3.1 improve_motor_efficiency 52013ba9-7b9b-4ffd-bc67-d4c0fa05d7ae 9714ddc3-de33-48a4-8ef6-e577e8dc7b58 2024-11-16T23:47:46Z F78494F2 ImproveMotorEfficiency Improve Motor Efficiency in Selected Fans and Pumps The assessment team observed opportunities for motor efficiency improvements on HVAC systems. These motors are asynchronous induction motors. There are currently motors on the market that are far superior to standard efficiency motors. These come in both premium efficiency and ultra-efficiency which exceed NEMA Premium standards. These motors utilize a die cast copper rotor which reduces the energy requirements of the motor and allows the motor to run cooler. The motor also features an improved heat dissipation system and new low-friction bearings; both of which help extend the life of the motor. The motor also has a smaller weight and size compared to the standard efficiency motors. These high efficiency motors are showing efficiency improvements on the order of 3-10% more efficient than current standard efficiency motors. For all of the three-phase, asynchronous induction motors feeding AHU supply fans, specify premium or ultra-efficiency motors. The belts associated with the largest motors, longest run times, and that run closest to full load should be given priority when making replacements. This measure alters motors for fans and pumps in all or a single air/plant loop in the building. The text before each user argument should include the motor location and motor HP. The default value for the user argument field will be the existing motor efficiency. After each user argument there will be a check box to specify which of the motors the calculation will be applied to. For each object with a check box, the efficiency in the user argument field is replaced as the motor efficiency. The cost arguments are user arguments that start with a default of $0. Operations and maintenance cost is applied to both baseline and new measure cash flows. Salvage value can only be applied at year 0 and only if material and installation cost for baseline measure = 0. If arguments are left blank, the user is notified that the model has not changed in the run manager. A warning is issued if the motor efficiency >96% and an error is issued if efficiency is >100%. object Choose a Plant or Air Loop to Alter. Choice true false {e6d4f91e-af13-477b-b315-2c5dc6e9a6fc} {e6d4f91e-af13-477b-b315-2c5dc6e9a6fc} *All Plant and Air Loops* motor_eff Set Motor Efficiency(%). Double true false 96 remove_costs Remove Baseline Costs From Effected Fans and Pumps? Boolean true false false true true false false material_cost Material and Installation Costs per Motor ($). Double true false 0 demolition_cost Demolition Costs per Motor ($). Double true false 0 years_until_costs_start Years Until Costs Start (whole years). Integer true false 0 demo_cost_initial_const Demolition Costs Occur During Initial Construction? Boolean true false false true true false false expected_life Expected Life (whole years). Integer true false 20 om_cost O & M Costs per Motor ($). Double true false 0 om_frequency O & M Frequency (whole years). Integer true false 1 HVAC.Distribution Measure Type ModelMeasure string Uses SketchUp API false boolean LICENSE.md md license 8C5A8023 README.md md readme 60B743EB README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script CB567949 0320_ModelWithHVAC_01.osm osm test 4A5352A1 ImproveMotorEfficiency_Test.rb rb test 087B8F20