module Rents class Connection # Attrs attr_accessor :auth attr_accessor :path attr_accessor :domain attr_accessor :protocol attr_accessor :end_point attr_accessor :api_version attr_accessor :recurrent_rid attr_accessor :request_params attr_accessor :end_point_versioned # Constructor def initialize(params = {}) # An work around added to prevent a lot of changes params = params.merge({test_env:true}) if Rents.test_env params = params.merge({debug:true}) if Rents.debug # Static part self.request_params = {transaction:params} setup_config self.domain = '' # '' # If using test or Debug it is not production if params[:debug] || params[:test] self.protocol = 'http' self.domain = 'localhost:7000' else self.protocol = 'https' self.domain = '' end self.api_version = 'v1' self.end_point = "#{self.protocol}://#{self.domain}/api" self.end_point_versioned = "#{self.protocol}://#{self.domain}/api/#{self.api_version}" # Dynamic env setup_default_app if params[:test_env] setup_attrs(params) self.recurrent_rid = params[:rid] unless params[:rid].nil? end # Full URL for the last request def url_requested "#{self.end_point}/#{self.api_version}/#{self.path}" end # GET http def get_request RestClient.get self.url_requested end # GET json def get_json_request resp = RestClient.get(self.url_requested) to_hash_with_symbols(resp).it_keys_to_sym end # POST http def post_request self.url_requested, self.request_params end # POST json def post_json_request resp =, self.request_params) to_hash_with_symbols(resp) end # PUT http def put_request RestClient.put self.url_requested, self.request_params end # PUT json def put_json_request resp = RestClient.put(self.url_requested, self.request_params) to_hash_with_symbols(resp) end # DELETE http def delete_request auth = self.request_params[:auth] RestClient.delete self.url_requested, app_id:auth[:app_id], secret_key:auth[:secret_key] end # DELETE json def delete_json_request auth = self.request_params[:auth] resp = RestClient.delete self.url_requested, auth_app_id:auth[:app_id], auth_secret_key:auth[:secret_key] to_hash_with_symbols(resp) end # CALLBACKs protected # Config Attrs def setup_config self.auth = {app_id:Rents.app_id, secret_key:Rents.secret_key} self.request_params.merge!(auth:self.auth) end # SetUp a default app def setup_default_app # setup test_app path self.path = 'global_app' # Get the App & setup config app = get_json_request[:app] Rents.app_id = app[:id] Rents.secret_key = app[:secret] # Get the GlobalRecurrent & setup/config self.path = 'global_subscription' recurrence = get_json_request self.recurrent_rid = recurrence[:rid] return puts 'Please run: rails g rents:install' if Rents.app_id.nil? || Rents.secret_key.nil? self.auth = {app_id:Rents.app_id, secret_key:Rents.secret_key} self.request_params.merge!(auth:self.auth) end # SetUp all attrs def setup_attrs(params) # Dynamic part params.each do |key, value| next unless key.to_s.index('[]').nil? self.class.__send__(:attr_accessor, :"#{key}") self.__send__("#{key}=", value) end end # HTTP requests must have '[]' on it key name to send Array def custom_http_params setup_format_and_validators return if self.sold_items.nil? self.sold_items.each_with_index do |sold_item, i| self.request_params[:transaction]["sold_items[#{i}]"] = sold_item end end # Validate params to prevent errors like BAD Request & format values like value to Operator format def setup_format_and_validators validate_operator_format end # if necessary convert amount to operator value def validate_operator_format # prevent fatal error return if self.amount.nil? # aux vars amount_str = self.amount.to_s format_regex = /[.,]/ # if nil (it is not formatted, so it is not necessary to convert it format) unless amount_str.match(format_regex).nil? return if self.request_params.nil? || self.request_params[:transaction].nil? self.amount = Rents::Currency.to_operator_str(self.amount) self.request_params[:transaction][:amount] = self.amount end end # Return the JSON in a Hash with it keys in symbols def to_hash_with_symbols json hashed = JSON.parse(json) hashed.is_a?(Array) ? hashed.each_with_index { |hash, i| hashed[i] = hash.it_keys_to_sym } : hashed.it_keys_to_sym hashed end end end