require 'spec_helper' describe Virtus::Equalizer, '#<<' do subject { object << :last_name } let(:object) {, attributes) } let(:name) { 'User' } let(:attributes) { [ :first_name ].freeze } let(:first_name) { 'John' } let(:last_name) { 'Doe' } let(:klass) do klass = { attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name } klass.send(:include, object) klass end let(:instance) do do |instance| instance.first_name = first_name instance.last_name = last_name end end describe '#eql?' do context 'when the objects are similar' do let(:other) { instance.dup } it 'adds a key to the comparison' do expect { subject }.to_not change { instance.eql?(other) }.from(true) end end context 'when the objects are different' do let(:other) { instance.dup } before do other.last_name = 'Smith' end it 'adds a key to the comparison' do expect { subject }.to change { instance.eql?(other) }. from(true).to(false) end end end describe '#==' do context 'when the objects are similar' do let(:other) { instance.dup } it 'adds a key to the comparison' do expect { subject }.to_not change { instance == other }.from(true) end end context 'when the objects are different' do let(:other) { instance.dup } before do other.last_name = 'Smith' end it 'adds a key to the comparison' do expect { subject }.to change { instance == other }. from(true).to(false) end end end it 'adds a new to #hash' do expect { subject }.to change(instance, :hash). from(klass.hash ^ first_name.hash). to(klass.hash ^ first_name.hash ^ last_name.hash) end it 'adds a new to #inspect' do expect { subject }.to change(instance, :inspect). from('#'). to('#') end end