import React, { useContext, useState } from 'react';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { Alert, Flex, FlexItem, Label, AlertActionCloseButton } from '@patternfly/react-core';
import { ExclamationTriangleIcon } from '@patternfly/react-icons';
import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n';
import { selectCVActivationKeys, selectCVHosts } from '../../../ContentViewDetailSelectors';
import DeleteContext from '../DeleteContext';
import { pluralize } from '../../../../../../utils/helpers';
import WizardHeader from '../../../../components/WizardHeader';
const CVVersionRemoveReview = () => {
const [alertDismissed, setAlertDismissed] = useState(false);
const {
cvId, versionNameToRemove, versionEnvironments, selectedEnvSet,
selectedEnvForAK, selectedCVNameForAK, selectedCVNameForHosts,
selectedEnvForHost, affectedActivationKeys, affectedHosts, deleteFlow, removeDeletionFlow,
} = useContext(DeleteContext);
const activationKeysResponse = useSelector(state => selectCVActivationKeys(state, cvId));
const hostsResponse = useSelector(state => selectCVHosts(state, cvId));
const { results: hostResponse } = hostsResponse;
const { results: akResponse } = activationKeysResponse;
const selectedEnv = versionEnvironments.filter(env => selectedEnvSet.has(;
const versionDeleteInfo = __(`Version ${versionNameToRemove} will be deleted from all environments. It will no longer be available for promotion.`);
const removalNotice = __(`Version ${versionNameToRemove} will be removed from the environments listed below, and will remain available for later promotion. ` +
'Changes listed below will be effective after clicking Remove.');
return (
{__(`${pluralize(hostResponse.length, 'host')} will be moved to content view ${selectedCVNameForHosts} in `)}
{__(`${pluralize(akResponse.length, 'activation key')} will be moved to content view ${selectedCVNameForAK} in `)}