# Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Fellinger m.fellinger@gmail.com # All files in this distribution are subject to the terms of the Ruby license. require 'spec/helper' class TCRequestController < Ramaze::Controller map '/' engine :None def is_post() request.post?.to_s end def is_get() request.get?.to_s end def is_put() request.put?.to_s end def is_delete() request.delete?.to_s end def request_inspect request.params.inspect end def post_inspect request.params.inspect end def put_inspect(file) # referencing request.rack_params breaks this test # request.params is hacked to return {} on PUT requests request.params request.body.read end def get_inspect request.params.inspect end def test_get request['foo'] end def test_post request.params.inspect end def test_headers end def my_ip request.remote_addr end def to_ivs request.to_ivs :foo, :bar instance_variables.sort.map{|iv| [ iv.to_s, instance_variable_get(iv) ].join(' => ') }.join(', ') end end options = ramaze_options rescue {} ramaze options.merge(:public_root => 'spec/ramaze/public') describe "Request" do behaves_like 'http' it 'to_ivs' do got = get('/to_ivs', 'foo' => 'a') got.body.should == '@foo => a' got = get('/to_ivs', 'bar' => 'b', 'foo' => 'c') got.body.should == '@bar => b, @foo => c' end describe "POST" do behaves_like 'http' it "give me the result of request.post?" do post("/is_post").body.should == 'true' end it "give me the result of request.get?" do post("/is_get").body.should == 'false' end # this here has shown some odd errors... keep an eye on it. it "give me back what i gave" do post("/post_inspect", 'this' => 'post').body.should == {"this" => "post"}.inspect end should "handle key[nested_key]" do get('/test_get', 'foo' => 'bar').body.should == 'bar' params = {'foo' => 'null', 'bar[1]' => 'eins', 'bar[7]' => 'sieben'} eval(post('/test_post', params).body).should == {'foo' => 'null', 'bar' => {'1' => 'eins', '7' => 'sieben'}} end should 'handle key[nested_key][nested_nested_key]' do eval(post('/test_post', 'foo[1][2]' => 'eins zwei').body).should == {'foo' => {'1' => {'2' => 'eins zwei'}}} end end describe "PUT" do behaves_like 'http' it "put a resource" do image = 'favicon.ico' image_path = File.join('spec', 'ramaze', 'public', image) address = "/put_inspect/#{image}" if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.0' file = File.open(image_path, 'r:ASCII'){|f| f.read} else file = File.read(image_path) end response = put(address, :input => file) response.body.dump.should == file.dump end end describe "DELETE" do behaves_like 'http' it "delete a resource" do delete('/is_delete').body.should == 'true' end end describe "GET" do behaves_like 'http' it "give me the result of request.post?" do get("/is_post").body.should == 'false' end it "give me the result of request.get?" do get("/is_get").body.should == 'true' end it "give me back what i gave" do params = {'one' => 'two', 'three' => 'four'} get("/get_inspect", params).body.should == params.inspect end it "my ip" do get("/my_ip").body.should == '' end end describe "get files" do behaves_like 'http' it "binary" do image_path = '/favicon.ico' if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.0' static_image = File.open("spec/ramaze/public#{image_path}", 'r:ASCII'){|f| f.read} else static_image = File.read("spec/ramaze/public#{image_path}") end response = get(image_path) response.status.should == 200 response.body.should == static_image end it 'plain test' do css_path = '/test_download.css' static_css = File.read("spec/ramaze/public#{css_path}").strip response = get(css_path) response.status.should == 200 response.body.strip.should == static_css end end end