; } } if (!found_one) return Qnil; return rb_float_new(m); } #define DVECTOR_DUMP_VERSION 1 PRIVATE /* Called by the marshalling mechanism to store a permanent copy of a Dvector. _limit_ is simply ignored. */ VALUE dvector_dump(VALUE ary, VALUE limit) { int i; /* for STORE_UNSIGNED */ long len; double * data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(ary, &len); long target_len = 1 /* first signature byte */ + 4 /* length */ + len * 8 ; unsigned u_len = (unsigned) len; /* this is bad, I know, but it won't hurt before it is common that computers have 32 GB of RAM... */ VALUE str = rb_str_new2(""); rb_str_resize(str,target_len); /* This seems to do the trick */ /* \begin{playing with ruby's internals} */ unsigned char * ptr = (unsigned char *) RSTRING_PTR(str); /* signature byte */ (*ptr++) = DVECTOR_DUMP_VERSION; STORE_UNSIGNED(u_len, ptr); /* destroys u_len */ while(len-- > 0) { store_double(*(data++), ptr); ptr += 8; } /* RSTRING_LEN(str) = target_len; */ return str; /* \end{playing with ruby's internals} */ } PRIVATE /* Called by the marshalling mechanism to retrieve a permanent copy of a Dvector. */ VALUE dvector_load(VALUE klass, VALUE str) { VALUE ret = Qnil; VALUE s = StringValue(str); unsigned char * buf = (unsigned char *) StringValuePtr(s); unsigned char * dest = buf + RSTRING_LEN(s); unsigned i; /* for GET_UNSIGNED */ unsigned tmp = 0; double * data; /* depending on the first byte, the decoding will be different */ switch(*(buf++)) { case 1: GET_UNSIGNED(tmp, buf); /* create a new Dvector with the right size */ ret = rb_funcall(cDvector, rb_intern("new"), 1, UINT2NUM(tmp)); data = Dvector_Data_for_Write(ret, NULL); for(i = 0; i< tmp; i++) { if(buf + 8 > dest) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "corrupted data given to Dvector._load"); break; } else { data[i] = get_double(buf); buf += 8; } } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "corrupted data given to Dvector._load"); } return ret; } /* Returns the boundaries of a Dvector, that is [min, max]. It ignores NaN and will complain if the Dvector contains only NaN. v = Dvector[0.0/0.0, 0.0/0.0, 1,2,4,5,9,0.0/0.0,0.1] v.bounds -> [0.1, 9] */ static VALUE dvector_bounds(VALUE self) { double min, max; VALUE ret; long len; double * data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(self, &len); /* skip all NaNs at the beginning */ while(len-- > 0) if(!isnan(*data++)) break; if(len>=0) { min = max = *(data-1); while(len-- > 0) { if(! isnan(*data)) { if(*data < min) min = *data; if(*data > max) max = *data; } data++; } ret = rb_ary_new2(2); rb_ary_store(ret, 0, rb_float_new(min)); rb_ary_store(ret, 1, rb_float_new(max)); return ret; } else rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "bounds called on an array containing only NaN"); return Qnil; } /* :call-seq: vector.convolve(kernel, middle) convolve applies a simple convolution to the vector using kernel centered at the point middle. (0 is the leftmost point of the kernel). */ static VALUE dvector_convolve(VALUE self, VALUE kernel, VALUE middle) { long len; const double * values = Dvector_Data_for_Read(self, &len); VALUE retval = dvector_new2(len,len); double * ret = Dvector_Data_for_Write(retval,NULL); long kernel_len; const double * ker = Dvector_Data_for_Read(kernel, &kernel_len); /* I guess */ long mid = NUM2LONG(middle); if(mid > kernel_len) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "middle should be within kernel's range"); else { long i,j,k; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { double sum = 0, k_sum = 0; for(j = 0; j < kernel_len; j++) { /* check that we are within the vector */ k = i - mid + j; /* The current index inside the vector */ /* This code is equivalent to saying that the vector is prolongated until infinity with values at the boundaries -> no, obnoxious, I think. Simply don't take care of these points -> yes, finally ? */ if( k < 0) /* continue; */ k = 0; if( k >= len) /* continue; */ k = len - 1; sum += ker[j] * values[k]; k_sum += ker[j]; } sum/= k_sum; ret[i] = sum; } } return retval; } /* :call-seq: Dvector.fast_fancy_read(stream, options) => Array_of_Dvectors Reads data from an IO stream and separate it into columns of data according to the _options_, a hash holding the following elements (compulsory, but you can use FANCY_READ_DEFAULTS): * 'sep': a regular expression that separate the entries * 'comments': any line matching this will be skipped * 'skip_first': skips that many lines before reading anything * 'index_col': if true, the first column returned contains the number of the line read * 'remove_space': whether to remove spaces at the beginning of a line. *This option is currently not implemented !* * 'default': what to put when nothing was found but a number must be used As a side note, the read time is highly non-linear, which suggests that the read is memory-allocation/copying-limited, at least for big files. Well, the read time is non-linear for An internal memory allocation with aggressive policy should solve that, that is, not using directly Dvectors (and it would be way faster to store anyway). */ static VALUE dvector_fast_fancy_read(VALUE self, VALUE stream, VALUE options) { /* First, we read up options: */ double def = rb_num2dbl(rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("default"))); int remove_space = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("remove_space"))); int index_col = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("index_col"))); long skip_first = FIX2LONG(rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("skip_first"))); VALUE sep = rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("sep")); VALUE comments = rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("comments")); /* Then, some various variables: */ VALUE line; ID chomp_id = rb_intern("chomp!"); ID gets_id = rb_intern("gets"); long line_number = 0; /* Now come the fun part - rudimentary vectors management */ int nb_vectors = 0; /* The number of vectors currently created */ int current_size = 10; /* The number of slots available */ double ** vectors = ALLOC_N(double *, current_size); long index = 0; /* The current index in the vectors */ int allocated_size = 5004; /* The size available in the vectors */ int i; /* The return value */ VALUE ary; /* We use a real gets so we can also rely on StringIO, for instance */ while(RTEST(line = rb_funcall(stream, gets_id, 0))) { VALUE pre, post, match; const char * line_ptr; int col = 0; line_number++; /* Whether we should skip the line... */ if(skip_first >= line_number) continue; /* We check for a blank line using isspace: */ line_ptr = StringValueCStr(line); while(line_ptr && *line_ptr) { if(! isspace(*line_ptr)) break; line_ptr++; } if(! *line_ptr) continue; /* We found a blank line */ if(remove_space) /* We replace the contents of the line */ line = rb_str_new2(line_ptr); /* ... or a comment line */ if(RTEST(comments) && RTEST(rb_reg_match(comments, line))) continue; /* Then, we remove the newline: */ post = line; rb_funcall(post, chomp_id, 0); /* We iterate over the different portions between matches */ while(RTEST(post)) { const char * a; char * b; if(RTEST(rb_reg_match(sep, post))) { match = rb_gv_get("$~"); pre = rb_reg_match_pre(match); post = rb_reg_match_post(match); } else { pre = post; post = Qnil; } a = StringValueCStr(pre); double c = strtod(a, &b); if(b == a) c = def; if(col >= nb_vectors) { nb_vectors++; /* We need to create a new vector */ if(col >= current_size) { /* Increase the available size */ current_size += 5; REALLOC_N(vectors, double * , current_size); } double * vals = vectors[col] = ALLOC_N(double, allocated_size); /* Filling it with the default value */ for(i = 0; i < index; i++) { vals[i] = def; } } vectors[col][index] = c; col++; } /* Now, we finish the line */ for(; col < nb_vectors; col++) vectors[col][index] = def; index++; /* Now, we reallocate memory if necessary */ if(index >= allocated_size) { allocated_size *= 2; /* We double the size */ for(col = 0; col < nb_vectors; col++) REALLOC_N(vectors[col], double, allocated_size); } } /* Now, we make up the array */ ary = rb_ary_new(); for(i = 0; i < nb_vectors; i++) { /* We create a vector */ rb_ary_store(ary, i, make_dvector_from_data(cDvector, index, vectors[i])); /* And free the memory */ free(vectors[i]); } free(vectors); return ary; } /* * Document-class: Dobjects::Dvector * * Dvectors are a specialized implementation of one-dimensional arrays of double precision floating point numbers. * They are intended for use in applications needing efficient processing of large vectors of numeric data. * Essentially any of the operations you might do with a 1D Ruby Array of numbers can also be done with a Dvector. * Just like Arrays, Dvector indexing starts at 0. A negative index is * assumed to be relative to the end of the vector---that is, an index of -1 * indicates the last element of the vector, -2 is the next to last * element in the vector, and so on. Element reference and element assignment are the same as for Arrays, * allowing for (start,length) or (range) as well as for simple indexing. All of the other Array operations that * make sense for a 1D array of numbers are also provided for Dvectors. For example, you can "fetch" or "fill" * with Dvectors, but there is no "assoc" or "compact" for them since one looks for arrays as elements * and the other looks for +nil+ elements, neither of which are found in Dvectors. * * In addition to the usual Array methods, there are a variety of * others that operate on the contents of the entire vector without the use of * explicit iterators. These routines are crucial for efficient processing of large vectors. * For example, "_vec_.sqrt" will create a vector of square roots of entries in _vec_ * more efficiently than the semantically equivalent form "_vec_.collect { |x| sqrt(x) }". * * All of the numeric methods also have * 'bang' versions that modify the contents of the vector in place; for example, "_vec_.sqrt!" * is more efficient than "_vec_ = _vec_.sqrt". By providing implicit iterators and in-place modification, * Dvectors make it possible to operate on large vectors of doubles in Ruby at speeds * closely approaching a C implementation. * * As a final example, for diehards only, say we have large vectors holding values of abundances of total helium * (xhe), singly ionized helium (xhe1), and doubly ionized helium (xhe2). * We're missing the values for neutral helium, but that is just what's left of total helium * after you subtract the two ionized forms, so it is easy to compute it. Finally, we need to * calculate the log of the abundance of neutral helium and store it in another vector (log_xhe0). * If we don't care about creating work for the garbage collector, we can simply do this * log_xhe0 = (xhe - xhe1 - xhe2).log10 * This works, but it creates multiple temporary vectors for intermediate results. * If, like me, you're compulsive about efficiency, you can do the whole thing with no garbage created at all: * log_xhe0 = Dvector.new * log_xhe0.replace(xhe).sub!(xhe1).sub!(xhe2).log10! * This copies xhe to log_xhe0, subtracts xhe1 and xhe2 from log_xhe0 in place, * and then takes the +log+, also in place. It's not pretty, but it is efficient -- use if needed. * * Please report problems with the Dvector extension here[http://theory.kitp.ucsb.edu/~paxton/]. * [Note: for N-dimensional arrays or arrays of complex numbers or integers as well as doubles, * along with a variety of matrix operations, * check out the NArray[http://www.ir.isas.ac.jp/~masa/ruby/index-e.html] extension.] * * Dvector now also prides itselfs with a _dump and a _load function, which * means you can Marshal them. */ void Init_Dvector() { /* modified by Vincent Fourmond for the splitting out: we use the Dvector module. I don't know if it is a good idea... */ VALUE mDobjects = rb_define_module("Dobjects"); cDvector = rb_define_class_under(mDobjects, "Dvector", rb_cObject); rb_include_module(cDvector, rb_mEnumerable); rb_define_alloc_func(cDvector, dvector_alloc); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "[]", dvector_s_create, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "read", dvector_read, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "read_columns", dvector_read, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "read_rows", dvector_read_rows, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "read_row", dvector_read_row, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "create_spline_interpolant", dvector_create_spline_interpolant, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "spline_interpolate", dvector_spline_interpolate, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "linear_interpolate", dvector_linear_interpolate, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "min_of_many", dvector_min_of_many, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "max_of_many", dvector_max_of_many, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "is_a_dvector", dvector_is_a_dvector, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "make_bezier_control_points_for_cubic_in_x", dvector_make_bezier_control_points_for_cubic_in_x, 6); rb_define_method(cDvector, "initialize", dvector_initialize, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "initialize_copy", dvector_replace, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "tridag", dvector_tridag, 4); rb_define_method(cDvector, "to_s", dvector_to_s, 0); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "inspect", "to_s"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "to_a", dvector_to_a, 0); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "to_ary", "to_a"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "freeze", dvector_freeze, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "frozen?", dvector_frozen_p, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "eql?", dvector_eql, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "==", "eql?"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "[]", dvector_aref, -1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "slice", "[]"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "[]=", dvector_aset, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "at", dvector_at, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "fetch", dvector_fetch, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "first", dvector_first, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "last", dvector_last, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "resize", dvector_resize, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "concat", dvector_concat, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "<<", dvector_push, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "push", dvector_push_m, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "pop", dvector_pop, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "shift", dvector_shift, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "unshift", dvector_unshift_m, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "insert", dvector_insert, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "each", dvector_each, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "each_index", dvector_each_index, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "each_with_index", dvector_each_with_index, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "reverse_each", dvector_reverse_each, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "length", dvector_length, 0); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "size", "length"); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "nitems", "length"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "empty?", dvector_empty_p, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "index", dvector_index, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "rindex", dvector_rindex, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "join", dvector_join_m, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "reverse", dvector_reverse_m, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "reverse!", dvector_reverse_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "sort", dvector_sort, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "sort!", dvector_sort_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "collect", dvector_collect, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "collect!", dvector_collect_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "prune", dvector_prune, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "prune!", dvector_prune_bang, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "map", "collect"); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "map!", "collect!"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "dup", dvector_dup, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "select", dvector_select, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "values_at", dvector_values_at, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "delete", dvector_delete, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "delete_at", dvector_delete_at_m, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "delete_if", dvector_delete_if, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "reject", dvector_reject, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "reject!", dvector_reject_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "replace", dvector_replace, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "fill", dvector_fill, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "include?", dvector_includes, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "<=>", dvector_cmp, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "slice!", dvector_slice_bang, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "uniq", dvector_uniq, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "uniq!", dvector_uniq_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "reverse_each_index", dvector_reverse_each_index, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "reverse_each_with_index", dvector_reverse_each_with_index, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "each2", dvector_each2, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "each2_with_index", dvector_each2_with_index, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "reverse_each2", dvector_reverse_each2, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "reverse_each2_with_index", dvector_reverse_each2_with_index, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "collect2", dvector_collect2, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "collect2!", dvector_collect2_bang, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "map2", "collect2"); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "map2!", "collect2!"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_max", dvector_where_max, 0); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "where_first_max", "where_max"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_last_max", dvector_where_last_max, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_min", dvector_where_min, 0); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "where_first_min", "where_min"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_last_min", dvector_where_last_min, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_closest", dvector_where_closest, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "where_first_closest", "where_closest"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_last_closest", dvector_where_last_closest, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_first_eq", dvector_where_first_eq, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "where_eq", "where_first_eq"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_first_ne", dvector_where_first_ne, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "where_ne", "where_first_ne"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_first_lt", dvector_where_first_lt, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "where_lt", "where_first_lt"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_first_le", dvector_where_first_le, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "where_le", "where_first_le"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_first_gt", dvector_where_first_gt, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "where_gt", "where_first_gt"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_first_ge", dvector_where_first_ge, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "where_ge", "where_first_ge"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_last_eq", dvector_where_last_eq, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_last_ne", dvector_where_last_ne, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_last_lt", dvector_where_last_lt, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_last_le", dvector_where_last_le, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_last_gt", dvector_where_last_gt, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "where_last_ge", dvector_where_last_ge, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "max", dvector_max, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "min", dvector_min, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "clear", dvector_clear, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "set", dvector_set, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "min_gt", dvector_min_gt, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "max_lt", dvector_max_lt, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "bounds", dvector_bounds, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "sum", dvector_sum, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "dot", dvector_dot, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "vector_length", dvector_vector_length, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "add", dvector_add, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "+", "add"); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "plus", "add"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "sub", dvector_sub, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "-", "sub"); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "minus", "sub"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "mul", dvector_mul, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "*", "mul"); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "times", "mul"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "div", dvector_div, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "/", "div"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "modulo", dvector_mod, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "mod", "modulo"); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "%", "modulo"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "remainder", dvector_remainder, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "pow", dvector_pow, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "raised_to", "pow"); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "**", "pow"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "as_exponent_of", dvector_as_exponent_of, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "atan2", dvector_atan2, 1); /* numeric methods */ rb_define_method(cDvector, "abs", dvector_abs, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "ceil", dvector_ceil, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "floor", dvector_floor, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "round", dvector_round, 0); /* standard math functions */ rb_define_method(cDvector, "acos", dvector_acos, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "acosh", dvector_acosh, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "asin", dvector_asin, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "asinh", dvector_asinh, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "atan", dvector_atan, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "atanh", dvector_atanh, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "cos", dvector_cos, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "cosh", dvector_cosh, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "exp", dvector_exp, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "log", dvector_log, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "log10", dvector_log10, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "sin", dvector_sin, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "sinh", dvector_sinh, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "sqrt", dvector_sqrt, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "tan", dvector_tan, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "tanh", dvector_tanh, 0); /* nonstandard math functions */ rb_define_method(cDvector, "neg", dvector_neg, 0); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "-@", "neg"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "exp10", dvector_exp10, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "inv", dvector_inv, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "trim", dvector_trim, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_log", dvector_safe_log, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_log10", dvector_safe_log10, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_inv", dvector_safe_inv, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_sqrt", dvector_safe_sqrt, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_asin", dvector_safe_asin, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_acos", dvector_safe_acos, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "add!", dvector_add_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "sub!", dvector_sub_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "mul!", dvector_mul_bang, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "plus!", "add!"); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "minus!", "sub!"); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "times!", "mul!"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "div!", dvector_div_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "modulo!", dvector_modulo_bang, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "mod!", "modulo!"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "remainder!", dvector_remainder_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "pow!", dvector_pow_bang, 1); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "raised_to!", "pow!"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "as_exponent_of!", dvector_as_exponent_of_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "atan2!", dvector_atan2_bang, 1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "neg!", dvector_neg_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "abs!", dvector_abs_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "sin!", dvector_sin_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "cos!", dvector_cos_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "tan!", dvector_tan_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "asin!", dvector_asin_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "acos!", dvector_acos_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "atan!", dvector_atan_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "sinh!", dvector_sinh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "cosh!", dvector_cosh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "tanh!", dvector_tanh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "asinh!", dvector_asinh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "acosh!", dvector_acosh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "atanh!", dvector_atanh_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "ceil!", dvector_ceil_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "floor!", dvector_floor_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "round!", dvector_round_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "exp!", dvector_exp_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "exp10!", dvector_exp10_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "log!", dvector_log_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "log10!", dvector_log10_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "inv!", dvector_inv_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "sqrt!", dvector_sqrt_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "trim!", dvector_trim_bang, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_log!", dvector_safe_log_bang, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_log10!", dvector_safe_log10_bang, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_inv!", dvector_safe_inv_bang, -1); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_sqrt!", dvector_safe_sqrt_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_asin!", dvector_safe_asin_bang, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "safe_acos!", dvector_safe_acos_bang, 0); /* dirty flag related methods */ rb_define_method(cDvector, "dirty?", dvector_is_dirty, 0); rb_define_method(cDvector, "clean?", dvector_is_clean, 0); rb_define_alias(cDvector, "dirty", "dirty?"); rb_define_method(cDvector, "dirty=", dvector_set_dirty, 1); /* dvector marshalling */ rb_define_method(cDvector, "_dump", dvector_dump, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "_load", dvector_load, 1); /* simple convolution */ rb_define_method(cDvector, "convolve", dvector_convolve, 2); /* Fast fancy read: */ rb_define_singleton_method(cDvector, "fast_fancy_read", dvector_fast_fancy_read, 2); dvector_output_fs = Qnil; rb_global_variable(&dvector_output_fs); dvector_output_fs = rb_str_new2(" "); /* modified by Vincent Fourmond 22/3/2006 for the splitting out */ rb_require("Dobjects/Dvector_extras.rb"); rb_require("Dobjects/Numeric_extras.rb"); /* end of modifications */ /* now, the fun part: exporting binary symbols. see include/dvector.h for their meaning */ RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, isa_Dvector); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, len_Dvector); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, access_Dvector); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Data_for_Read); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Data_Copy); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Data_for_Write); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Data_for_Read); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Data_Resize); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Data_Replace); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Create); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Store_Double); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, Dvector_Push_Double); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, c_dvector_spline_interpolate); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, c_dvector_linear_interpolate); RB_EXPORT_SYMBOL(cDvector, c_dvector_create_spline_interpolant); /* I guess that this should be all */ }