require 'win/library'
module Win
module System
# Contains constants and Win32 API functions related to system information functions.
# More functions of this type can be found here:
module Info
extend Win::Library
# Enum COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT (for GetComputerNameEx). TODO: convert into FFI::Enum
ComputerNameNetBIOS = 0
ComputerNameDnsHostname = 1
ComputerNameDnsDomain = 2
ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified = 3
ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS = 4
ComputerNamePhysicalDnsHostname = 5
ComputerNamePhysicalDnsDomain = 6
ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified = 7
ComputerNameMax = 8
class << self
# Helper method that creates def_block returning (possibly encoded) string as a result of
# api function call or nil if api call was not successful. TODO: put this into some kind of helper?
def return_sized_string( encode = nil ) #:nodoc:
lambda do |api, *args|
namespace.enforce_count( args, api.prototype, -2)
buffer = :char, 1024
size =
args += [buffer, size]
success =*args)
return nil unless success
num_chars = size.read_long
if encode
string = buffer.get_bytes(0, num_chars*2)
string = string.force_encoding('utf-16LE').encode(encode)
string = buffer.get_bytes(0, num_chars)
private :return_sized_string
# GetComputerName Function.
# Retrieves the NetBIOS name of the local computer. This name is established at system startup, when the
# system reads it from the registry.
# GetComputerName retrieves only the NetBIOS name of the local computer. To retrieve the DNS host name,
# DNS domain name, or the fully qualified DNS name, call the GetComputerNameEx function. Additional
# information is provided by the IADsADSystemInfo interface.
# The behavior of this function can be affected if the local computer is a node in a cluster. For more
# information, see ResUtilGetEnvironmentWithNetName and UseNetworkName.
# [*Syntax*] BOOL GetComputerName( LPTSTR lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpnSize );
# lpBuffer:: A pointer to a buffer that receives the computer name or the cluster virtual server name. The buffer
# size should be large enough to contain MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 characters.
# lpnSize:: On input, specifies the size of the buffer, in TCHARs. On output, the number of TCHARs copied to the
# destination buffer, not including the terminating null character.
# If the buffer is too small, the function fails and GetLastError returns ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW. The
# lpnSize parameter specifies the size of the buffer required, not including the terminating null char.
# *Returns*:: If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.
# If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error info, call GetLastError.
# ---
# *Remarks*:
# The GetComputerName function retrieves the NetBIOS name established at system startup. Name changes
# made by the SetComputerName or SetComputerNameEx functions do not take effect until the user restarts
# the computer.
# If the caller is running under a client session, this function returns the server name. To retrieve
# the client name, use the WTSQuerySessionInformation function.
# DLL Requires Kernel32.dll.
# Unicode Implemented as GetComputerNameW (Unicode) and GetComputerNameA (ANSI).
# ---
# *See* *Also*
# Computer Names
# GetComputerNameEx
# SetComputerName
# SetComputerNameEx
# System Information Functions
# ---
# Enhanced (snake_case) API: no arguments needed
# :call-seq:
# name = [get_]computer_name()
function :GetComputerName, [:pointer, :pointer], :int8, &return_sized_string
# GetUserName Function.
# Retrieves the name of the user associated with the current thread.
# Use the GetUserNameEx function to retrieve the user name in a specified format. Additional information
# is provided by the IADsADSystemInfo interface.
# [*Syntax*] BOOL WINAPI GetUserName( LPTSTR lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpnSize );
# lpBuffer:: A pointer to the buffer to receive the user's logon name. If this buffer is not large enough to
# contain the entire user name, the function fails. A buffer size of (UNLEN + 1) characters will hold
# the maximum length user name including the terminating null character. UNLEN is defined in Lmcons.h.
# lpnSize:: On input, this variable specifies the size of the lpBuffer buffer, in TCHARs. On output, the variable
# receives the number of TCHARs copied to the buffer, including the terminating null character.
# If lpBuffer is too small, the function fails and GetLastError returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER. This
# parameter receives the required buffer size, including the terminating null character.
# If it is greater than 32767, function fails and GetLastError returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.
# *Returns*:: If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value, and the variable pointed to
# by lpnSize contains the number of TCHARs copied to the buffer specified by lpBuffer,
# including the terminating null character. If the function fails, the return value is zero.
# To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
# ---
# *Remarks*:
# If the current thread is impersonating another client, the GetUserName function returns the user name
# of the client that the thread is impersonating.
# Example Code
# For an example, see Getting System Information.
# Requirements
# Client Requires Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 Professional.
# Server Requires Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, or Windows 2000 Server.
# Header Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h.
# Library Use Advapi32.lib.
# DLL Requires Advapi32.dll.
# Unicode Implemented as GetUserNameW (Unicode) and GetUserNameA (ANSI).
# ---
# *See* *Also*:
# GetUserNameEx
# LookupAccountName
# System Information Functions
# ---
# Enhanced (snake_case) API: no arguments needed
# :call-seq:
# username = [get_]user_name()
function :GetUserName, [:pointer, :pointer], :int8, :dll=> 'advapi32', &return_sized_string
# Untested
function :GetComputerNameEx, 'PPP', :int8, boolean: true
function :GetUserNameEx, 'LPP', :int8, boolean: true, dll: 'secur32'
function :ExpandEnvironmentStrings, 'PPL', :long
function :GetSystemInfo, 'P', :void
function :GetWindowsDirectory, 'PI', :int
# XP or later
try_function :GetSystemWow64Directory, 'PI', :int