require "thor" module Jets::Commands class Main < Base class_option :noop, type: :boolean desc "build", "Builds and packages project for AWS Lambda" long_desc Help.text(:build) option :templates, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Only build the CloudFormation templates. Skip code building" def build end desc "deploy [environment]", "Builds and deploys project to AWS Lambda" long_desc Help.text(:deploy) # Note the environment is here to trick the Thor parser to allowing an # environment parameter. It is not actually set here. It is set earlier # in cli.rb: set_jets_env_from_cli_arg! def deploy(environment=nil) end desc "delete", "Delete the Jets project and all its resources" long_desc Help.text(:delete) option :sure, type: :boolean, desc: "Skip are you sure prompt." option :wait, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: "Wait for stack deletion to complete." # Note the environment is here to trick the Thor parser to allowing an # environment parameter. It is not actually set here. It is set earlier # in cli.rb: set_jets_env_from_cli_arg! def delete(environment=nil) end desc "server", "Runs a local server that mimics API Gateway for development" long_desc Help.text(:server) option :port, default: "8888", desc: "use PORT" option :host, default: "", desc: "listen on HOST" def server o = options command = "bundle exec rackup --port #{o[:port]} --host #{o[:host]}" puts "=> #{command}".color(:green) puts Jets::Booter.message Jets::Booter.check_config_ru! Jets::RackServer.start(options) unless ENV['JETS_RACK'] == '0' # rack server runs in background by default Bundler.with_clean_env do system(command) end end desc "routes", "Print out your application routes" long_desc Help.text(:routes) def routes puts Jets::Router.routes_help end desc "console", "REPL console with Jets environment loaded" long_desc Help.text(:console) def console end desc "runner", "Run Ruby code in the context of Jets app non-interactively" long_desc Help.text(:runner) def runner(code) end desc "dbconsole", "Starts DB REPL console" long_desc Help.text(:dbconsole) def dbconsole Dbconsole.start(*args) end # Command is called 'call' because invoke is a Thor keyword. desc "call [function] [event]", "Call a lambda function on AWS or locally" long_desc Help.text(:call) option :invocation_type, default: "RequestResponse", desc: "RequestResponse, Event, or DryRun" option :log_type, default: "Tail", desc: "Works if invocation_type set to RequestResponse" option :qualifier, desc: "Lambda function version or alias name" option :show_log, type: :boolean, desc: "Shows last 4KB of log in the x-amz-log-result header" option :lambda_proxy, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: "Enables automatic Lambda proxy transformation of the event payload" option :guess, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: "Enables guess mode. Uses inference to allows use of all dashes to specify functions. Guess mode verifies that the function exists in the code base." option :local, type: :boolean, desc: "Enables local mode. Instead of invoke the AWS Lambda function, the method gets called locally with current app code. With local mode guess mode is always used." def call(function_name, payload='') # Printing to stdout can mangle up the response when piping # the value to jq. For example: # # `jets call --local .. | jq` # # By redirecting stderr we can use jq safely. # $stdout.sync = true $stderr.sync = true $stdout = $stderr # jets call operation, payload, options).run end desc "generate [type] [args]", "Generates things like scaffolds" long_desc Help.text(:generate) def generate(generator, *args) Jets::Generator.invoke(generator, *args) end desc "degenerate [type] [args]", "Destroys things like scaffolds" long_desc Help.text(:degenerate) def degenerate(generator, *args) Jets::Generator.revoke(generator, *args) end desc "status", "Shows the current status of the Jets app" long_desc Help.text(:status) def status end desc "url", "App url if routes are defined" long_desc Help.text(:url) def url end desc "secret", "Generates secret" long_desc Help.text(:secret) def secret puts SecureRandom.hex(64) end desc "middleware", "Prints list of middleware" long_desc Help.text(:middleware) def middleware stack = Jets.application.middlewares stack.middlewares.each do |middleware| puts "use #{}" end puts "run #{Jets.application.endpoint}" end desc "upgrade", "Upgrade Jets" long_desc Help.text(:upgrade) def upgrade end desc "version", "Prints Jets version" long_desc Help.text(:version) def version puts Jets.version end long_desc Help.text(:new) Jets::Commands::New.cli_options.each do |args| option(*args) end register(Jets::Commands::New, "new", "new", "Creates a starter skeleton jets project") end end