'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _uglifyEs = require('uglify-es'); var _uglifyEs2 = _interopRequireDefault(_uglifyEs); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var buildUglifyOptions = function buildUglifyOptions() { var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}, ecma = _ref.ecma, warnings = _ref.warnings, _ref$parse = _ref.parse, parse = _ref$parse === undefined ? {} : _ref$parse, _ref$compress = _ref.compress, compress = _ref$compress === undefined ? {} : _ref$compress, mangle = _ref.mangle, output = _ref.output, toplevel = _ref.toplevel, nameCache = _ref.nameCache, ie8 = _ref.ie8, keep_classnames = _ref.keep_classnames, keep_fnames = _ref.keep_fnames, safari10 = _ref.safari10; return { ecma, warnings, parse, compress, mangle: mangle == null ? true : mangle, output: Object.assign({ shebang: true, comments: false, beautify: false, semicolons: true }, output), // Ignoring sourcemap from options sourceMap: null, toplevel, nameCache, ie8, keep_classnames, keep_fnames, safari10 }; }; /* eslint-disable arrow-body-style */ var buildComments = function buildComments(options, uglifyOptions, extractedComments) { var condition = {}; var commentsOpts = uglifyOptions.output.comments; // /^\**!|@preserve|@license|@cc_on/ if (typeof options.extractComments === 'boolean') { condition.preserve = commentsOpts; condition.extract = /^\**!|@preserve|@license|@cc_on/; } else if (typeof options.extractComments === 'string' || options.extractComments instanceof RegExp) { // extractComments specifies the extract condition and commentsOpts specifies the preserve condition condition.preserve = commentsOpts; condition.extract = options.extractComments; } else if (typeof options.extractComments === 'function') { condition.preserve = false; condition.extract = options.extractComments; } else if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options.extractComments, 'condition')) { // Extract condition is given in extractComments.condition condition.preserve = commentsOpts; condition.extract = options.extractComments.condition; } else { // No extract condition is given. Extract comments that match commentsOpts instead of preserving them condition.preserve = false; condition.extract = commentsOpts; } // Ensure that both conditions are functions ['preserve', 'extract'].forEach(function (key) { var regexStr = void 0; var regex = void 0; switch (typeof condition[key]) { case 'boolean': condition[key] = condition[key] ? function () { return true; } : function () { return false; }; break; case 'function': break; case 'string': if (condition[key] === 'all') { condition[key] = function () { return true; }; break; } if (condition[key] === 'some') { condition[key] = function (astNode, comment) { return comment.type === 'comment2' && /@preserve|@license|@cc_on/i.test(comment.value); }; break; } regexStr = condition[key]; condition[key] = function (astNode, comment) { return new RegExp(regexStr).test(comment.value); }; break; default: regex = condition[key]; condition[key] = function (astNode, comment) { return regex.test(comment.value); }; } }); // Redefine the comments function to extract and preserve // comments according to the two conditions return function (astNode, comment) { if (condition.extract(astNode, comment)) { extractedComments.push(comment.type === 'comment2' ? `/*${comment.value}*/` : `//${comment.value}`); } return condition.preserve(astNode, comment); }; }; var minify = function minify(options) { var file = options.file, input = options.input, inputSourceMap = options.inputSourceMap, extractComments = options.extractComments; // Copy uglify options var uglifyOptions = buildUglifyOptions(options.uglifyOptions); // Add source map data if (inputSourceMap) { uglifyOptions.sourceMap = { content: inputSourceMap }; } var extractedComments = []; if (extractComments) { uglifyOptions.output.comments = buildComments(options, uglifyOptions, extractedComments); } var _uglify$minify = _uglifyEs2.default.minify({ [file]: input }, uglifyOptions), error = _uglify$minify.error, map = _uglify$minify.map, code = _uglify$minify.code, warnings = _uglify$minify.warnings; return { error, map, code, warnings, extractedComments }; }; exports.default = minify;