class PagesController < ApplicationController caches_action :show, :if => { |c| Spud::Cms.enable_action_caching } # caches_page :show, :if => { |c| Spud::Cms.enable_full_page_caching } after_filter({:only => [:show]}) do |c| return if !Spud::Cms.enable_full_page_caching if @page && @page.is_private? == false c.cache_page(nil, nil, false) end end def show url_name = !params[:id].blank? ? params[:id] : Spud::Cms.root_page_name # MultiSite Code Block if params[:id].blank? && Spud::Core.multisite_mode_enabled site_config = Spud::Core.site_config_for_host(request.host_with_port) if !site_config.blank? cms_config = Spud::Cms.site_config_for_short_name(site_config[:short_name]) url_name = cms_config[:root_page_name] if !cms_config.blank? && !cms_config[:root_page_name].blank? end end @page = SpudPage.published_pages.where(:url_name => url_name).includes([:spud_template,:spud_page_partials]) # MultiSite Code Block if Spud::Core.multisite_mode_enabled site_config = Spud::Core.site_config_for_host(request.host_with_port) @page =!site_config.blank? ? site_config[:site_id] : nil) end @page = @page.first if @page.blank? @permalink = SpudPermalink.where(:url_name => url_name) # MultiSite Code Block if Spud::Core.multisite_mode_enabled @permalink =!site_config.blank? ? site_config[:site_id] : nil) end @permalink = @permalink.first if !@permalink.blank? && @permalink.attachment_type == 'SpudPage' redirect_to @permalink.attachment.url_name == Spud::Cms.root_page_name ? root_url() : page_url(:id => @permalink.attachment.url_name) , :status => :moved_permanently and return end flash[:error] = "Page not found" if !params[:id].blank? redirect_to root_url() and return else return end end if @page.is_private? if defined?(require_user) && require_user == false logger.debug("responds to require user!") return end logger.debug("does not!") end layout = Spud::Cms.default_page_layout # MultiSite Code Block if Spud::Core.multisite_mode_enabled && !site_config.blank? cms_config = Spud::Cms.site_config_for_short_name(site_config[:short_name]) layout = cms_config[:default_page_layout] if !cms_config.blank? && !cms_config[:default_page_layout].blank? end if !@page.spud_template.blank? if !@page.spud_template.base_layout.blank? layout = @page.spud_template.base_layout end @inline = @page.spud_template.content end render :layout => layout end private end