module JsSpec class Client class << self def run(params={}) data = [] data << "selenium_host=#{CGI.escape(params[:selenium_host] || 'localhost')}" data << "selenium_port=#{CGI.escape((params[:selenium_port] || 4444).to_s)}" data << "spec_url=#{CGI.escape(params[:spec_url])}" if params[:spec_url] response = Net::HTTP.start(DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT) do |http|'/runners/firefox', data.join("&")) end body = response.body if body.empty? puts "SUCCESS" return true else puts "FAILURE" puts body return false end end def run_argv(argv) params = {} parser = do |o| o.banner = "JsSpec Runner" o.banner << "\nUsage: #{$0} [options] [-- untouched arguments]" o.on o.on('-h', '--selenium_host=SELENIUM_HOST', "The host name of the Selenium Server relative to where this file is executed") do |host| params[:selenium_host] = host end o.on('-p', '--selenium_port=SELENIUM_PORT', "The port of the Selenium Server relative to where this file is executed") do |port| params[:selenium_port] = port end o.on('-u', '--spec_url=SPEC_URL', "The url of the js spec server, relative to the browsers running via the Selenium Server") do |spec_url| params[:spec_url] = spec_url end o.on_tail end parser.order!(argv) run params end end end end