module Hiccup module Enumerable class ScheduleEnumerator def initialize(schedule, date) @schedule = schedule @date = date @date = @date.to_date if @date.respond_to?(:to_date) @current_date = nil end attr_reader :schedule delegate :start_date, :weekly_pattern, :monthly_pattern, :ends?, :end_date, :skip, :to => :schedule def next @current_date = if @current_date next_occurrence_after(@current_date) else first_occurrence_on_or_after(@date) end @current_date = nil if (ends? && @current_date && @current_date > end_date) @current_date end def prev @current_date = if @current_date next_occurrence_before(@current_date) else first_occurrence_on_or_before(@date) end @current_date = nil if (@current_date && @current_date < start_date) @current_date end # These two methods DO NOT assume that # date is predicted by the given schedule def first_occurrence_on_or_after(date) raise NotImplementedError end def first_occurrence_on_or_before(date) raise NotImplementedError end # These two methods DO assume that # date is predicted by the given schedule def next_occurrence_after(date) first_occurrence_on_or_after(date + 1) end def next_occurrence_before(date) first_occurrence_on_or_before(date - 1) end end end end