require 'rspec' require 'spec_helper' require 'mercury' require 'mercury/monadic' require 'securerandom' require 'logatron/logatron' describe Mercury::Monadic do include Cps::Methods include MercuryFakeSpec let!(:source1) { 'test-exchange1' } let!(:source2) { 'test-exchange2' } let!(:source) { source1 } let!(:queue1) { 'test-queue1' } let!(:queue2) { 'test-queue2' } let!(:queue) { queue1 } let!(:worker) { queue } let!(:tag1) { 'tag1' } let!(:tag2) { 'tag2' } let!(:tag) { tag1 } let!(:msg1) { {'a' => 1} } let!(:msg2) { {'b' => 2} } let!(:msg3) { {'c' => 3} } let!(:msg4) { {'d' => 4} } let!(:msg) { msg1 } let!(:long_enough_to_receive_any_messages) { 0.5 } # seconds # Sending an receiving are complementary operations. You can't test # one without testing the other. Consequently, these tests verify # system behavior rather than method contracts. itt 'sends and receives messages' do test_with_mercury do |m| msgs = [] seql do and_then { m.start_listener(source1, &msgs.method(:push)) } and_then { m.publish(source1, msg1) } and_then { m.publish(source2, msg2) } # different source and_then { m.publish(source1, msg3) } and_then { wait_until { msgs.size == 2 } } and_lift do msgs.each { |msg| expect(msg).to be_a Mercury::ReceivedMessage } expect(msgs[0].content).to eql(msg1) expect(msgs[1].content).to eql(msg3) end end end end itt 'broadcasts messages to listeners' do test_with_mercury do |m| msgs1 = [] msgs2 = [] seql do and_then { m.start_listener(source1, &msgs1.method(:push)) } and_then { m.start_listener(source1, &msgs2.method(:push)) } and_then { m.publish(source1, msg1) } and_then { wait_until { msgs1.size == 1 && msgs2.size == 1 } } and_lift do expect(msgs1[0].content).to eql(msg1) expect(msgs2[0].content).to eql(msg1) end end end end itt 'it receives messages in parallel' do test_with_mercury(parallelism: 2) do |m| events = [] handle_msg = proc do |msg| content = msg.content events.push "received #{content['id']}" EventMachine.add_timer(content['sleep_seconds']) do events.push "finished #{content['id']}" msg.ack end end seql do and_then { m.start_worker('worker1', source1, handle_msg) } and_then { m.publish(source1, {'id' => 1, 'sleep_seconds' => 0.1}) } and_then { m.publish(source1, {'id' => 2, 'sleep_seconds' => 0.1}) } and_then { wait_until { events.size == 4 } } and_lift do expect(events).to eql ['received 1', 'received 2', 'finished 1', 'finished 2'] end end end end itt 'sends and receives tagged messages' do test_with_mercury do |m| msgs = [] seql do and_then { m.start_listener(source, tag_filter: tag1, &msgs.method(:push)) } and_then { m.publish(source, msg1, tag: tag1) } and_then { m.publish(source, msg2, tag: tag2) } # different tag and_then { m.publish(source, msg3, tag: tag1) } and_then { wait_until { msgs.size == 2 } } and_lift do expect(msgs[0].content).to eql(msg1) expect(msgs[0].tag).to eql(tag1) expect(msgs[1].content).to eql(msg3) expect(msgs[1].tag).to eql(tag1) end end end end itt 'sends and receives headers' do test_with_mercury do |m| msgs = [] seql do and_then { m.start_listener(source, &msgs.method(:push)) } and_then { m.publish(source, msg, headers: {'foo' => 'bar'}) } and_then { wait_until { msgs.size == 1 } } and_lift do expect(msgs[0].headers['foo']).to eql 'bar' end end end end it 'propagates logatron headers' do real_msg_id = SecureRandom.uuid Logatron.msg_id = real_msg_id test_with_mercury do |m| msgs = [] seql do and_then { m.start_listener(source, &msgs.method(:push)) } and_lift { EM.next_tick { Logatron.msg_id = 'fake_msg_id' } } # we want this to happen right after publishing but before getting the response and_then { m.publish(source, msg) } and_then { wait_until { msgs.size == 1 } } and_lift do expect(msgs[0].headers['X-Ascent-Log-Id']).to eql real_msg_id expect(Logatron.msg_id).to eql real_msg_id end end end end itt 'uses AMQP-style tag filters' do test_with_mercury do |m| successes = [] failures = [] bars = [] everything = [] everything2 = [] everything3 = [] all_msgs_received = proc do successes.size == 2 && failures.size == 2 && bars.size == 2 && everything.size == 4 && everything2.size == 4 && everything3.size == 4 end seql do and_then { m.start_listener(source, tag_filter: '*.success', &successes.method(:push)) } and_then { m.start_listener(source, tag_filter: '*.failure', &failures.method(:push)) } and_then { m.start_listener(source, tag_filter: 'bar.*', &bars.method(:push)) } and_then { m.start_listener(source, tag_filter: '#', &everything.method(:push)) } and_then { m.start_listener(source, tag_filter: nil, &everything2.method(:push)) } and_then { m.start_worker(worker, source, tag_filter: nil) { |msg| everything3.push(msg); msg.ack } } and_then { m.publish(source, msg1, tag: 'foo.success') } and_then { m.publish(source, msg2, tag: 'foo.failure') } and_then { m.publish(source, msg3, tag: 'bar.success') } and_then { m.publish(source, msg4, tag: 'bar.failure') } and_then { wait_until(&all_msgs_received) } and_lift do expect(successes[0].content).to eql(msg1) expect(successes[1].content).to eql(msg3) expect(failures[0].content).to eql(msg2) expect(failures[1].content).to eql(msg4) expect(bars[0].content).to eql(msg3) expect(bars[1].content).to eql(msg4) expect(everything[0].content).to eql(msg1) expect(everything[1].content).to eql(msg2) expect(everything[2].content).to eql(msg3) expect(everything[3].content).to eql(msg4) expect( eql( expect( eql( end end end end itt 'workers share a queue' do test_with_mercury do |m| seql do let(:m2) { } work1 = [] work2 = [] and_then { m.start_worker(worker, source, &push_and_ack(work1)) } and_then { m2.start_worker(worker, source, &push_and_ack(work2)) } and_then { m.publish(source, msg1) } and_then { m.publish(source, msg2) } and_then { wait_until { work1.size + work2.size == 2 } } and_lift { expect((work1 + work2).map(&:content).uniq.size).to eql 2 } and_then { m2.close } end end end def push_and_ack(array) proc do |msg| array.push(msg) msg.ack end end itt 'workers can specify tag filters' do test_with_mercury do |m| seql do let(:m2) { } work1 = [] work2 = [] and_then { m.start_worker(worker, source, tag_filter: 'success', &work1.method(:push)) } and_then { m2.start_worker(worker, source, tag_filter: 'failure', &work2.method(:push)) } and_then { m.publish(source, msg1, tag: 'success') } and_then { m.publish(source, msg2, tag: 'failure') } and_then { wait_until { work1.size == 1 && work2.size == 1 } } and_lift do expect(work1[0].content).to eql msg1 expect(work2[0].content).to eql msg2 end and_then { m2.close } end end end itt 'a worker must ack before receiving another message' do test_with_mercury do |m| msgs = [] seql do and_then { m.start_worker(worker, source, &msgs.method(:push)) } and_then { m.publish(source, msg1) } and_then { m.publish(source, msg2) } and_then { wait_for(long_enough_to_receive_any_messages) } and_lift { expect(msgs.size).to eql 1 } and_lift { msgs[0].ack } and_then { wait_until { msgs.size == 2 } } end end end itt 'rejected messages are not requeued' do test_with_mercury do |m| msgs = [] seql do and_then { m.start_worker(worker, source, &msgs.method(:push)) } and_then { m.publish(source, msg) } and_then { wait_until { msgs.size == 1 } } and_lift { msgs[0].reject } and_then { wait_for(long_enough_to_receive_any_messages) } and_lift { expect(msgs.size).to eql 1} end end end itt 'nacked messages are requeued' do test_with_mercury do |m| msgs = [] seql do and_then { m.start_worker(worker, source, &msgs.method(:push)) } and_then { m.publish(source, msg) } and_then { wait_until { msgs.size == 1 } } and_lift { msgs[0].nack } and_then { wait_until { msgs.size == 2} } end end end it 'unacked messages are requeued (client failure)' do test_with_mercury do |m| msgs = [] seql do and_then { m.start_worker(worker, source, &msgs.method(:push)) } and_then { m.publish(source, msg) } and_then { wait_until { msgs.size == 1 } } and_then { m.close } let(:m2) { } and_then { m2.start_worker(worker, source, &msgs.method(:push)) } and_then { wait_until { msgs.size == 2 } } and_then { m2.close } end end end describe '#delete_source' do itt 'deletes the source if it exists' do test_with_mercury do |m| seql do and_then { m.start_listener(source) } let(:r1) { m.source_exists?(source) } and_lift { expect(r1).to be true } and_then { m.delete_source(source) } let(:r2) { m.source_exists?(source) } and_lift { expect(r2).to be false } end end end itt 'does nothing if the source does not exist' do test_with_mercury do |m| seql do and_then { m.delete_source(source) } let(:r) { m.source_exists?(source) } and_lift { expect(r).to be false } end end end end describe '#delete_work_queue' do itt 'deletes the queue if it exists' do test_with_mercury do |m| seql do and_then { m.start_worker(queue, source) } let(:r1) { m.queue_exists?(queue) } and_lift { expect(r1).to be true } and_then { m.delete_work_queue(queue) } let(:r2) { m.queue_exists?(queue) } and_lift { expect(r2).to be false } end end end itt 'does nothing if the queue does not exist' do test_with_mercury do |m| seql do and_then { m.delete_work_queue(queue) } let(:r) { m.queue_exists?(queue) } and_lift { expect(r).to be false } end end end end describe '#source_exists?' do itt 'returns false when the source does not exist' do test_with_mercury do |m| m.source_exists?('asdf'). and_lift { |result| expect(result).to be false } end end it 'returns true when the source exists' do test_with_mercury do |m| m.source_exists?(''). and_lift { |result| expect(result).to be true } end end end describe '#queue_exists?' do itt 'returns false when the queue does not exist' do test_with_mercury do |m| m.queue_exists?('asdf'). and_lift { |result| expect(result).to be false } end end itt 'returns true when the source exists' do test_with_mercury do |m| m.start_worker(queue1, source1, proc{}). and_then { m.queue_exists?(queue1) }. and_lift { |result| expect(result).to be true } end end end describe '#open' do it 'relays args to' do logger = double expect(Mercury).to receive(:open).with(logger: logger, host: 'asdf') logger, host: 'asdf').run end end # the block must return a Cps def test_with_mercury(parallelism: 1, &block) sources = [source1, source2] queues = [queue1, queue2] test_with_mercury_cps(sources, queues, parallelism: parallelism, &block) end end