# Translations of all crud strings. # See also StandardHelper#translate_inheritable and #translate_association. en: # global scope global: "yes": "sim" "no": "não" no_list_entries: No entries found. confirm_delete: Do you really want to delete this entry? associations: # association keys may be customized per model with the prefix # 'activerecord.associations.{model}.' or even per actual association with # 'activerecord.associations.models.{holder_model}.{assoc_name}.' no_entry: (none) none_available: (none available) please_select: Please select button: save: Save cancel: Cancel search: Search link: show: Show edit: Edit add: Add delete: Delete list: List errors: header: one: "1 error prohibited this entry from being saved:" other: "%{count} errors prohibited this entry from being saved:" # formats time: formats: time: "%H:%M" # list controller list: index: title: Listing %{models} # crud controller crud: show: title: "%{model}" new: title: "New %{model}" edit: title: "Edit %{model}" create: flash: success: "%{model} was successfully created." update: flash: success: "%{model} was successfully updated." destroy: flash: success: "%{model} was successfully deleted." failure: "%{model} could not be deleted."