This is a clone of the original SearchLogic! Only used to apply some fast patches.
You should probably use the newer original source.

Changes made:
* Fixed bug #92 (see lighthouse page).
* Changed order helper.
* Changed loading of helpers.
* Added some documentation.

= Searchlogic

<b>Searchlogic has been <em>completely</em> rewritten for v2. It is much simpler and has taken an entirely new approach. To give you an idea, v1 had ~2300 lines of code, v2 has ~420 lines of code.</b>

Searchlogic provides common named scopes and object based searching for ActiveRecord.

== Helpful links

* <b>Documentation:</b>
* <b>Repository:</b>
* <b>Bugs / feature suggestions:</b>
* <b>Google group:</b>

<b>Before contacting me directly, please read:</b>

If you find a bug or a problem please post it on lighthouse. If you need help with something, please use google groups. I check both regularly and get emails when anything happens, so that is the best place to get help. This also benefits other people in the future with the same questions / problems. Thank you.

== Install & use

Install the gem from rubyforge:

  sudo gem install searchlogic

Or from github:

  sudo gem install binarylogic-searchlogic

Now just include it in your project and you are ready to go.

You can also install this as a plugin:

  script/plugin install git://

See below for usage examples.

== Search using conditions on columns

Instead of explaining what Searchlogic can do, let me show you. Let's start at the top:

  # We have the following model
  User(id: integer, created_at: datetime, username: string, age: integer)
  # Searchlogic gives you a bunch of named scopes for free:
  # You can also order by columns

Any named scope Searchlogic creates is dynamic and created via method_missing. Meaning it will only create what you need. Also, keep in mind, these are just named scopes, you can chain them, call methods off of them, etc:

  scope = User.username_like("bjohnson").age_greater_than(20).ascend_by_username
  # etc...

That's all pretty standard, but here's where Searchlogic starts to get interesting...

== Search using conditions on associated columns

You also get named scopes for any of your associations:

  # We have the following relationships
  User.has_many :orders
  Order.has_many :line_items
  # Set conditions on association columns
  # Order by association columns

Again these are just named scopes. You can chain them together, call methods off of them, etc. What's great about these named scopes is that they do NOT use the :include option, making them <em>much</em> faster. Instead they create a INNER JOIN and pass it to the :joins option, which is great for performance. To prove my point here is a quick benchmark from an application I am working on: do |x| { 10.times { Event.tickets_id_gt(10).all(:include => :tickets) } } { 10.times { Event.tickets_id_gt(10).all } }
        user     system      total        real
   10.120000   0.170000  10.290000 ( 12.625521)
    2.630000   0.050000   2.680000 (  3.313754)

If you want to use the :include option, just specify it:

  User.orders_line_items_price_greater_than(20).all(:include => {:orders => :line_items})

Obviously, only do this if you want to actually use the included objects.

== Make searching and ordering data in your application trivial

The above is great, but what about tying all of this in with a search form in your application? What would be really nice is if we could use an object that represented a single search. Like this...

  search = => "bjohnson", :age_less_than => 20)

The above is equivalent to:


You can set, read, and chain conditions off of your search too:

  search.username_like                              => "bjohnson"
  search.age_gt = 2                                 => 2
  search.id_gt(10).email_begins_with("bjohnson")    => <#Searchlogic::Search...>
  search.all                                        => An array of users
  search.count                                      => integer
  # .. etc

So let's start with the controller...

=== Your controller

The search class just chains named scopes together for you. What's so great about that? It keeps your controllers extremely simple:

  class UsersController < ApplicationController
    def index
      @search =[:search])
      @users = @search.all

It doesn't get any simpler than that.

=== Your form

Adding a search condition is as simple as adding a condition to your form. Remember all of those named scopes above? Just create fields with the same names:

  - form_for @search do |f|
    = f.text_field :username_like
    = :age_greater_than, (0..100)
    = f.text_field :orders_total_greater_than
    = f.submit

When a Searchlogic::Search object is passed to form_for it will add a hidden field for the "order" condition, to preserve the order of the data.

=== Additional helpers

There really isn't a big need for helpers in searchlogic, other than helping you order data. If you want to order your search with a link, just specify the name of the column. Ex:

  = order @search, :by => :age
  = order @search, :by => :created_at, :as => "Created date"

The first one will create a link that alternates between calling "ascend_by_age" and "descend_by_age". If you wanted to order your data by more than just a column, create your own named scopes: "ascend_by_*" and "descend_by_*". The "order" helper is a very straight forward helper, checkout the docs for some of the options.

<b>This helper is just a convenience method. It's extremely simple and there is nothing wrong with creating your own. If it doesn't do what you want, copy the code, modify it, and create your own. You could even fork the project, modify it there, and use your own gem.</b>

== Use your existing named scopes

This is one of the big differences between Searchlogic v1 and v2. What about your existing named scopes? Let's say you have this:

  User.named_scope :four_year_olds, :conditions => {:age => 4}

Again, these are all just named scopes, use it in the same way: => true, :username_like => "bjohnson")

Notice we pass true as the value. If a named scope does not accept any parameters (arity == 0) you can simply pass it true or false. If you pass false, the named scope will be ignored. If your named scope accepts a parameter, the value will be passed right to the named scope regardless of the value.

This way you can create more complex searches like:

  User.named_scope :search_who, lambda { |*args|
    who = "%#{(args.first || '').strip.gsub('%', '')}%"
      :conditions => [" LIKE ? OR user_profiles.firstname LIKE ?", who, who],
      :include => :user_profile

Use it, again, very simple: => 'john')

Now just throw it in your form:

  - form_for @search do |f|
    = f.text_field :username_like
    = f.check_box :four_year_olds
    = f.submit

What's great about this is that you can do just about anything you want. If Searchlogic doesn't provide a named scope for that crazy edge case that you need, just create your own named scope. The sky is the limit.

== Use any or all

Every condition you've seen in this readme also has 2 related conditions that you can use. Example:

  User.username_like_any("bjohnson", "thunt")   # will return any users that have either of the strings in their username
  User.username_like_all("bjohnson", "thunt")   # will return any users that have all of the strings in their username
  User.username_like_any(["bjohnson", "thunt"]) # also accepts an array

This is great for checkbox filters, etc. Where you can pass an array right from your form to this condition.

== Pagination (leverage will_paginate)

Instead of recreating the wheel with pagination, Searchlogic works great with will_paginate. All that Searchlogic is doing is creating named scopes, and will_paginate works great with named scopes:

  User.username_like("bjohnson").age_less_than(20).paginate(:page => params[:page]) => "bjohnson", :age_less_than => 20).paginate(:page => params[:page])

If you don't like will_paginate, use another solution, or roll your own. Pagination really has nothing to do with searching, and the main goal for Searchlogic v2 was to keep it lean and simple. No reason to recreate the wheel and bloat the library.

== Conflicts with other gems

You will notice searchlogic wants to create a method called "search". So do other libraries like thinking sphinx, etc. So searchlogic has a no conflict resolution. If the "search" method is already taken the method will be called "searchlogic" instead. So instead of

You would do:


== Under the hood

Before I use a library in my application I like to glance at the source and try to at least understand the basics of how it works. If you are like me, a nice little explanation from the author is always helpful:

Searchlogic utilizes method_missing to create all of these named scopes. When it hits method_missing it creates a named scope to ensure it will never hit method missing for that named scope again. Sort of a caching mechanism. It works in the same fashion as ActiveRecord's "find_by_*" methods. This way only the named scopes you need are created and nothing more.

That's about it, the named scope options are pretty bare bones and created just like you would manually.

== Credit

Thanks a lot to {Tyler Hunt}[] for helping plan, design, and start the project. He was a big help.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2009 {Ben Johnson of Binary Logic}[], released under the MIT license