;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; Foundation.libs.clearing = { name : 'clearing', version: '5.3.1', settings : { templates : { viewing : '×' + '' }, // comma delimited list of selectors that, on click, will close clearing, // add 'div.clearing-blackout, div.visible-img' to close on background click close_selectors : '.clearing-close, div.clearing-blackout', // Default to the entire li element. open_selectors : '', touch_label : '', // event initializers and locks init : false, locked : false }, init : function (scope, method, options) { var self = this; Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle image_loaded'); this.bindings(method, options); if (self.S(this.scope).is('[' + this.attr_name() + ']')) { this.assemble(self.S('li', this.scope)); } else { self.S('[' + this.attr_name() + ']', this.scope).each(function () { self.assemble(self.S('li', this)); }); } }, events : function (scope) { var self = this, S = self.S, $scroll_container = $('.scroll-container'); if ($scroll_container.length > 0) { this.scope = $scroll_container; } S(this.scope) .off('.clearing') .on('click.fndtn.clearing', 'ul[' + this.attr_name() + '] li ' + this.settings.open_selectors, function (e, current, target) { var current = current || S(this), target = target || current, next = current.next('li'), settings = current.closest('[' + self.attr_name() + ']').data(self.attr_name(true) + '-init'), image = S(e.target); e.preventDefault(); if (!settings) { self.init(); settings = current.closest('[' + self.attr_name() + ']').data(self.attr_name(true) + '-init'); } // if clearing is open and the current image is // clicked, go to the next image in sequence if (target.hasClass('visible') && current[0] === target[0] && next.length > 0 && self.is_open(current)) { target = next; image = S('img', target); } // set current and target to the clicked li if not otherwise defined. self.open(image, current, target); self.update_paddles(target); }) .on('click.fndtn.clearing', '.clearing-main-next', function (e) { self.nav(e, 'next') }) .on('click.fndtn.clearing', '.clearing-main-prev', function (e) { self.nav(e, 'prev') }) .on('click.fndtn.clearing', this.settings.close_selectors, function (e) { Foundation.libs.clearing.close(e, this) }); $(document).on('keydown.fndtn.clearing', function (e) { self.keydown(e) }); S(window).off('.clearing').on('resize.fndtn.clearing', function () { self.resize() }); this.swipe_events(scope); }, swipe_events : function (scope) { var self = this, S = self.S; S(this.scope) .on('touchstart.fndtn.clearing', '.visible-img', function(e) { if (!e.touches) { e = e.originalEvent; } var data = { start_page_x: e.touches[0].pageX, start_page_y: e.touches[0].pageY, start_time: (new Date()).getTime(), delta_x: 0, is_scrolling: undefined }; S(this).data('swipe-transition', data); e.stopPropagation(); }) .on('touchmove.fndtn.clearing', '.visible-img', function(e) { if (!e.touches) { e = e.originalEvent; } // Ignore pinch/zoom events if(e.touches.length > 1 || e.scale && e.scale !== 1) return; var data = S(this).data('swipe-transition'); if (typeof data === 'undefined') { data = {}; } data.delta_x = e.touches[0].pageX - data.start_page_x; if (Foundation.rtl) { data.delta_x = -data.delta_x; } if (typeof data.is_scrolling === 'undefined') { data.is_scrolling = !!( data.is_scrolling || Math.abs(data.delta_x) < Math.abs(e.touches[0].pageY - data.start_page_y) ); } if (!data.is_scrolling && !data.active) { e.preventDefault(); var direction = (data.delta_x < 0) ? 'next' : 'prev'; data.active = true; self.nav(e, direction); } }) .on('touchend.fndtn.clearing', '.visible-img', function(e) { S(this).data('swipe-transition', {}); e.stopPropagation(); }); }, assemble : function ($li) { var $el = $li.parent(); if ($el.parent().hasClass('carousel')) { return; } $el.after('
'); var grid = $el.detach(), grid_outerHTML = ''; if (grid[0] == null) { return; } else { grid_outerHTML = grid[0].outerHTML; } var holder = this.S('#foundationClearingHolder'), settings = $el.data(this.attr_name(true) + '-init'), data = { grid: '', viewing: settings.templates.viewing }, wrapper = '
' + data.viewing + data.grid + '
', touch_label = this.settings.touch_label; if (Modernizr.touch) { wrapper = $(wrapper).find('.clearing-touch-label').html(touch_label).end(); } holder.after(wrapper).remove(); }, open : function ($image, current, target) { var self = this, body = $(document.body), root = target.closest('.clearing-assembled'), container = self.S('div', root).first(), visible_image = self.S('.visible-img', container), image = self.S('img', visible_image).not($image), label = self.S('.clearing-touch-label', container), error = false; // Event to disable scrolling on touch devices when Clearing is activated $('body').on('touchmove',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); image.error(function () { error = true; }); function startLoad() { setTimeout(function () { this.image_loaded(image, function () { if (image.outerWidth() === 1 && !error) { startLoad.call(this); } else { cb.call(this, image); } }.bind(this)); }.bind(this), 100); } function cb (image) { var $image = $(image); $image.css('visibility', 'visible'); // toggle the gallery body.css('overflow', 'hidden'); root.addClass('clearing-blackout'); container.addClass('clearing-container'); visible_image.show(); this.fix_height(target) .caption(self.S('.clearing-caption', visible_image), self.S('img', target)) .center_and_label(image, label) .shift(current, target, function () { target.closest('li').siblings().removeClass('visible'); target.closest('li').addClass('visible'); }); visible_image.trigger('opened.fndtn.clearing') } if (!this.locked()) { visible_image.trigger('open.fndtn.clearing'); // set the image to the selected thumbnail image .attr('src', this.load($image)) .css('visibility', 'hidden'); startLoad.call(this); } }, close : function (e, el) { e.preventDefault(); var root = (function (target) { if (/blackout/.test(target.selector)) { return target; } else { return target.closest('.clearing-blackout'); } }($(el))), body = $(document.body), container, visible_image; if (el === e.target && root) { body.css('overflow', ''); container = $('div', root).first(); visible_image = $('.visible-img', container); visible_image.trigger('close.fndtn.clearing'); this.settings.prev_index = 0; $('ul[' + this.attr_name() + ']', root) .attr('style', '').closest('.clearing-blackout') .removeClass('clearing-blackout'); container.removeClass('clearing-container'); visible_image.hide(); visible_image.trigger('closed.fndtn.clearing'); } // Event to re-enable scrolling on touch devices $('body').off('touchmove'); return false; }, is_open : function (current) { return current.parent().prop('style').length > 0; }, keydown : function (e) { var clearing = $('.clearing-blackout ul[' + this.attr_name() + ']'), NEXT_KEY = this.rtl ? 37 : 39, PREV_KEY = this.rtl ? 39 : 37, ESC_KEY = 27; if (e.which === NEXT_KEY) this.go(clearing, 'next'); if (e.which === PREV_KEY) this.go(clearing, 'prev'); if (e.which === ESC_KEY) this.S('a.clearing-close').trigger('click').trigger('click.fndtn.clearing'); }, nav : function (e, direction) { var clearing = $('ul[' + this.attr_name() + ']', '.clearing-blackout'); e.preventDefault(); this.go(clearing, direction); }, resize : function () { var image = $('img', '.clearing-blackout .visible-img'), label = $('.clearing-touch-label', '.clearing-blackout'); if (image.length) { this.center_and_label(image, label); image.trigger('resized.fndtn.clearing') } }, // visual adjustments fix_height : function (target) { var lis = target.parent().children(), self = this; lis.each(function () { var li = self.S(this), image = li.find('img'); if (li.height() > image.outerHeight()) { li.addClass('fix-height'); } }) .closest('ul') .width(lis.length * 100 + '%'); return this; }, update_paddles : function (target) { target = target.closest('li'); var visible_image = target .closest('.carousel') .siblings('.visible-img'); if (target.next().length > 0) { this.S('.clearing-main-next', visible_image).removeClass('disabled'); } else { this.S('.clearing-main-next', visible_image).addClass('disabled'); } if (target.prev().length > 0) { this.S('.clearing-main-prev', visible_image).removeClass('disabled'); } else { this.S('.clearing-main-prev', visible_image).addClass('disabled'); } }, center_and_label : function (target, label) { if (!this.rtl) { target.css({ marginLeft : -(target.outerWidth() / 2), marginTop : -(target.outerHeight() / 2) }); if (label.length > 0) { label.css({ marginLeft : -(label.outerWidth() / 2), marginTop : -(target.outerHeight() / 2)-label.outerHeight()-10 }); } } else { target.css({ marginRight : -(target.outerWidth() / 2), marginTop : -(target.outerHeight() / 2), left: 'auto', right: '50%' }); if (label.length > 0) { label.css({ marginRight : -(label.outerWidth() / 2), marginTop : -(target.outerHeight() / 2)-label.outerHeight()-10, left: 'auto', right: '50%' }); } } return this; }, // image loading and preloading load : function ($image) { var href; if ($image[0].nodeName === "A") { href = $image.attr('href'); } else { href = $image.parent().attr('href'); } this.preload($image); if (href) return href; return $image.attr('src'); }, preload : function ($image) { this .img($image.closest('li').next()) .img($image.closest('li').prev()); }, img : function (img) { if (img.length) { var new_img = new Image(), new_a = this.S('a', img); if (new_a.length) { new_img.src = new_a.attr('href'); } else { new_img.src = this.S('img', img).attr('src'); } } return this; }, // image caption caption : function (container, $image) { var caption = $image.attr('data-caption'); if (caption) { container .html(caption) .show(); } else { container .text('') .hide(); } return this; }, // directional methods go : function ($ul, direction) { var current = this.S('.visible', $ul), target = current[direction](); if (target.length) { this.S('img', target) .trigger('click', [current, target]).trigger('click.fndtn.clearing', [current, target]) .trigger('change.fndtn.clearing'); } }, shift : function (current, target, callback) { var clearing = target.parent(), old_index = this.settings.prev_index || target.index(), direction = this.direction(clearing, current, target), dir = this.rtl ? 'right' : 'left', left = parseInt(clearing.css('left'), 10), width = target.outerWidth(), skip_shift; var dir_obj = {}; // we use jQuery animate instead of CSS transitions because we // need a callback to unlock the next animation // needs support for RTL ** if (target.index() !== old_index && !/skip/.test(direction)){ if (/left/.test(direction)) { this.lock(); dir_obj[dir] = left + width; clearing.animate(dir_obj, 300, this.unlock()); } else if (/right/.test(direction)) { this.lock(); dir_obj[dir] = left - width; clearing.animate(dir_obj, 300, this.unlock()); } } else if (/skip/.test(direction)) { // the target image is not adjacent to the current image, so // do we scroll right or not skip_shift = target.index() - this.settings.up_count; this.lock(); if (skip_shift > 0) { dir_obj[dir] = -(skip_shift * width); clearing.animate(dir_obj, 300, this.unlock()); } else { dir_obj[dir] = 0; clearing.animate(dir_obj, 300, this.unlock()); } } callback(); }, direction : function ($el, current, target) { var lis = this.S('li', $el), li_width = lis.outerWidth() + (lis.outerWidth() / 4), up_count = Math.floor(this.S('.clearing-container').outerWidth() / li_width) - 1, target_index = lis.index(target), response; this.settings.up_count = up_count; if (this.adjacent(this.settings.prev_index, target_index)) { if ((target_index > up_count) && target_index > this.settings.prev_index) { response = 'right'; } else if ((target_index > up_count - 1) && target_index <= this.settings.prev_index) { response = 'left'; } else { response = false; } } else { response = 'skip'; } this.settings.prev_index = target_index; return response; }, adjacent : function (current_index, target_index) { for (var i = target_index + 1; i >= target_index - 1; i--) { if (i === current_index) return true; } return false; }, // lock management lock : function () { this.settings.locked = true; }, unlock : function () { this.settings.locked = false; }, locked : function () { return this.settings.locked; }, off : function () { this.S(this.scope).off('.fndtn.clearing'); this.S(window).off('.fndtn.clearing'); }, reflow : function () { this.init(); } }; }(jQuery, window, window.document));