module Steep module Subtyping module Result type t = Skip | Expand | All | Any | Success | Failure class Base attr_reader relation: Relation[untyped] def initialize: (Relation[untyped] relation) -> void def failure?: () -> bool def success?: () -> bool def then: () { (self) -> void } -> self def else: () { (self) -> void } -> self def failure_path: (?Array[t] path) -> Array[t]? end class Skip < Base def success?: () -> false def failure?: () -> false def failure_path: (?untyped path) -> untyped end class Expand < Base attr_reader child: t def initialize: (Relation[untyped] relation) { (Relation[untyped]) -> t } -> void def success?: () -> bool def failure_path: (?Array[t] path) -> Array[t]? end class All < Base attr_reader branches: Array[t] def initialize: (Relation[untyped] relation) -> void @failure: bool # Returns `false` if no future `#add` changes the result. def add: [T < Object] (*Relation[T] relations) { (Relation[T]) -> t? } -> bool # Returns `false` if no future `#add` changes the result. def add_result: (t?) -> bool def success?: () -> bool def failure?: () -> bool def failure_path: (?Array[t] path) -> Array[t]? end class Any < Base attr_reader branches: Array[t] def initialize: (Relation[untyped] relation) -> void @success: bool # Returns `false` if no future `#add` changes the result. def add: [T < Object] (*Relation[T] relations) { (Relation[T]) -> t } -> bool def success?: () -> bool def failure_path: (?Array[t] path) -> Array[t]? end class Success < Base def success?: () -> true def failure_path: (?Array[t] path) -> Array[t]? end class Failure < Base type error = MethodMissingError | BlockMismatchError | ParameterMismatchError | UnknownPairError | PolyMethodSubtyping | UnsatisfiedConstraints | SelfBindingMismatch class MethodMissingError attr_reader name: untyped def initialize: (name: untyped) -> void def message: () -> ::String end class BlockMismatchError attr_reader name: untyped def initialize: (name: untyped) -> void def message: () -> ::String end class ParameterMismatchError attr_reader name: untyped def initialize: (name: untyped) -> void def message: () -> ::String end class UnknownPairError attr_reader relation: untyped def initialize: (relation: untyped) -> void def message: () -> ::String end class PolyMethodSubtyping attr_reader name: untyped def initialize: (name: untyped) -> void def message: () -> ::String end class UnsatisfiedConstraints attr_reader error: untyped def initialize: (untyped error) -> void def var: () -> untyped def sub_type: () -> untyped def super_type: () -> untyped def result: () -> untyped def message: () -> ::String end class SelfBindingMismatch def initialize: () -> void def message: () -> String end attr_reader error: error def initialize: (Relation[untyped] relation, error error) -> void def success?: () -> false def failure_path: (?Array[t] path) -> Array[t]? end module Helper def Skip: (Relation[untyped] relation) -> Skip def Expand: [T < Object] (Relation[T] relation) { (Relation[T]) -> t } -> Expand def All: (Relation[untyped] relation) { (All) -> void } -> All def Any: (Relation[untyped] relation) { (Any) -> void } -> Any def Success: (Relation[untyped] relation) -> Success alias success Success def Failure: (Relation[untyped] relation, Failure::error) -> Failure | (Relation[untyped]) { () -> Failure::error } -> Failure end end end end