= Relaton YAML == YAML The following structure is in place for encoding bibitem as YAML objects, and is also used to represent bibliographic entries in Metanorma Asciidoctor. The structure has not yet been generalised to `bibdata/ext`, the flavour specific extensions of relaton. Any elements which are arrays can also be populated by a hash or single element. For example, the following are equivalent: [source,yaml] .... title: - type: main content: Geographic information title: type: main content: Geographic information script: - Latn script: Latn .... In YAML, "on" is a reserved word, and thus cannot be used as a key. "value" is used as a synonym for "on" in dates. The structure below is given in YAML format: [source,yaml] .... # bibliographic item anchor, used to crossreference within document id: ISO/TC211 # date record was created fetched: 2019-06-30 # titles are an array, with a mandatory type and content, and optional format, language and script title: - type: main content: Geographic information - type: subtitle content: Geographic information subtitle language: en script: Latn format: text/plain # type of document type: standard # document identifiers are an array, with a mandatory type and id component docid: type: ISO id: TC211 # document number docnumber: 211 # edition edition: 1 # language is an array language: - en - fr # script is an array script: Latn # version contains revision date and draft (as array) version: revision_date: 2019-04-01 draft: draft # note is an array of type and content biblionote: type: bibnote content: > Mark set a major league home run record in 1998. # document status has stage, and optional substage and iteration docstatus: stage: stage substage: substage iteration: iteration # date is an array, with mandatory type, and either an "on" value or a "from" and optional "to" value date: - type: issued value: 2014 - type: published from: 2014-04 to: 2014-05 - type: accessed value: 2015-05-20 # abstract is an array, with content, and optional language, script, format abstract: - content: > ISO 19115-1:2014 defines the schema required for ... - content: > L'ISO 19115-1:2014 définit le schéma requis pour ... language: fr script: Latn format: text/plain # contributors are an array of entity/role pairs, where entity is either person or organization. # The role is an array of type and description; it can be a an array of just string, which are treated # as the type. # Organisations have attributes name, url, abbreviation, subdivision, contacts, identifiers # Persons have attributes name, affiliation, contacts # Person names have attributes surname, completename, initials, forename, additions, prefixes. # Initials, forename, additions, prefixes are arrays. # Name field values are either strings, or hashes, with content and language and script attributes. # The language and script attribute can also be given on the name. # Contacts are an array, containing either addresses, or other fields. # Addresses are identified as hashes containing a city attribute; they can also contain a street # (which is an array), a postcode, a state, and a country. The other contact fields # are phones, emails, uris; they contain a type giving the field name, and a value. # Affiliations are an array, and they contains an organization, and an optional description. # The affiliation description can be a single string, or a hash of content, language, script, and format. contributor: - organization: name: International Organization for Standardization url: www.iso.org abbreviation: ISO subdivision: division role: type: publisher description: Publisher role - person: name: completename: content: A. Bierman language: en affiliation: - organization: name: IETF abbreviation: IETF identifier: - type: uri id: www.ietf.org description: Affiliation description contact: - street: - 8 Street St city: City postcode: 123456 country: Country state: State - type: phone value: 223322 role: author - person: name: IETF abbreviation: IETF identifier: - type: uri id: www.ietf.org role: publisher - person: name: language: en initial: - A. surname: Bierman affiliation: - organization: name: IETF abbreviation: IETF description: content: Affiliation description language: en script: Latn identifier: - type: uri id: www.person.com role: author # copyright consists of an owner (a hash containing the fields of an organisation), # a "from" date, and an optional "to" date copyright: owner: name: International Organization for Standardization abbreviation: ISO url: www.iso.org from: 2014 to: 2020 # link is an array of URIs, with a type and content link: - type: src content: https://www.iso.org/standard/53798.html - type: obp content: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#!iso:std:53798:en - type: rss content: https://www.iso.org/contents/data/standard/05/37/53798.detail.rss # relations are an array of type, bibitem, and bib_locality. # bibitem contains any of the attributes of a bibliographic item. # bib_locality is an array that contains a type, a reference_from, and optionally a reference_to relation: - type: updates bibitem: formattedref: ISO 19115:2003 bib_locality: type: page reference_from: 7 reference_to: 10 - type: updates bibitem: type: standard formattedref: ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1:2006 # series are an array, containing a type, and either a formattedref, or: # a title, a place, an organization (string), # an abbreviation, a from, a to, a number, and a partnumber. # The series title, like the titles of bibliographic items, contains a type, # content, and optional language, script, and format attributes. # The abbreviation and formattedref are either a string, # or a hash containing content, language, and script. series: - type: main title: type: original content: ISO/IEC FDIS 10118-3 language: en script: Latn format: text/plain place: Serie's place organization: Serie's organization abbreviation: content: ABVR language: en script: Latn from: 2009-02-01 to: 2010-12-20 number: serie1234 partnumber: part5678 - type: alt formattedref: content: serieref language: en script: Latn # medium contains a form, a size, and a scale medium: form: medium form size: medium size scale: medium scale # place is an array of strings place: bib place # extent is an array, containing type, a reference_from, and an optional reference_to extent: type: section reference_from: 7 # accesslocation is an array of strings accesslocation: - accesslocation1 - accesslocation2 # classification is an array of type and value classification: type: type value: value # validity contains a begins date, an ends date, and a revision date validity: begins: 2010-10-10 12:21 ends: 2011-02-03 18:30 revision: 2011-03-04 09:00 .... == Metanorma structure: nested definition list The Metanorma Asciidoctor representation of this hash structure in a bibliography is as a definition list, with nested definition lists for nested structures. Repeating elements in a hash can be realised as ordered or unordered lists. However, given how awkward lists of definition lists are in Asciidoctor (with a limitation of three nesting levels), Metanorma Asciidoctor also supports representing repeating elements by repeating the key for that entry. Each Relaton entry in a bibliography is represented in Metanorma Asciidoctor through a subclause with option attribute `[%bibitem]`. Any title given to the subclause is treated as the title for the bibliographic entry, with language `en`, script `Latn`, format `text/plain`, and type `main`. If there is no such title for the entry, the subclause title should be left as `{blank}`. So the following is a very simple reference in Metanorma Asciidoctor: [source,asciidoc] ---- [%bibitem] === Rubber latex -- Sampling id:: iso123 docid:: type::: ISO id::: ISO 123 docid:: type::: ABC id::: 32784 type:: standard ---- The anchor crossreference for the bibliographic entry may be encoded as the `id` entry in the definition list, or as the normal Asciidoctor anchor on the subclause, which takes priority over it: [source,asciidoc] ---- [[iso123]] [%bibitem] === Rubber latex -- Sampling docid:: type::: ISO id::: ISO 123 type:: standard ---- Asciidoctor does not currently cope with definition lists more than four levels deep. If deeper nesting is needed, you will need to attach a new definition list with a list continuation: [source,asciidoc] ---- [[iso123]] [%bibitem] === Rubber latex -- Sampling docid:: type::: ISO id::: ISO 123 type:: standard contributor:: role::: author person::: name:::: + -- completename:: language::: en content::: Fred -- ---- The most heavily nested parts of a Relaton entry are the contributors, series, and relations. To prevent excessive depth of nesting for such entries, they can be marked up as subclauses within the entry, with the clause titles "contributor", "series", and "relation". Each subclause contains a new definition list, with its definition list reset to zero depth; the subclauses can be repeated for multiple instances of the same subentity. The following is Metanorma Asciidoctor markup corresponding to the YAML given above: [source,asciidoc] .... [[ISO/TC211]] [%bibitem] === {blank} fetched:: 2019-06-30 title:: type::: main content::: Geographic information title:: type::: subtitle content::: Geographic information subtitle language::: en script::: Latn format::: text/plain type:: standard docid:: type::: ISO id::: TC211 docnumber:: 211 edition:: 1 language:: . en . fr script:: Latn version:: revision_date::: 2019-04-01 draft::: draft biblionote:: type::: bibnote content::: + -- Mark set a major league home run record in 1998. -- docstatus:: stage::: stage substage::: substage iteration::: iteration date:: type::: issued value::: 2014 date:: type::: published from::: 2014-04 to::: 2014-05 date:: type::: accessed value::: 2015-05-20 abstract:: content::: + -- ISO 19115-1:2014 defines the schema required for ... -- abstract:: content::: L'ISO 19115-1:2014 définit le schéma requis pour ... language::: fr script::: Latn format::: text/plain copyright:: owner::: name:::: International Organization for Standardization abbreviation:::: ISO url:::: www.iso.org from::: 2014 to::: 2020 link:: type::: src content::: https://www.iso.org/standard/53798.html link:: type::: obp content::: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#!iso:std:53798:en link:: type::: rss content::: https://www.iso.org/contents/data/standard/05/37/53798.detail.rss medium:: form::: medium form size::: medium size scale::: medium scale place:: bib place extent:: type::: section reference_from::: 7 accesslocation:: . accesslocation1 . accesslocation2 classification:: type::: type value::: value validity:: begins::: 2010-10-10 12:21 ends::: 2011-02-03 18:30 ==== Contributor organization:: name::: International Organization for Standardization url::: www.iso.org abbreviation::: ISO subdivision::: division role:: type::: publisher description::: Publisher role ==== Contributor person:: name::: completename:::: + -- content:: A. Bierman language:: en -- affiliation::: organization:::: + -- name:: IETF abbreviation:: IETF identifier:: type::: uri id::: www.ietf.org -- description:::: Affiliation description contact::: street:::: . 8 Street St city:::: City postcode:::: 123456 country:::: Country state:::: State contact::: type:::: phone value:::: 223322 role:: author ==== Contributor organization:: name::: IETF abbreviation::: IETF identifier::: type:::: uri id:::: www.ietf.org role:: publisher ==== Contributor person:: name::: language:::: en initial:::: A. surname:::: Bierman affiliation::: + -- organization:: name::: IETF abbreviation::: IETF description:: content::: Affiliation description language::: en script::: Latn -- identifier::: type:::: uri id:::: www.person.com role:: author ==== Relation type:: updates bibitem:: formattedref::: ISO 19115:2003 bib_locality::: type:::: page reference_from:::: 7 reference_to:::: 10 ==== Relation type:: updates bibitem:: type::: standard formattedref::: ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1:2006 ==== Series type:: main title:: type::: original content::: ISO/IEC FDIS 10118-3 language::: en script::: Latn format::: text/plain place:: Serie's place organization:: Serie's organization abbreviation:: content::: ABVR language::: en script::: Latn from:: 2009-02-01 to:: 2010-12-20 number:: serie1234 partnumber:: part5678 ==== Series type:: alt formattedref:: content::: serieref language::: en script::: Latn .... == JSON Path style definition lists The foregoing structure requires frequent breakouts into open blocks, to deal with the limitation on Asciidoctor nested definition lists. An alternative is to represent the nested structure of Relaton records in a simple, one-level definition list, and to use the key for each key-value pair to represent the hierarchical nesting of entries, as a dot-delimited path of keys. For example, [source,asciidoc] ---- [%bibitem] === Rubber latex -- Sampling id:: iso123 docid:: type::: ISO id::: ISO 123 ---- can instead be represented as: [source,asciidoc] ---- [%bibitem] === Rubber latex -- Sampling id:: iso123 docid.type:: ISO docid.id::: ISO 123 ---- Whenever part of the key is repeated between entries, the entries are assumed to attach to the same parent. If an array of hashes is needed, a blank entry is required for the key of each repeating element: For example, [source,asciidoc] ---- [%bibitem] === Rubber latex -- Sampling id:: iso123 docid:: type::: ISO id::: ISO 123 docid:: type::: ABC id::: 32784 type:: standard ---- can instead be represented as: [source,asciidoc] ---- [%bibitem] === Rubber latex -- Sampling id:: iso123 docid:: docid.type:: ISO docid.id::: ISO 123 docid:: docid.type:: ABC docid.id:: 32784 ---- Embedded elements can also repeat: [source,asciidoc] ---- [%bibitem] ... ==== Contributor person:: contact::: street:::: . 8 Street St city:::: City postcode:::: 123456 country:::: Country state:::: State contact::: type:::: phone value:::: 223322 ---- can instead be represented as: [source,asciidoc] ---- [%bibitem] ... contributor.person.contact:: contributor.person.contact.street:: 8 Street St contributor.person.contact.city:: City contributor.person.contact.postcode:: 123456 contributor.person.contact.country:: Country contributor.person.contact.state:: State contributor.person.contact:: contributor.person.contact.type:: phone contributor.person.contact.value:: 223322 ---- The following is Metanorma Asciidoctor markup corresponding to the YAML given above, using JSON Path style definition lists instead of nested definition lists: [source,asciidoc] .... [[ISO/TC211]] [%bibitem] === {blank} fetched:: 2019-06-30 title:: title.type:: main title.content:: Geographic information title:: title.type:: subtitle title.content:: Geographic information subtitle title.language:: en title.script:: Latn title.format:: text/plain type:: standard docid:: docid.type:: ISO docid.id:: TC211 docnumber:: 211 edition:: 1 language:: en language:: fr script:: Latn version.revision_date:: 2019-04-01 version.draft:: draft biblionote.type:: bibnote biblionote.content:: + -- Mark set a major league home run record in 1998. -- docstatus.stage:: stage docstatus.substage:: substage docstatus.iteration:: iteration date:: date.type:: issued date.value:: 2014 date:: date.type:: published date.from:: 2014-04 date.to:: 2014-05 date:: date.type:: accessed date.value:: 2015-05-20 abstract:: abstract.content:: + -- ISO 19115-1:2014 defines the schema required for ... -- abstract:: abstract.content:: L'ISO 19115-1:2014 définit le schéma requis pour ... abstract.language:: fr abstract.script:: Latn abstract.format:: text/plain copyright.owner.name:: International Organization for Standardization copyright.owner.abbreviation:: ISO copyright.owner.url:: www.iso.org copyright.from:: 2014 copyright.to:: 2020 link:: link.type:: src link.content:: https://www.iso.org/standard/53798.html link:: link.type:: obp link.content:: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#!iso:std:53798:en link:: link.type:: rss link.content:: https://www.iso.org/contents/data/standard/05/37/53798.detail.rss medium:: medium.form:: medium form medium.size:: medium size medium.scale:: medium scale place:: bib place extent.type:: section extent.reference_from:: 7 accesslocation:: accesslocation1 accesslocation:: accesslocation2 classification.type:: type classification.value:: value validity.begins:: 2010-10-10 12:21 validity.ends:: 2011-02-03 18:30 contributor:: contributor.organization.name:: International Organization for Standardization contributor.organization.url:: www.iso.org contributor.organization.abbreviation:: ISO contributor.organization.subdivision:: division contributor.role.type:: publisher contributor.role.description:: Publisher role contributor:: contributor.person.name.completename.content:: A. Bierman contributor.person.name.completename.language:: en contributor.person.affiliation.organization.name:: IETF contributor.person.affiliation.organization.abbreviation:: IETF contributor.person.affiliation.organization.identifier.type:: uri contributor.person.affiliation.organization.identifier.id:: www.ietf.org contributor.person.affiliation.description:: Affiliation description contributor.person.contact:: contributor.person.contact.street:: 8 Street St contributor.person.contact.city:: City contributor.person.contact.postcode:: 123456 contributor.person.contact.country:: Country contributor.person.contact.state:: State contributor.person.contact:: contributor.person.contact.type:: phone contributor.person.contact.value:: 223322 contributor.role:: author contributor:: contributor.organization.name:: IETF contributor.organization.abbreviation:: IETF contributor.organization.identifier.type:: uri contributor.organization.identifier.id:: www.ietf.org contributor.role:: publisher contributor:: contributor.person.name.language:: en contributor.person.name.initial:: A. contributor.person.name.surname:: Bierman contributor.person.affiliation.organization.name:: IETF contributor.person.affiliation.organization.abbreviation:: IETF contributor.person.affiliation.description.content:: Affiliation description contributor.person.affiliation.description.language:: en contributor.person.affiliation.description.script:: Latn contributor.person.identifier.type:: uri contributor.person.identifier.id:: www.person.com contributor.role:: author relation:: relation.type:: updates relation.bibitem.formattedref:: ISO 19115:2003 relation.bibitem.bib_locality.type:: page relation.bibitem.bib_locality.reference_from:: 7 relation.bibitem.bib_locality.reference_to:: 10 relation:: relation.type:: updates relation.bibitem.type:: standard relation.bibitem.formattedref:: ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1:2006 series:: series.type:: main series.title.type:: original series.title.content:: ISO/IEC FDIS 10118-3 series.title.language:: en series.title.script:: Latn series.title.format:: text/plain series.place:: Serie's place series.organization:: Serie's organization series.abbreviation.content:: ABVR series.abbreviation.language:: en series.abbreviation.script:: Latn series.from:: 2009-02-01 series.to:: 2010-12-20 series.number:: serie1234 series.partnumber:: part5678 series:: series.type:: alt series.formattedref.content:: serieref series.formattedref.language:: en series.formattedref.script:: Latn ----