///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // = NMatrix // // A linear algebra library for scientific computation in Ruby. // NMatrix is part of SciRuby. // // NMatrix was originally inspired by and derived from NArray, by // Masahiro Tanaka: http://narray.rubyforge.org // // == Copyright Information // // SciRuby is Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014, Ruby Science Foundation // NMatrix is Copyright (c) 2012 - 2014, John Woods and the Ruby Science Foundation // // Please see LICENSE.txt for additional copyright notices. // // == Contributing // // By contributing source code to SciRuby, you agree to be bound by // our Contributor Agreement: // // * https://github.com/SciRuby/sciruby/wiki/Contributor-Agreement // // == sl_list.cpp // // Singly-linked list implementation /* * Standard Includes */ #include /* * Project Includes */ #include "types.h" #include "data/data.h" #include "sl_list.h" #include "storage/list/list.h" namespace nm { namespace list { /* * Macros */ /* * Global Variables */ /* * Forward Declarations */ /* * Functions */ //////////////// // Lifecycle // /////////////// /* * Creates an empty linked list. */ LIST* create(void) { LIST* list = NM_ALLOC( LIST ); list->first = NULL; return list; } /* * Deletes the linked list and all of its contents. If you want to delete a * list inside of a list, set recursions to 1. For lists inside of lists inside * of the list, set it to 2; and so on. Setting it to 0 is for no recursions. */ void del(LIST* list, size_t recursions) { NODE* next; NODE* curr = list->first; while (curr != NULL) { next = curr->next; if (recursions == 0) { //fprintf(stderr, " free_val: %p\n", curr->val); nm_list_storage_completely_unregister_node(curr); NM_FREE(curr->val); } else { //fprintf(stderr, " free_list: %p\n", list); del((LIST*)curr->val, recursions - 1); } NM_FREE(curr); curr = next; } //fprintf(stderr, " free_list: %p\n", list); NM_FREE(list); } /* * Documentation goes here. */ void mark(LIST* list, size_t recursions) { NODE* next; NODE* curr = list->first; while (curr != NULL) { next = curr->next; if (recursions == 0) { rb_gc_mark(*((VALUE*)(curr->val))); } else { mark((LIST*)curr->val, recursions - 1); } curr = next; } } /////////////// // Accessors // /////////////// /* * Given a list, insert key/val as the first entry in the list. Does not do any * checks, just inserts. */ NODE* insert_first_node(LIST* list, size_t key, void* val, size_t val_size) { NODE* ins = NM_ALLOC(NODE); ins->next = list->first; void* val_copy = NM_ALLOC_N(char, val_size); memcpy(val_copy, val, val_size); ins->val = reinterpret_cast(val_copy); ins->key = key; list->first = ins; return ins; } NODE* insert_first_list(LIST* list, size_t key, LIST* l) { NODE* ins = NM_ALLOC(NODE); ins->next = list->first; ins->val = reinterpret_cast(l); ins->key = key; list->first = ins; return ins; } /* * Given a list and a key/value-ptr pair, create a node (and return that node). * If NULL is returned, it means insertion failed. * If the key already exists in the list, replace tells it to delete the old * value and put in your new one. !replace means delete the new value. */ NODE* insert(LIST* list, bool replace, size_t key, void* val) { NODE *ins; if (list->first == NULL) { // List is empty //if (!(ins = malloc(sizeof(NODE)))) return NULL; ins = NM_ALLOC(NODE); ins->next = NULL; ins->val = val; ins->key = key; list->first = ins; return ins; } else if (key < list->first->key) { // Goes at the beginning of the list //if (!(ins = malloc(sizeof(NODE)))) return NULL; ins = NM_ALLOC(NODE); ins->next = list->first; ins->val = val; ins->key = key; list->first = ins; return ins; } // Goes somewhere else in the list. ins = find_nearest_from(list->first, key); if (ins->key == key) { // key already exists if (replace) { nm_list_storage_completely_unregister_node(ins); NM_FREE(ins->val); ins->val = val; } else { NM_FREE(val); } return ins; } else { return insert_after(ins, key, val); } } /* * Documentation goes here. */ NODE* insert_after(NODE* node, size_t key, void* val) { //if (!(ins = malloc(sizeof(NODE)))) return NULL; NODE* ins = NM_ALLOC(NODE); // insert 'ins' between 'node' and 'node->next' ins->next = node->next; node->next = ins; // initialize our new node ins->key = key; ins->val = val; return ins; } /* * Insert a new node immediately after +node+, or replace the existing one if its key is a match. */ NODE* replace_insert_after(NODE* node, size_t key, void* val, bool copy, size_t copy_size) { if (node->next && node->next->key == key) { // Should we copy into the current one or free and insert? if (copy) memcpy(node->next->val, val, copy_size); else { NM_FREE(node->next->val); node->next->val = val; } return node->next; } else { // no next node, or if there is one, it's greater than the current key if (copy) { void* val_copy = NM_ALLOC_N(char, copy_size); memcpy(val_copy, val, copy_size); return insert_after(node, key, val_copy); } else { return insert_after(node, key, val); } } } /* * Functions analogously to list::insert but this inserts a copy of the value instead of the original. */ NODE* insert_copy(LIST *list, bool replace, size_t key, void *val, size_t size) { void *copy_val = NM_ALLOC_N(char, size); memcpy(copy_val, val, size); return insert(list, replace, key, copy_val); } /* * Returns the value pointer for some key. Doesn't free the memory for that value. Doesn't require a find operation, * assumes finding has already been done. If rm is the first item in the list, prev should be NULL. */ void* remove_by_node(LIST* list, NODE* prev, NODE* rm) { if (!prev) list->first = rm->next; else prev->next = rm->next; void* val = rm->val; NM_FREE(rm); return val; } /* * Returns the value pointer (not the node) for some key. Note that it doesn't * free the memory for the value stored in the node -- that pointer gets * returned! Only the node is destroyed. */ void* remove_by_key(LIST* list, size_t key) { NODE *f, *rm; void* val; if (!list->first || list->first->key > key) { // empty list or def. not present return NULL; } if (list->first->key == key) { val = list->first->val; rm = list->first; list->first = rm->next; NM_FREE(rm); return val; } f = find_preceding_from_node(list->first, key); if (!f || !f->next) { // not found, end of list return NULL; } if (f->next->key == key) { // remove the node rm = f->next; f->next = rm->next; // get the value and free the memory for the node val = rm->val; NM_FREE(rm); return val; } return NULL; // not found, middle of list } bool node_is_within_slice(NODE* n, size_t coord, size_t len) { if (!n) return false; if (n->key >= coord && n->key < coord + len) return true; else return false; } /* * Recursive removal of lists that may contain sub-lists. Stores the value ultimately removed in rm. */ bool remove_recursive(LIST* list, const size_t* coords, const size_t* offsets, const size_t* lengths, size_t r, const size_t& dim) { // std::cerr << "remove_recursive: " << r << std::endl; // find the current coordinates in the list NODE* prev = find_preceding_from_list(list, coords[r] + offsets[r]); NODE* n; if (prev) n = prev->next && node_is_within_slice(prev->next, coords[r] + offsets[r], lengths[r]) ? prev->next : NULL; else n = node_is_within_slice(list->first, coords[r] + offsets[r], lengths[r]) ? list->first : NULL; if (r < dim-1) { // nodes here are lists while (n) { // from that sub-list, call remove_recursive. bool remove_parent = remove_recursive(reinterpret_cast(n->val), coords, offsets, lengths, r+1, dim); if (remove_parent) { // now empty -- so remove the sub-list // std::cerr << r << ": removing parent list at " << n->key << std::endl; NM_FREE(remove_by_node(list, prev, n)); if (prev) n = prev->next && node_is_within_slice(prev->next, coords[r] + offsets[r], lengths[r]) ? prev->next : NULL; else n = node_is_within_slice(list->first, coords[r] + offsets[r], lengths[r]) ? list->first : NULL; } else { // Move forward to next node (list at n still exists) prev = n; n = prev->next && node_is_within_slice(prev->next, coords[r] + offsets[r], lengths[r]) ? prev->next : NULL; } // Iterate to next one. if (prev) n = prev->next && node_is_within_slice(prev->next, coords[r] + offsets[r], lengths[r]) ? prev->next : NULL; else n = node_is_within_slice(list->first, coords[r] + offsets[r], lengths[r]) ? list->first : NULL; } } else { // nodes here are not lists, but actual values while (n) { // std::cerr << r << ": removing node at " << n->key << std::endl; NM_FREE(remove_by_node(list, prev, n)); if (prev) n = prev->next && node_is_within_slice(prev->next, coords[r] + offsets[r], lengths[r]) ? prev->next : NULL; else n = node_is_within_slice(list->first, coords[r] + offsets[r], lengths[r]) ? list->first : NULL; } } if (!list->first) return true; // if current list is now empty, signal its removal return false; } /////////// // Tests // /////////// ///////////// // Utility // ///////////// /* * Find some element in the list and return the node ptr for that key. */ NODE* find(LIST* list, size_t key) { NODE* f; if (!list->first) { // empty list -- does not exist return NULL; } // see if we can find it. f = find_nearest_from(list->first, key); if (!f || f->key == key) { return f; } return NULL; } /* * Find some element in the list and return the node ptr for that key. */ NODE* find_with_preceding(LIST* list, size_t key, NODE*& prev) { if (!prev) prev = list->first; if (!prev) return NULL; // empty list, does not exist if (prev->key == key) { NODE* n = prev; prev = NULL; return n; } while (prev->next && prev->next->key < key) { prev = prev->next; } return prev->next; } /* * Finds the node that should go before whatever key we request, whether or not * that key is present. */ NODE* find_preceding_from_node(NODE* prev, size_t key) { NODE* curr = prev->next; if (!curr || key <= curr->key) { return prev; } else { return find_preceding_from_node(curr, key); } } /* * Returns NULL if the key being sought is first in the list or *should* be first in the list but is absent. Otherwise * returns the previous node to where that key is or should be. */ NODE* find_preceding_from_list(LIST* l, size_t key) { NODE* n = l->first; if (!n || n->key >= key) return NULL; else return find_preceding_from_node(n, key); } /* * Finds the node or, if not present, the node that it should follow. NULL * indicates no preceding node. */ NODE* find_nearest(LIST* list, size_t key) { return find_nearest_from(list->first, key); } /* * Finds a node or the one immediately preceding it if it doesn't exist. */ NODE* find_nearest_from(NODE* prev, size_t key) { NODE* f; if (prev && prev->key == key) { return prev; } f = find_preceding_from_node(prev, key); if (!f->next) { // key exceeds final node; return final node. return f; } else if (key == f->next->key) { // node already present; return location return f->next; } else { return f; } } ///////////////////////// // Copying and Casting // ///////////////////////// /* * Copy the contents of a list. */ template void cast_copy_contents(LIST* lhs, const LIST* rhs, size_t recursions) { NODE *lcurr, *rcurr; if (rhs->first) { // copy head node rcurr = rhs->first; lcurr = lhs->first = NM_ALLOC( NODE ); while (rcurr) { lcurr->key = rcurr->key; if (recursions == 0) { // contents is some kind of value lcurr->val = NM_ALLOC( LDType ); *reinterpret_cast(lcurr->val) = *reinterpret_cast( rcurr->val ); } else { // contents is a list lcurr->val = NM_ALLOC( LIST ); cast_copy_contents( reinterpret_cast(lcurr->val), reinterpret_cast(rcurr->val), recursions-1 ); } if (rcurr->next) { lcurr->next = NM_ALLOC( NODE ); } else { lcurr->next = NULL; } lcurr = lcurr->next; rcurr = rcurr->next; } } else { lhs->first = NULL; } } }} // end of namespace nm::list extern "C" { /* * C access for copying the contents of a list. */ void nm_list_cast_copy_contents(LIST* lhs, const LIST* rhs, nm::dtype_t lhs_dtype, nm::dtype_t rhs_dtype, size_t recursions) { LR_DTYPE_TEMPLATE_TABLE(nm::list::cast_copy_contents, void, LIST*, const LIST*, size_t); ttable[lhs_dtype][rhs_dtype](lhs, rhs, recursions); } /* * Sets up a hash with an appropriate default values. That means that if recursions == 0, the default value is default_value, * but if recursions == 1, the default value is going to be a hash with default value of default_value, and if recursions == 2, * the default value is going to be a hash with default value of hash with default value of default_value, and so on. * In other words, it's recursive. */ static VALUE empty_list_to_hash(const nm::dtype_t dtype, size_t recursions, VALUE default_value) { VALUE h = rb_hash_new(); if (recursions) { RHASH_IFNONE(h) = empty_list_to_hash(dtype, recursions-1, default_value); } else { RHASH_IFNONE(h) = default_value; } return h; } /* * Copy a list to a Ruby Hash */ VALUE nm_list_copy_to_hash(const LIST* l, const nm::dtype_t dtype, size_t recursions, VALUE default_value) { // Create a hash with default values appropriately specified for a sparse matrix. VALUE h = empty_list_to_hash(dtype, recursions, default_value); if (l->first) { NODE* curr = l->first; while (curr) { size_t key = curr->key; if (recursions == 0) { // content is some kind of value rb_hash_aset(h, INT2FIX(key), rubyobj_from_cval(curr->val, dtype).rval); } else { // content is a list rb_hash_aset(h, INT2FIX(key), nm_list_copy_to_hash(reinterpret_cast(curr->val), dtype, recursions-1, default_value)); } curr = curr->next; } } return h; } } // end of extern "C" block