module Spree module Core module ControllerHelpers def self.included(receiver) receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods receiver.send :layout, '/spree/layouts/spree_application' receiver.send :helper, 'spree/hook' receiver.send :before_filter, 'instantiate_controller_and_action_names' receiver.send :before_filter, 'set_user_language' receiver.send :helper_method, 'title' receiver.send :helper_method, 'title=' receiver.send :helper_method, 'accurate_title' receiver.send :helper_method, 'get_taxonomies' receiver.send :helper_method, 'current_gateway' receiver.send :helper_method, 'current_order' receiver.send :include, SslRequirement receiver.send :include, Spree::Core::CurrentOrder end module InstanceMethods def access_forbidden render :text => 'Access Forbidden', :layout => true, :status => 401 end # can be used in views as well as controllers. # e.g. <% title = 'This is a custom title for this view' %> attr_writer :title def title title_string = @title.present? ? @title : accurate_title if title_string.present? if Spree::Config[:always_put_site_name_in_title] [default_title, title_string].join(' - ') else title_string end else default_title end end protected def default_title Spree::Config[:site_name] end # this is a hook for subclasses to provide title def accurate_title Spree::Config[:default_seo_title] end def render_404(exception = nil) respond_to do |type| type.html { render :status => :not_found, :file => "#{::Rails.root}/public/404.html", :layout => nil} type.all { render :status => :not_found, :nothing => true } end end # Convenience method for firing instrumentation events with the default payload hash def fire_event(name, extra_payload = {}) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument(name, default_notification_payload.merge(extra_payload)) end # Creates the hash that is sent as the payload for all notifications. Specific notifications will # add additional keys as appropriate. Override this method if you need additional data when # responding to a notification def default_notification_payload { :user => (respond_to?(:current_user) && current_user), :order => current_order(true) } end private def redirect_back_or_default(default) redirect_to(session["user_return_to"] || default) session["user_return_to"] = nil end def instantiate_controller_and_action_names @current_action = action_name @current_controller = controller_name end def get_taxonomies @taxonomies ||= Taxonomy.includes(:root => :children).joins(:root) end def current_gateway ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "current_gateway is deprecated and will be removed in Spree > 1.0" @current_gateway ||= Gateway.current end def associate_user return unless current_user and current_order current_order.associate_user!(current_user) session[:guest_token] = nil end def set_user_language locale = session[:locale] || Spree::Config[:default_locale] || Rails.application.config.i18n.default_locale locale = I18n.default_locale unless locale && I18n.locale = locale end end end end end