.leads-show.padded .header %h2.title Lead ##{@lead.id} = link_to '[~]', edit_lead_path(@lead) .row .col-md-6 %ul %li Name: #{@lead.name} %li Email: #{@lead.email} %li Company (leadset): #{ link_to @lead.company.company_url, leadset_path(@lead.company) } (#{@lead.m3_leadset_id}) %li Rating: #{@lead.rating} - if @lead.phone %li Phone: #{@lead.phone} - if @lead.address %li Address: #{@lead.address} - if @lead.shoe_size %li Shoe size: #{@lead.shoe_size} - if @lead.comment %li Comment: #{raw @lead.comment} - if @lead.photo %li = image_tag Photo.find( @lead.photo_id ).photo.url(:small) .col-md-6 %h5 Tags %ul - @lead.lead_tags.each do |lt| %li = link_to category_path(lt.wp_tag.id) do = "##{lt.wp_tag.id} - #{lt.wp_tag.name}" .row .col-md-6.ctxs %h5 Email Contexts (#{@ctxs.length}) = link_to '[+]', '#' %ul - @ctxs.each do |ctx| %li = pp_date( ctx.sent_at ) || 'not sent' = link_to ctx.subject.presence||"No Subj?!", email_context_path(ctx) .col-md-6.schs %h5 Scheduled actions (#{@schs.length}) -# = link_to '[+]', '#' \[+] %ul - @schs.each do |sch| %li = link_to sch.email_action.slug, edit_scheduled_email_action_path(sch) = sch.state (#{link_to 'proto-action', edit_email_action_path(sch.email_action)}) = sch.perform_at %hr %h5 Invoices (?) = link_to '[+stripe]', new_invoice_stripe_path({ leadset_id: @lead.m3_leadset_id }) = link_to '[+pdf]', new_invoice_pdf_path({ leadset_id: @lead.m3_leadset_id }) %ul %li None? .row .col-md-12.msgs %h5 Email Messages (#{@msgs.length}) .descr @TODO: these used to be links, but now they are broken. _vp_ 2023-08-10 %ul - @msgs.each do |msg| %li = msg.subject -# = link_to msg.subject, email_conversation_path( msg.conv ) .row .col-md-6 = render 'ish_manager/galleries/index', galleries: @galleries .col-md-6 = render 'ish_manager/videos/index', videos: @videos