module Desert #:nodoc: module PluginMigrations class Migrator < ActiveRecord::Migrator class << self def current_version #:nodoc: result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT version FROM #{schema_migrations_table_name} WHERE plugin_name = '#{}' order by version desc") if result result['version'].to_i else # There probably isn't an entry for this plugin in the migration info table. 0 end end def get_all_versions ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values("SELECT version FROM #{schema_migrations_table_name} where plugin_name='#{}'").map(&:to_i).sort end end def record_version_state_after_migrating(version) sm_table = self.class.schema_migrations_table_name if down? ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update("DELETE FROM #{sm_table} WHERE version = '#{version}' AND plugin_name = '#{}'") else ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO #{sm_table} (plugin_name, version) VALUES ('#{}', '#{version}')") end end def migrated self.class.get_all_versions end end end end