require 'rubygems' require 'git_reflow/version.rb' require 'open-uri' require "highline/import" require 'httpclient' require 'github_api' require 'json/pure' require 'colorize' module GitReflow extend self LGTM = /lgtm|looks good to me|:\+1:|:thumbsup:/i def setup gh_user = ask "Please enter your GitHub username: " gh_password = ask("Please enter your GitHub password (we do NOT store this): ") { |q| q.echo = false } puts "\nYour GitHub account was successfully setup!" github = :basic_auth => "#{gh_user}:#{gh_password}" authorization = github.oauth.create 'scopes' => ['repo'] oauth_token = authorization[:token] set_oauth_token(oauth_token) end def status(destination_branch) pull_request = find_pull_request( :from => current_branch, :to => destination_branch ) if pull_request.nil? puts "\n[notice] No pull request exists for #{current_branch} -> #{destination_branch}" puts "[notice] Run 'git reflow review #{destination_branch}' to start the review process" else puts "Here's the status of your review:" display_pull_request_summary(pull_request) ask_to_open_in_browser(pull_request) end end def review(options = {}) options['base'] ||= 'master' fetch_destination options['base'] begin puts push_current_branch pull_request = github.pull_requests.create(remote_user, remote_repo_name, 'title' => options['title'], 'body' => options['body'], 'head' => "#{remote_user}:#{current_branch}", 'base' => options['base']) puts "Successfully created pull request ##{pull_request.number}: #{pull_request.title}\nPull Request URL: #{pull_request.html_url}\n" ask_to_open_in_browser(pull_request.html_url) rescue Github::Error::UnprocessableEntity => e error_message = e.to_s if error_message =~ /request already exists/i existing_pull_request = find_pull_request( :from => current_branch, :to => options['base'] ) puts "A pull request already exists for these branches:" display_pull_request_summary(existing_pull_request) ask_to_open_in_browser(existing_pull_request.html_url) else puts error_message end end end def deliver(options = {}) feature_branch = current_branch options['base'] ||= 'master' fetch_destination options['base'] begin existing_pull_request = find_pull_request( :from => current_branch, :to => options['base'] ) if existing_pull_request.nil? puts "Error: No pull request exists for #{remote_user}:#{current_branch}\nPlease submit your branch for review first with \`git reflow review\`" else open_comment_authors = find_authors_of_open_pull_request_comments(existing_pull_request) # if there any comment_authors left, then they haven't given a lgtm after the last commit if open_comment_authors.empty? lgtm_authors = comment_authors_for_pull_request(existing_pull_request, :with => LGTM) commit_message = get_first_commit_message puts "Merging pull request ##{existing_pull_request.number}: '#{existing_pull_request.title}', from '#{existing_pull_request.head.label}' into '#{existing_pull_request.base.label}'" update_destination(options['base']) merge_feature_branch(:feature_branch => feature_branch, :destination_branch => options['base'], :pull_request_number => existing_pull_request.number, :message => "\nCloses ##{existing_pull_request.number}\n\nLGTM given by: @#{lgtm_authors.join(', @')}\n") append_to_squashed_commit_message(commit_message) committed = system('git commit') if committed puts "Merge complete!" deploy_and_cleanup = ask "Would you like to push this branch to your remote repo and cleanup your feature branch? " if deploy_and_cleanup =~ /^y/i puts `git push origin #{options['base']}` puts `git push origin :#{feature_branch}` puts `git branch -D #{feature_branch}` puts "Nice job buddy." end else puts "There were problems commiting your feature... please check the errors above and try again." end else puts "[deliver halted] You still need a LGTM from: #{open_comment_authors.join(', ')}" end end rescue Github::Error::UnprocessableEntity => e errors = JSON.parse(e.response_message[:body]) error_messages = errors["errors"].collect {|error| "GitHub Error: #{error["message"].gsub(/^base\s/, '')}" unless error["message"].nil?}.compact.join("\n") puts error_messages end end def github @github ||= :oauth_token => get_oauth_token end def get_oauth_token `git config --get github.oauth-token`.strip end def current_branch `git branch --no-color | grep '^\* ' | grep -v 'no branch' | sed 's/^* //g'`.strip end def github_user `git config --get github.user`.strip end def remote_user gh_remote_user = `git config --get remote.origin.url`.strip gh_remote_user.slice!(/github\.com[\/:](\w|-|\.)+/i)[11..-1] end def remote_repo_name gh_repo = `git config --get remote.origin.url`.strip gh_repo.slice(/\/(\w|-|\.)+$/i)[1..-5] end def get_first_commit_message `git log --pretty=format:"%s" --no-merges -n 1`.strip end def set_oauth_token(oauth_token) `git config --global --replace-all github.oauth-token #{oauth_token}` end def push_current_branch `git push origin #{current_branch}` end def fetch_destination(destination_branch) `git fetch origin #{destination_branch}` end def update_destination(destination_branch) origin_branch = current_branch `git checkout #{destination_branch}` puts `git pull origin #{destination_branch}` `git checkout #{origin_branch}` end def merge_feature_branch(options = {}) options[:destination_branch] ||= 'master' message = options[:message] || "\nCloses ##{options[:pull_request_number]}\n" `git checkout #{options[:destination_branch]}` puts `git merge --squash #{options[:feature_branch]}` # append pull request number to commit message append_to_squashed_commit_message(message) end def append_to_squashed_commit_message(message = '') `echo "#{message}" | cat - .git/SQUASH_MSG > ./tmp_squash_msg` `mv ./tmp_squash_msg .git/SQUASH_MSG` end def find_pull_request(options) existing_pull_request = nil github.pull_requests.all(remote_user, remote_repo_name, :state => 'open') do |pull_request| if pull_request.base.label == "#{remote_user}:#{options[:to]}" and pull_request.head.label == "#{remote_user}:#{options[:from]}" existing_pull_request = pull_request break end end existing_pull_request end def pull_request_comments(pull_request) comments = github.issues.comments.all remote_user, remote_repo_name, pull_request.number review_comments = github.pull_requests.comments.all remote_user, remote_repo_name, pull_request.number comments + review_comments end def find_authors_of_open_pull_request_comments(pull_request) # first we'll gather all the authors that have commented on the pull request all_comments = pull_request_comments(pull_request) comment_authors = comment_authors_for_pull_request(pull_request) lgtm_authors = [] # now we need to check that all the commented authors have given a lgtm after the last commit all_comments.each do |comment| next unless comment_authors.include?(comment.user.login) pull_last_committed_at = get_commited_time(pull_request.head.sha) comment_created_at = Time.parse(comment.created_at) if comment_created_at > pull_last_committed_at if comment[:body] =~ LGTM lgtm_authors << comment.user.login else comment_authors << comment.user.login unless comment_authors.include?(comment.user.login) end else comment_authors -= [comment.user.login] if comment_authors.include?(comment.user.login) end end comment_authors -= lgtm_authors comment_authors || [] end def comment_authors_for_pull_request(pull_request, options = {}) all_comments = pull_request_comments(pull_request) comment_authors = [] all_comments.each do |comment| next if options[:after] and Time.parse(comment.created_at) < options[:after] comment_authors << comment.user.login if !comment_authors.include?(comment.user.login) and (options[:with].nil? or comment[:body] =~ options[:with]) end # remove the current user from the list to check comment_authors -= [github_user] end def display_pull_request_summary(pull_request) summary_data = { "branches" => "#{pull_request.head.label} -> #{pull_request.base.label}", "number" => pull_request.number, "url" => pull_request.html_url } notices = "" reviewed_by = comment_authors_for_pull_request(pull_request).map {|author| author.colorize(:red) } # check for needed lgtm's pull_comments = pull_request_comments(pull_request) if pull_comments.reject {|comment| comment.user.login == github_user}.any? open_comment_authors = find_authors_of_open_pull_request_comments(pull_request) last_committed_at = get_commited_time(pull_request.head.sha) lgtm_authors = comment_authors_for_pull_request(pull_request, :with => LGTM, :after => last_committed_at) summary_data.merge!("Last comment" => pull_comments.last.body) if lgtm_authors.any?! { |author| lgtm_authors.include?(author.uncolorize) ? author.colorize(:green) : author } end notices << "[notice] You still need a LGTM from: #{open_comment_authors.join(', ')}\n" if open_comment_authors.any? else notices << "[notice] No one has reviewed your pull request...\n" end summary_data['reviewed by'] = reviewed_by.join(', ') padding_size = summary_data.keys.max_by(&:size).size + 2 summary_data.keys.sort.each do |name| string_format = " %-#{padding_size}s %s\n" printf string_format, "#{name}:", summary_data[name] end puts "\n#{notices}" if notices != '' end def get_commited_time(commit_sha) last_commit = github.repos.commits.find remote_user, remote_repo_name, commit_sha Time.parse[:date] end # WARNING: this currently only supports OS X and UBUNTU def ask_to_open_in_browser(url) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin|linux/i open_in_browser = ask "Would you like to open it in your browser? " if open_in_browser =~ /^y/i if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i # OS X `open #{url}` else # Ubuntu `xdg-open #{url}` end end end end end