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Please specify seed loader with ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.seed_loader = your_seed_loader Seed loader should respond to load_seed methodE#dump_schema_cache . / 0E%clear_schema_cache 1Econfigs_for 2 3E+resolve_configuration 4Everbose?E falseE)database_adapter_for 5 6 7 8 9E#class_for_adapterE;Rake tasks not supported by 'E' adapter : ; < = > ?E5each_current_configurationEdevelopmentE%SKIP_TEST_DATABASEEDATABASE_URL @E1each_local_configurationElocal_database? A B CEschema_sha1 D E F G HE1structure_dump_flags_forE1structure_load_flags_forEOrescue in check_protected_environments! I JE!rescue in create K LEDatabase 'E!' already exists ME#Couldn't create 'EY' database. Please check your configuration.E'block in create_allEKrescue in setup_initial_database_yamlERails couldn't infer whether you are using multiple databases from your database.yml and can't generate the tasks for the non-primary databases. If you'd like to use this feature, please simplify your ERB. NE#block in for_each OE7block in raise_for_multi_dbE: PE/block in create_currentE)block in prepare_all QErescue in dropE!' does not existE1Couldn't drop database 'E#block in drop_allE+block in drop_currentE+block in truncate_allE!block in migrate RE5No migrations ran. (using E scope) S T UE#ensure in migrateECblock in db_configs_with_versions V W X YE/block in migrate_status ZE%block in purge_allE-block in purge_currentE+ensure in load_schemaECrescue in reconstruct_from_schemaE)block in dump_schema [ \E  ] ^ _E9block in load_schema_currentEEdefined guard in check_schema_fileE5block in class_for_adapter `EGblock in each_current_configurationECblock in each_local_configurationESThis task only modifies local databases. 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