def test_order_create { :mode =>"dev", :max_total => 6000, :address => { :name => "Tim Beaver", :address_line1 => "77 Massachusetts Avenue", :address_line2 => nil, :zip_code => "02139", :city => "Cambridge", :state => "MA", :country => "US" }, :address_suggestion_choice => "suggested", :products => [ { :pid => "B003L1ZYYM", :pid_type => "ASIN", :qty => 1 }, { :pid => "0833030477", :pid_type => "ASIN", :qty => 1 } ], :merchant => "amazon", :gift_ship => true, :gift_message => "Thanks for ordering from!", :shipping_method => "standard" } end def test_order_response { :_type => "order", :id => "xyg2rfplly", :mode => "live", :order_total => 2040, :fee => 40, :max_total => 4000, :address => { :_type =>"address", :name => "Tim Beaver", :address_line1 => "77 Massachusetts Avenue", :address_line2 => nil, :zip_code => "02139", :city => "Cambridge", :state => "MA", :country => "US" }, :address_original => nil, :address_suggested => nil, :address_suggestion_choice => nil, :products => [ { :_type => "product", :pid => "B003L1ZYYM", :pid_type => "ASIN", :qty => 1, :price => 1500 } ], :merchant => "amazon", :gift_ship => false, :gift_message => nil, :shipping_method => "standard", :shipping_cost => 500, :status => { :_type => "status", :state => "active", :code => "processed", :message => "Your order has been processed with the merchant and is awaiting shipment." }, :created_date => 1336100454, :ship_date => nil, :delivery_date => nil, :ship_date_estimate => 1336120454, :delivery_date_estimate => 1336705254, :tracking_number => nil, :tracking_type => nil } end