require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe ActsAsIcontact::Contact do it "defaults to searching on all contacts regardless of list status" do ActsAsIcontact::Contact.base.expects(:[]).with(regexp_matches(/status=total/)).returns(stub(:get => '{"contacts":[]}')) r = ActsAsIcontact::Contact.find(:all) end it "requires email address" do c = lambda{}.should raise_error(ActsAsIcontact::ValidationError, "Missing required fields: email") end context "associations" do # We have _one_ really good contact set up here before(:each) do @john = ActsAsIcontact::Contact.first(:firstName => "John", :lastName => "Test") end it "knows which lists it's subscribed to" do @john.lists.first.should == ActsAsIcontact::List.find(444444) end it "knows its history" end end