
gstpbutilsmissingplugins — Create, recognise and parse missing-plugins messages


#include <gst/pbutils/missing-plugins.h>

gchar *             gst_missing_plugin_message_get_installer_detail
                                                        (GstMessage *msg);
gchar *             gst_missing_plugin_message_get_description
                                                        (GstMessage *msg);
gboolean            gst_is_missing_plugin_message       (GstMessage *msg);

GstMessage *        gst_missing_decoder_message_new     (GstElement *element,
                                                         const GstCaps *decode_caps);
GstMessage *        gst_missing_encoder_message_new     (GstElement *element,
                                                         const GstCaps *encode_caps);
GstMessage *        gst_missing_uri_source_message_new  (GstElement *element,
                                                         const gchar *protocol);
GstMessage *        gst_missing_uri_sink_message_new    (GstElement *element,
                                                         const gchar *protocol);
GstMessage *        gst_missing_element_message_new     (GstElement *element,
                                                         const gchar *factory_name);

gchar *             gst_missing_uri_source_installer_detail_new
                                                        (const gchar *protocol);
gchar *             gst_missing_uri_sink_installer_detail_new
                                                        (const gchar *protocol);
gchar *             gst_missing_element_installer_detail_new
                                                        (const gchar *factory_name);
gchar *             gst_missing_decoder_installer_detail_new
                                                        (const GstCaps *decode_caps);
gchar *             gst_missing_encoder_installer_detail_new
                                                        (const GstCaps *encode_caps);


Functions to create, recognise and parse missing-plugins messages for applications and elements.

Missing-plugin messages are posted on the bus by elements like decodebin or playbin if they can't find an appropriate source element or decoder element. The application can use these messages for two things:

Applications may also create missing-plugin messages themselves to install required elements that are missing, using the install mechanism mentioned above.


gst_missing_plugin_message_get_installer_detail ()

gchar *             gst_missing_plugin_message_get_installer_detail
                                                        (GstMessage *msg);

Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().

This function is mainly for applications that call external plugin installation mechanisms using one of the two above-mentioned functions.

msg :

a missing-plugin GstMessage of type GST_MESSAGE_ELEMENT

Returns :

a newly-allocated detail string, or NULL on error. Free string with g_free() when not needed any longer.

gst_missing_plugin_message_get_description ()

gchar *             gst_missing_plugin_message_get_description
                                                        (GstMessage *msg);

Returns a localised string describing the missing feature, for use in error dialogs and the like. Should never return NULL unless msg is not a valid missing-plugin message.

This function is mainly for applications that need a human-readable string describing a missing plugin, given a previously collected missing-plugin message

msg :

a missing-plugin GstMessage of type GST_MESSAGE_ELEMENT

Returns :

a newly-allocated description string, or NULL on error. Free string with g_free() when not needed any longer.

gst_is_missing_plugin_message ()

gboolean            gst_is_missing_plugin_message       (GstMessage *msg);

Checks whether msg is a missing plugins message.

msg :

a GstMessage

Returns :

TRUE if msg is a missing-plugins message, otherwise FALSE.

gst_missing_decoder_message_new ()

GstMessage *        gst_missing_decoder_message_new     (GstElement *element,
                                                         const GstCaps *decode_caps);

Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a decoder element for a particular set of (fixed) caps is missing. This function is mainly for use in plugins.

element :

the GstElement posting the message

decode_caps :

the (fixed) caps for which a decoder element is needed

Returns :

a new GstMessage, or NULL on error. [transfer full]

gst_missing_encoder_message_new ()

GstMessage *        gst_missing_encoder_message_new     (GstElement *element,
                                                         const GstCaps *encode_caps);

Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that an encoder element for a particular set of (fixed) caps is missing. This function is mainly for use in plugins.

element :

the GstElement posting the message

encode_caps :

the (fixed) caps for which an encoder element is needed

Returns :

a new GstMessage, or NULL on error. [transfer full]

gst_missing_uri_source_message_new ()

GstMessage *        gst_missing_uri_source_message_new  (GstElement *element,
                                                         const gchar *protocol);

Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a source element for a particular URI protocol is missing. This function is mainly for use in plugins.

element :

the GstElement posting the message

protocol :

the URI protocol the missing source needs to implement, e.g. "http" or "mms"

Returns :

a new GstMessage, or NULL on error. [transfer full]

gst_missing_uri_sink_message_new ()

GstMessage *        gst_missing_uri_sink_message_new    (GstElement *element,
                                                         const gchar *protocol);

Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a sink element for a particular URI protocol is missing. This function is mainly for use in plugins.

element :

the GstElement posting the message

protocol :

the URI protocol the missing sink needs to implement, e.g. "http" or "smb"

Returns :

a new GstMessage, or NULL on error. [transfer full]

gst_missing_element_message_new ()

GstMessage *        gst_missing_element_message_new     (GstElement *element,
                                                         const gchar *factory_name);

Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a certain required element is missing. This function is mainly for use in plugins.

element :

the GstElement posting the message

factory_name :

the name of the missing element (element factory), e.g. "videoscale" or "cdparanoiasrc"

Returns :

a new GstMessage, or NULL on error. [transfer full]

gst_missing_uri_source_installer_detail_new ()

gchar *             gst_missing_uri_source_installer_detail_new
                                                        (const gchar *protocol);

Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().

This function is mainly for applications that call external plugin installation mechanisms using one of the two above-mentioned functions in the case where the application knows exactly what kind of plugin it is missing.

protocol :

the URI protocol the missing source needs to implement, e.g. "http" or "mms"

Returns :

a newly-allocated detail string, or NULL on error. Free string with g_free() when not needed any longer.

gst_missing_uri_sink_installer_detail_new ()

gchar *             gst_missing_uri_sink_installer_detail_new
                                                        (const gchar *protocol);

Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().

This function is mainly for applications that call external plugin installation mechanisms using one of the two above-mentioned functions in the case where the application knows exactly what kind of plugin it is missing.

protocol :

the URI protocol the missing source needs to implement, e.g. "http" or "mms"

Returns :

a newly-allocated detail string, or NULL on error. Free string with g_free() when not needed any longer.

gst_missing_element_installer_detail_new ()

gchar *             gst_missing_element_installer_detail_new
                                                        (const gchar *factory_name);

Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().

This function is mainly for applications that call external plugin installation mechanisms using one of the two above-mentioned functions in the case where the application knows exactly what kind of plugin it is missing.

factory_name :

the name of the missing element (element factory), e.g. "videoscale" or "cdparanoiasrc"

Returns :

a newly-allocated detail string, or NULL on error. Free string with g_free() when not needed any longer.

gst_missing_decoder_installer_detail_new ()

gchar *             gst_missing_decoder_installer_detail_new
                                                        (const GstCaps *decode_caps);

Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().

This function is mainly for applications that call external plugin installation mechanisms using one of the two above-mentioned functions in the case where the application knows exactly what kind of plugin it is missing.

decode_caps :

the (fixed) caps for which a decoder element is needed

Returns :

a newly-allocated detail string, or NULL on error. Free string with g_free() when not needed any longer.

gst_missing_encoder_installer_detail_new ()

gchar *             gst_missing_encoder_installer_detail_new
                                                        (const GstCaps *encode_caps);

Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().

This function is mainly for applications that call external plugin installation mechanisms using one of the two above-mentioned functions in the case where the application knows exactly what kind of plugin it is missing.

encode_caps :

the (fixed) caps for which an encoder element is needed

Returns :

a newly-allocated detail string, or NULL on error. Free string with g_free() when not needed any longer.