require 'rails/generators/active_record' module Adminpanel module Generators class GalleryGenerator < ActiveRecord::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path("../templates", __FILE__) desc "Generate the resource files necessary to use a model" # argument :reference_model, # :aliases => "-m", # :type => :string, # :require => true, # :desc => 'Choose the model that you want the uploader to belong_to' def create_model template 'gallery_template.rb', "app/models/adminpanel/#{lower_name}.rb" end def create_uploader template 'uploader.rb', "app/uploaders/adminpanel/#{lower_name}_uploader.rb" end def create_migration migration_template 'gallery_migration.rb', "db/migrate/create_adminpanel_#{lower_name.pluralize}_table.rb" puts "don't forget to add the form_field, the relationship and #{lower_name}s_attributes it to attr_accessible" end private def reference_name name.singularize.downcase end def class_name "#{lower_name.capitalize}" end def lower_name "#{name.singularize.downcase}file" end end end end