# Contributing to the project ## Submitting a bug report Please follow these steps to report a bug: 1. Check if the bug already exists in issue tracker. Don't forget to search closed issues too. 2. Create issue from [the template](https://github.com/discorb-lib/discorb/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug&template=bug_report.md). 3. Fill in the issue with the information about the bug. 4. Submit the issue. ## Submitting a feature request Please follow these steps to request a feature: 1. Check if the feature already exists in main branch. 2. Check if the request already exists in issue tracker. Don't forget to search closed issues too. 3. Create issue from [the template](https://github.com/discorb-lib/discorb/issues/new?assignees=&labels=Feature+Request%2CEnhancement&template=feature_request.md). 4. Fill in the issue with the information about the feature. 5. Submit the issue. ## Submitting a pull request Please follow these steps to request a pull request: 1. Check if the thing you want to request already exists in main branch. 2. Check if the request already exists and is merged or closed. 3. [Create a pull request](https://github.com/discorb-lib/discorb/compare).