# frozen_string_literal: true require 'aws-sdk-sqs' require 'optparse' require 'concurrent' module Aws module ActiveJob module SQS # CLI runner for polling for SQS ActiveJobs # Use `aws_sqs_active_job --help` for detailed usage class Poller class Interrupt < StandardError; end DEFAULT_OPTS = { threads: 2 * Concurrent.processor_count, max_messages: 10, shutdown_timeout: 15, backpressure: 10, retry_standard_errors: true }.freeze def initialize(args = ARGV) @options = parse_args(args) # Set_environment must be run before we boot_rails set_environment end def set_environment @environment = @options[:environment] || ENV['APP_ENV'] || ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development' end def run # exit 0 boot_rails # cannot load config (from file or initializers) until after # rails has been booted. @options = DEFAULT_OPTS .merge(Aws::ActiveJob::SQS.config.to_h) .merge(@options.to_h) validate_config # ensure we have a logger configured @logger = @options[:logger] || ActiveSupport::Logger.new($stdout) @logger.info("Starting Poller with options=#{@options}") Signal.trap('INT') { raise Interrupt } Signal.trap('TERM') { raise Interrupt } @executor = Executor.new( max_threads: @options[:threads], logger: @logger, max_queue: @options[:backpressure], retry_standard_errors: @options[:retry_standard_errors] ) poll rescue Interrupt @logger.info 'Process Interrupted or killed - attempting to shutdown cleanly.' shutdown exit end private def shutdown @executor.shutdown(@options[:shutdown_timeout]) end def poll queue_url = Aws::ActiveJob::SQS.config.queue_url_for(@options[:queue]) @logger.info "Polling on: #{@options[:queue]} => #{queue_url}" client = Aws::ActiveJob::SQS.config.client @poller = Aws::SQS::QueuePoller.new(queue_url, client: client) poller_options = { skip_delete: true, max_number_of_messages: @options[:max_messages], visibility_timeout: @options[:visibility_timeout] } # Limit max_number_of_messages for FIFO queues to 1 # this ensures jobs with the same message_group_id are processed # in order # Jobs with different message_group_id will be processed in # parallel and may be out of order. poller_options[:max_number_of_messages] = 1 if Aws::ActiveJob::SQS.fifo?(queue_url) single_message = poller_options[:max_number_of_messages] == 1 @poller.poll(poller_options) do |msgs| msgs = [msgs] if single_message @logger.info "Processing batch of #{msgs.length} messages" msgs.each do |msg| @executor.execute(Aws::SQS::Message.new( queue_url: queue_url, receipt_handle: msg.receipt_handle, data: msg, client: client )) end end end def boot_rails ENV['RACK_ENV'] = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = @environment require 'rails' require File.expand_path('config/environment.rb') end # rubocop:disable Metrics def parse_args(argv) out = {} parser = ::OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on('-q', '--queue STRING', '[Required] Queue to poll') { |a| out[:queue] = a } opts.on('-e', '--environment STRING', 'Rails environment (defaults to development). You can also use the APP_ENV or RAILS_ENV environment variables to specify the environment.') do |a| out[:environment] = a end opts.on('-t', '--threads INTEGER', Integer, 'The maximum number of worker threads to create. Defaults to 2x the number of processors available on this system.') do |a| out[:threads] = a end opts.on('-b', '--backpressure INTEGER', Integer, 'The maximum number of messages to have waiting in the Executor queue. This should be a low, but non zero number. Messages in the Executor queue cannot be picked up by other processes and will slow down shutdown.') do |a| out[:backpressure] = a end opts.on('-m', '--max_messages INTEGER', Integer, 'Max number of messages to receive in a batch from SQS.') do |a| out[:max_messages] = a end opts.on('-v', '--visibility_timeout INTEGER', Integer, 'The visibility timeout is the number of seconds that a message will not be processable by any other consumers. You should set this value to be longer than your expected job runtime to prevent other processes from picking up an running job. See the SQS Visibility Timeout Documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-visibility-timeout.html.') do |a| out[:visibility_timeout] = a end opts.on('-s', '--shutdown_timeout INTEGER', Integer, 'The amount of time to wait for a clean shutdown. Jobs that are unable to complete in this time will not be deleted from the SQS queue and will be retryable after the visibility timeout.') do |a| out[:shutdown_timeout] = a end opts.on('--[no-]retry_standard_errors [FLAG]', TrueClass, 'When set, retry all StandardErrors (leaving failed messages on the SQS Queue). These retries are ON TOP of standard Rails ActiveJob retries set by retry_on in the ActiveJob.') do |a| out[:retry_standard_errors] = a.nil? ? true : a end end parser.banner = 'aws_sqs_active_job [options]' parser.on_tail '-h', '--help', 'Show help' do puts parser exit 1 end parser.parse(argv) out end # rubocop:enable Metrics def validate_config raise ArgumentError, 'You must specify the name of the queue to process jobs from' unless @options[:queue] end end end end end